Him and their stars

Chapter 1651 Long Live the Fleet and Long Live the Division

Perhaps Yang Xiyi is really a person favored by the spirit of the universe. Just three minutes later, the second unmanned interstellar ship also passed through the star gate with tens of millions of tons of urgently needed supplies for the fleet.

This time, the two destroyers of the Yang fleet that had already approached the star gate seemed to be able to clearly see with the naked eye a transport ship that looked like a barracuda, which had just emerged from the liquid shell of the deep blue giant planet. At first glance, it looked like a ferocious beast that jumped out of the abyss sea.

Well... Compared with the appearance of the giant planet disguised outside the star gate, the transport ship is also very small. At most, it is a mosquito that arched out of the ocean. Of course, it is impossible to see it with the naked eye, but they can at least use a radio telescope to see a high-definition real-time picture without any delay.

After rounding off, of course it can be regarded as using the naked eye.

The crew on the destroyer exclaimed, and then turned into excited ecstasy.

"Destroyer Yabing No. 277, requesting a test run."

"Destroyer Gladiator No. 121, requesting standby observation."

The crew's request was quickly passed to the Tianshu Laboratory.

Since it was the request of the soldiers of the Yang Fleet, Yu Lian certainly would not object, but he still directly suggested to Yang Xiyi: "Do a test run directly now? I thought you would at least use drones."

"I also want to be cautious, but there is really not much time. 30 hours ago, we had a firefight with the fleet of Viscount Mettig who was following us. Ha, after this person was promoted to major general, he awakened the attribute of lingering ghosts."

"...Mettig? Neat Mettig?"

"Oh, you know this one?" Yang Xiyi looked at Yu Lian with interest: "The Imperial Army has nearly 40,000 active brigadier generals and 15,000 major generals. You should not be able to remember all of them."

Indeed, Major General Mettig is not well-known now, because he is not the type who likes to show off. However, in another timeline, this person was also a marshal of the empire. He was known for his steady and solid use of troops, and was a very typical imperial academic commander. After Ms. Ostana Barr entered the Grand Marshal's Mansion, he served as the first chief of staff of Queen Brunhilde for a long time.

Of course, after gradually withdrawing from the military, he did not become a general or a prime minister like the traditional Tirilo nobles, but became the president of the Imperial Royal University of Arts, which showed his personality.

However, this is also a story on another timeline. The current Viscount Mettig is indeed just an ordinary imperial army major general who was born into a noble family, received perfect military training since childhood, and graduated from a professional school to serve in the army. He is almost a resume template for the children of Tirilo nobles.

"This should be a very difficult guy, right?" Yu Lianxiao asked.

"Indeed." Yang Xiyi nodded vigorously: "There are at least eight imperial fleets that are chasing me with all their might. I have beaten each of them, but this Major General Mettig can always escape unscathed. He is indeed a very good general!"

The "excellence" of a general is measured by whether he can escape unscathed in front of you, right? Well, Teacher Yang's mood seems to have recovered a lot, and he began to pretend to be smooth again.

"If such an excellent talent falls in this starry sky, it would be better to break one finger than to hurt ten fingers." Yang Xiyi said in a cruel tone: "In fact, I am really considering setting an ambush to wipe him out."

Yu Lian immediately became interested.

In another timeline, Yang Xiyi really didn't fight with Mettig. But in addition to this, a group of famous imperial generals have also suffered a lot in front of Teacher Yang. This is probably because the young and vigorous faction that grew up on the battlefield are aggressive and aggressive. Once they gain the upper hand, they can achieve brilliant results, but they are also easily calculated by the shrewd and calculating brain faction like Yang Xiyi.

In contrast, it is difficult for the brain school to do anything when encountering the steady and down-to-earth academic school, so it is easy to turn into a stupid battle to test the inner strength.

However, if I think about it this way, I am actually afraid of the opponent who builds a strong camp and fights a stupid battle. Doesn't this mean that I am essentially a smart general of the brain school?

Yu Lian immediately became complacent. In the future, whoever says that I am a psychic monkey who relies on brute force to face the wind and waves, I will be angry with him!

At this time, I heard Yang Xiyi say again: "Viscount Mettig is a calm and steady general. It should be difficult to be fooled. However, fighting a mobile war in the vast starry sea of ​​the Dawn Nebula is different from fighting a positional war in the Milky Way. You can always find some flaws. It's a pity that I still don't have enough troops. Even if I catch him, I can't do a fatal blow. If I still have a few battleships in my hands, the result will definitely be different."

The reinforcements are really coming now. It was a fleet that Marshal Bonaparte squeezed out from the Nantianmen garrison. Except for the Hyperion battlecruiser, the rest were old warships, but they were well maintained and could guarantee basic combat effectiveness.

In addition, there was also the most advanced aircraft carrier, the Enterprise. Yu Lian had high hopes for it.

He was about to share this good news when he saw Yang Xiyi laughing at himself again: "Hey, forget it, a vagrant who was as frightened as a stray dog, actually wanted to make a big news. I am really greedy."

"Yes, it is indeed not in line with your past low-carbon and environmentally friendly attitude." Yu Lian said with a smile.

"So, it is true that I was influenced by other comrades in the Dawn Nebula." Yang Xiyi spread his hands.

Other comrades? Yu Lian looked at Yang Xiyi meaningfully.

"Let's take a look at the situation of the star gate first." He added: "If everything can be accomplished, my consideration of the Dawn Nebula can come to life."

Overall strategic considerations? Yu Lian's eyes were even more meaningful.

"If you can't do something even if you try your best, don't force it. You can't force yourself to reach a place that you can reach but can't reach. However, if you can reach it but turn a blind eye, this is irresponsible behavior." Yang Xiyi said.

"Civilization, country or ideology, they are all made up of people's subjective initiative, and I admire this. But in the final analysis, I just hope that some people should have some self-awareness besides double standards." Yu Lian said.

Then, just when the two were about to start helping each other again, a new report came.

"Ya Bing No. 227, confirmed that you have passed through the star gate!" Xiaobai's voice was very excited.

"Yabing 227 has passed the star gate protection layer and is docking with the Tianmu Mountain supply ship." Luo Zeshi's voice also came over. He even acted happier than Xiao Bai.

Yang Xiyi made a tactical retreat: "There are still 2,000 tons of gold and 1 ton of various zero elements on Yabing 227. They are all my war spoils during the period of time in the Dawn Nebula. Hurry up and load and unload them."

Yu Lian was very moved. He felt that Teacher Yang was just like a model robber. Even after being arrested, he must find a way to inform his accomplices of the location of the hidden money. He is a model of the black (cat) way. Even after hundreds of years, he will definitely be praised by all the brothers in the way!

Then, an island-class light carrier that looked the most miserable also left the large fleet and staggered towards the star gate.

"This Taiyuandao is really in bad shape, but if it is repaired in time, it may be able to be restored. At the very least, it should be able to be used as a local patrol ship. In addition, there are more than 100 fighters in its hangar, which can still be repaired. Probably..."

Yang Xiyi looked like he knew how to live. In Yu Lian's opinion, he really had some of the charm of our army in the previous life.

Of course, it was when our army was not rich yet.

"There will be the latest 33-type fighters to supplement it. The White Devil fighter is ultimately just a transitional replacement, and it is no longer worthy of the White Devil Squadron's capabilities."

Yang Xiyi said: "Indeed, the average number of kills of the White Devil Squadron pilots has reached double digits. The top ace Lieutenant Li Baolu now has more than 50 kills. He is indeed a flying genius I have never seen in my life. I vaguely remember that this young man seemed to have been discovered by you from some local aviation school, right?"

Yu Lian was naturally surprised by this record, but at least he was not surprised.

After all, he is the "white devil" on another timeline, the strongest ace pilot of the Volunteer Army who flies a pure white painted Cang Liao Fang and kills the empire.

To be honest, Yu Lian was always worried that the other friends of the 830th class would have different experiences from their previous lives, so they were ultimately unable to fully realize their potential and grow into a complete body. However, a combat genius like Li Baolu is another matter. As long as he is given the best equipment, training and actual combat in advance, he will definitely grow up earlier than in his previous life.

Of course, with such a record of the fighter squadron, the record of the Yang Fleet can certainly be imagined.

"I believe that when I see your navigation log, I will definitely shout "Long live the Yang Fleet." Yu Lian said: "Although I have already shouted this privately when the news from the Unity Fortress came."

"You'd better shout this when you are on Earth, so that I will definitely be on the blacklist of some masters and enjoy the treatment of Marshal Yue." Yang Xiyi sneered.

"It is more likely to make you awake." Yu Lian said. .

As for what kind of awakening method is and what to do after awakening, the two did not continue to talk about it, but exchanged a tacit look with mutual contempt. But Yang Xiyi's subsequent words made Yu Lian's heart sink.

"It's just that the White Devil Squadron has suffered more than 70% of its casualties. The captain has also been replaced three times. Lieutenant Li Baolu, who you are most optimistic about, has begun to lead the captain."

"... War is always like this."

"Do you still remember the second ace in the team after Li Baolu, the girl named Martha Deacon?"

"Of course I remember. On the Navy Day, Wayne's flying ace on the Blue King. You are not going to tell me that she died?" Yu Lian sighed.

Although the girl was on the opposite ship of Wayne, wasn't Simon the same? In fact, all the members on the two ships on the Navy Day that year were regarded by Yu Lian as his original old team.

Most of these old comrades did not join the army, but after all, swords and guns have no eyes, and things are impermanent. After the battle, even those who did not join the Community Defense Forces died in the war, not to mention those in the army.

Yu Lian thought it was still difficult for him to adapt to this.

Fortunately, Yang Xiyi's subsequent tone was not so heavy: "She survived, but she lost a leg and an arm, her eyes were severely burned, and there was some nerve damage. She needs to go to a better-equipped orbital hospital. However, even if her hands and legs are restored through gene therapy, she will not be able to return to her position as a pilot."

Yu Liandao: "Bai Yujing will be the main production base for new lightning strike ships and new fighter aircraft in the future, and the scale of the aviation school will also be expanded nearby. That girl is very suitable to stay as an instructor.

He wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that Lieutenant Martha Daken had survived after all, but he couldn't. He knew very well that of course this could not be the only bad news Yang Xiyi brought to him.

However, before he could ask, he received news that the Dayuan Island Light Mother had passed through the star gate.

At this time, Yang Xiyi's dull face finally showed clear joy: "Let the two immigrant ships pass first. People who evacuated from Dawn, Unity Fortress, and even Yaochi and Miracle Ring have all There are now more than 200,000 people on the ship. They are civilians and have no reason to continue taking risks with us. But they are also the most loyal and brave people. Even in the most difficult times, they have never said that they want to surrender to the empire. ”

Of course, there are more than 200,000 people. It is impossible for everyone to bend rather than bend. But as long as the overall atmosphere is here, any weird words and objections will definitely be submerged in the thoughts of the people.

"They will be properly accommodated. No, they will receive the greatest preferential treatment. The New China Sector welcomes all strong, loyal and hard-working people, no matter where they come from." Yu Liandao.

"You speak as if this New China is really your territory." Yang Xiyi said with a smile.

Yu Lian pretended not to understand his subtext, but grasped the key point: "But Yaochi? Ring of Miracles? Fleet Yang has been here before?"

"Of course I have. I even almost recovered the Ring of Miracles." Yang Xiyi said.

"...Teacher Yang is mighty."

"Well, of course this is just a mouthful. I actually wanted to attract the attention of Marshal Farrell himself and the Vulcan Airan by conducting a feint attack on the Ring of Miracles. It can be said that it was at least half successful. ”

"I'm very curious." Yu Lian suddenly opened his eyes.

He did not answer immediately, but changed the topic: "As for Yaochi. I witnessed with my own eyes the soldiers and civilians of the 38th Division and Marshal Li Gelu launched a comprehensive attack on the imperial defenders. As of December On the 28th, all the imperial strongholds around our position had been removed. The only remaining imperial landing position on Yaochi Planet was the semi-abandoned immigration point more than 3,000 kilometers away from Marshal Li Gele. ”

Yu Lian was sure that this was the battle he saw in the video.

"Were you there?"

"I was indeed present. I just conducted a tactical maneuver in the outer orbit of the Yaochi galaxy and lured away the imperial warships on standby in the Yaochi orbit. Obviously, our comrades seized this opportunity."

No wonder. I originally thought it was a reckless attack from the 38th Division, but it was clearly a perfect air-ground coordination!

"As of the end of the battle on December 28, the Imperial Stormtroopers and Panzergrenadiers had left nearly 100,000 corpses and prisoners in the wilderness of that planet, a number equivalent to that of the 38th Division. Three times. Now, the planet has temporarily returned to a state of ceasefire, but they are still standing. If there is anyone who can truly shout Long Live, they are more worthy of such an honor. "

"Long live the 38th Division!" Yu Lian raised his hands sincerely and cheered loudly.

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