Him and their stars

Chapter 169 Have you changed your character again?

After more than a week, Yu Lian came to Fog City again.

It’s still the same copycat version of the imperial flavor, it’s still the same rainy weather, and it’s still the same sea-to-sky line, as if what happened on February 6 has completely passed.

In fact, if the young captain hadn't dragged his half-disabled body to call on the fans to calm down, if the Arsenal team hadn't killed the opponent at the last moment, it's hard to imagine what the Arsenal fans who were about to fall into madness would have done. Perhaps, it will really turn into a tragedy that will be unforgettable for everyone?

However, because the Wudu Arsenal team failed to "control the fans' emotions in time and do a good job in home security, causing the referee to be attacked during the game", they were still punished by the host committee and fined a total of 100,000 Xinxing. The cancellation 3 home games of Tianqiu Galaxy Champions Cup.

As for the many controversial calls made by the referee during the game... Hey, misjudgements are also part of the celestial ball. And you all won, so don’t worry about such small details, right?

In short, the "Lightyear Stadium Massacre" has still become a very important historical event in the Milky Way and Celestial World.

It was noon on February 15th when Yu Lian returned to Fog City again. When he once again parked his Nimbus 2000 on the pier outside the city, he knew where the Royal Academy of Art should go, but for a moment he felt at a loss. He always felt that there would be a certain Earl of Black Moon. Like a ghost emerging from the shadows...

Yu Lian spent half a minute organizing himself, and then decided to find a place to pay homage to the Five Zang Temple first, and then by accident, he ended up at the Imperial Restaurant where he had eaten last time.

Sure enough, I subconsciously went to the previous place because I didn’t know where to eat.

Yu Lian entered the restaurant with a headache, and saw the restaurant owner who was dressed like an aristocratic butler, walked like a butler, and smiled like an aristocratic butler, so he came over to greet him.

"It is an honor to serve you," he said.

It looks very similar, but if the resemblance is too deliberate, it can only be hidden from outsiders! Yu Lian responded politely, then ordered another portion of today's (pseudo) palace set meal, found a quiet place to sit down, and began to fill his stomach.

Even if it is a copycat imperial palace dish, at least the ingredients are good and the portion is sufficient, enough to fill your stomach.

As he ate, he listened to the conversations of the diners next to him.

The people who came to dine at this luxurious Empire Restaurant were not only Internet celebrities who had become rich overnight, but also some well-dressed senior white-collar workers. To put it bluntly, they were those who thought they had reached the upper class, but in fact they still belonged to the middle class. So In essence, they are still members of the exploited class.

For example, the table next to Yu Lian. Although these people's talk does not represent complete truth, it is actually very informative.

"Have you heard? On our side, Mayor Ikar seems to have been hit too."

"What's the hit? Did you win the lottery?"

"Of course, that's the prize you won!"

"I did the math. So far, six generals, fourteen senators, and eight high-ranking officials of ministries and commissions have won! Now he is finally the mayor! Hey, this is the legendary Keith Nich Tower prison?"

"What does this have to do with the Chairman of the National Defense Commission? Besides, you are so boring, you actually counted them all. Where did this news come from?"

"Oh, I have a cousin in the prosecutor's office, and it's not like you don't know about it. Besides, it's been rumored above that this matter was originally taken by Keith Nicita to eliminate dissidents!"

"...Then he is too impatient? Anyway, many people think that the next president must be him."

"It's hard to say. Nishita is pro-Union, and his Blue Star Progressive Party has been clamoring to take a tough stance on other countries. I don't want this kind of person to come to power. Business will be difficult to do by then. There’s still going to be a tax increase.”

"Yeah! Barr of the Civic Party is also good. I hope he can come to power. The current policy is better. The whole galaxy doesn't want to go to war. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to make a fortune peacefully? Oh, by the way, rare metal futures in the second half of the year , do you want to play next time?"

"What, is there any good news again? Didn't you say that because of the Battle of West End, the empire is going to choke our necks? Tsk, as a result, the stocks I bought are now falling... Those soldiers are just indifferent! To be honest , it’s time for that guy Nishita to take action to rectify it!”

"Hey, why are we afraid that the Empire is blocking our necks? The Milky Way is not limited to the Empire... I heard that the Alliance is ready to help? By then, the prices of rare metals will definitely be driven down. !”

The two well-dressed middle-aged men, who looked like high-level white-collar workers at first sight, looked at each other and smiled, then picked up their wine glasses and clinked them with each other.

"By the way, speaking of which, the fans on the last planet were busy..."

"Hey, those celestial ball watchers haven't always been this virtuous. They make a fuss when they win, and they make a fuss when they lose! I heard that my wife's favorite shopping mall was almost destroyed. It's been a big deal these days. They are out of business and complain to me every day. I won’t mention them anymore. Let me tell you, our investment this time should be done like this..."

Yes, compared with the broader historical process, the so-called "Lightyear Stadium Massacre" is not even a splash; compared with the normal life of ordinary people, it is just a topic of conversation after dinner.

No, didn't even Yu Lian, a die-hard fan of the "Arsenal Team" who calls himself "Arsenal Team", put that incident behind him? In comparison, he was more interested in the "Nishita Prison" that was so popular now.

Obviously, Earl Black Moon should hand over Lieutenant General Vincent to this "young man" (rumored among the people) who is very tough, very skillful, but also very passionate, so he is very popular among the people and the army. Politician.

In today's world, he took the initiative and indeed showed superhuman decisiveness and execution, creating a major earthquake in the military and political circles.

At least, according to the information Yu Lian currently has, none of the core leaders who participated in the coup in later generations actually escaped. Obviously, these core leaders have been involved in Vincent's plan long ago, and they might have been flirting with him before he returned to Earth.

Of course, a few people who did not participate in the coup in later generations also entered. I don’t know if they were hiding deeply, or if Nishita was really using this to exclude dissidents.

...As for the Chief of General Staff, General Schwartz, there has been no news at all. Something happened to such a high-ranking general, and the whole school was a bit panicked. The school even held a special meeting to ask the students to attend class well. The changes in high-level personnel have nothing to do with you rookies.

Vice-principal Luo Bunan even called Yu Lian to his office and calmed him down with various diplomatic expressions, saying, "You are who you are, don't put any psychological pressure" and so on.

Even though he said that, the ecstasy in that guy's eyes couldn't be concealed even if he wanted to. Apparently, because of the awarding of honors, Vice Principal Robnan had regarded Yu Lian as a member of General Schwartz.

Yu Lian was (for the time being) too lazy to get to know this old official, so he just pretended to be a snake.

However, the big move of the third leader of the community did cause dissatisfaction, uneasiness, and counterattack from many people.

Just yesterday, some congressmen launched a cross-examination against Nishita. The reason used was still the beginning and end of the West End System Battle, questioning whether the country still has control over the army, and questioning Chairman Nishita's leadership of the army. He even questioned why he awarded the rank of marshal to Paris, who was "good at provoking".

Of course, this cross-examination caused almost no ripples. Anyway, more rude and mindless questioning happens every day in Parliament. However, many people feel that perhaps a tragic war will soon break out in the political arena of the community.

Politicians will fight if they want, even if it involves rivers of blood, as long as they don't start a civil war.

However, Keith Nicita became even more popular because of this, which really made Yu Lian very unhappy. In addition, the future development of the Federation cannot be judged by the experience of later generations. All the tricks learned from Teacher Li must be used and specific problems analyzed in detail!

Yu Lian was still thinking about this problem, but at this time, he heard a crashing sound at the door, and saw a woman in a black windbreaker walking in with fast steps. She glanced around the inside of the restaurant with sharp eyes, and then walked directly to the boss.

The boss was so shocked by her aura that he even forgot to come forward to say hello.

Yu Lian was also a little dazed. He really didn't understand why Miss Gongsun Qing's painting style was different every time they met?

What the hell is your character this time? What the hell is this black super female agent looking like?

"Agent of the National Security Bureau!" she said to her boss. The voice was very small, and logically only the boss could hear it, but how could it be hidden from Yu Lian's hearing?

Are you really a female agent? when? I do not know how?

"This is my ID!" She casually took out a small black notebook from her coat pocket, opened it to reveal her photo, and flashed it in front of her boss's eyes. The boss was stunned for a moment, and he immediately believed it.

Yu Lian is a bit like covering his face. That certificate was clearly her student ID card from the Royal Academy of Arts in Wudu. As for the small, stylish black notebook wrapped outside, she probably bought it from somewhere.

However, perhaps because her aura was so strong, and her dress and demeanor were real enough, the boss was really frightened and lowered his voice and said: "Well, you, I...Boss, sir, we all have it here. They are good people!”

"I know, you are also a victim. You should go and take refuge as soon as possible." At this point, Gongsun Qing clapped his hands: "I'm sorry, citizens of the community, the security bureau agents are here to handle the case. Everyone, please be orderly and cautious. Yes, be careful and leave through the safe exit! Yes, please don’t panic, I am here and will definitely protect everyone!”

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