Him and their stars

Chapter 1614: The virtual realm lord also wants to improve

When his war hammer really smashed off the head of "Brunhildr", Yu Lian really felt a huge sense of grief.

He felt that the pressure was like a collapsed mountain, almost crushing his spirit completely. His heart seemed to fall into a bottomless trench, on the verge of destruction at any time. He even felt that every bone of his was trembling, as if he was wailing under the unbearable load.

At that moment, he felt as if he had destroyed half of his body, and at the same time destroyed his soul with his own hands.

Yu Lian knew that sadness has never been just a psychological reaction, but will be transformed from psychological to physiological.

Sadness can really swallow you up. That emotion seemed to have really taken shape as a huge beast, opening a huge mouth like a black hole towards him, a huge mouth of the abyss that could swallow himself and even the entire universe. Before he even touched the huge mouth, he was captured by the gravity that could shatter the light. The body turned into powder in an instant.

However, at the moment of complete shattering, the sacred silver dragon seemed to be at the end of the universe in the distant sky, and uttered a long and clear voice to himself.

The body that was about to be turned into powder, in the storm of sadness and the extreme pull of the abyss, recovered again, and thrived quickly to get rid of

The will of the fantasy dragon, the fantasy dragon, and the silver dragon was still protecting himself. The nature of the ether in the cells can also make the body bear greater pressure.

So, before the sadness was about to crush his spirit, Yu Lian had regained his composure. He suddenly realized that psychology and spirit can have an effect on the body, but in the same way, can't physiology be transformed into psychology?

So, in the heavy sadness, Yu Lian made himself laugh out loud. He mobilized all his muscles and cells, and let his emotions completely enter a state of excitement.

It's like starting a fire in the snowy mountains and taking a breath of oxygen in the deep sea. Even when he was about to be squeezed dry by the queen and her goblins, he would always find a chance to try to have a bowl of wolfberry tea.

These things are very meager, but they can determine life and death at critical moments. In the field of mysticism, the difference between life and death can often represent the success rate of evolution.

After an unknown period of time, Yu Lian exhaled a breath of turbid air, and made sure that his agitated emotions had calmed down. Only then did he watch with interest as the light on the opposite side condensed little by little, gathered on the headless body on the opposite side, and re-outlined the face.

It can be seen that it is still the same Brunhilde. This time, the face is still vivid, and even the fragrance and breathing are familiar rhythms, but in Yu Lian's opinion, the distortion is too obvious. Yu Lian understands that for someone like him, even if it is a high-definition version that is indistinguishable from the real thing, it will never really deceive him.

Now, the Brunhilde in front of him gives him this feeling.

Yu Lian suddenly felt that his body and mind could not help but relax. Now, there is still sadness in his heart, but it seems like it happened a long time ago.

He said to the unknown enemy incarnation "Brunhild": "I'll teach you a lesson. When others play riddle games with you, just flip the table. If you don't have the strength to flip the table, then pretend to be stupid. Riddle games are like self-proving games, neither of which has any style."

The avatar on the opposite side lowered his eyebrows and said "Oh".

But then, Yu Lian shook his head and said self-deprecatingly: "Oh, I almost forgot, you are not my grandson, I have no obligation to educate you."

The avatar on the opposite side immediately raised his head and showed an angry expression, as if the NPC in the VR game triggered some keywords to switch expressions.

"If you think about it, I am educating my own demons here, which is equivalent to self-reflection, right?"

"Brunhild" on the opposite side sighed very humanely: "In that world, I have observed you for 80 years and have been with you for 80 years. I can understand your emotions. Your feelings for Her Highness Brunhild are real."

Yu Lian looked proud instead of ashamed: "My desire for her is also real. I have said it many times, I have always been a healthy, positive and upright human being! Such a good woman is devoted to you, and a heart of stone will be warmed. I have always been a normal, natural and harmonious male carbon-based creature, of course, there is a genetic instinct for reproduction. Normal men just want to have more women, and that good woman not only does not object but also assists you,"

Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but linger on the beautiful past in his memories.

"More importantly, there is no need to be responsible!" He couldn't help but add another sentence.

"You don't need to hide your true feelings with pure desire." The "Brunhild" looked directly at Yu Lian, and her golden eyes, like the morning light, still contained full of affection, even more affectionate than the real Brunhild, just like the queen who ruled an empire for eighty years side by side with Yu Lian in that world line.

"You're right. I really don't need to hide it." Yu Lian admitted frankly: "In that world, although I am not responsible, we do have real feelings! Very sincere and real feelings!"

"So, the calculation results show that when I transform into His Highness Brunhilt, there will be at least an 80% chance that you will be angered, and a more than 60% chance that you will take action. And in the process , all your attacks on me are equivalent to self-mutilation. It stands to reason that your spirit should have been severely damaged now, and it will be my turn to parasitize your body."

"Yes, some of them are part of your plan. It's really an amazing method." Yu Lian applauded: "But, I survived. Have you ever thought that this is because I don't care? Absolute strength , can crush all conspiracies and calculations.”

"No, you don't have the strength to crush me. In fact, you are just gambling."

"You got the answer right again. I admit that I am gambling. However, I am already playing mystical science, so when can I stop gambling? This gambling game started when I entered the virtual realm and started the ring promotion ceremony. "

The "Brünnhilt" couldn't help but burst into laughter, and immediately showed a teachable look: "You are right. The process of survival and evolution is a war and a gamble every moment. I have long ago You should understand. Thank you for your teaching.”

Yu Lian heard the information in the other party's words and asked: "However, since you are using calculations to speak, you must not be an ordinary inner demon. That's why I came up with a heavy blow! What the hell are you? ?”

She did not answer immediately, but gave Yu Lian a charming and majestic Brynhild-style wink, and then changed her form again, taking on the appearance of Yu Lian herself.

Of course, it is not the current Yu Lian. It was the person he was when he was less than thirty years old in that timeline.

At that time, he was wearing the Dragon of the Dawn, he had just won the civil war, defeated the powerful Tamil King, and was about to lead the army into the heavenly realm.

At that time, he was already regarded as the true ruler of the Galactic Empire and was about to usher in a glorious era.

At that time, he could no longer be described as a dragon or a phoenix. He was as powerful as a god descending.

However, Yu Lian didn't feel honored at all when he saw this scene.

This was the first time he discovered that he, wearing the Empire's Dragon of Dawn armor, was actually so coquettish and coquettish. He doesn't feel like he's looking in the mirror now, but more like he's seeing the footage of his guest appearance in a low-cost Internet company that he took when he was in middle school. Therefore, even with his current shame, he actually felt a little restless.

Yu Lian covered his face and raised his forehead, showing an unsightly expression.

However, the "Yu Lian" opposite him still looked domineering, as if he was born to be the king of kings and to dominate the entire universe.

"What do you think I am now?" He asked with great interest despite being majestic and domineering, with even a little joking on his face.

Yu Lian felt that this expression should be very mocking. But because of this, he felt that this thing finally had a little bit of the charm of a real person.

He held his chin and wanted to take a closer look at the other person, but he still felt a huge sense of shame and couldn't help turning his head away, and even reached out to cover his face.

"As expected of the inner demon, he was attacking me with self-destruction just now, but now he is mentally polluted by the shameful play attack. He is indeed no ordinary inner demon!"

"Yu Lian" on the opposite side said: "Inner Demon, do you understand me this way? I am clearly the embodiment of your honor. Why are you unwilling to face your great achievements?"

His voice seemed a little sad: "You are not even willing to face yourself, so how can you talk about evolution?"

Yu Lian laughed and said: "No, you are just a suture monster. The desires and longings deep in my heart, the embodiment of the dark side of my spirit and soul, and the medium I use to ascend the ring - the eyeless root. The remaining will of the devil, as well as some strange things created by the fusion of all the information generated by that virtual world, even I can’t describe how to describe it. The boundaries of mysticism are really endless!”

The other party spread his hands with a look of helplessness, still very much like Yu Lian himself when he was cynical.

"However, as far as I know, the power of the root demon is manifested in formlessness and space travel, but I have never heard that you will show any special power in terms of souls." Yu Lian put his hand on On the chin, he looked at the other person meaningfully: "But, you merged with my inner demon."

He still did not deny it, but patiently explained: "You have a misunderstanding of the things in the virtual realm. In other words, you hunters from the main material world have a huge misunderstanding in this regard."

"Hunters in the main material world? Is that how you describe us?" Yu Lian now decided to regard the other party as the root demon. Since a powerful person like the Lord of the Void Realm spoke politely to him, he would not hesitate to Yu also showed his respect.

Even so, he still felt very surprised. In the occult worldview, the Void Lord represents ultimate power and mystery, but also represents ultimate danger and inaccessibility. Those powerful beings will only devour everything in the autonomous material world, like a group of beasts with only eating and hunting instincts.

Of course, there are some awe-inspiring masters who will seriously explain to their disciples that in fact, the life level and thinking mode of the Lord of the Void Realm are not in the same dimension as those of us puny and pitiful humans, and naturally they cannot communicate with each other. of.

However, no matter what, Yu Lian has never heard that people can actually talk to the Lord of the Void Realm on an equal footing.

Of course, it's also possible that you just don't know.

If you think about it carefully, if the things in the virtual realm are so indescribable, Senior Sister Han's virtual realm animal husbandry plan, which has never been mentioned before, would not be possible. On the other hand, what are Master's Little Xuanwu and Silver Feather Crane? According to Master, those two people have always wanted to be normal people seriously.

However, this method of communication now should be unique, right?

"Hunter? This word made me want to be proud for three to five minutes. I thought we were just takeaways from the sky."

"Everything from the main material world...matter, energy and even information are nutrients for us, and so are you. Of course, the premise is that we can win. If we lose, you will become hunters." He squeezed out With a natural smile: "In the final analysis, the virtual realm is the shadow of the material universe, and the shadow is also a part of the material universe. We have never been the so-called high-latitude creatures that transcend the main material universe, that is, we are just spiritual creatures of another nature. In spirituality In front of us, all living beings are equal.”

"All living beings are equal, so the hunter and the prey always switch?"

"Yes, when I came to the universe, I thought I was a hunter, but in the end I discovered that from beginning to end, I was just prey, or even just a tool." He sighed: "It's really humiliating."

"It's really humiliating, but it's not my fault. I just took advantage of it."

"Yes. So I have no hatred for you, and I am even grateful to you." He further explained: "Without this war, without the destruction of my body, it would be impossible for my thoughts to penetrate that world."

"So that's it! Nothing can be destroyed without being established! Could it be said that your arrival and your destruction are all the result of your calculations?" Yu Lian couldn't help but stand in awe: "If so, you are really a generation with big ambitions and big plans... …Uh, a great magician!”

"No, no, I am actually following the trend. I am a virtual monster, how can I control people's hearts? In addition, you can actually call me 'human'. In the imperial language, human can refer to all omniscient and omnipotent people. of all social intelligent creatures under the gods."

"You virtual realm lords are also social?"

"There used to be none, but now there is. In this ceremony, your spirit resonated with that world, and you have been fighting and living in that world for a whole century. The same is true for me."

Yu Lian suddenly realized: "So, humans can learn and make progress. You virtual realm lords can too. You have even learned to control a huge fantasy world! This is no longer an ordinary root demon. It’s just a matter of time to reach the top of the true virtual realm and shine with the universe, right?”

"It's just that I have learned to take advantage of the situation. It is actually still far from the so-called operation."

He acted very modestly, but there was inevitably a trace of complacency on his face: "More importantly, I have learned how to communicate with you, and I know how to look at the world from another dimension. You see, virtual creatures like us , in fact, it is possible to grow. This may be an opportunity for me to evolve. You are right, Sir Yu Lian, although I am a virtual realm lord, I also want to make progress just like you."

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