Him and their stars

Chapter 1633 News about Tan Jize

In fact, facing Yu Lian, who had already put on the general's uniform, the two friends, who had not seen each other for several years, were indeed a little uncomfortable at first. When he found that the other party was looking at him with sympathetic eyes, he suddenly seemed even more unnatural.

It wasn't until Yu Lian threw a bottle of Bingkuoluo to each of them that they relaxed.

Bingkuoluo is really a good thing.

In this situation, it would seem too bureaucratic to serve tea, and too businesslike to serve coffee. A glass of red wine per person is more like sanctimonious meat eaters discussing the conspiracy of leeks.

It is true that only Bingkuoluo can best and most sincerely represent friendship and overcome the shackles between classes!

Please remember that the reason why you don't have a wife must be because you didn't throw Bingkuoluo at the girl. You must understand that no one can ignore the existence of Bing Kuoluo. If once is not enough, then throw it away twice.

Yu Liandao: "In fact, an individual's destiny and development are also a circle! However, creatures like humans just grow up in a confused way, spinning around like this."

Busca let out an embarrassed laugh, and there was a frankness and sharpness in his eyebrows, which easily reminded Yu Lian of the way this kid used to sing rap, criticize capitalist representatives, and even take out a hammer to play with.

"Captain...er, general, commander?"

"You can call me Captain if you want. Think of it as my exclusive nickname, right? There are no outsiders here anyway." Yu Lian smiled and said: "However, I remember that your major is metallurgy and heavy machinery? Why now? Are you also on the road to shipbuilding?"

"This is also because I want to thank Dr. Xie and Director Carl for their trust. I said that I studied mechanics, and they said that since I joined the Tulong Factory to tighten screws, I can put screws on battleships, and I can take care of the shipyard. ." Buska said.

Yu Lian smiled and comforted: "But there is nothing wrong with what they said. I heard that you also managed the training of the militia and workers in Xinyumen. If you can manage the soldiers, of course you can also manage the factory."

This child's temperament is indeed different now. Although he was still the young engineer who was firm, straightforward and a little clever, Yu Lian always felt that this kid had a bit more energy and bravery. It can be seen that when he played with guns in Xinyumen, he should not play with wrenches less often.

Speaking of which, when Busca was in Rumina, he had many scenes with beasts, bandits, cultists, and so on. When the battle of condemnation of the New Jade Gate came and the raiders attacked the New Jade Gate, he As a matter of course, he led the militiamen and had a big battle with the bandits. When it comes to the experience of seeing blood, he is actually no worse than the road specimens.

Yu Lian suddenly felt completely stable. He still felt that since Busca could become an excellent militia leader, he would also be able to become an excellent shipyard director.

Besides, for the managers of the arsenal, seeing blood will not turn it into a negative factor.

Yu Lian continued: "As for professional issues, if what you learn in the college is at least three-thirds related to work, you can be regarded as a technical leader. Look at the classmate Stoker here, he is the least educated... Well, isn’t the economics whose purpose is the most mysterious now also an agricultural expert in New China?”

"I heard it. Actually, what you want to say is that economics is the most useless subject, right? Captain, you are not the first person to say this." Seldy Stoker revealed With a helpless expression, he explained seriously:

"In fact, economics, like all social sciences, is an inductive science, but many people always like to regard it as some kind of forward-looking and prophetic knowledge, which leads to various misunderstandings. However, If you can predict it, can it still be called science?”

"Isn't mysticism just fine?" Yu Lian said seriously.

"Is occultism considered science?" Stoker showed a shocked expression.

"Well, why doesn't it count?" Yu Lian pursed his lips and smiled:

"Even if it doesn't count, it can be counted one day. All serious psykers must work hard in this regard."

Then I haven’t even come into contact with a serious psychic!

Stork felt that as a mortal, it was better not to discuss this topic, and said: "However, there are many so-called economic scholars who cater to the media's requirements and publish some unfounded predictions and judgments, which only strengthens the This kind of prejudice has led to a serious social subject that has been summarized and summarized, and it has been turned into a confusing numerology, which is also a headache for serious practitioners like us. "

Of course, this was very reasonable, and Yu Lian couldn't help but start applauding on the spot: "Look, that's why I said it, work has nothing to do with educational background. You know nothing about agriculture, but you are doing a pretty good job at your current job." ”

But Stork said embarrassedly: "Actually... I have been studying at the New Tennessee Agricultural College for a period of time in the past two years, and I already have an ecological farm cultivator license."

Yu Lian looked at Stoke up and down as if he were looking at a visual spectacle, and after a moment of admiration, he burst into laughter.

This child is now able to ambush himself, which at least shows that he has indeed grown up very happily.

In short, of course Seldy Stork is still the gentle and elegant scholar. Just sitting there, you can tell that he is a highly educated intellectual, but his temperament has been settled.

However, compared to the ignorant but passionate intellectual young man who was at Red Maple Factory, his temperament now is closer to that of the Mayor of Stoke who has been in power in his hometown for thirty years in another timeline. .

Sure enough, the broad world and turbulent youth are the best places to study. It's always been like this.

Well, if this kid Busca has awakened some new attributes, Stoke must have matured early. No matter what, Yu Lian is naturally very pleased to see the team of his friends getting stronger and growing more gratifyingly.

Then of course it’s time for writing, chatting, and reading and reporting.

Seldy Stork, the chief engineer of the Baichuan Star Reclamation Zone, told Yu Lian that with everyone's hard planning, Baichuan Star has reclaimed more than one billion acres of farmland, and all of it has now been sown. One hundred million acres of them are technological farms equipped with ecosystems, specializing in the production of high-end agricultural products for export and earning foreign exchange.

As for the rest, there are relatively extensive traditional farms.

If nothing else goes wrong, by the time Shirakawa Star's first harvest season arrives next month, the harvested grain output will be more than 500 million tons. If this is true, the New China Sector will no longer have to use its precious transportation capacity on high-priced food imports. They can even provide sufficient military rations for the Far Coast Nebula and Nantianmen.

Simply looking at the data, New China's agricultural development achievements can even be regarded as great.

Yu Lian showed a puzzled look: "It stands to reason that although the Baichuan Xingbei Continent has dug out a huge population lake, melted a large number of glaciers, moistened a large amount of soft land, and formed a fertile black land. There are also fertile black soils in the sky. Even if there are 20 population suns running continuously, it will take more than five years of continuous climate modification for the absolute environment of Baichuan Star to be perfect, right? The average temperature is below five degrees, which is not the season for farming.”

Stoker nodded: "But now is the warmest season in Baichuan Star."

"Then, you said that by next month's harvest, you can receive 500 million tons of grain?" Yu Lian showed a malicious smile.

"It's 500 million tons of grain. Only half of it is grain, and the rest includes soybeans, potatoes, Chinese cabbage, radish, fungus and alfalfa." Stock corrected.

Yu Lian nodded: "Very good. The diversity of agricultural products represents the rationality of agricultural planning, but this still cannot explain the problem of the middle finger. Could it be that we purchased cold-resistant special grain seeds from the alliance? However, as far as I know, That 52 billion does not include the cost of purchasing grain seeds. Moreover, even if we do buy the alliance’s grain seeds, we can only use them for two to three generations, and we will continue to purchase them.”

Stoker was silent for a few seconds, and finally showed a knowing smile: "Yes, that's why I want to thank you, Captain, for cultivating Permafrost No. 1 in Lumina! Now, the Permafrost series has been cultivated by agriculturists. After improvement, it has developed to the 12th generation. However, all of this is inseparable from the foundation you laid. "

Only then did Yu Lian sit proudly with his hands on his hips for three minutes.

Of course, I can assure the spirit of the universe that Yu Lian is not just here to put his hands on his hips, but is preparing to teach Stoke how to deal with leaders.

Remember, when reporting to the leader, even if the leader is of no use or even has the opposite effect, you must still highlight the superior's leadership achievements. This is the "emotional intelligence" and "pattern" of the workplace.

It can be seen that Stoker, who has awakened the attributes of an excellent technical politician, is a quick learner.

In short, just these first batches of farmland with completed pits can accommodate at least 1 million agricultural people. Of course, if the various food processing, transportation and service industries surrounding intensive agriculture could keep up, more than twice as many jobs could be created.

In fact, the first steps of investment from the Alliance Zixinhui Group and the Community Piggs Food Company were already in place long before the war began.

As a result, supporting canning processing plants have long been built near the row houses in Shirakawa Star.

These two families are actually old friends. They were the ones who invested in the food processing industry in Xin Yumen, and they were also the first ones to invest in New China. In a sense, they seem to have more confidence in the New China...or the cause of the Pioneer Party than the Rainbow Rose Foundation.

Perhaps this can only be described as a personal relationship.

"Miss Penny Piggs, the representative of Piggs Company, told me that you are the savior of their family. Now, to be able to contribute to your vision must be the guidance of the spirit of the universe."

"Haha, this was all five years ago. At that time, I was still in Xinyumen...wait a minute, the girl named Penny is at most 17 years old now, right? Does this mean she is a company representative?"

"She has skipped a grade to finish college. There are many geniuses in the universe." Stork spread his hands, looking strange: "I used to think that my learning ability should be pretty good, but in Tianyu Then I realized that I was a frog in the well. Killian got a college degree before he was eighteen years old, and he was in medicine... This kind of thing can surprise anyone, so why should you be surprised?"

Yu Lian said that he really had nothing to be surprised about. After all, compared with a fox who graduated from Ocean University at the age of twelve, the quality of a so-called genius is very limited.

"In addition, it is said that the eldest daughter of Zixinhui Company is learning cooking under Mr. Liu?" Stock asked curiously.

"No matter how noble the eldest daughter is, she has her own preferences. It is always healthier to play with cooking than to play with leaves."

Stock smiled and said: "In addition to the food processing industry, they are also planning to buy a large piece of mountain land on the snow-capped mountains 500 kilometers north of West Lake for forestry cultivation and special crop breeding, as well as to build ski resorts and hunting grounds. They even introduced a stream to prepare for the entire glacier villa area. They have always hoped that I can give them land at a low price for your sake."

In this era, of course, no one will gradually cut wood and burn charcoal for heating, but if forestry can be developed scientifically, systematically, and on a large scale, it can not only improve the natural environment of the newly developed planet, but also produce high-grade wood, breed various mountain delicacies and "wild", and bring added value to the tourism and real estate industries.

This is actually the standard development process of an agricultural planet.

Unfortunately, there are many planets in the universe that are suitable for such development, but there are not many ruling groups that can really carry out the development work down to earth.

Now, the young ruling team of Baichuanxing seems to be really ready to implement this scientific process. In such a chaotic war era, it is full of the light of righteousness.

Yu Lian looked at Stoke who was talking freely, and he became more interested: "Then did you give them the land?"

"If the war hadn't broken out, I might have obeyed!" Stoke spread his hands: "When Zi Xin Hui built the canning factory, it also built a free hospital. It was said to be specially prepared for factory workers, but all farm workers and pioneers could get affordable medicine from there."

Yu Lian's interest suddenly became greater: "...What about after the war broke out?"

"The ski resort and holiday villas naturally couldn't be built, but the planting of medicines in the forest farm began. You know, if some medicines involve extraordinary effects, they need to be planted. Relying on mineral refining will not have the original effect. Zi Xin Hui and Pigs are both companies with a strong sense of conscience and social responsibility, and they can be regarded as good friends of the people of New Shenzhou." Stoke praised very sincerely.

"...Sometimes, conscience and social responsibility are actually relative terms, and they are very time-sensitive. This is true for entrepreneurs, bureaucrats, and workers." Yu Lian said.

"You sound a bit like Chairman Tan. The letter you sent me last week actually expressed the same sentiment."

Yu Lian was very surprised. The last time he got accurate information about Tan Jize, he knew that he had secretly visited the Empire through the Jackass Flag Hotel in the Femo Nebula, and that was two months ago. After that, he completely lost contact.

As for the eldest brother, he even lost news about Chunjun. He only confirmed that she was still alive and kicking through the lifeline incense she left behind.

If Chunjun is still alive, the person she protects should also be alive, right?

However, Yu Lian couldn't help but ask a nonsense question: "Is he still alive?"

"When the letter came, he was still alive. At least when he sent the letter, that is, in October, he was still alive." Stocker also replied with nonsense: "He is still planning a slave uprising in the empire."

"Isn't this... a little too radical?"

"But this is his style! Don't look at him as a law student, but he is actually the most lawless one." Stocker said helplessly: "In the empire, how can you be the president of the student union if you are not lawless?"

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