Him and their stars

Chapter 1599 Iron Man Mode Historical Strategy Game

"Throne" is actually not a particularly rare star ring, and its various development capabilities are also very balanced. However, the reason why it has not become a panacea like "Balance" is naturally because the innate skills awakened in this way are actually related to the group's power bonus, and they are born from the perspective of a leader.

But even so, Yu Lian has never heard that the saints who advance to the "Throne" star ring have the heart of a king like Lao Shizi.

To put it bluntly, there are too many "thrones", and one or two reinforcement companies can be found among the ungraduated squire knights of the Astral Knights. Everyone needs the heart of a king, wouldn’t it mean that the world is in chaos?

Or is it that, except for the alternative emperor, the empire does not allow saints to appear on the "throne"? Don’t be ridiculous, isn’t Duke Sartolan, who has gone to the Soul of the Universe, also a “throne”?

"So, this is actually a chore done by you Dragon Kings, right?" Yu Lian could only think about it from this aspect.

Of course Brunhildt didn't evade his words: "No, I actually did it myself."

She is really a good and honest girl, and she does have the air of a majestic king!

"I think that a firm and persistent king's heart will be helpful to my growth in strength. In the final analysis, spiritual power is the power from the inside out, the power of faith and will. Isn't it like this? Lian Qing, I I know that you really want to use the laws of natural science that can be classified to give a new definition to spiritual energy. I also agree with your idea. However, so far, it is idealistic, and everyone has indeed obtained it in an idealistic way. The real power." Brunhilt said again.

"That makes sense!" Yu Lian continued to nod. Today he felt that Brunhildt's words were very reasonable: "You just said that you are impatient and always want to get everything done. Is that what you mean?"

"Since Grandpa Ancestor really gave me this "Book of Kings"..."

"Send it?" Yu Lian said that he had captured the most valuable information today, and couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Can this kind of thing be decided by default? The election over there in the alliance is just a formality, and Mrs. Parrotin is like this The death of the opposition has nothing to do with ordinary people, but it is really unimaginable that even the emperor-elect in your empire has to go through the motions!"

"Borrow, borrow, I mean borrow." Brynhild glanced at Yu Lian angrily: "I am actually doing this to show that I am responsible! Isn't this okay?"

"A dragon who always behaves as a responsible person can never be the king of kings. At most, he is just a big lizard with a fierce look and a soft heart." Yu Liandao.

"Well said. I really hope you can go to the Privy Council and the Generalissimo's Palace and tell those adults again. They are all my elders. I receive gifts from them every birthday. It's really hard to curse." Brunhild said.

"You mean you want me to take off your black gloves?"

"It's about sharing rights, sharing honors, and also division of labor and cooperation. A good intimate relationship requires division of labor and cooperation."

This little female dragon is really trying every possible way to find every opportunity! Yu Liandao: "Let's get back to business here."

In short, the function of this "Book of Kings" is actually to form a virtual world based on past history through the memories of successive emperors and written records.

In this virtual world, although you play the role of a certain emperor, the master of memory, your vision is by no means fixed on historical figures. If you make a choice that is different from history, the virtual world will also change.

Once here, Yu Lian felt that this was more like a large virtual holographic game. There is one thing to say, there are still virtual games in the historical role-playing category, but compared to heroic adventure RPGs that move the heavens and the earth, they are still relatively niche.

However, according to Brunhildt, the structure of "The Book of Kings" is indeed a virtual world, and it is unlikely to have any impact on the historical reality that has already occurred. However, all historical processes in the virtual world will be based on A logical deduction to move forward. Almost all the senses experienced in the virtual world are real.

In fact, even psychics, if they are not alert enough, can easily regard the virtual world simulated by "The Book of Kings" as reality and become addicted to it.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people are addicted to virtual reality. At most, they can use Professor Yang's electroshock therapy to correct their mental state. But if psychics confuse reality and illusion, the harm will be too great. In the mild case, the spirit loses control and causes disaster; in the severe case, it degenerates on the spot and turns into a virtual beast.

...Okay, this statement is indeed a bit alarmist, but theoretically there is such a danger.

No wonder Miss Brünnhilt has only begun to receive this kind of education now. It is probably because the emperor and the bosses of the Heraldry Academy think that her strength has reached the point where she should be able to overcome these potential risks.

Yu Lian finally understood now. To put it bluntly, isn't this an almost perfect time travel simulator? As an old otaku who lived in China in his previous life, he felt that he was actually a little moved.

Brunhildt may have seen Yu Lian's love, so he smiled and said: "The empire and all royal members who are aspiring to the throne and the core of the political arena will receive imperial education through this "Book of Kings"."

"Haha, is it true? I don't believe it." Yu Lian shook his head.

"Oh my, you are really troublesome. You don't believe it, but you don't believe it." Brynhilt shook his head with a helpless smile, as if he really couldn't do anything to you.

"Who can prove that the historical fragments input into the Book of Kings are true? Could it be that the emperors of your country would not subconsciously conceal something, disguise something, and play some Spring and Autumn style. Well, even if you can't lie to that treasure, even if the emperors of all dynasties are noble saints and heroes who disdain disappointment, the human brain is a complex and arrogant organ after all, even memory can be beautified. After beautification, they themselves are still unaware." Yu Lian spread his hands.

He felt that Brunhild would understand what he meant. Although there is no "Rashomon" in the history of the empire, there must be similar stories.

"You are right." Brunhild smiled and nodded.

Yu Lian added: "What's more, using history as a mirror is a false proposition. The wise kings who are famous in history recorded their thoughts, choices, and decisions in history, always hoping that their descendants can learn their wisdom, but most of them are still stupid and tyrannical anthropomorphic creatures. What is recorded in books is history, and what is recorded in treasures is just more detailed history. Can there be any essential effect?"

"It's hard to say. When enlightening children, the effect of audio-visual education is much better than the effect of memorizing cold books." King Suliuka smiled.

"That's a problem. Who can guarantee that the historical deduction simulated by the Book of Kings is in line with reality? Maybe this treasure is really just a virtual reality game console of the Enlightened One, equivalent to a PSV or something. If the experience gained from the simulated history is directly used in reality, it will become a social experiment."

"But our emperors are generally very wise. Lian Qing, even if you are a rebel, you must admit that in terms of overall quality, our ancestors are much better than the great commanders of the Alliance."

This issue is actually not easy to discuss. After all, before the hegemony between the two countries is decided, the level of politicians is also difficult to quantify, but the average level of the emperors of the Galactic Empire is indeed unscientifically high.

Yu Lian raised his head and said, "So, there must be some mysterious way of education and inheritance."

Brunhild smiled so hard that even the corners of her eyes curled up, and even the dimples squeezed out on her cheeks showed a sense of superiority.

"It's not easy to see that you can't win and can only be stubborn." The queen smiled and said, "Besides, you are so cute when you are stubborn."

Why are you cursing for no reason? Has anyone ever told you that calling a man cute is an insult rather than a compliment?

"Then, just treat it as playing a large-scale historical simulation game. I originally thought it was a single-player game, but it turned out to be online. Why not cooperate? To be honest, Lian Qing, I don't know why you came. But since you are here, let's make that period of history more lively."

Yu Lian certainly didn't know how he got in. He was obviously just seriously preparing for the upgrade of the seventh ring. It was also difficult for him to imagine what kind of great power could pull him from the ring upgrade ceremony into the historical simulation world of "Book of Kings". If he had to say that he had something to do with this place, it could only be the light given to him by the emperor.

The light spear that Emperor Ileser personally made when he was young also contained a USB flash drive, which contained several sets of secret martial arts of the Star Knights and some of the emperor's cultivation experience, which was equivalent to the sword manual he copied himself. "Long Night Meteor" also learned it this way.

However, he did not find any tricks such as space anchor points and soul gates from it.

Even if there were tricks, Yu Lian could hardly imagine that he would be dragged into the fragments of history by His Majesty the Emperor. You know, the people present at that time included the master, uncle, and senior brother.

However, the mysticism cannot be considered with common sense and logic. Using the metaphysical way to explain, maybe my spiritual world can easily resonate with Brunhilde, so it automatically fits.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian shuddered, and suddenly felt that this possibility was actually quite large.

But no matter what, at least so far, he has not felt any malice from the world in this virtual world, and even had a lot of fun. The only danger was that Brunhilde on the other side wanted to take the opportunity to kill him.

"What? You look at me like that again. I want to confirm whether you are a real person or my inner demon."

"What a coincidence, isn't it? I also think you are my inner demon. However, seeing how Brunhilde treasures virtual experience, it is much more powerful than the inner demon. Brunhilde, listen to my advice. The past of the treasure is virtual. The water here is deep and you can't grasp it."

She shook her head and sneered: "Lian Qing, Lian Qing, you don't understand anything. What about the experience gained in the virtual world? If you can't even judge whether the subsequent deduction conforms to the logic of the real world, then you are not qualified to talk about the concept of the king."

In any case, the first condition for a qualified ruler is this unshakable self-confidence. Brunhilde's quality in this regard is at least amazing.

"...There won't be any time limit for this historical simulation, right?"

"Don't worry, after we come in, the outside world is subjectively stagnant. I played for a whole month yesterday, and finally killed the Lava Heart Sakas. When I was about to break through the encirclement with my fleet, the bridge was hit by a cannon. After I got out, I found that less than a second had passed." Brunhilde laughed.

So you have already failed once before?

"Last week, I had already played to the point of ascending the throne and fighting a civil war. I had clearly gained an advantage on the battlefield, but I was assassinated when attending my subordinate's wedding. It's really unscientific. This kind of thing has never happened in history."

So you have already failed more than once?

Yu Lian now suspected that this orange cat was actually a bronze player, waiting for him, the great god, to take her away.

"But you still have to be careful! Lian Jun, I can try again if I fail. If you fail, you may not be able to enter next time. In this case, will your upgrade fail?" Brunhilde smiled maliciously.

"It's more likely that he's really dead. The reason why mysticism is called mysticism is because it's uncontrollable. The first occurrence of a phenomenon means an incalculable danger." Yu Lian also showed a malicious smile: "Brin, when you were alone before, you could indeed reload the game, but with me, you might become an iron man. If you lose, you really lose, and you can never come back. If I die, you might die too."

"...Okay, Dragon of the Dawn, Lian Qing always makes sense. After all, no one knows about mysticism and the Enlightener's treasure." Brunhilde sighed, and then showed a three-point fearlessness, three-point determination, three-point unrestrainedness, and one-point of the most domineering madness: "Oh, hehe, but, this is exciting, isn't it? Lian Qing, a game that will kill you, do you still dare to call it a game?"

What a typical Dragon King of the Dawn Empire! Fearlessness and selflessness, genius and madness, always jumping left and right on the same side.

"As long as you don't do anything malicious, I'll be thankful," Yu Lian sighed, "Well, you are Queen Ivenya who has not yet ascended the throne and is being burned to death, so who am I?"

Brunhildt looked him up and down, flicked her fingers, and the heraldry machine that Yu Lian had dismantled before suddenly jumped back like a building block and covered his body again. Of course, the shield emblem on the heraldry machine naturally returned.

It was a relatively abstract bird-shaped emblem, which Yu Lian could not recognize. Perhaps it was a small noble family that was not famous or even extinct?

"Oh, Mockingjay Knight. How did you dress up as him? This is fate!"

"Who the hell is this?"

"A mercenary whom the Queen met when she was young and went to be an adventurer under an assumed name. It is said that he is an Earthling, but his age, appearance and even gender are unknown. Later, he became the personal retainer of Queen Ivenya. In the event of rebirth from the ashes, he rushed forward to save his master and was hacked to death by the Royal Knights of Boro III."

"... In other words, according to the original history, I should be dead now? I don't even have a name? This is definitely a minor role in the history book!" Yu Lian spread his hands.

"History has changed, maybe you are not a minor role. Maybe you can replace Xia Yier's position... No! You must replace Xia Yier's position! How about it, do you want to play?" Brunhilde was very excited and said it for the last time.

Yu Lian shrugged, indicating that he had no choice. In fact, he was finally interested now.

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