Him and their stars

Chapter 1671 Your reaction is wrong

Feifei looked at Yu Lian, who looked as if it was natural, and couldn't help but marvel.

"Fish, fish, my fish, you are a murderous earth god, an ambitious young warlord, an ambitious person who incites public opinion and buys people's hearts, how can you be so natural?"

"I did kill people, but the last two character entries are clearly slander, right?"

"But the entries are often decided by others! Whether you admit it or not."

This still makes sense. Yu Lian just turned his head, and then he couldn't help but slammed the table and stood up: "Don't avoid the important issues, what we are discussing now is Feifei's identity."

The girl also sighed, straightened her upper body, and exposed her uncovered body to Yu Lian's sight. She seemed to have spent a lot of time and energy to make up her mind, but when she really blurted it out, she seemed unusually calm.

"I am Black Moon. From this generation."

"I see. Aha, it's true!" Yu Lian suddenly realized.

At this moment, the little trouble and loss between the past and the present merged with his own memory.

In that timeline, the Black Moon Earl who was almost turning into a black hole, the Black Moon Earl who showed no fighting spirit in the second conquest war, and the Black Moon Earl who was lost from the universe, all got a perfect explanation.

Yu Lian suddenly felt a little distressed, and couldn't help hugging Feifei tightly and giving her a kiss: "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry (in the previous timeline) for leaving you alone.

...Speaking of which, is the Yu Lian of the psychic in the previous timeline me? However, the Yu Lian who merged the memories of two lives in this timeline is indeed me!

So, who am I? Who will be me?

Yu Lian was a little confused, but this kind of super philosophical question never bothered people like him for too long. In comparison, Feifei on the opposite side was a little stunned.

"Uh, that's not right, Yu'er, your reaction is not right. Shouldn't you be puzzled, confused, worried, horrified, and doubtful about life? The person closest to you has kept the biggest secret from you for twenty years."

"Secrets are allowed in intimate relationships, as long as they don't affect the relationship itself. If I were a mortal or a low-level psychic, Feifei's secret would pose a threat to this relationship. Now that I'm a saint, haven't you confessed it? This is not cheating." Yu Lian raised his head 45 degrees, looking like a great man with an open mind. Although there were no tears in the corners of his eyes, his eyes looking at Feifei were bright and sincere.

Feifei sighed and smiled with a relaxed and affectionate smile: "You, oh, you, you can always use this natural way to break people's defenses! I, I suddenly feel like crying."

She came up and responded to Yu Lian enthusiastically, and took the initiative to start the fifth round.

Of course, what we are talking about here is mahjong.

However, to be honest, Yu Lian was naturally very surprised. What surprised him was not Feifei's true identity, but his mood at the moment. He didn't feel any waves in his heart at all, as if he had expected it long ago.

However, if he could think about it carefully, although Yu Lian had some guesses about Feifei's identity a long time ago, he never associated it with Heiyue's identity, which should not be normal.

A great master whose identity is a mystery and whose actions are elusive, but who seems to have a close relationship with him, shouldn't he consider the perspective of the people around him?

However, he never considered it. Either his subconscious mind didn't want Qingmei to be a great master who was far stronger than himself, or some ability deflected his cognition.

"Look at me." She said.

"Are you still thinking about it at this time? Look at me! Look into my eyes!" She said loudly.

Because it was the fifth round, everyone's physical strength was still affected to some extent. But because it was the fifth round, everyone became more radical and passionate. So, when it was over,

Yu Lian was about to ask a question when he heard Feifei say: "Yu'er, do you think that a careerist as suspicious as you should have started to figure out Heiyue's identity and suspected me a long time ago."

"... Even if I really became an careerist, I can't be considered suspicious, right?"

"Then Yu'er must learn it quickly. For the superior, suspicion is not a shortcoming, it is even a necessary condition." Her voice was lazier than usual. If combined with the current content, she really sounded more like a villain.

So, Yu Lian decided to raise his head and said proudly: "Haha, well said! But I don't admit it. I have always been upright."

"...Yu'er, you are just lazy." Feifei said helplessly.

"Fei Fei said it better, but you are not allowed to avoid the main point. This is not the issue we are discussing now."

Fei Fei smiled and pressed Yu Lian's cheek with her rose-red lips, then pointed to her forehead: "You are right just now. The higher the psychic, the higher the dimensional cognition of the world. However, this cognition is not simple, fish, it is far from being as simple and real as what you capture with your animal senses."

"I understand. The more complex the concept, the easier it is to be distorted." Yu Lian nodded.

Fei Fei's face was filled with satisfaction: "Yu'er is of course very perceptive. There are still several treasures passed down from generation to generation in Black Moon, including the invisible sword of concealment and the mist that can conceal one's own concepts."

As she said this, she shook her fingers, and a thin mist that was almost invisible to the naked eye emerged from the gaps between Fei Fei's fingers, swimming like a small snake, driving ripples to move rhythmically between the slender fingers.

It's a very interesting spiritual object, and it feels like it should be very advanced, but the spiritual fluctuations are very secretive, and there should be no direct invisibility effect.

"It has no other function, it just distorts the reality in spiritual cognition. When I appear as Black Moon, your subconscious mind will exclude my possibility. It is enough to let you make a mistake once. For human memory, as long as there is a wrong cognition once, the loophole will be regarded as common sense."

"Then, even if I think about Black Moon's identity in the future, I will instinctively not think in this direction."

"Yes, the mechanism of the brain is like this. So, Yu'er, human wisdom is indeed limited." Feifei nodded.

Human wisdom is of course limited, but the regular treasure is really too tricky. Yu Lian couldn't help thinking so. Fortunately, the regular treasure that has appeared so far can only distort cognition, but not life and death.

"So, when we were in the Big Apple, Feifei appeared in front of me as Black Moon just to mislead me this time, right? At that time, I had just awakened and was most easily misled. Is that right?"

"It's not important. What's important is that if I hadn't appeared at the beginning, wouldn't Yu'er have capsized?"

Yu Lian felt that this made some sense, although he was very unhappy. At this time, he heard Feifei proudly say: "The quality of the treasures left by Earl Black Moon is still good. From now on, they can all be left to our children."

"...So, Black Moon is also a bloodline and family inheritance system?" Yu Lian felt that this setting was a bit too old-fashioned, but he couldn't tell the truth.

"So, Uncle Wei is the previous Black Moon?" Yu Lian was a little unbelievable.

Uncle Wei, who opened a martial arts gym next door, was a big and strong boxer. He had always wanted to evolve the atomic fist into a quark fist. Most of the time, he was even a hero who ate a lot of meat and drank a lot of wine. Yu Lian really couldn't imagine him as a chivalrous thief who could fly over the eaves and walk on the walls.

In comparison, it's good that Feifei is a nimble female thief.

"Don't get excited all of a sudden!" Feifei stretched out her hand and pinched Yu Lian's waist again, "Of course he is not. Dad is just a serious martial artist, maybe he can become a master of Atomic Fist. As for the inheritance of Black Moon, it still requires some talent."

Very good, the style of painting is preserved, and Yu Lian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not even my grandfather. He is just an ordinary middle school principal after all. Aha, when we were young, Yu'er met him once, right?"

Yu Lian did think of the old man he met when he was 8 years old. He also had the hairstyle of a strong man, and his appearance was completely the old version of Uncle Wei, but he looked a little thinner, and he lost the bravery of a warrior and had more elegance of a scholar.

The old man remembered that he was still alive, but he lived in New Paris in the Cantilever Star Region, living with Feifei's aunt, uncle and other families.

Well, wait, does this big family really exist? Yu Lian couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

"Then, the Black Moon Hero who went to the New World with me last time to look for the ancient ruins of the Soul Explorer and removed the starry sky curtain..."

"That's me! Yu'er didn't find it at all. Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Feifei made a V sign.

"The one who made the movie..."

"That's me too."

"Oh, the body-out-of-body technique!" Yu Lian suddenly realized.

"It's not that superficial. It's the thought body that I condensed with a test tube of blood and will! Except for the lack of spiritual power, everything is the same as my original body. When it merges with the original body, all the memories she receives can also be fed back to me."

Got it, it's an enhanced version of the body-out-of-body that specializes in advanced technical work.

"But, can this kind of thing be made at will?"

"Of course not in most cases, but our Black Moon lineage has been passed down, so there must be some original means."

Fei Fei added: "The previous Black Moon was my great-grandfather. He was also a comrade-in-arms of Marshal Li and Master Lan. He was very active during the War of Independence and has been dead for 20 years."

This is not surprising. Although the legend of Earl Black Moon has been around for 200 years, there are also active periods and dormant periods. When active, he can commit more than a dozen major cases a year, and when dormant, he can disappear for nearly 30 years at most. Now imagine, perhaps it is the inheritance window period between each generation.

Yu Lian nodded slightly, but felt something was wrong: "But, if my great-grandfather died twenty years ago, Feifei..."

"I'm self-taught. My great-grandfather gave all the inheritance and secret books to me, who was just five years old at the time, and said something polite about the legend of the black moon being passed on to me. From now on, I have to learn all the techniques by myself. Fortunately, he finally prepared a lot of materials for me. He also said that the Spiritual Research Association owed him a lot of favors, and if I lacked some high-level materials at the high level, I could just ask Master Lan for them."

According to this calculation, Feifei actually started to enjoy the treatment of an organized famous psychic more than ten years earlier than me.

No, in a sense, at least in terms of mystical resources, she is actually not inferior to the little female dragon and the Rainbow Rose Princess!

So, what is this experience? About the fact that my girlfriends (all) are richer and more well-connected than me, but I can only be a wild fox Zen?

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