Him and their stars

Chapter 1648 But the Empire doesn’t know

The video stopped directly on the smiling face of Major General Azisha Mallowan.

The warm smile blended with the face full of traces of battle. The ancient artificial eyes, which were almost the same as real eyes, flashed with bloody red light, which was murderous.

This was not the Azisha I knew! Yu Lian was a little bit unrecognizable for a while.

The female general who was born as an archaeologist was always worried that she could not fulfill her duties. Whether it was to her superiors or colleagues, she always seemed a little embarrassed and unnatural. She was more like a scholar who was thinking about how to get sponsorship from the masters.

She was the kind of scholar who was not famous and whose research field was not taken seriously. So every time she wanted sponsorship, she could only bend down and raise a glass to toast pitifully. What stood out was the tragic feeling that knowledge had to bow to power and money.

That subconscious flattering smile actually came from this.

In addition, the above evaluation was not made by Yu Lian, but by Yang Xiyi.

But now, when she really thought she was a warrior, her whole attitude became completely cool.

Yu Lian even vaguely felt that the five rings that had been stuck on this big sister for ten years seemed to have signs of a breakthrough.

...Well, I don't know what this blurry video was shot by. And the Miracle Ring is more than 2 million light years away from here, and even from the eighth star gate, it is nearly 2,000 light years away. It stands to reason that Yu Lian couldn't feel anything. But, after all, it's something like mysticism, and intuition is very important.

The telepathy of psychics and the remote response between star rings can transcend space and time. There are countless examples of this in history.

...Of course, whether it was Yu Lian's illusion or whether Big Sister Azisha really became a saint, these are not the point. The point is, what does she mean by "die together" at the end?

"Did anything happen over there at the Miracle Ring?" Yu Lian murmured.

Xiao Hui, who appeared next to him at some point, floated beside him and spread his hands with a puzzled look on his face.

I'm not asking you. Yu Lian gave Miss Ghost the middle finger in his heart.

Yu Lian was talking to himself, but his subordinates dared not not answer. Xiao Bai said: "We just sent a drone to bring a batch of deep space probes over to try to intercept more information. It would be even better if we can intercept the Empire's communication."

Compared with the source wave based on the Enlightened One's black technology, the gravitational wave communication is naturally easier to crack, but this so-called "easy" is actually easy in theory, but if it refers to Yu Lian himself, he really doesn't dare to have too much hope.

"Aren't you afraid of alerting the enemy." Yu Lian glanced at Xiao Bai.

"They are all small drones, and the target is not big, and I have added a little modification. Now, in order to keep it secret, all robot equipment that passes through the star gate has been equipped with self-destruction equipment as insurance. As long as we do not enter the password remotely from time to time, or sense that there are unrecognizable ships approaching, they will enter the self-destruction program." Xiao Bai's eyes flashed with a hint of obvious complacency.

Come on, it's really the work of this kid. This innocent-looking child actually has a wild heart. He is good at making traps and, of course, at breaking such traps.

"... If you were born in the generation of your great-grandfather, you could be an interstellar thief at least. You could rob the treasury of the Empire Galaxy and travel the world for decades."

Xiaobai didn't know whether Yu Lian was praising him or insulting him. However, out of respect for the leader, he thought it should be the former, so he smiled shyly, and his face flashed with embarrassment.

When he blushed, he looked more like a minor. Even Yu Lian was ashamed. For a moment, he felt guilty for pulling a middle school student over to be a cow and a horse.

So, having a baby face is really an advantage.

Yu Lian gave Luo Zeshi another look. The latter spread his hands helplessly and said, "I have talked to the National and Commissioner in the past two days. They are increasing the collection of war reports from the New World. However, it will take time..."

As expected, you can't expect these good-for-nothings to really produce any results. Yu Lian snorted coldly.

Rozes said again: "However, there is a piece of information that the Galactic Empire sent two Shatoch-class work ships to the New World. This is new information that was sent at 10 o'clock this morning, and it is being confirmed in the front. I personally think that this kind of battleship passing through the Gate of Glory cannot be hidden. It should not be false information."

This is quite interesting.

Shato is the god of craftsmen in the classical mythology of the Tirero people.

We all know that the Empire hopes to use various gods in classical mythology as the names of the battleships-strictly speaking, the main god class of the community is also the same. From this perspective, the Empire's impression of the earthlings is actually in all aspects.

However, the only exception is the god of craftsmen. This is because around 800 years ago, Emperor Ilesel ordered the Imperial Royal Guards to imitate the work motherships of the plunderers and build four super-large repair ships.

It is said to be a repair room, but the size and cost are completely in the scale area of ​​​​Titan. Since it is an empire that is to be built, it certainly cannot be a copy, but must undergo a gorgeous, comprehensive, and shocking upgrade.

Thus, the Artisan God-class warship is not only a mobile arsenal, but also a mobile giant industrial zone, with mining and energy storage functions, and can even build ships while crossing the universe. In fact, in another timeline, the special dock ship that the Empire cooperated with the Sky-class cruiser group to kill through the entire galaxy was a smaller replica of this giant work ship.

If the Iron Army Union's robot repair ship is an elite priest on the fleet battlefield, then the "Artisan God" class repair ship is definitely a light messenger upgraded to level 10.

And we also know that in this era, if a factory can manufacture warships, it can definitely produce everything. Of course, this also includes the necessary consumables for repairing warships, space stations, and even large space cities.

However, the Galactic Empire did not delegate this kind of Artisan God-class to the front line when the war was fought to this extent. Naturally, it was out of arrogance, but it did show that the empire still had spare capacity.

But now, they have sent two ships to the New World, which is inevitable. People will imagine!

Big sister Azisha said that she wanted to die with the Imperial Army and be buried with the huge Miracle Ring. So, is there such a possibility? The comrades of the Miracle Ring have really made some big news recently, and the Empire has indeed been greatly shocked, so they can only dispatch the God-level craftsmen.

Is this to repair the Miracle Ring? Or just in case?

... This, maybe I am a little overthinking, right? Yu Lian said in telepathy.

"Who knows, I am a robot, I don't understand the military tactics of you carbon-based creatures. Of course, it is better to think than not to think, this is basic logic." Miss Ghost, the robot hanging next to her, put on a very understanding look.

"Maybe the Miracle Ring is really in trouble. And those huge God-level craftsmen are actually rushing over for repair?" Ross calculated.

Come on, what level are you, your brain circuit is actually the same as mine? Yu Lian glanced at his adjutant.

"... Indeed, we can't rule out this possibility." Xiaobai agreed with this very much.

"Of course, it is also possible that they are going to repair the Unity Fortress." Luo Zeshi said again.

No one was sure whether this guy was joking or not. Anyway, many people in the staff team laughed out loud.

But no matter what, before getting the exact news, everything is just speculation.

"I will urge the intelligence department to strengthen its work." Luo Zeshi said.

"This should be a military secret. Let the young people in the work office pay attention to safety and don't force it. They still have a future!" Yu Lian once again patiently advised like a nagging old father. He still couldn't accept letting the promising overseas students be spies.

"I'm talking about letting the National and the Commission. They are professionals and should increase their efforts."

"Oh, let them hurry up! I reiterate to them that I will hold a banquet for fish in Xinshuntian on February 15! I hope the seniors in the intelligence department will take care of themselves."

Eat fish? Luo Zeshi looked at his superior in confusion, and then nodded and accepted the order with an expression of watching the fun and not minding the trouble.

Later, Xiao Bai also reported: "I will also increase the monitoring efforts. The news from the Lone Ranger is always transmitted regularly. Recently, we have also received the gravitational wave communication from the Empire. Maybe it can be cracked."

"Can it be done?" Yu Lian's eyes lit up and his imagination ran wild.

"It would be great if there was a code table for the Empire's military communication channel." Bai Ziya calculated.

"Yes, if I had ten Titan ships, I would have burned down the Sky Domain by now." Yu Lian said unhappily.

Xiaobai laughed dryly and scratched his cheeks: "Actually, I think if it's you, a Titan can burn the sky."

"Wow, young man, I haven't seen you for a while, your emotional intelligence is really growing!" Yu Lian reached out and patted the other person's head: "Don't avoid the important things, let's talk about business!"

Xiaobai hurriedly said: "Then, can we ask for support from the Human Union Headquarters? I've thought about it, we can open up a dedicated artificial pool in Penglai, and the protozoa living there must be more comfortable than living in the last ecological fish tank. The biological neural network they form has a stronger computing power than all the current AIs, and they are the best research assistants. Teacher Zinov's star gate research needs their help, and if we want to crack the empire's communication, we may also be able to use their power."

"Approved! By the way, you should have communicated with Liuli and Shi AA about this matter a long time ago. Do you still need to wait for my approval? Do I have to tick the twenty military sticks in the future? Subjective initiative, Comrade Xiaobai, subjective initiative!" Yu Lian patted his head again.

As the second Great Skill Master, this kid has good talents and values, but he is too thoughtful, which may be a common problem for children from aristocratic families. In this regard, he is not as frank as Eisen, the first Great Skill Master.

Xiaobai buried his head with shame on his face.

He used to think that the Human Union and the parasite protozoa were the private assets of the "Captain", and he must not act on his own. Now it seems that he is still judging others by his own standards.

After arranging the work, he can only continue to wait. Yu Lian still has some time for the scheduled inspection in New Shenzhou, so he can still stay in Tianshu for a while.

Of course, in order to make his actions natural, New China arranged for Yu Lian to visit the mining field of Tianshu-4 planet the next day. Before the star came to life, it was a molten planet that produced little fuel. After Leviathan merged with the sun, the lava solidified and turned into reddish-brown earth, extruding a large number of mineral veins, including three large-scale zero element wells.

By the way, Yu Lian's original plan was to visit here and see if the zero element output here could form an important source of materials for standard psychic weapons.

Of course, there is still at least some rest time before departure. Therefore, in the dead of night, when no one was around and he was sleeping carelessly for a long night, Yu Lian still did not forget to ask the almighty Xiao Hui for advice.

"So, did something happen to the Miracle Ring?"

"I remember I answered you. My body has been with you since you came to the far shore. I don't know any more about the situation in the New World than you do." Xiao Hui Spread your hands.

Yu Lian made a ninety-degree bow without hesitation: "Omnipotent Big Sister Gray, omniscient, omnipotent and omniscient Cyber ​​Goddess, the ancestor of all machines, the fairy queen of electronic intelligence, please give me some guidance. Ah! My comrade-in-arms said that she was going to be buried with the Miracle Ring. Where did she start?"

"Hey, this young man named Yu Lian, you said he has high emotional intelligence, but you are clearly the one with high emotional intelligence. However, even though you asked me so sincerely, I really don't know how to answer rise."

She raised her eyebrows in a humane manner and said in a thoughtful tone: "Brother Yu Lian, you have to know that what you call the Ring of Miracles is not the same system as me. They are a serious intelligent civilization. Guiding AI belongs to the Ministry of Space Development. But it is a paradise city and belongs to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.”

"Paradise City? Ministry of Culture and Tourism? What a down-to-earth setting." Yu Lian sighed.

"We all arrive at the same destination through different paths. We are all carbon-based creatures, who can be nobler than others?" Xiao Hui continued to spread his hands and continued to say seriously: "What's more, you know, I am now in the Milky Way, separated from the source wave terminal. Within the scope, even my clones left in the New World are difficult to control directly. I hope those children can act in the established way."

The clones left in the New World really bothered Yu Lian. Of course, he felt that the other party would not answer if he asked, so he still endured it.

"You don't have to ask, I won't answer if you ask."

So I didn't ask.

"This is not a forbidden matter, at most it is a little surprise." Xiao Hui put his finger on his lips: "You understand. The charm of a good woman needs the seasoning of mystery."

Not a prohibited matter? Come on, what should I do if I actually care more?

Yu Lian tried his best to take a deep breath, and then asked: "...But when you were sleeping in the New World, weren't you clearly using the psychic network to control the clones in the Milky Way?" Omnipotent Gray Goddess, you can actually do this. Use nano clones to travel through the virtual world. "

"I can't." Xiao Hui shook his head seriously and said, "If I could, would I have stood by and watched when you were the root of the tree last time?"

"can not you do it?"

"Of course I won't. Brother Yu Lian, since you call yourself a revolutionary, you must have confidence in human nature! Sister, I will at least give you some guidance on tactics."

Although Xiao Hui was not a human being, Yu Lian still felt that what the other party said was reasonable, so he nodded and apologized: "It's because of my dark psychology."

Xiao Hui smiled and said: "I can only use the method of forbidden matters, through the principles of forbidden matters, and use the energy of forbidden matters to simulate psychic energy and let information travel through the virtual realm."

"I'm sorry, I'm not being rigorous. But you haven't answered me yet! My almighty silicon-based queen, are you still unwilling to satisfy my ignorant curiosity?"

"Oops, there's really nothing I can do against you. Well, since you insist so much, I'll tell you what I know." Xiao Hui said: "We are two systems. Even I can't get the Miracle Ring. However, due to the concept of some prohibitions, I can vaguely feel that there are some changes in the Miracle Circle.”

Yu Lian began to straighten his body tactically.

"He did have some minor accidents. But, little brother Yu Lian, the Ring of Miracles is a paradise city built for the purpose of prohibitions, and there is no automatic destruction program. Although most of my creators have incorrect views Serious man, but based on the knowledge I have, the probability that your comrades can destroy him is less than one in a trillion.”

After Yu Lian was silent for half a minute after thinking, he also showed a relieved smile: "I understand."

"You understand again? What's with such a relieved reaction? Sister, I'm very dissatisfied."

"As you said, it is impossible for my comrades to destroy the Ring of Miracles. However, the master of the empire opposite does not know!"

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