Him and their stars

Chapter 1669 What is it like to talk about work on a ship?

Colonel Fina Li is still an officer of the Propaganda Department directly under the National Defense Commission. After all, with her current fame, as long as she is still in the National Defense Commission, she will be the highest-level propaganda material.

Of course, considering that she is the first Earthling to win the Yagomi Award, her current rank is the so-called special first-class officer (enjoying the treatment of a full division). In addition, she also served in the Military Command and the General Staff, and officially served as the assistant to the operations staff of the Far Shore War Zone, which is the so-called adjutant of the staff.

So, as an excellent film artist and a conscientious young war correspondent, she naturally served as the adjutant of the youngest general in active service.

This position, of course, was applied by herself. It is said that she even declined the star that the National Defense Commission was going to give her.

However, after graduating from the Philippine University, the director spent half of his time making movies and half of his time playing documentaries. The occasional front-line reports were more like those accumulated in his spare time. From all aspects, she is more like a well-trained person in the arts and literature world, rather than a serious officer.

In this way, even if she graduated first in the Tiger Tally Group that year, it is difficult to prove that she can really do such an important job as a staff adjutant. What's more, it is such an important combat position in the Far Shore War Zone.

It is said that a senior officer of the Personnel Bureau in the National Defense Committee expressed his doubts in this way. As for the experience that Colonel Fina Li had briefly served as an adjutant to Yu Lian in the War of Conviction, the masters also felt that this was clearly the young general trying his best to brush up some military merits for his little lover.

Similar operations, everyone said they were very familiar with them, and everyone said they understood them very well.

In short, whether from the legal or human aspects, or even from the most basic system construction, this kind of personnel appointment should be impossible to pass. But since the masters are all mature social people with high emotional intelligence, they naturally cannot be indifferent to the customs. They always behave like trolls when it comes to their own interests, but they are always very smooth in interpersonal relationships.

Of course, as the saying goes, life goes on and the war goes on. Although Yu Lian was a little broken by the operation of good news and bad news, he still had to do the work in front of him first.

So, he went to Xinshuntian to inspect the repair project of the Titan ship again according to the original plan, and learned that the Earth side had been discussing the naming of this battleship for several days.

Some said that it would be named "Triumph", which is a pun and can also commemorate the founding father Victoria Lee.

Speaking of which, the only battleship named after Marshal Li was the old battle cruiser snatched from the Empire during the War of Independence. That was also the first battleship owned by the Earthlings. It was retired within two years after the founding of the country.

And the subsequent battleships that entered service were not named to commemorate the founding father. This is very abnormal, and even terrifying.

Of course, some people think that it should be called Independence or Liberty Flag, which is of course to commemorate the heroic ship that fought to the end in the New World.

After all, Liberty Flag was the flagship of Marshal Picard (posthumously awarded after his death), so it’s fine to commemorate it. Independence surrendered. The only reason why Admiral Connoris was not nailed to the pillar of shame was that he committed suicide to thank the soldiers.

How can the Independence, which ended in a not very decent way, be commemorated? It’s not possible to ignore the Basic Law just because it is the first dreadnought of the Community?

What’s more, Independence has been captured by the Empire in the New World. According to international naval practice, this ship name should be completely cancelled in theory. If it is named with the same name, it is exactly the same as the restoration of the troops that were completely wiped out and the regiment flag was seized in the previous life by a South Korean country, and it has even gone a step further.

What kind of mental state are the dignitaries on the Earth side? Yu Lian really can’t interfere, but he really can’t afford to lose this person.

In short, just because of this insignificant naming issue, the masters on the Earth side fell into a continuous mental exhaustion, and actually forgot to incorporate the Titan into the rebuilding local fleet.

This may be the only luck in all the misfortunes.

"After the renovation work is completed, set off quickly and send it directly to the Sai De Fortress." Yu Lian ordered.

Zhixia understood and said: "Have you considered that if this ship fights the Empire, it will naturally be included in the Far Shore War Zone. Even if the Earth wants to make trouble, it can't find a reason?"

Yu Lian nodded, and then said: "But we still have to make preparations. Let the new recruits in the engine and maintenance department also participate in the renovation work, so that they can familiarize themselves with the ship's conditions in advance."

"... Let the new recruits go on the Titan, only you are so unrestrained." Zhixia said.

"Before she can go to the battlefield and fire at the opposite Empire, this is a test ship. Why can't the new recruits go on it?" Yu Lian said.

"You always make sense." Zhixia still looked reluctant, but of course she would not object.

Since her student days, she has never opposed any decision made by Yu Lian.

Luo Zeshi had other plans: "However, if she really returns to the battlefield of Sai De, it will definitely be the most serious provocation to the empire."

Yu Liandao: "If this is true, it is the best development. I hope to see the empire's storm, but I don't want to see them motionless. Then, I will return to the front line. I will leave this to you. ”

"Actually, you don't have to be so impatient." Zhixia said dullly.

Regarding this point, Yu Lian actually had little hope. The imperial army that was undergoing major construction work on the opposite side was so emotionally stable that they always maintained their own pace in the face of any provocation. That way, it is no longer as motionless as a mountain, but more stable like a star in its prime.

Well, this kind of behavior will indeed give people an illusion. Maybe Lord Gonggun on Earth really felt that after several unfavorable attacks and the loss of troops, the empire was already preparing to withdraw its troops and cease the war.

The reason why the dragon kings are building large-scale construction in the Said system may be because they want to take away half of the control of the Far Coast Nebula, use it as trophies to appease the people of the empire, and then seek a decent ending.

It can only be said that they neither understand war nor the empire, nor do they understand the Dragon Kings of the Dawn Royal Family. However, this conjecture is indeed consistent with human nature and reality.

...No wonder he started acting like a monster! Yu Lian suddenly realized again.

Then, when Yu Lian returned to Sede Fortress and saw his lover whom he had not seen for almost a year, time slowly came to March 15, 833.

Until this time, the empire on the opposite side was still farming. In the confrontation that lasted for almost an entire season, they did not even launch an active attack. Occasional counterattacks only crossed the center line and then quickly turned back.

As for Fina Li, she has also officially assumed the position of Yu Lian's adjutant. She even started working before Yu Lian returned to Saide Fortress. For example, as soon as she arrived at the fortress, she started to tidy up Yu Lian's office and lounge.

She sorted all the written documents into categories, placed green plants on the windowsill and in the corners of the room, and hung fresh oil paintings on the walls.

In this way, the office, which was originally neat and solemn and even a bit cold, suddenly had a brighter atmosphere of life.

"It doesn't look like the adjutant is cleaning up the office. It's clearly the newlywed wife taking care of the new home." Someone murmured.

"The man and the woman are a perfect match, and they are ready to live and die together. Why, you don't accept it?" More people said.

All in all, it was probably because Feifei's performance was too frank, and such strange whispers were destined to have no market.

What's more, she and Yu Lian were still somewhat popular in the army, and a little bit of yin and yang aura would never ferment into malicious attacks.

So, when Yu Lian finally returned to his loyal Sede Fortress, Feifei said straight to the point: "From now on, my work station will be at the entrance of your room."

"... Luo Zeshi also wanted to do this before, but I refused."

"After all, he is just an ordinary person. He has no strength and limited energy. What is the point of setting up a special position at the door of the office?"

Well, he is a psyker after all, so he can still laugh at Luo Zeshi, who got A's in field training, fighting and shooting, for being "powerless".

"I'm different. Not only can I be on call at my work station 24 hours a day, but I can also protect you at any time." Feifei saluted Yu Lian with a smile.

"If I fall to the point where I need your protection, I will be disqualified as a war zone commander and as a man."

"You can be disqualified, but I also have to fulfill my duties, that's all. Yu'er, you can't be so complacent just because you are a psyker! According to your conclusion, Yu'er, can you cancel yourself? "The security company?" Feifei said earnestly.

Why not? Although everyone in my security company is a warrior, they are really not strong enough for me to fight with one hand.

"Anyway, my current dormitory is completely next to your lounge. This way, I can keep in touch at any time and my work will definitely not be delayed."

Isn't this equivalent to living together?

Although Yu Lian's heart was very hot, he still couldn't help but sigh: "So, do we have such unscrupulous conditions now?"

"At least in this fortress, you do have it. This is of course brought about by a series of victories. Everyone can accept some small flaws of the winner, or in other words, the small privileges in life will make everyone feel It's very relatable. In the final analysis, everyone is more willing to follow a hero with blood, tears and worldly desires, but they always stay away from gods." Feifei said.

Yu Lian admitted that there was some truth to this. Of course, all concluding remarks that seem reasonable at first glance still need to be accepted selectively.

Then, I heard Feifei say again: "Although the whole universe knows about your scandal with King Suliuka and Princess Rainbow Rose, fortunately, since she won the Yagemi Award and was named, the entire army has There are also many people who know our relationship, and there are always people who look at me sympathetically. In this case, it is much easier to do things.”

"..." Yu Lian was speechless for a moment, his heart filled with guilt. He thought about it seriously again and felt that from a purely realistic perspective, he didn't seem to have done anything particularly sorry for Feifei, but for some reason, he was still full of a deep sense of guilt.

This feeling of guilt made him furious, and he decided to take action to stop the girl from being so weird.

To be honest, after all, this couple has known each other since birth. If it were any other couple, they would have been itching for several rounds. Although the passion is still there, there is no need to play house like a middle school student. Since it is going to be put into action, it should naturally be a passionate mahjong game.

Of course, they still have a working relationship, so they will naturally fall to the point of discussing work naked in bed.

For example, in the free time after the hearty battle, Yu Lian can feel the girl's body temperature while listening to her discussing military personnel issues.

That's right, Feifei, who arrived at the Saide Fortress half a month earlier than Yu Lian, certainly couldn't have just done some office cleaning work. She has already arranged the personnel of the officers and soldiers who arrived at Saide.

When Yu Lian returned to the fortress, more than 20,000 skilled crew members who returned with the Lord God had already been added to the warships.

"They were supposed to be god-level combatants, but now they are all assigned to destroyers and cruisers. Should there be some gap?" Yu Lian still had a little doubt.

"There is indeed a gap. However, everyone is a professional soldier after all, and they should shine in any position. This is a qualified soldier. Besides, didn't they say that? After all, I am also a little famous, and everyone is willing to give me face." Feifei said so.

Yu Lian thought that Feifei should want to say "People who disobey orders, unqualified soldiers, and people who don't give me face, don't have to live." If it were me, I would definitely have this attitude.

In any case, when these 20,000 elite crew members arrived at the battlefield, they did play a very important role in supplementing the fleet. Admiral Sylvester even excitedly held a banquet for everyone, expressing his hope to award medals to Feifei, the rest of the officers and outstanding sergeants.

As the commander-in-chief of the theater, he is indeed qualified to award corps-level medals.

Admiral Sylvester's joy is actually easy to understand.

You know, the current community lacks warships and sailors, and the latter is even more scarce than the former. Although the National Defense Committee has carried out more than three rounds of mobilization in several star regions in the homeland, it seems that there is no shortage of human resources, but the supplements are all recruits after all.

Most people have only completed basic training in navigation within the galaxy, and they really dare not be placed in important positions.

"Now, almost every warship is short of people, and every warship faces the problem of bringing the old with the new. If the two main god-level ships are really full, but can't find enough crew members, they will definitely die very aggrieved. Yu'er, you don't want our precious dreadnoughts to be caught by the enemy because of the unprofessional crew, right?"

What she said always makes sense.

"Sooner or later, we will encounter unprofessional crews, and sooner or later, we will suffer unexpected losses due to unprofessional crews, and it will be even more difficult to avoid being caught by the Empire. The tragic defeat of the Ring of Miracles and the death of more than four million skilled crew members is a functional injury." Yu Lian tried his best to keep his tone calm, but it was still difficult for him to calm down.

"Then do your best to make this process come later. In other words, even if it comes, you must be mentally prepared to bear everything." Feifei said.

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