Him and their stars

Chapter 1624 Personnel Changes

His Majesty the Emperor finally appeared before the full Privy Council for the first time ten years later and after the outbreak of war. This made the imperial ministers and generals who were impatient because the war situation had not progressed finally felt that they had a backbone.

Of course, we were in the middle of a war after all, so frontline commanders like Marshal Ikanroga who were not members of the Privy Council also joined the Privy Council meeting held on December 17 through long-range seismic wave communication.

The generals on the Seide front line all felt that the god-like Emperor had personally come to the Privy Council meeting, perhaps because he was preparing to hold accountable the previous "Abyss Alien Slaughter Project" that was a piece of cake, and they were all panic-stricken.

Even the neurotic generals who looked forward to death would inevitably tremble when imagining the thunderous wrath that His Majesty the Emperor might unleash, as if they were waiting for divine punishment.

Fortunately, Marshal Ikenluojia comforted them that His Majesty the Emperor is a magnanimous saint and will never punish frontline generals who fulfill their duties. What's more, even if they really want to be held accountable, they will only ask him first.

Everyone was deeply moved, but looking at the old marshal's expression was like looking at a martyr who was carrying a heavy burden for everyone.

Of course, the Privy Council meeting in which His Majesty the Emperor participated was quite long. Probably because there were many issues discussed, it lasted for more than six hours. During this period, Marshal Ikenroga even left the conference room, had lunch with the generals, and had a casual short meeting.

"You guys, don't keep staring at me fearfully. We haven't talked about our topic this morning." Marshal Ikenluojia said.

Of course, the old marshal did not tell them what tariffs, world expansion, Privy Council personnel changes, etc. had been discussed in the morning. He, the majestic Marshal of the Empire, the commander of the Empire's far shore cluster, was sitting in the Privy Council, but he still sat like an ant.

His Majesty the Emperor occasionally asked questions about the Far Shore, but did not discuss it in depth. It seemed that he really used himself as an ordinary military intelligence secretary.

Even so, Marshal Ikenroga felt very honored.

In front of His Majesty the Emperor, who has ruled the empire for two hundred years and is comparable to a true god, no matter whether he is a marshal, a duke, or a minister of the Privy Council, who is not an ant?

"If you are so worried that you can't even eat because of a meeting, then you'd better get out of the front line. The people on the opposite side of the earth may attack at any time, so you must eat and drink when you can eat and sleep. Sleep well. You don't need me to explain this kind of thing, right?" the old marshal said again.

At this point, the marshal laughed at himself: "Haha, we obviously have an absolute advantage in military strength, but we don't dare to attack the people on earth. Maybe someone from the Privy Council will join me and be as fearful as a tiger."

Everyone hurriedly comforted the marshal, saying that less than a week had passed since the failure of the alien transformation plan. The vanguard fleet was almost crippled. Everyone has lost their troops and is panic-stricken. If they march again, it is easy to fall into chaos and be caught by the enemy. Your Majesty the Marshal is mature and prudent, and he is the White Jade Pillar of the Empire...

"I dare not take it. I am just old and want to be cautious. I hope your Majesty and other adults can understand us." Marshal Ikenluoga said, and then clicked on someone who had been huddled in the corner of the crowd. Name: "Major General Yeager Soback, please prepare. There will be a Privy Council meeting and I need your speech."

Soback felt his heart thump, and the spoon in his hand almost fell into the dinner plate.

"Hahaha, of course it has nothing to do with you, but about the gains and losses of the Alien Transformation Plan. The most important parties involved in this battle, Lieutenant General Rhaenys Tarlyon and Duke Garibian Saleran, are already here On the way back to the imperial capital, they will also attend the Privy Council meeting online. Of course, you can’t miss it, Major General Yeager Soback.”

Soback quickly forced out a smile and asked in a sincere tone: "But, Your Excellency, how should I answer?"

"You still need to ask? Of course you are telling the truth. Report what you saw and heard to His Majesty in a concise and concise way." What the old marshal said seemed like correct nonsense, but in fact it was not what it should be. Interpreted in a way that is too superficial. The so-called conciseness and conciseness, where should it be "simple" and where should it be "comprehensive"? In fact, it still tests the office politics level of the parties concerned.

But in fact, Miss Viscount Serlu and Captain Pegna have already reminded themselves that as the only surviving senior generals in the vanguard fleet, sooner or later the higher-ups will come to ask what they said. At that time, the choice of what to say, what needs to be said, will be very important, and it will even be related to some power games at the top of the empire to a certain extent.

"Then what should I do?" Soback said that his biggest dream is to be a deputy director in charge of logistics under the Generalissimo's Office system. Why should he start thinking about the power game at the top?

"It depends on where you are going to stand." Viscount Sellu said: "The Throne Throne is currently vacant. Duke Garibian promoted this alien transformation plan in order to increase his chances of succeeding. . In this way, Lieutenant General Tallien does have reason to question, and even impeaching the Duke is her right.”

Captain Peggese said: "However, although this plan failed, it was approved by the Grand Marshal's Office and prepared for nearly half a year. We can't just put the blame on Duke Garibian. This Not fair."

"But, now that we're at the Privy Council, fairness is the last thing we need. Duke Geribean and His Royal Highness King Weilunte are close friends, and King Wei has some subtle conflicts with His Royal Highness King Suliuka. Although Duke Tanlian's family is one of the founding duke families, several generations have not served in the Privy Council and the Grand Marshal's Office. Perhaps they need an ally from the central government." Miss Sellu took out all the gossip she knew as a child of a great noble and tried to analyze it.

"You mean, let me help Duke Geribean and Lieutenant General Tanlian reconcile?" Sobek thought this was also very good. These two people are actually good to him. The former even gave him a set of exquisite tableware that can be used as a family heirloom.

As a serious person with a correct outlook on life, Sobek really doesn't want to offend anyone, just want you to be good, me to be good, and everyone to be good.

Miss Sellu shook her head and said, "What I mean is... you should be the contact between Lieutenant General Tanlian and His Royal Highness King Suliuka."

Everyone's analysis is very good. However, Sobek didn't know what to say, but he couldn't ask any more.

In this way, all the generals finished their lunch without any appetite, feeling a bit like knowing that they had failed the college entrance examination, but they could only wait for the verdict in fear.

Even veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles, such as Admiral Rosaneo, could not help showing a hint of obvious uneasiness.

There was no way. After all, Emperor Ileser had not participated in all formal military and political decision-making occasions, including the Privy Council meeting, for ten years. What kind of old man is he, the old man in his seventies doesn't know more than the young and middle-aged people.

Of course, these people may be waiting for the college entrance examination results, and Sobek is like waiting for the rescue results of the ICU. His mind is blank now, and he feels that even if he rushes over and fights the earth for three hundred rounds, it is better than this torture.

In this way, the Privy Council meeting in the afternoon was held as scheduled.

Fortunately, the Earthlings on the other side were very martial and did not take advantage of the trembling of the imperial generals to cause trouble.

However, an Earth fighter plane approached the construction site of the fortress, and the fighter planes of the enemy took off to intercept. After a chaotic fight, both sides, after losing two fighter planes each, withdrew from the battlefield with their middle fingers.

This kind of intense battle has occurred three or five times a day during this period, which is nothing at all.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Marshal Ikenroga asked Sobek to go online for a meeting. He stood up and trembled, and then received the attention of his colleagues. His old friend Lieutenant General Bifik and his old superior Admiral Misaro each gave him an encouraging hug, and even the serious Admiral Rosaneo patted his shoulder.

At that moment, Sobek felt like a death squad member charging with dead soldiers. However, before entering the communication room, he turned back and squeezed out a stiff but decent smile, and gave his colleagues a thumbs up.

The imperial generals immediately applauded.

"Look at this young man, he is just like a Myner dragon with his head held high." Lieutenant General Buffick said.

"Hahaha, as long as you don't get scared in front of His Majesty the Emperor and can't even speak, it's fine." Admiral Misaro said.

"I just hope not to add fuel to the fire at the Privy Council meeting. Now the army is demoralized, and the Far Shore Front needs to ensure stability." Admiral Rosaneo, who is mature and steady, said.

So, at this time, the generals' mentality changed from waiting for the college entrance examination results to sending their children to the examination room.

The Privy Council meeting ended before 5 o'clock, without any delay. This is probably because they think that any work involving the boss will definitely leave on time. And His Majesty the Emperor is the biggest boss in the universe.

Marshal Ikenroga, who had been in a meeting all day, was still energetic. Of course, he knew what everyone was most concerned about, so he said directly: "The failure of the Metamorphosis operation is not everyone's responsibility. His Majesty asked me to tell everyone that he is grateful for your dedication to duty. All the victims and the injured will receive the honor they deserve."

So, the atmosphere on the Thor suddenly changed from solemn and depressing to relaxed.

As for who is responsible for the failure of the Metamorphosis plan, it is actually none of everyone's business. Marshal Ikenroga simply told everyone that several veterans in the Operations Department of the Grand Marshal's Office and the Star View Pavilion have voluntarily retired.

In contrast, Lieutenant General Renis Tanlian, who was seriously injured in the battle, although she lost half of her fleet in the battle, will still be promoted to admiral normally, and will directly enter the Grand Marshal's Office as the Chief of Operations after recovering from her injuries.

The generals all thought this was the best news. Sister Renis was promoted despite the loss of troops and generals, which shows that His Majesty is really not going to pursue the problem of failure on the front line.

Everyone was very moved.

Duke Garybion, the host and executor of the Metamorphosis Plan, will officially take over the position of Grand Master of the Astral Knights. After all, the top position of the Knights has been vacant for a long time, and it is indeed time for it to return.

However, the throne of King Soleon, which has also been vacant for a long time, was inherited by a young man who is not even 20 years old. He is the nephew of the late King Belial of Soleon who died in the Unity Fortress. In terms of blood relationship, he is of course closer, but he is just a rookie who has just awakened his psychic power and is still very immature in all aspects. But such a rookie still defeated his sister who had perfected the seven rings and became the emperor of the election.

As a result, Brunhildt was no longer the youngest person to choose an emperor. She welcomed it immensely.

However, it is difficult to understand this as the emperor's punishment for the failure of the battle. You know, as another initiator of the alienation plan, King Wilente officially became the director of strategic staff of the Grand Marshal's Mansion, and was also promoted to the rank of marshal, unified management of all the empire's armament production and distribution during the war.

In short, the above personnel arrangements may represent some of the emperor's attitudes, or they may be just accidental results. This needs to be understood based on the level of political struggle of each.

Anyway, after everyone listened to the marshal's explanation of the personnel changes in the imperial capital, most people still regarded it as a melon, but some people started to think about it.

Later, Marshal Ikenroga patted Soback on the shoulder again. This guy actually went offline with him, but he was still in a state of silence, as if he was thinking about some very important topic.

"I would also like to thank this child. This is an honest child. Because he is honest, he is fair, so he is selfless, so he is objective enough, so that the Privy Council meeting will not become a battlefield where both sides accuse each other and attack." Marshal Ikenroga patted Soback's shoulder: "The Grand Marshal's Office has issued an order. The fleet left by Vice Admiral Tanlien will be organized under the command of General Yeager Soback and will be under his unified command."

Everyone once again paid attention to this person, which only attracted the latter's solemn, firm but not impolite smile, which was expressive and considerate.

"Young man, hold your chest high, you deserve this. This represents Lieutenant General Tallian's trust in you." Admiral Misaro encouraged.

Admiral Rosanaio also nodded comfortingly. He didn't know much about this general who became famous at a young age, but at least he didn't have the arrogance and arrogance of becoming famous at a young age, and he was even a little too humble.

As a veteran, what he likes most is humble young people.

"Then, once the fleet reorganization is completed, Rear Admiral Soback will be responsible for the left wing cover of the entire army." Admiral Rosanaio calculated.

Then am I not the closest to the main gun of the Saide Fortress? If the Earth comes over, I have to be on the front line! You old thing, you look so serious but why do you want to harm me? Jaeger Soback was stunned.

Fortunately, Marshal Ikenroga then explained that according to King Suliuka's suggestion, Soback's fleet would be transferred back to the country for reorganization after the merger to add new personnel and ships. This process will take at least half a year to a year.

"Understood. When the reorganization is completed, you will have another general star, right?" Lieutenant General Biffick had a bright smile and a loud voice. He is really happy for his little brother's success.

However, Yeager Soback was not happy at all.

He always felt that if he really became a lieutenant general, he would have the authority to command the main fleet, or he would have to form his own army and act independently. Of course, if it were during the decisive battle of the Grand Fleet, the task would probably be to fill in the central axis to attract artillery shells. This is even more dangerous than when I led the guerrilla fleet before.

However, fortunately, he can be temporarily transferred back to the country this time, and at least he can take a breather.

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