Him and their stars

Chapter 162 As bright as the moon

The highest military and political officer of the Blue Star Community and Chairman of the National Defense Commission, Keith Nichta, who has just turned 40 this year, is a young and powerful politician. Don't think there is anything wrong with this word. In the field of politicians, he is indeed considered young at his age.

This handsome and sunny man, with a strong body and a graceful demeanor, stands out from his pot-bellied colleagues just by his appearance. Every time he appears outside the parliament building, he is sure to be the darling of the media.

Of course, the reason why he has become the darling of the media is because he has indeed received too many people's expectations. In the sluggish federal political arena, this man who shows great energy and vitality on every occasion will indeed make the people feel refreshing.

And, at least on the surface, he does know how to respond to people's expectations.

For example, Chairman Nishita is a very self-disciplined person, probably to ensure his mental and health conditions. The people expect him to be an energetic person, so he must work hard for this situation.

He has a completely fixed meal time every day, breakfast at 7:30, lunch at 12:00, and dinner at 6:00, and he must abide by the healthy principle of having a full breakfast, a good lunch, and a small dinner.

His sleep time is almost fixed. No matter how busy he is, he will fall asleep before 12 o'clock and get up at 7 o'clock the next day. At noon, I will take a short nap between one and one-thirty.

His daily exercise time is certainly unbeatable. He spends half an hour on the elliptical machine every morning between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m.; he goes to the gym three times a week for an hour each time; and after 9:00 p.m., he goes to the gym for up to an hour. The night ran away.

Chairman Nicita usually chooses the seaside park in the Eternal City for his night runs. He would run around the park's sea of ​​flowers and beachfront at a constant speed of about 12 kilometers per hour, which lasted exactly one hour.

When running at night, the Chairman does not like others to follow him, so both bodyguards and secretaries can only stay on standby outside the park. Some people raised concerns about safety issues, but he said that he was just an ordinary public servant and that the people loved him and would not harm him. Even if the enemy hurts him, it will not hurt the community. It will only make the people share the same hatred! So, isn't that a good thing?

Although the logic of the above statement sounds a little strange, don't tell me, many people really believe it. As a result, His Excellency the Chairman's popularity has become even higher.

Now, according to some preliminary polls, 84% believe that Chairman Nikita will become the next president, and more than 70% believe that Chairman Nikita will definitely become a great leader.

On this day, that is, at nine o'clock in the evening on February 6, the Chairman was wearing close-fitting sportswear as usual, breathing rhythmically while jogging at a steady speed.

Of course, as before, his bodyguards and secretaries came to the park three hours in advance, drove away all the tourists, and searched all the places in the park. They then placed monitoring facilities and security robots on the seaside and in the green shade of the park, and then guarded the outside of the park, leaving the quiet, fresh, and soothing park greenway to Chairman Nichita.

The right side of Nishita is the blue seaside, and the left side is the lush woods and sea of ​​flowers. Jogging here makes the Chairman of the National Defense Committee feel real peace.

In fact, jogging for an hour here every day is the time he enjoys the most. At this time, he could not think about anything, just listen to the sound of the waves and keep moving forward, allowing his spirit to fully rest and heal.

"...So, at this time, do you want to disturb me?" The Chairman of the Generalissimo ran while helplessly looking at the black figure that appeared beside him. The black shadow came out of the silent night out of thin air, like a ghost.

If it were another high-ranking official of the community who saw such a scene next to him, he would probably have been frightened out of his wits. Even the bolder ones would just roll around and yell for "bodyguard". However, Chairman Nihita calmly scanned the other party's black clothes and seemed to quickly determine the other party's identity.

"I've said it many times in shock! Earl, Black Hero, this is the resting place in my heart! My only private place for my soul! If you have anything to do, can't you go to the official residence to talk about it?" He said helplessly, He even said it in a somewhat intimate tone.

The dark figure that appeared next to the Chairman was naturally Earl Black Moon.

"Your one-hour spiritual resting place, but it takes hundreds of manpower to drive away all the tourists in the park every time."

"Really? I'm really sorry...but this park, whether it's the land or the flowers and plants on it, is all mine. It's open to the public for free until seven o'clock in the evening. Isn't it considered generous?"

A noncommittal sneer came from behind Earl Black Moon's mask, but for some reason, the chairman seemed to hear the sound of gold and iron contending, and his heart became a little tense for a moment.

However, he still maintained an intimate and somewhat complaining smile on his face, and added: "I remember that the last time you came to see me, you were at the official residence. It was easy to talk there, and you could also drink with me. A few drinks, can’t it be an hour or two later?”

"I can't help it, I'm in a hurry. Don't worry, of course it's a good thing!" Earl Black Moon said calmly.

"You are so confused by this word! The last time you came to see me was not a good thing! I used almost all my strength to carry out the order, and half of the community officers were panicked..."

"But, didn't you also greatly reorganize the army and completely control the military's law enforcement department and military police?" Earl Black Moon said with a smile: "So, this time, you let the other half of the community officers It might make people panic a little bit.”

Just when the chairman was stunned, he added: "Oh, by the way, it will be more interesting if half of the political world is also panicked."

The Chairman's dullness turned into distress, and then into a wry smile. He scratched his scalp hard and said with a rather helpless expression: "So, who is it this time? Who is bullying others again? Is it some other scandal? Abusing soldiers, drinking their blood? Or reselling military supplies? "

"It's Lieutenant General Minqi Vincent."

Even with Chairman Nichta's memory, it took him nearly a minute to think of the name, and he suddenly became more confused: "He? He is just an unlucky old man. I want to come back and find something to do, and so do I. It's understandable. What's wrong? Is he embezzling donations? Or is he illegally committing donations? Hei Daxia, if it's not too much, just leave it alone. You don't know his situation, it's really a bit pitiful..."

"He wants to launch a military coup, and he has contacted many comrades. This includes several close colleagues who say good morning to you every day."


"I'm not joking. Ask him for the specific details yourself. He is now in the non-combustible trash can at the intersection of Palm Avenue on the left outside the park. Go and have a look. If you are ten minutes later, you will really be automatically The garbage disposal truck took it away."

The Chairman was a little confused, but he heard Earl Black Moon talking to himself as if he had just thought of it: "The wind will be very noisy in the future. In the noisy wind, I want to It should be easy to cover up by ending the last thing, right?"

"The last thing was..." The chairman of the committee, Earl Black Moon, had disappeared.

Keith Nicita stayed for a few seconds, then sighed self-deprecatingly and touched his neck: "If you are really an enemy, how many times have my heads been taken away?"

The chairman knew that of course he would not be able to run this night, so he left the park directly and went directly to the garbage sorting point with a group of stunned secretaries and bodyguards. Then, a scarred and decadent old man who was bound and tied up was indeed dug out from the non-flammable trash can. It was Lieutenant General Minqi Vincent.

The old lieutenant general looked helplessly at the thoughtful chairman and said with a wry smile: "If you have any questions, I will tell you everything. But please give me a good time afterwards."

"Wash it clean and take it to my study." Chairman Nishita left these instructions and left quickly.

Nicita became excited, knowing keenly that she had another chance to do something big... As for the ending of "that thing" mentioned by the count, well, it didn't matter how they were dealt with by a few scumbag dudes. In other words, if conditions permit, he would even be more willing to give the heads of those dandies directly to the earl in exchange for greater favor from the other party.

Speaking of which, why does the majestic Earl Black Moon care so much about this little thing?

Perhaps, this is the true hero.

The whole day that followed, No. 3 Sapphire Street, where the official residence of the Chairman of the National Defense Commission was located, stayed up all night. Anyone with a discerning eye will definitely guess that the Chairman is preparing to make big news.

Earl Black Moon hung himself upside down behind a huge palm tree like an owl, silently looking at the Chairman's residence in the distance.

He secretly observed for nearly an hour and confirmed that the other party had indeed started to act, and then left silently.

Earl Black Moon quickly left the city and found a secluded cliff with a good view. He looked at the city and the seaside in the distance, and found a comfortable position to sit down.

He took off his mask, revealing an ordinary and forgettable face. But then, his facial features and body shape began to distort and change. The male body of medium build began to become graceful and slender; the muscles in the square face twitched a few times, and quickly shrank into a dignified and elegant oval face like a silver plate.

Under the long eyelashes, bright eyes like silver wheels were revealed, just like the clouds parted and the mist dispersed, revealing the bright moon.

"He" took off his hood again and shook his long black hair like a ribbon.

That was Fina Li, Yu Lian's childhood sweetheart, whose reputation did not seem to be passed down to later generations, and the president of the student union of the 830th Circle of the Central Defense University.

"...Yu'er, no matter what you want to do, I can only help you get here." Feifei, who was suspected to be the Earl of Black Moon, sighed, and then magically took out a bottle of barley tea from the close-fitting power suit. , two rice balls and two meat-stuffed pot helmets.

She made the rice balls herself, with fish roe and a potion to restore her strength, so the taste was just average. She went downstairs from Rong to get the steamed pork pot helmet, which contained twice-cooked pork and fish-flavored shredded pork, both of which were Feifei's favorite dishes.

She just sat on the cliff, enjoying the waves of the Pacific Ocean and the night view of the Alliance Capital while eating her midnight snack.

Gee, it’s really hard to fool today’s readers. They guessed it more than ten chapters ago, so why are they trying to hide it? Just purple

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