Him and their stars

Chapter 1583 Returning

President Kais Nishita received the news while lying in his hospital bed. At that time, he was undergoing his final physical examination before entering the medical bay. When he heard the news from Yang Mingzhao, after a brief trance, his face put on a mask of pain and sadness with precise positioning: "Really? Marshal Aylwin is gone? The spirit of the universe is really unfair. Yes, he is an old hero of the War of Independence. He has fought the best battle for us younger generations. He should have spent his remaining years in a warm manor. But why did it become like this? "

Yang Mingzhao was equally sad. Of course, he only had reverence in his heart for this old hero from the War of Independence. He always felt that there were several ministerial-level dignitaries on the ship, but none of them together could compare to Marshal Aylwin. Even say...

Well, it’s a bit dangerous to think about it further. Yang Mingzhao stopped quickly.

"Those also killed in the attack were Senators Mr. Rao and Ms. Butler, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vadio, and members of the Shipping Committee..."

Mr. President did not speak, and still maintained a sad expression, as if he was mourning for his colleagues. But Yang Mingzhao could feel that the other party's attention was actually a little wandering.

If for Marshal Elwin, his sadness was somewhat sincere, but for others, it was completely routine.

But no matter what, when it was confirmed that Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Shipping Committee, was also on the list, he couldn't help but wipe away the non-existent tears.

As we all know, this is an age of great exploration of the universe. The interstellar shipping industry is the pillar industry of almost every country and nation, if not one. Naturally, the same is true for the community government, so there is also a Shipping and Ship Management Committee, which is responsible for interstellar shipping, ship construction and registration management, shipping safety planning, space station construction and maintenance, and other coordination work.

In the community's government sequence, its importance is only below the National Defense Committee, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is indeed a high-power department.

And we also know that President Nikita's "multi-party coalition government" is very sophisticated. Ministers, as well as mascot-like vice presidents, speakers, etc. can give "allies" to other parties, but most of the key points The department must be its own people.

For example, this is the case with Chairman Speed. He is just a relatively mediocre politician, but his three generations have been practitioners of interstellar shipping, and he has a wide range of connections. Importantly, he is also loyal to President Nikita.

As long as the president wants to do so, he must find a suitable candidate in the shortest possible time, otherwise the Shipping Commission will be snatched away by the opposite party, the Co-Prosperity Party, which feels like a big problem. Even the wound on his chest was aching again. It was obvious that he had taken painkillers, a high-end product with no side effects.

"This is also my good brother and my good colleague. He is the most dedicated social official and an excellent servant of the people (meow) the people (woo) and the public (woo). However, he is obviously a civil servant! Civil servants are not He should be killed by brutal swords and guns. Mingzhao, this is shameless terrorism, right? The most shameless and cruel terrorism!"

Yang Mingzhao agreed with the president's point of view, but now was not the time to follow the other party's indignation, so he continued to report: "There is also Foreign Minister Sitaman..."

"Why, is he gone too?" Mr. President glanced at Yang Mingzhao, his expression still sad but his eyes were inexplicably bright. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sitaman, is not a member of the opposite Co-Prosperity Party, but a so-called "remnant of the previous dynasty." Mr. Nishita has long wanted to replace him.

"...He was also seriously injured and is sleeping in the medical cabin next door. Before he fell into coma, he had officially submitted his resignation."

"Tragedy, what a tragedy! Mr. Sitaman is the best financial master and my big brother! He should not leave the central political arena in this way."

The President looked even sadder than before. Yang Mingzhao felt that if he hadn't been a secretary for so many years, he might have been infected by his boss's emotions.

"Second, Ming Zhao, this despicable attack has caused my cabinet to lose its second good brother! Among the past presidents of the community, who has experienced more than me?"

Yang Mingzhao also realized that after the War of Independence, it was indeed the first time that a head of state was intercepted and killed by a warship during a visit, and it was also the first time that a senior cabinet official died in the flames of war. President Nishita must be happy to mention this as an achievement.

So, is this the value of a wartime cabinet?

He suddenly had a bad premonition that poor Chairman Speed ​​would not be the last one. He just hopes that the chairman and ministers can accept this setting with mental stability.

In comparison, if Mr. Sitaman wanted to resign after being seriously injured, he might have been able to get ashore safely.

Later, when President Nishita completed his physical examination and was about to sleep in the treatment room, the latest battle situation was also sent.

"The Alliance's Sixth Patrol Squadron sent a message that they have sunk the last enemy ship." Yang Mingzhao reported.

The president's wife, who had been by her side all the time, couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really amazing! It only took less than an hour, right? Darling, can you sleep peacefully now?"

Yang Mingzhao knew that Mrs. Melalie was a very cheerful lady who never hesitated to express her praise for her servants, but now she always wanted to praise her mother-in-law's power in front of her husband.

However, in the view of President Keith Nichta, this is by no means pleasant news.

"Why do I feel that this is a bit like silencing people?" President Nishita muttered in a low voice: "Some people have always been like this. They are not necessarily sharp when fighting, but they are very decisive when doing wet work. ”

"Darling, even if you are suspicious, you shouldn't do it in front of me, right?" The president's wife sighed helplessly.

The president laughed dryly: "I just feel that the current atmosphere is too heavy, so I just want to make a joke."

Is this a joke I can hear? Yang Mingzhao adjusted the terminal and expanded the projected report document a little to cover his face. It was a bit like holding a written report and reading it aloud.

"In addition, the Alliance High Seas Fleet Command and Nephi have sent letters of condolences. The main force of the High Seas Fleet, in conjunction with the hospital ship Ilu, is speeding up."

The president said "hehe" as a way of expressing his gratitude.

"The cruiser Black Star where Rear Admiral Hall is stationed received a call, hoping to dock with the ship. He hopes to come and apologize in person." Yang Mingzhao said.

President Nishita suddenly trembled: "What, Major General Hall said he wanted to pick up the ship? This, this, don't you have other ideas?"

"Of course it's an apology in the literal sense! This is already the defense area of ​​the Grand High Seas Fleet, and the attack on us was the alliance's dereliction of duty. That General Hall, if he was really a professional giant with a sense of honor, he should be in front of you Apologize by committing seppuku." The president's wife snorted coldly.

"Sepsis, seppuku? Why are you apologizing? Where is this custom?"

"Earth. There was an island custom in your home planet's time. Darling, don't forget, I am a folklorist." Mrs. Melalie showed a proud smile.

President Nishita could only smile in response, and then ordered: "Tell the alliance that the ship is in a mess and it is really impossible to entertain guests. Yes, they said that I was seriously injured! Yes, I was seriously injured and exhausted. At least one person There is no way to receive foreign visitors for two months. Yes, there is no way. "

In fact, with the current treatment technology, even if it is not a mystical method, you can lie down in the gene therapy warehouse for a day or two at most, and you will be a lively president again. Even including potential physical recuperation and the like, it can only take a week at most.

However, when it comes to mental recovery, that is very subjective.

Yang Mingzhao raised his head and made eye contact with the president. He felt that he had understood what the other party meant.

"Understood, I will block all foreigners. Also, Your Excellency, while you are recovering, shall we continue to Nephi according to the established course?"

President Nishita showed very obvious hesitation and struggle.

"Darling, let's go now..." Mrs. Melalie called out.

Yang Mingzhao thought that Mrs. Melalie wanted to persuade the president to continue his trip. After all, this cheerful lady had never deliberately concealed her vanity. She had expressed in front of everyone more than once that she wanted to return to her hometown as the president's wife, where she had spent her childhood. Show off in front of your friends.

Perhaps the one who is most looking forward to this alliance trip is Mrs. Melalie.

However, she said: "Darling, I still don't think this behavior has anything to do with the alliance government or any high-level officials, but the current situation in the alliance has indeed deteriorated. Now, when we are about to enter the alliance's borders, something has appeared. For things like this, we really need to consider the safety of everyone’s subsequent trips.”

President Nishita was so moved that he held his wife's hand: "That's what the lady said."

Yang Mingzhao's brows twitched slightly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with what the president's wife said, but he always felt that his attitude had changed too much.

"Moreover, Marshal Aylwin and Chairman Speed ​​have already gone. Our mission's sacrifices have been too heavy. In our current state, can we really do a good job in the future?"

"Indeed, that is indeed the problem."

"No matter what, Darling, I really want to show off my status as the president's wife in front of my former friends and family, but what I want first is your safety and health. Do you understand? Darling."

Yang Mingzhao thought, can this kind of thing be said in front of me? Just as he was about to raise the light screen projection to cover his face again, President Nishita's voice came over: "So, Mingzhao, do you understand?"

"The Azure Princess immediately turned to return home. On the one hand, it is because we really have doubts about the current security situation of the alliance and hope that the other party can have a proper solution; on the other hand, we also have the obligation to escort Marshal Aylwin and Pi. Chairman Rhodes and all the deceased members of the mission returned home for burial."

"Yes, yes, that's it. Oh, I would also like to add that although our alliance's visit plan is postponed, it does not mean it is cancelled. I hope both sides can re-determine the diplomatic plan. In short, that's it. Remember, everyone! We are returning. ! It’s time to return!”

I want to go on a trip next time, but I don’t know when it will have to wait. What's more, on the Alliance side, it is inevitable that Marshal Esko will step down. If a spiritual successor of Mrs. Parlotin does come up later, don't expect them to step down. Maybe existing military aid will also start to be discounted.

...Wait a minute, think about it from this perspective, is it really the "moderate faction" of the alliance that did it?

If you put it this way, the assassination of Mrs. Parrotin was actually the work of the Alliance military-industrial complex, and ours is the counterattack of the "moderate faction"?

Thinking of this, Yang Mingzhao was shocked by his own inference.

He found out helplessly that he actually had a talent for making up stories. If he doesn't work as an official in the future, he can try to change his career to write scripts and give them to Philippine directors to shoot. Maybe it will be very popular with conspiracy theorists.

Afterwards, the mission fleet really returned on the spot under the observation of the alliance patrol fleet. The Alliance High Seas Command expressed regret for this, but it couldn't really intercept the Azure Princess.

Rear Admiral Hall's Sixth Patrol Fleet was still following the escort, but also maintained a considerable safe distance. During this process, the survivors on the Azure Princess felt great pressure, fearing that the other party would suddenly turn against them and kill them.

Fortunately, three hours later, that is, after 2 a.m. on December 14, the support fleet of the Iron Army Union also arrived. Although the Palladium people all look like fierce armored robots, they are indeed good friends who are loyal and said that they can at least interact with the Azure Princess to enter the community border.

Then, after leaving this star system, we met the fleet of the Republic of Minlan. There were even several passing merchant ships that came to watch the fun.

No matter how powerful the villain behind the scenes was, it was impossible to wipe out the fleets of these countries. At this time, everyone in the delegation finally felt relieved.

As for President Nishita? Oh, he is now in the medical cabin, sleeping peacefully.

When the fleet was about to pass through Qingchun City, the casualty statistics came out. A total of more than 1,400 crew members and security personnel of the entire fleet died or went missing, and more than 2,000 were injured. In addition, two escort warships were ambushed and sunk, and all the surviving crew members on them did not exceed 300 people.

Everyone found more than 400 attackers' entities and 156 prisoners of war on the Azure Princess.

The exchange ratio of casualties is certainly not very good. However, considering that the enemy was attacked blatantly after all, and many crew members were not even soldiers, it is understandable that they would be beaten like this by the battle-hardened elite mercenaries.

Yes, the captives have admitted that they are not plunderers, and certainly not Alliance soldiers, but mercenaries.

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