Him and their stars

Chapter 182 Taking advantage of the situation

"Really? Does that guy actually have such a workload every day?"

"Yes! I will be busy until 12 o'clock in the evening. I must be preparing the paper."

"It seems that it was the school's opinion that he should be the first to defend his essay and that he should submit his thesis one month in advance."

"Tsk...it's just some tricks! In this way, even if we win, won't we still be defeated?"

"I made a decision!"


"Starting from today, I will practice an additional hour of ship driving in the evening! And an hour of simulated war games! Then, at four o'clock in the morning, I will also get up for physical training!"

"Horatio, don't be impulsive!"

"Yes! You are not a psyker! You will die before him!"

"Don't stop me! I..."

"Mengjiao, what can you say?" Deng Zhengqing said loudly.

"Well, how about I get up at four o'clock too?" the Highlander warrior who had just joined this small group said, holding his chin.


"I did hear that he got up at four o'clock to exercise. As a psyker, he does have such physical fitness. Moreover, he is already a successful warrior in the West End Star Territory, and he has such self-discipline! Thinking about it, I It’s indeed a bit undisciplined.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became a little cold. Everyone looked at the luxurious decoration of this Lion Heart Club's new residence and felt the comfort of the luxurious sofa under their butts, but they all felt a little restless.

Kent was a little embarrassed. Their family is a hotel industry tycoon who owns several hotel brands, so he naturally provided all the big meals for the Blue Fang crew members during this period.

"Sure enough, rich fools!" Deng Zhengqing sighed.

"So, starting from tomorrow, cancel those hotel meals. Let's train like each other!"

"The training intensity can indeed be increased, but the hotel dinner cannot be cancelled. Once the so-called promotion of gratitude and hatred is cancelled, everyone will be demoralized. In addition, I do think that all this may be Yu Lian's conspiracy?" Qiu Famous Mountain Hachiman Road.

"Huh? How do you say that?"

"Isn't this easy to understand? With Horatio's temper, if he knew that Yu Lian only slept four hours a day, oh, by the way, when he was studying in the study room, Miss Chang'e would occasionally give him some midnight snacks How can we react in the past?" At this point, Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses that seemed to be glowing: "There is only one truth, and this is the enemy's fatigue tactic! If Horatio is really led by him, start the war His body would have collapsed first. However, with his temper, even if he leads soldiers to be injured, he will definitely be on the line of fire, right? By then..."

Kent felt that this was so reasonable, and shouted loudly: "I heard it, Horatio! You must not let the enemy lead you!"

Wayne thought about it carefully and felt that this possibility seemed to exist. He calmed down a little, but still said: "This, this scheming guy! Hachiman, how is our plan going?"

Akinayama Hachiman pushed up his glasses silently and looked at the person who had been shrinking in the classroom, but it turned out to be Yu Lian's roommate Brace.

"This didn't go too smoothly. Although a few red crew members were persuaded by me, they were not in important positions."

"Huh, at first that guy hired some civilians to be important cadres in the ship. I thought he was humiliating me. Now think about it, at least in terms of moral integrity, those civilians I have never heard of can be considered Talent! Therefore, we can’t take it lightly! Uh, I’m sorry, classmate Reese, I’m not talking about you.”

Although he said this, Horatio Wayne still had a little disdain.

"This is normal. I am indeed his roommate, but he would rather find some non-governmental figures from Pheasant School outside the school than hand over important positions to us. This has caused dissatisfaction among many people. So, you are looking for It's not the ones Yu Lian brought back, but other people! People from this school!" Roommate Brice said coldly.

"...Anyway, thank you for your hard work." Kent said: "Please continue to win over others. You know the conditions, right?"

"I understand completely. Then I'll take my leave." Roommate B nodded and left directly.

Akinayama Hachiman looked at the opponent's back with a gloomy expression.

Little William Turner kept watching Reese's back out the door, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy and cold: "Hachiman, isn't it just a drill? Do we need to go to this point? Besides, we are also celebrating Navy Day. The finale! The higher-ups probably don’t want to see this scene.”

"Since it is an actual combat exercise, it must look like actual combat! Training is also a part of war! In other words, only those old men will think it is a performance!" Horatio Wayne sneered and said again.

He looked at Hachiman, and suddenly remembered the previous episode in Tiannan City, and suddenly became angry again: "That guy actually used a divorce plan! So shameless, so despicable! Can’t I use the room?”

Akinayama Hachiman sighed, and on his paralyzed face, he once again sighed the sorrow and helplessness he had experienced through the vicissitudes of life.

"Don't worry, we all trust you." Deng Zhengqing said quickly.

Wayne took a deep breath: "I have lost to him many times since I entered the school! At least this time, this time, I will definitely..."

The future elites of the 830 Party looked at each other, feeling that this guy was really obsessed. However, after a few minutes of silence, everyone, starting with Banner, folded their hands silently.

"Don't worry, Wayne! We don't want to lose to him all the time!"

"Yes! We also want to show the world that Yu Lian is not the only man at the Central Defense University!"

Meng Jiao, who had been silent next to him, hesitated for a few seconds and then slowly put his hand up.

"I really want to have a serious battle with the first warriors in the Battle of West End!"


"Shout after me!" "One!" "Two!" "Three!"

"Down with Yu Lian!"

The future famous generals of the 830 Party felt that their morale was high again.

"By the way, when will our marksman arrive?"

"Huh? Simon Vasali should arrive next week."

"Very good, being late has its advantages! Hehehehe, there are so many big surprises for Yu Lian! Hehehehehe..."

The future famous generals of the 830 Party, looking at the captain who was going crazy again, their high morale was once again replaced by embarrassment, but they all had the urge to rebel against the red side.

At the same time, in the study room on campus, Yu Lian had put away his research materials. Looking at his roommates A Luo Ming and roommate C Lu Ke in front of him, he no longer knew what expression to use to face them.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, pressed his temples, and then said: "So, Lao Luo, is this your plan you told me last time?"

Luo Ming said: "Ruisi should be able to gain the initial trust of Wayne and the others. Then he can take the opportunity to send some false information!"

"No, um... when Akinayama Hachiman came to find you, you decided to do this on the spot?"

"Yes, this is just taking advantage of the situation!" Roommate C Luko said expressionlessly.

Luo Ming added: "Anyway, we just want to inform you first. Anyway, you should be busy first. Finish your paper, lead everyone in training, and finally make a battle plan. Don't worry about the rest!"

"Lao Luo, I suddenly felt that you are actually treating me..."

"Ah! This internship is related to the happiness of the rest of my life! I went home for a blind date during the National Day, and I fell in love with a girl! She heard that I was going to participate in the final single-ship performance, and she admired me! She also said As long as I win, then...hehehe, hehehe...well, it has absolutely nothing to do with you!"

"This is also related to my employment. When I went to Baiyi Angelo Company for an interview, they said that as long as we win! I can become the director as soon as I join the company, and it is also a key training target of the company." Lu Ke said.

"Reis has already received the appointment letter from the Poseidon Ship Group. If he wins, he can directly become the third officer!" Luo Ming said again.

"...Really? You are not planning to stay in the army anymore!"

"..." The two left without saying a word.

The two guys left without saying a word. But for some reason, Yu Lian always felt that every step they took was full of passion and excitement. It would be a pity if it didn't deserve some BGM.

To be honest, no matter what nails the blue side planted or what tricks they used, Yu Lian didn't take it too seriously. He felt that as long as he started some normal training step by step, prepared normally for battle, and formulated a normal battle plan, there would be no reason to lose to the opponent.

However, Yu Lian was extremely moved by the abilities of his roommates, even if their efforts seemed a bit meaningless!

In any case, after nearly two months of hard work, the Scrabble game is more than half complete. Occasionally, in order to change his mind, he carefully checked the articles written in rune to make sure that they were all research materials left by the dragon people.

There are many directions in bionics, biology, and computer science, and their value is quite high. They can almost be regarded as the most high-end cutting-edge technology. This made Yu Lian really have to think about it.

The draconian population is small. Therefore, they have certain expectations for the field of robots and even artificial humans, is that right?

After they were exterminated by the empire for some very high-sounding reasons? Some research information was retained in Longan and became famous?

And then, by chance, Count Salvin got these? So a spiritual treasure house was established for preservation? Then why didn't he leave it to future generations?

Count Salvin was assassinated and died violently in history. It is not surprising that he did not have time to leave any last words.

So, Charlie goes to explore the secrets he left behind? And for what?

Yu Lian felt that if he wanted to unlock all the above, he had to complete the Luo An secret text picture. Moreover, he was not too interested in the above secrets, but was more interested in Charlie's whereabouts.

Hey, uneducated Charlie, just continue playing hide and seek at the Tannhäuser Gate.

However, before that, we still have to complete this exercise from beginning to end!

In this way, the time has arrived in April, the simulator training has come to an end, and it is time for everyone to get on board for practical operations.

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