Him and their stars

Chapter 1654 I try not to think too much

Well, a mere carbon-based monkey that can only live for a hundred years actually thinks that the entire universe is based on a similar, identical moral standard. This is where human beings are superficial, and this is also where human beings are arrogant.

... This seems to be what Professor Huo said. His character is questionable, but he should still be good. Yu Lian thinks he should still believe what he said.

In this way, Xiao Hui's "ridiculous" statement certainly makes sense.

In short, the truth of the Miracle Ring should be very clear now. The friendly forces that are still there found and activated the mechanism to destroy the dome of Plate 1487. It is not known whether it was the work of the senior archaeologist Major General Mallowan, the spiritual research association's disciple Long Yuan, or some other heroic team, but this is not important.

The important thing is, but no one knows which smart person had the idea to turn it into a means of threatening the Galactic Empire.

Facts have proved that the effect is obvious.

The Imperial Army fleet in the Miracle Ring was indeed frightened. Even the famous Vulcan left the temporary port on the ring and opened up at least one astronomical unit of ground distance from the ring world.

In this case, when the Yang fleet entered the Miracle Ring galaxy from another direction, the Imperial Army did not send anyone to intercept it.

Of course, the Yang fleet did not act rashly. Although Yang Xiyi appeared arrogant, he was actually very stable. All his seemingly "crazy" actions were the result of careful consideration. He certainly knew that if they really fought, the Yang fleet might not be able to beat a Vulcan together. What's more, watching the Miracle Ring with its dome automatically destroyed, the soldiers on Earth were actually frightened.

The Yang fleet ultimately failed to successfully land on the Miracle Ring, but only completed a severely interfered gravitational wave communication with Colonel Long Yuan.

The sound from both sides was intermittent, and the picture clarity was even worse than the two broadcasts Yu Lian received. The only thing that could be confirmed was that the disciple of the Spiritual Research Society, who was clearly a descendant of the Tirilo nobles but was born and raised on Earth, smiled carelessly and gave the camera a thumbs-up.

But I don't know whether they are doing well or wishing other comrades good luck.

Another active signal was received, but it was a Pelican transport work ship belonging to the community military. This is a medium-sized armed freighter, which was previously affiliated with the logistics department of the expedition fleet, and may be the only survivor of the expedition fleet left in the Miracle Ring galaxy.

After the Miracle Ring Battle, they have been huddled in the shadow of the side bottom of the ring and shivering, trying their best to disguise themselves as an ordinary protruding furniture of the Miracle Ring.

Perhaps it was the blessing of the spirit of the universe that they did survive.

Of course, as long as such a small boat does not fly in space, does not start the subspace engine at will, and keeps gliding at low speed close to the main structure of the Miracle Ring, it is indeed difficult to find it.

So, after going through untold hardships, the Pelican also had a brief meeting with Major General Mallowan and his men.

"There are now 200 seriously injured people on the Pelican." Yang Xiyi said.

Perhaps this is also the last chance for the resistance fighters on the Miracle Ring to evacuate the wounded. Yu Lian sighed.

"And all the civilian experts of the Pioneer Corps who have not been captured, a total of 87 people."

They are the only "civilians" left on the Miracle Ring, and they should indeed evacuate in advance.

As for those early adventurers who also exceeded 10,000, after all, they are all strong and know how to operate various weapons and large tools, so they have naturally been incorporated by the defenders. Some of them have died in battle, some surrendered with Major General Watt Lar, and some are still fighting with Big Sister Mallowan.

"In addition, there are some things brought down from the ring, haha... According to Major General Mallowan, with these, if we really want to blow up the Miracle Ring, it can be regarded as a souvenir."

Yu Lian's intuition told him that the things brought down from the ring world must not be ordinary things, but this depends on the results of subsequent research.

After completing the transfer of personnel and items with Major General Mallowan, the Pelican continued to lurk in the shadow of the Miracle Ring. They originally wanted to find an opportunity to sneak away, after all, the small ship is easy to turn around and of course to escape.

It is unknown when the opportunity will come, but the Yang Fleet did wait for it.

So, after the two sides met, Yang Xiyi, who was clear-headed, immediately ordered the fleet to retreat immediately. Before the Vulcan Airan on the opposite side reacted, they quickly evacuated the Miracle Ring, and then before the rest of the Imperial Fleet rushed over to close the encirclement, a burst of crazy attacks repelled an Imperial fleet in front, and then drilled out from the gap in the enemy's array.

I can only say that I am grateful for the Dawn Nebula, which is connected in all directions. This is the blessed land of interstellar shipping, and it has also become a paradise for innate wandering holy bodies like Yang Xiyi.

As for how the more specific operations were completed, they can only be found in the fleet's navigation log and the detailed battle report submitted by Yang's fleet.

Yu Lian then told Yang Xiyi about the situation and detailed analysis he knew. After the latter's thoughtful expression lasted for half a minute, it clearly turned into obvious joy, which could even be regarded as ecstasy.

"That's it. If the empire doesn't find all the remaining soldiers of our army in the Ring of Miracles, they will always feel that the Sword of Damocles is hanging over their heads. As long as one unit is still fighting, even "As long as there are still people breathing, we can definitely contain a lot of the empire's power," he thought carefully.

Yu Lian agreed: "Yes, in order to find Sister Mallowan and the others, they can only conduct an all-round search of the entire Miracle Ring. Not only can the 600,000-strong army not be withdrawn, Maybe we need to continue to increase our troops.”

"Not only do we need to increase our troops, we also need to prepare more fleets for searching outside orbit. In addition, it is very likely that we will need to prepare more large-scale exploration, rescue, and engineering equipment in the galaxy. These cannot be solved nearby and can only be solved from Transportation from other galaxies will give me more opportunities to make a fuss. Originally, the size of the imperial fleet in the New World was being reduced, but now, it is also being mobilized." Yang Xiyi smiled.

Yu Lian heard the meaning of the other party's words and was silent for a moment. Just when he was about to say something, he heard the latter curiously ask: "So, will the Ring of Miracles really not be destroyed?"

"It's actually not that important." Yu Liandao.

"...Indeed, this is not important at all. What is important is actually whether our enemies dare to take this risk." Yang Xiyi seemed to understand something, showed a knowing smile, and then said in a determined tone : "And the Galaxy Empire would never dare!"

"Oh, how can you see this?" Yu Lian looked at Yang Xiyi's determined expression and asked with interest.

"Even a person like me who doesn't have much faith in the creations of the Enlightened Ones, and who deeply feels that the emergence of the Ring of Miracles is a bane to the community, is reluctant to let this largest creation of the Enlightened Ones in history be destroyed in one go. What's more, my obsession is so deep. Where is the empire?" Yang Xiyi said.

Well, this is indeed very convincing coming from a monument vandal who destroyed the Fortress of Unity without saying a word.

"In the final analysis, the prosperous and prosperous great civilization of the Galactic Empire was based on a poor imitation of the Enlightened Ones. In this regard, even the civilization established by the Alliance profiteers has a more original development path than the Tirero people. Some."

These words are a bit vicious, but they are not completely aimless. There are seven or eight Enlightenment ruins of various sizes on Rui, the empire's home planet, and the "Dragon of Dawn" was dug out from there. Their art and architectural styles were influenced by the Enlightened Ones in their home planet era. I really can’t tell whether this is a blessing or a misfortune.

"The people of Tireluo cannot bear the pain of losing a sacred heritage of this scale, and the emperor cannot accept it even more... Yes, it is precisely because of the emperor that they cannot accept it." Yang Xiyi's smile gradually became more obvious. Malice:

"More importantly, if the Ring of Miracles is really gone, how could it be that it was just a matter of destroying cultural relics? It was clearly a slap in the face of His Majesty the Emperor! No, it was clearly a matter of rubbing His Majesty the Emperor's face on the floor of Longlin Palace. Ah!" Yu Lian felt that it was quite touching, so he smiled even more maliciously than Yang Xiyi.

In a sense, this is actually an unsolvable conspiracy! Moreover, from now on, Sister Mallowan and the others will probably be the units that bear the most pressure among all the community armies, even far exceeding the pressure that Yu Company has to face in Seide Fortress.

But at this time, there was nothing he could do except provide spiritual support to his comrades in the ring.

I hope they can at least hold on until the day of complete victory.

At this time, a new notice came from Xiaobai: the two largest ships in Yang's fleet also started their passage test.

These are two strange spaceships that are clumsy in appearance, even ugly, and full of green-skinned hybrid style. However, their driving tracks still appear to be very stable. As everyone witnessed, they had carefully entered the gravitational range of the star gate.

These two immigrant ships were, of course, captured from looters. They were mobile cities belonging to these starry nomads. They not only had residential attributes, but also had a considerable part of the work attributes. Before the war started, they were undergoing repairs and modifications in the Onotia system, so that they could take away all the people in the colony at once.

In the galaxy guerrilla war that followed for nearly a year, they followed the main force of the Yang fleet to fight in all directions and never fell behind.

The so-called formal modification is to install more stable auxiliary bearings and armor plates on them, and to add new energy packs to provide new glove life-saving devices. As a result, the living space of the immigrant ship seems to be smaller, but the habitability has been greatly improved.

Even so, these "nomadic ships" in the hands of plunderers still maintain an indescribable rough wasteland style. There are solid meteorite fragments and exposed pipes hanging on the ship. At first glance, you might think they are assembled building blocks made of all kinds of space junk.

But even putting aside these simple green-skin styles, they are still the most intact ships in the fleet.

At this time, not only the pioneer immigrants of Onotia, but also the staff and their families of major companies and bureaucracies who had evacuated from the Unity Fortress, the women and children of Yaochi, and the experts of the Miracle Circle, all civilians were transferred to The two ships are aboard.

So far, there are nearly 200,000 "civilians" on the two ships.

It is conceivable that the Yang Fleet had made great efforts and sacrifices to protect them. However, to put it bluntly, they were actually the biggest burden of the Yang Fleet during the guerrilla war.

However, these people were a burden in the New World, but if they appeared in the mainland, they would be the best producers and builders. And this all depends on whether they can pass through the star gate.

I hope everything goes well. At this time, even Yu Lian, who had witnessed many star gate tests, was a little nervous.

Yu Lian and Yang Xiyi, across the star gate, watched the two immigrant ships suddenly increase their horsepower and sink into the dark blue atmospheric shell that looked like an abyss.

Then, another five minutes passed, and an immigrant ship drilled out from the other side of the huge blue star.

As for the other one, it had naturally successfully appeared in Tianshu. She had just escaped from the impression of the star gate's gravity, and before she had time to stop the ship, two work ships and a medical ship came up here, as if firefighters and doctors were rescuing seriously injured people at the disaster site.

"Don't worry, we passed test 01, so test 02 is not far away. The eighth star gate is a very gentle star gate. If you fail this time, it will not affect the next time." Yu Lian comforted.

Yang Xiyi nodded and forced a smile: "A gentle star gate... Then, let's name it Babel Tower. It's more auspicious."

"... Auspicious?" Have you accumulated so much mental pressure recently?

"The more cheap the name, the easier it is to live. This is the same reason. Nantianmen is very magnificent, but it is coveted and attacked every day. I hope this star gate can live in a different way." Yang Xiyi explained: "Besides, Babel Tower has never been built in mythology. If something does not exist, it means that the empire will never be found."

You said both the right and the wrong thing, you are worthy of it!

Maybe cheap names are really easy to live with. After Trial 02, the subsequent passage was very smooth. Two destroyers that needed repairs, plus the Alpine repair ship that needed to replenish consumables, also passed through the eighth star gate, which was temporarily named "Tower of Babel".

Two hours later, Yang's fleet conducted another 30 trial passages in batches, and the success rate reached a record high of more than 40%.

Fortunately, all the most damaged warships successfully returned to the mainland, including the scarred Lexington and Saratoga sisters. In addition, the Trial 2 immigrant ship carrying another 100,000 people was also one of them.

Unfortunately, the Ulysses where Teacher Yang was, and the Aurora where Senior Eleanor was, did not succeed in the first passage test.

"I heard that this star gate is still unstable. So, is it related to the quality of the passing ships?"

Yu Lian shook his head slightly: "Professor Zinov is still calculating... I once used a temporary engine to successfully push a 100 million-ton asteroid through the star gate, unimpeded."

That is indeed much heavier than an immigrant ship.

"We also fired rail guns at the star gate, but even a shell weighing less than 500kg didn't penetrate it."

"You are so shameless... I mean, it is worthy of being a relic of the Enlightened One, and its outstanding feature is its unpredictable willfulness!" Yang Xiyi was amazed.

"Of course, if it is not willful, can it still be considered a holy relic of the Enlightened One?" Yu Lian glanced at a flashing robot ghost with the corner of his eye.

"I am very unhappy that you associated me with me, and your eyes made me even more unhappy. I am very unhappy when you called me a 'relic'. This materialization of a silicon-based fairy, how can you be a carbon-based monkey." Xiao Hui said unhappily: "So, sister decided not to teach you the rules for opening this star gate."

Yu Lian thought that the robot was lying again - if she wanted to say it, she would have said it a few years ago, and there would be no tug-of-war here.

Perhaps seeing Yu Lian's sneer, the robot lady became even more dissatisfied and said unhappily: "From now on, this star gate will definitely remain the same! Unless you find a more detailed password! Humph, but the number of the password actually exceeds your existing mathematical concepts!"

... Indeed, it has already penetrated into the most cutting-edge mathematical field, and it is not something that can be easily resolved. Of course, professional matters should be handed over to professional teams, and these professional teams are also coming in fish tanks.

However, Yu Lian still expressed his gratitude to Xiao Hui in telepathy: "Thank you very much!"

"Well, is it ironic or sincere? Although the silicon-based fairy sister is learning, she still doesn't quite understand the puns, metaphors and yin and yang of the carbon-based monkeys."

"Of course it's sincere. You said that this star gate will remain the same, doesn't it mean that the blue protective cover wrapped outside will also be kept as it is, isn't this a natural cover?"

Xiao Hui glanced at Yu Lian, did not comment, and smiled, which can actually be regarded as an answer.

At this time, the Sky Survey Eye, which was lurking in the neighboring galaxy, also sent the latest intelligence. The two imperial fleets that would join later were heading towards the gravity well leading to this galaxy and should arrive in this galaxy within two to three hours.

Yang Xiyi said: "In order to ensure the absolute safety of the star gate, the trial passage should be temporarily stopped."

The hyperspace mass reaction within the gravity well will leave an energy reaction for days or even weeks, which is also the primary clue for tracking enemy ships. However, the residual traces of subspace navigation within the galaxy will definitely dissipate completely within 150 minutes, and even the top psychic navigators will not be able to continue tracking.

Regarding the safety of the "Tower of Babel", Yang Xiyi chose the most conservative approach. He can always jump between the most conservative and the most crazy.

"In addition, the remaining ships will go to the hidden range of the protective layer of the star gate and wait for a while. I hope this layer looks like a liquid metal layer, and it is also an illusion of a liquid metal layer when detected, and it will not collapse suddenly." Yang Xiyi said again.

"Don't worry, I can be sure that my saint intuition tells me that even if the Galactic Empire is finished, this protective cover will not be finished." Yu Lian said.

"Oh, what a saint intuition! Carbon-based creatures, psychic energy, tsk, I know it." Xiao Hui did not hide his contemptuous eyes at all.

However, Yang Xiyi on the opposite side thought for a few seconds and nodded vigorously: "Although it sounds unconvincing, mystery is actually one of the qualities of a superior. You are so convincing when you say this."

Yu Lian felt that the other party seemed to be mocking him, but because his expression was too sincere and it didn't seem like it, he could only spread his hands tactically.

"Then, let's hold another combat meeting. Bonaparte, Wayne, Kent and Akina are all here, so we can have a good discussion. The direction of the war and the direction of the current situation can be discussed freely." Yang Xiyi said.

"That's great! This is probably the most complete club since the war started, but this is just an ordinary combat meeting, don't think too much." Yu Lian said.


"Don't think too much, this is the truth."

"I will try not to think too much."

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