Him and their stars

Chapter 177 The so-called Tannhäuser Gate

The so-called Falful Dragon Eye is the most powerful spiritual treasure created by the extinct Falful Dragon people. The whole body is made of a spiritual metal called shadow iron. It can be transformed into any shape. Even if it is swallowed and hidden in the stomach, it will not hurt the body.

Because it is a spiritual metal, all existing technological means cannot detect its existence. Even if you encounter a psyker, it will be difficult to detect unless a master in perception comes to check.

Because it is a spiritual metal, it has its own mystical and sensitive effects. Wearing it on the body can increase the perceptual efficiency of psychic energy a little bit. In game terms, it can add a little bit of intelligence and spirit. Unfortunately, the enhancement effect depends on the environment and the wearer's physical condition, and it is really impossible to fully quantify it.

The Falfuer Magic Eye is also called the "Psychic Magic Eye". As the name suggests, it is activated and operated by the user's will. Its combat function is quite powerful, and it can turn into a flying hidden weapon and come and go without leaving a trace. Shadow Iron has the property of transforming according to will. It can be so hard that it can be indestructible, or it can be so soft that it can blend into flowing water. Naturally, it is an essential artifact for killing people and silencing them.

Its main material, shadow iron, although it does not have the psychic bonus effects of obsidian and mithril, it has very good "spirit-guiding" properties and can perfectly transmit the user's will and telekinesis, causing direct destruction. Effect.

To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to an external psychic bullet launching device. As long as the operator's mental strength can keep up, the bullets are theoretically unlimited, and the power and rate of fire depend on the upper limit of the strength of the shadow iron.

This is indeed a high-quality psychic weapon. Even if it reaches a high level, it will have quite good tactical effects. However, Yu Lian is more interested in another function of this Falfuer Dragon Eye, which is data storage.

Yes, this is actually a storage device. Wouldn’t it be more intuitive if we think of it as a USB flash drive that can be beaten to death?

Yu Lian took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and poured his surging energy into the telekinetic demonic eye.

"Click!" The magic eye began to activate, as if it suddenly came to life, circling around Yu Lian several times. After confirming that the spiritual energy poured into his body indeed came from the person in front of him, he slowly fell into the hands of the other person and opened all the permissions.

The light is emitted with the magic eye as the core, forming a suspended document pattern.

"...Falun Rune!" Yu Lian patted his forehead. If he hadn't been a goldsmith...well, Ranger, he would have been blinded at this time.

He quickly opened the document and looked at the large list of information on it, feeling a surge of emotion in his heart.

The coordinates of the star map above indeed confirmed my guess.

That star system in its prime was called the "Runa Galaxy" after the Galactic Civilization Council named it, and it is now the territory of the community. In the galaxy, there are two planets that can be inhabited without large-scale environmental modification. One is named Lumina. It is the hometown of the most disrespectful minority in the community, the Lumina people, the four-armed mantis people.

The other one, during the empire's reign, was the fiefdom of Duke Lal Tannhäuser.

And this Duke Lal Tannhäuser was also the father of the imperial scientist who discovered the "Tannhäuser Gate". After his son died during interstellar exploration, he named the planet "Tannhäuser's Gate" as a commemoration.

Now, Duke Tannhäuser's family has become extinct during the War of Independence, and this fiefdom has been taken back by the Community and renamed New Seville. This is a planet with average development, but it also has a population of 30 to 50 million people.

This should be the "Tannhäuser Gate" mentioned by Count Salvin, right?

But is the "Tannhäuser Gate" in the New World really just a smoke bomb?

In any case, logically speaking, the former is more likely. But it’s such a big planet, it’s very troublesome to find it. You can't just bring two large scientific research ships, sprinkle thousands of probes on them, and dig three feet into the ground, right? That is an inhabited planet with tens of millions of people!

Yu Lian pondered this. Then, when he saw a large series of secret texts composed of more secret and less-known Luo An secret texts, he finally had a headache.

This is the most troublesome nesting doll pose again...

This project is too big. Even for himself, I'm afraid it will take some time, and more importantly, it's hard for him to find other people for help.

Well, I have to find a dictionary of Luoan secret script. However, this kind of alchemy textbook can be considered semi-confidential information, so it still requires a little effort.

Just when Yu Lian started to make calculations, he received a communication from Feifei. He was startled, and quickly turned off the magic eye, then looked at the time. It was less than half an hour before he entered the spiritual treasure house, so no one should be suspicious, so he answered the phone.

"Yu'er, you are really making a big fuss." Feifei smiled half-smilingly, and there seemed to be a dangerous element in her eyes.

"What happened to me?" Yu Lianda said.

"Oh, the eldest daughter of the Gongsun family actually wants to participate in the military exercise. This will still cause some controversy." Feifei smiled and silently said "suicide" with her plump lips.

Yu Lian knew what the so-called controversy was, and he just sneered: "Well, although the Gongsun family of the Empire and the Gongsun family of the Community are the same family, this happened five hundred years ago."

"Although this is indeed the truth, if everything had the final say, the universe would have been at peace long ago!" Feifei said again: "But Yu'er, what is the relationship between you and that eldest lady?"

Yu Lian looked at Feifei's smiling face and felt that this was much scarier than the controversy at the school, and his hair stood on end.

"Uh, Feifei, have you done any research on Luo An's secret text? Or do you know where I can buy dictionaries?"

"Fish..." Even Feifei couldn't stand this abrupt change of topic.

Yu Lian felt that he was discussing business seriously.

"I know you are very interested in various miscellaneous subjects. Of course it is a good thing to be eager to learn, but, Yu'er, you have to prepare papers and exercises, do you still have so much energy?"

"It doesn't matter, Feifei, you have to believe that the capable can do anything!" Yu Lian proudly pointed to his nose.

His intuition told him that the "spiritual treasure trove" left by Count Salvin should not only point to the New World as a smoke bomb. But now, it's impossible for him to chase the Andromeda Galaxy, right? Might as well try to unlock all the secrets here. Maybe he could find a way to block the little queen in front and nip her in the bud.

ah! Charlie, if you get out of trouble as soon as possible, I can put my energy elsewhere.

Take risks, explore the unsolved secrets of the past life, and see the world after the Seventh Ring! Industrial Party, save the country, make the people of the earth great again, and still achieve small goals! I have a lot of serious things to do.

At the same time, in the "New World" more than 2.5 million light-years away from the earth, in the Talga galaxy, which is only four jumps away from the Tannhäuser Gate, a human girl from Tirello who looks to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, Huddled among the panicked crowd in the slave warehouse, he watched this scene helplessly.

Wansha, a famous pirate in the New World, with a bounty of up to 30 million stars, pointed the video camera at the crowd in the slave warehouse, and then loudly roared to the opposite community navy: "Let me go! Let me live! Otherwise, All the 2,000 slaves on this ship will be buried with me!"

The admiral of the Community Navy in the opposite camera, a young female senior officer, remained expressionless.

"You are the navy, right? You are trying to liberate the slaves, right?" Wansha shouted in an almost hysterical tone: "If the slaves here, ah no, there are any casualties among the civilians here, it will all be your fault. Got it!"

Slaves from all races began to commotion, but they all wore restraint rings around their necks. No matter how they begged for mercy, cursed, or wailed, they could only make a commotion.

The "girl" in the crowd lowered her head and sighed heavily again. She knew that she had no identification in any country in the galaxy, so she was sold back to the galaxy as a slave. This was naturally the best way to make the least noise.

However, why does such a seamless plan have twists and turns?

Sure enough, it's all that old immortal Salvin's fault! A spiritual treasure house is just a spiritual treasure house, so the whole deception method needs to be the same?

The hibernating Queen of the Swarm clenched her fists tightly, her heart filled with nothing to worry about. The hundreds of millions of protozoa in her body are flowing silently in her blood, sending signals of hunger and thirst to their only master.

Killing the red-haired pirate is easy. There are more than 2,000 people on this ship, which is enough for the children to have a full meal. But what should we do with the warships on the opposite side?

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