Him and their stars

Chapter 1577 He is still a psychic at heart

Facts have proved that the main gun, which lacks excellent gunners, especially the lack of excellent gunners, is really not as useful as the high-speed secondary gun that can perform miracles quickly and powerfully. The main gun at the front of the Blue Princess fired a salvo, but it only grazed the side armor of the Predator warship. In terms of damage, it is not even as good as the bombardment from the escort warship from a longer distance.

I must choose my crew more carefully next time. Who says cruise ships can’t have a qualified gunnery commander? the captain thought.

However, it's too late to think about it now. He could no longer stop the accelerating predator warship from ramming into it like an oversized assault boat.

Just like that, the famous Blue Princess was completely obscured by an ugly aircraft with only half of it left. After all, she is just a cruise ship and cannot be covered with several layers of thick armor like a large battleship of the same size. Its fragile hull was torn apart in an instant by the predator's standard force field ram.

The connection port within the collision angle was like a large syringe for livestock, and it was roughly inserted into the hull of the Blue Princess. Before the air pressure at the connection stabilized, the connection opened on the spot. The first thing that rushed into the hull from the passage was a large group of evil-looking battle robots.

The iron tower-like robot strode along the elegantly decorated passage. Eight spider-like claws were separated from the back of its torso, with a muzzle and light blade protruding from each claw. The frontal armor on the chest shone with a cold light, like a ferocious ghost face.

Let’s not talk about whether the design of the battle robot into a humanoid shape is reasonable or not, but the deterrent effect of the appearance is indeed quite high.

However, the fierce robots lined up in a march, walking struttingly in the spacious corridor of the Blue Princess full of elegance and brilliance. This scene seemed familiar!

As a result, the old crew members on the Azul Princess, those who witnessed Navy Day in 830, suddenly felt like they were dominated by dead memories.

If these old crew members were the only ones left on the ship, they might collapse on the spot. However, the security personnel on the Blue Princess include an entire regiment of Marines, two squadrons of internal security forces, and four groups of special service personnel.

In addition, there are also 3,000 security robots of various types. It was Blue Label that copied the Gray Mist Omnic that killed countless people at Navy Day.

Thus, before the soldiers from both sides exchanged fire, the battle of combat omnics began.

We also all know that in the era of lack of intelligent AI assistance, the battle between robots does not involve any exquisite skills and secrets, it is nothing more than a numerical confrontation.

Judging from the current situation, our side is at least numerically superior.

The only worrying thing is that the location where the opponent hit the ship's side was actually at the bow of the Blue Princess, and the battlefield of the exchange of fire was only three to four hundred meters away from the bridge.

So, when the special service members escorted President Nikita out of the bridge, they heard the sound of gunfire.

Yang Mingzhao opened the terminal, called up the map inside the ship, and found that the nearest passage was already being fought.

"Take the second route!" He didn't even ask the president for instructions. He directly reached out and drew a new action route on the map, and quickly sent it to his own soldiers.

Killian looked at the terminal and felt that even with his senior brother's ability, it would never be possible to formulate a new complete route on the spur of the moment, so he could only have made a plan beforehand.

"I made a plan for evacuation last week. Going from the bridge to the shelter is just one of them. There are also more than two routes from the dormitory, gym, restaurant, park and conference room. "Yang Mingzhao answered his junior brother in a few words.

Killian gasped again. He sighed again that he had indeed learned a lot from his senior brother.

President Keith Nishita certainly had no problem with that. At this time, his eyes were distracted and his expression was stiff, and he could hardly continue to give orders. Of course, at least he didn't give up thinking completely, and he was still calm for the time being.

"...Ming, Mingzhao, are we going to the shelter in Area D now?"

"Exactly. Your Excellency, our duty is to ensure your safety no matter what."

It was an exclusive refuge for the big shots, and it was naturally renovated after Navy Day in 830. It's said to be a shelter, but it's actually four emergency lifeboats spliced ​​together. Inside there are thick armors, small ecological maintenance equipment, enough water, and high-power transmitters, and even sublight engines and simulated driving equipment.

Basically, anyone with an elementary school education or above can be safely carried in these rescue cabins for three to five months, and they can persist until rescue arrives.

From any aspect, these shelters built with a lot of money may be the safest place on the Blue Princess, and they are definitely safer than the bridge.

The president showed a shy expression and murmured: "Well, I am a layman, so I really can't help much on the bridge. I can only try not to cause trouble to everyone..."

Yang Mingzhao also showed the same shameful expression, and advised in a gentle voice: "You must not say that. It is all the fault of the lower officials for not noticing the despicable conspiracy of these terrorists."

You two are really good! This is the dedication and dedication of big shots and elites. Lieutenant Colonel Pom, the captain of the special service, was filled with emotion. He no longer knew whether he should admire him or give him a blank look.

Killian was still closely following the team of SWAT team members, arranging his pistol and blade, and continued to study hard while continuing to bow to his senior brother.

"In short, no matter what happens, please go to the rescue cabin as soon as possible. As long as you arrive at a safe place safely, it is your victory, and it is the victory you lead us all to achieve." Yang Mingzhao said.

His current tone sounded a bit deceptive, but Mr. President didn't take it seriously and kept nodding: "Ming, I understand. In the final analysis, everything is for victory. Victory is for everything!"

He then added: "But if we just stay in the shelter and stay locked away..."

Yang Mingzhao said: "Xiaguan has just sent a wide-area emergency rescue alert to the surrounding star fields. Qingchun City, the Grand High Seas Fleet Headquarters, and even the Osei Gate, as well as all the passing caravans, should receive our News of the attack.”

In the past, Mr. President would have been furious. After all, this man regards the persona of an indomitable tough guy as a part of his life. How is it that the majestic President Nishita, the heroic leader who fought against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire, shouts for help when he encounters the slightest danger?

Now that he can hear the roar of cannons with his ears, he is naturally concerned about other issues.

"The Grand High Seas Fleet? But what they said..."

With Mr. Nicita's imagination, in just a few minutes, he had already imagined a political drama in which a certain big boss in the alliance wanted to be himself, so he appointed the High Seas Fleet to take action and framed the blame on the predators. .

As for why the alliance boss would take action against himself, a foreign head of state who has no direct conflict of interest, and how to convince the alliance navy fleet to act as a black glove, I really can't figure it out.

However, this does not stop Mr. President from being suspicious. A son-in-law from the Thirteenth Family, a man who regarded the Alliance as his second home, his attitude had already turned 180 degrees in just ten minutes.

Now, Keith Nichta is full of huge distrust of the Free Galaxy Alliance.

What beacon of democracy? Bah, why don't you think it's all a piece of shit?

"After all, it is a wide-area broadcast. The high seas are so busy, and there are more than a hundred ships that have received military intelligence reports in a short period of time. I estimate that a third-party fleet will definitely arrive within three or four hours at most. . Even if the alliance is really malicious, it will never harm you in person."

Seeing that the president still couldn't hide his worries, Yang Mingzhao comforted him: "Among other things, the Circassian and Iron Army fleets operating near Qingchun City will definitely come."

The Circassian Kingdom and the Iron Army Complex each have a small fleet operating in the high seas area.

The two countries were fairly honest and ignored the empire's diplomatic pressure. They still maintained trade with the Blue Star Community, and even the sales of strategic materials did not decrease.

The former is naturally due to his deadly feud with the Empire. Although I dare not express my revenge, I will definitely help anyone who fights against the Empire.

As for the latter, it is because the Pallai people have always been a very strong and proud race - although theoretically they do not have bones. They dared to sacrifice one-third of their people to reach the invasion of the Aero people, and now they are naturally not afraid of the empire's diplomatic blackmail.

They delivered a batch of military supplies to Nantianmen last month, but after completing the mission, they did not return home. Instead, they wandered near the Grand Sea, seemingly preparing to observe the battle situation closely.

"This ship just communicated with General Elke of the Iron Army Complex yesterday. They are indeed not far away. It only takes half a day at most." Lieutenant Colonel Bohm also added.

Mr. President suddenly showed a relieved look: "Well, the Circassians are reliable, and the Pallais are reliable friends. We can hold on until they come... We can definitely hold on until they arrive. Is that right?"

He seemed to be trying to increase his persuasiveness while talking to himself, but his steps did not slow down. Fortunately, at least physically, he is indeed a tough guy, and he does not need to be carried by his subordinates after taking two steps.

As a result, the group of people quickly left the top square connected to the bridge and took the stairs to the second floor. At this time, they finally met the enemy.

It was a robot that broke into the ship. It looked like an eight-clawed spider robot with a skull. Judging from its flexible and compact appearance, it should be a reconnaissance type, but it was also armed.

The well-trained special service team members immediately destroyed the robots with concentrated fire. After taking a few steps forward, they reunited with their own friendly forces. It was a platoon of Marines, and everyone had a mech.

Mr. President's sense of security seems to be more abundant, and his demeanor seems to be more relaxed. After the Marines saluted the president, they delivered a small in-ship walking vehicle. This car looks like an armored scooter, but it is not slow and has an autonomous driving function, which is very suitable for Mr. President's situation at this time.

After all, we can’t expect the President to keep walking on his legs, nor can we expect him to drive a mecha freely.

Nicita got in the car and looked at Yang Mingzhao and Killian who were still walking. He showed a somewhat hesitant look and couldn't help but ask: "Ming, Mingzhao, what about you..."

Yang Mingzhao was a little moved and said with a smile: "There can be no enlightenment in the world, but it cannot be impartial."

It was not like President Nishita had never heard of this allusion, and he was immediately moved and speechless.

"Besides, you really don't have to worry about the psyker's foot power. We will definitely keep up." Yang Mingzhao said this, and then said: "But, if there is an emergency, even if you go on your own, you must arrive. refuge."

"I understand... uh, but, what I mean is, how is the situation with Madam? Do we need to find a way to confirm her safety first?"

Yang Mingzhao was speechless for a moment.

Co-author, you are not worried about us, but you want to take a detour to meet your wife? Can you give me back the feeling you just felt? But, having said that, the dignitaries on the ship include the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the Shipping Board, and Marshal Aylwin, right? They are all important members of your cabinet.

At this moment, the first thing you think of is your wife. Should this mean that you are a good husband or a ruthless leader?

Yang Mingzhao had too much to say at the same time, but he had nothing to say.

"Sir, Madam's side should also be moving to the shelter under the protection of Special Service Group 6 and 7. If we want to meet her, we have to go to Brandau Square in Area B. However, this will cost us more Take at least ten minutes," Lieutenant Colonel Pom said.

"Oh, ten minutes?" The hesitation on President Nishita's face did not last long, and he quickly said in the tone of a loving and good husband: "No problem, ten minutes is acceptable. I can't let Mrs. Bear the danger..."

His words were immediately interrupted by a sudden explosion.

President Nishita shuddered and subconsciously walked away after hearing the sound. All he saw was bright firelight and shock waves coming from the passage at the back, tearing apart the walls and ornaments at the corners of the passage.

When the fire gradually dissipated, the huge figure revealed its outline, but it was not a combat robot, but a terrifying giant with a stocky body and armor plates hanging on its torso. It let out a beast-like roar.

"Myhandar troll? Really a predator?" Yang Mingzhao whispered.

"So, this is a collusion between the alliance and the predators to take my life?" President Nishita was shocked. While he was panicking, he felt a little proud for no reason.

Doesn’t this mean that I am really important?

At this time, the marines also shouted and rushed towards the trolls, usually charging while still shooting. However, the bullets they fired were blocked by an invisible barrier.

The dense bullets seemed to be drawn into a vortex, and all the kinetic energy was eliminated in an instant. Then they were captured by the simulated gravity inside the ship and fell to the ground with a clatter.

The Myshandar troll looked at the bullets that fell on the ground, and roared again, with a disdainful amusement in his eyes. He took a step forward, his huge body brought out the afterimage, and he walked hundreds of meters away in one go. In the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of the Marines.

The Earth soldiers were shocked by this surreal sight. They were so shocked that they couldn't even hold their guns steady.

The machete in his hand, which was as big as a windmill, hit a Marine soldier like a giant blunt instrument. The body of the soldier wrapped in the mecha suddenly became very obviously distorted, and his whole body was slapped to the wall next to him, and then slid to the ground like a broken doll.

President Keith Nichita swallowed and felt as if his heart had sunk into his stomach.

It was indeed the first time that he saw how the Myshandar troll killed people, and the shock was beyond what mere video data could restore.

If he was really hit by that machete, his head and butt would be dislocated, right? How painful would that be? Even if we get to heaven, our ancestors and ancestors may not be able to recognize us, right? Can I really enter the ancestral grave like this?

At this time, the giant also lowered his head and opened his bloody mouth toward the marines behind him, revealing his smelly sharp teeth. This time, he didn't roar like a beast, or even make any sound. However, invisible power was transmitted into the air through his mouth and sharp teeth, turning into a whirlpool of flames.

A whirlpool of flames appeared out of thin air and involved at least one squad of Marines, setting their mechas and bodies on fire. The earth's soldiers had no time to scream before they were killed by the flames composed of spiritual beings. The mechas on their bodies can resist bullets, high temperature, high pressure, and most radiation, but they can't keep themselves alive for a few more seconds.

horrible! Something that was both a troll and a psyker was really terrifying. Wouldn't this kind of thing still have the problem of eating human flesh? Yes, isn't it necessary to spit fire to roast the meat?

Me, I'd better go to the shelter first. I'm not a soldier. If I'm not professional in dealing with this kind of stuff, I should just sit back and take command. President Nishita made this judgment and wanted to call his subordinates. But then, he saw that his steady, down-to-earth and calm secretary-general Yang Mingzhao, together with health doctor Kilian Shazabi, had already rushed towards the troll.

Psykers... Tsk, you are still a psyker at heart! Mr. President has mixed feelings, good and bad. He felt that he should not disturb Mingzhao's decisive battle, so he turned his head without hesitation and ran towards the shelter.

He has now given up his plan to meet his wife at the ecological park square in Area B. As for the latter's safety? Well, she's also a psyker, so she should be fine, right? perhaps……

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