Him and their stars

Chapter 1621 The People's Queen

The promotion of His Royal Highness Brunhilt, King of Sulyuka, to a saint has actually been completed for three days.

As the youngest elected emperor in the contemporary era and one of the few geniuses in the history of the Galactic Empire, her rise to the top was naturally very impressive. There will be no shortage of materials, arrays, various auxiliary props and guardian psychics.

In addition, she also obtained the emperor's approval to use the "Book of Kings" to prepare to create a long-term, large-scale dream world to help her forge her "King's Heart".

She succeeded. At least, everyone present felt the increase in her strength and realm.

Even in the history of the Dawn Royal Family, where there are many geniuses, there are no more than twenty people who can enter the realm of saints before the age of twenty-five.

Therefore, she naturally became recognized as the most potential election emperor. Although we all know that psychic geniuses and wise kings are not the same thing, and being a brave man and governing all nations are completely different fields, after all, the Tirero people are a nation full of martial virtues and are always easy to court. Looking forward to this.

However, Brunhild himself knew that his true achievement as a saint actually only started today.

She explained to her right-hand men: "Thank you Yu Lianqing. If it hadn't been for what he did that broke my heart, I wouldn't have woken up so easily."

"Is it his betrayal that makes you miserable, or his political views that excite you?" Ostana said.

Brünnhilt smiled: "Very well, Ostana, smart people can easily become anti-system elements. Smart ministers can easily be given a poisonous drink by the king, especially someone like you who has managed intelligence. "

Miss Chief of Staff showed a look of relief, and even wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of her eyes: "But, seeing that you have returned to normal, my subordinates can rest in peace even if they are thrown to feed the dragon."

"No, I will not only make you feed the dragon"

Then, in the next two hours, King Suliuka explained in detail the development of the mind-quenching game he had experienced three days ago.

She is the great emperor "Yiwenya", and Yu Lian is a "Knight of the Smiling Bird" whose name is buried in history. Of course, in that dream world, it was impossible for this person to still be a minor character in the history books.

So, in that dream, it took Brynhildr three years longer than Yvene in real life to unify the empire, and then with the help of Yu Lian, he started a series of reforms, and then a series of reforms. conquest and expansion.

She described in detail the drastic reform measures she had carried out on the empire with the help of Yu Lian. In her dream world, the ancient but huge galactic empire glowed with amazing vitality.

"These are my policies in that dream, but I don't know if they can be implemented in reality. Maybe this is what I take for granted?" Brynhilt looked at Admiral Huley expectantly.

As the palace minister of the Suliuka family, Admiral Hulay actually manages the royal family's territory and industry. In terms of down-to-earth governance experience, of course it is much better than Gia Feier, the embryo killer, and Ostana, the strategist. .

"It's really hard for me to judge." Admiral Huley's expression was quite complicated. He felt distressed that his views had been subverted, but he also seemed to have some vision and longing for a new world and a new era:

"But, Your Highness, once you introduce these proposals in the Privy Council or the Senate, half of the citizens of the empire and 70% of the nobles will regard you as an enemy. Even if you wear the Void Crown, it will be difficult to implement these policies. of."

Brunhilt sighed, a little disappointed, but not surprised at all. She wasn't stunned after all.

"If it is His Majesty, it is possible." Ostana added.

Everyone understands what the other person means.

If you want to cut the flesh of vested interest groups from top to bottom, unless a nine-ring true god like Elisir who has been on the throne for two hundred years personally takes action. Whether they are senior bureaucrats who are familiar with various fighting techniques and rules within the system, or powerful princes who have been entrenched in the local area all year round, they can't help but tremble when they hear his name, and they dare not resist this level of reform.

"You actually understand very well the primary reason for success in dreams." Giafiel said.

"I understand. First of all, it is a huge and protracted civil war. It can destroy all the vested interest groups in the empire. Hahaha, under the auspices of that guy, this civil war lasted several more years than in history. That is This is the reason." Brynhilt said with a hint of expectation.

Giaphiel coughed hard.

Brünnhilt laughed and said: "Hahaha, don't worry, Gilly, even I would not think of igniting a civil war in the current empire. Moreover, these policies may be just my imagination. How could I trigger a civil war based on some inexplicable conjecture? "

Who knows? The dragon kings of Dawn always jump between greatness and madness.

Of course, there should be a limit to madness, right? perhaps……

Admiral Hulay hurriedly said: "Your Highness, it is always good to have a goal to strive for. These policies are indeed difficult to implement, but they might not be able to become a systematic and unique policy program for you? The veteran heard that, The high position of the 'Throne' requires psychics to determine their own kingly heart. Perhaps it is your kingly heart to rejuvenate the empire through reforms, make the empire greater, and advance the civilization of the entire universe."

Brunhilt smiled and shook her head: "No, Lord Hughley, reform is a result, not a king's goal."


Brunhilt said proudly: "My king's heart is that the king should not be lonely!"


"Thinking that the king is aloof is the fantasy of literati who know nothing about politics! The emperors in the past needed to share power with the nobles, the army, and even the wealthy merchants. And I decided to be a people's queen!"

Giafil and Ostana, who had read the "original", always felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

On the contrary, Admiral Hughley, who had not read the "original", turned from surprise to thinking, and his thinking was full of relief and joy. At first glance, he looked like an old father who saw his daughter admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University and went out to college. He is an old retainer of the Suliuka royal family, and he also watched Brunhilt grow up. In a sense, he really has half a fatherly feeling for his master.

Of course, because of this, it was somewhat complicated for him to listen to the little prince he had watched grow up, telling about the struggles and children they had in the co-rule era.

Brunhild certainly did not notice Admiral Hughley's emotions, or was too lazy to care, and just continued to tell her own story.

In fact, if the history in the fantasy ended with the successful reform and glorious rule, it would become a sweet story about the happy life of the empress and the thriving career. Of course, from the perspective of later historians, it can also be understood as the blood debts of the reactionary rulers.

However, in the dream, when Brunhild played the queen, ambitiously preparing to launch a war of conquest against the Free Galaxy Alliance, the conflict between the two was completely intensified.

So, the Queen's Privy Council Seal Minister, the Grand Marshal's Flag Minister, the Senate Speaker, the Inspector General of the Star Knights, the Grand Duke of Terra, and her beloved husband returned to their fiefdom in New Shenzhou and raised the banner of rebellion.

This was a great rebellion that could tear apart the era of co-governance, comparable to the tragic song of a toilet man.

In short, the queen was shocked and angry, her soul was out of her body, she was shaking with anger and crying, and her child was miscarried. The main force of the empire far away in the alliance battlefield was even more morale-stable, and could only withdraw its troops quickly, and was even almost surrounded by the alliance troops who took the opportunity to chase them.

Of course, after thirty years of operation, the national strength and military strength of the Galactic Empire are far stronger than those of the same period in history, and there are also many brave generals and counselors in the country.

So, in a very short period of chaos, the imperial fleet used the method of cutting off its tail to survive, allowing the large forces to safely withdraw from the alliance territory, quickly launched negotiations, and stabilized the border between the two countries. Afterwards, the mighty anti-rebellion fleet passed through the Far Shore Nebula and easily destroyed the resistance of the "rebels".

New Shuntian, New Seville, Lumina, Baiyujing and other densely populated and prosperous planets were all burning under the fire from the sky. The Lumina Guards of the Grand Duke of Terra fought bravely until the last man, but they could not shake the strategic advantage of the imperial army.

Then, the queen, wearing the Dragon of Dawn, proposed an honor duel with the king's husband despite the opposition of the ministers and generals.

Thirty years of fighting side by side and sleeping together in the same bed always need an end.

"Then, can you believe it? He actually stabbed me." Brunhild widened her eyes and pointed to her lower abdomen: "He actually stabbed his wife and deprived me of the ability to be a mother forever."

Giafiel said: "Don't worry, I have read the examination report. Your body functions are intact. You want to have a celestial ball without affecting your figure. What about him?"

"I chopped off his head." Brunhild said as a matter of course, and then frowned and looked at her best friend: "By the way, Gilly, why do I feel that you care about him more than me?"

"Because I always feel that you can't do it." Giafiel still looked suspicious.

"I really did it!" Brunhilde shouted, "When his head flew out, he still had a careless smile on his face, which made me very angry!"

"..." Ostana blinked her fiery red eyes, then let out a long sigh of astonishment, pressed her hands on her abdomen and bowed 90 degrees to her highness.

"Now that I think about it, he poked me in the stomach to create an opportunity for me to chop off his head. It was so easy at that time that I felt that if I didn't chop him off, I would be sorry for my previous hard training."

Jiafiel thought about it and felt that this seemed to be in line with that guy's usual style. He nodded doubtfully, and then sighed, "He is mocking you with his life, Brin!"

Brunhildt was full of regret: "Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have indulged in bed joy, and I shouldn't have gotten pregnant so early. Tsk, as a result, I was pregnant with Earl Salwen, and Yu Lian became my agent to kill people everywhere. In just one or two years, the army and the government were all his old subordinates."

"In other words, in the early days of the civil war, you actually gave him the military and political power?" Ostana looked at her lord as if she was looking at a visual spectacle: "This is not like you at all, Your Highness!"

"In the dream, I chose the child first. I want to be a good queen, and I also want to be a good mother." Brunhilt's face was filled with the glory of motherhood, and then she coughed: "In short, I think , it must be because of this experience that we have hidden dangers in our careers and relationships. This is my fault, and we must avoid it in the future.”

Ostana said: "Yes, you gave him all the military and political power, letting him train his own team and manage his own territory, which inevitably breeds his ambition."

"Imperial power cannot be shared, and human nature cannot stand the test." Admiral Huley said.

Brunhildt shook his head and said: "No, after I came back after giving birth to my eldest son, I tried every means to reduce his power, disperse his fleet, transfer his generals, and assign bureaucrats to his newly acquired territory. Even He was transferred to my side, nominally under one person, but in fact he has been relieved of major responsibilities. "

"This is a necessary political means." Ostana said.

"It is also the most vulgar political method." Brunhildt said: This caused the bad blood between us. I should have trusted him wholeheartedly and allowed him to carry out his plans. "

"... If my subordinate remembers correctly, you were the one who cried bitterly and scolded him for being heartless two hours ago."

"Ah, is that so? I just woke up at that time, and I always need to immerse myself in it. Ostana, don't you also shed tears after watching a love movie?" Brynhild said.

Giafel was immediately shocked. Even Admiral Huley did not hide his disbelief.

"This is a rumor. Your Highness, it was the result of Lieutenant General Olivia Rowentour stuffing mustard in her subordinates' popcorn."

"Yes, they are all rumors. Rumors can create issues and disputes, let alone actions." Brynhilt said with regret on his face:

"Really, we are all sleeping in the same bed, and we have obviously made a vow to spend a lifetime together. Why are we still suspicious of each other because of who is on top? Who said that wearing the crown of the void means that you must be invincible? Cold? Who said that a king must be lonely? My kingship is to unite the majority of people! How can I unite the majority of people if I can’t even unite my own lover?

This time it was Ostana who held her forehead and sighed: "I'm still wondering, how did you realize the 'King's Heart' that you want to become the People's Queen, and why did you co-write it because of your love brain?"

"Don't slander me. In the illusion, I was often with the people and the most ordinary soldiers. Under that guy's instigation, I even fed pigs, screwed screws in the factory, and cooked the soldiers' food. The meat is more than the color of sugar." Brynhilt held his head high and said proudly: "I have participated in labor, and I have the fruits of labor. There is no candidate for the throne in this huge galactic empire with a history of three thousand years and a territory of ten thousand light years. , understands what the people are better than I do.”

Ostana covered her face: "It's not like that in reality, but mentally you are already in the shape of that guy!"

Admiral Huley no longer knew what to say, or even what expression to use. He stood there numbly, as if he had turned himself into a statue.

"Then what?" Giafel was very interested.

The female knight's attitude was very neutral. He was really full of expectations for the dream world that seemed to be real, as if he was reading a magnificent legendary war record.

She is also a saint, but she has never experienced a heart-quenching situation on this scale.

Now, her best friend, her childhood sweetheart, the person she swore allegiance to, had passed. Giafel was immediately full of expectations for the future of the Galactic Empire.

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