Him and their stars

Chapter 189 Ship Review

Yu Lian feels very lucky. After two lifetimes, he could finally enjoy his rosy youth comfortably. Even if it is only for one day, I feel quite happy.

When he enters society, such days will become fewer and fewer. For example, it's the same as Uncle Wang's next door.

Lieutenant General Wang Jingyang has always felt that he, the commander of the internal defense force and the head of the psychic force being formed, was really only appointed because of his ability to fight. His lieutenant general is really just a reward from the community government for being the "number one master" in the establishment. He felt that as long as he could safely organize and operate this psychic force, he would be worthy of the salary paid to him by the community government.

But, he really didn't understand. How could he, a mascot who had never had any experience with the military before, become the security director for this celebration?

"Well, Frank, why do you think this is?"

Wang Jingyang said helplessly to his deputy, Brigadier General Francis Morey.

"Because you are the master of the Sixth Ring. In addition to Mr. President and Chairman, there will also be dignitaries from the Empire and the Alliance who will be participating in the celebration on the ship. As long as you are on the ship, we can ensure everyone's safety." The other party replied.

Unlike Wang Jingyang, a master who has been practicing for most of his life, Brigadier General Morey spent most of his life in the military. He has managed the military police, been responsible for protection work, suppressed terrorist activities, and performed special secret missions. Although he has no experience in commanding a large fleet or army, he is definitely an excellent soldier.

Not only is he an excellent soldier, he is also a powerful psyker, currently in the Fourth Circle.

Of course, based on the consideration of practical issues such as "How can a deputy be better at fighting than a commander?", Major General Morey became the second in command of the newly formed Blue Guard.

This is not a problem unique to the Community, but one faced by both the Empire and the Alliance.

He was different from his immediate boss who looked nothing like a soldier. He was tall and straight, with a heroic face and an unsmiling look. He is wrapped in a black uniform of the Internal Guards and looks like green pine trees and grass. Anyone who sees him will say, "He is a great husband!"

Of course, at least so far, he is indeed a pure soldier. He has no dissatisfaction because he has an airborne boss with no military experience. He has always completed his job cautiously.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Morey is the biggest contributor to the "Blue Guard" being able to put together the framework so quickly. And he was actually personally responsible for the security work at this celebration. Wang Jingyang is just a mascot in name only.

However, Brigadier General Morey has never expressed any dissatisfaction, and even responded calmly to some people who had ulterior motives to instigate: "Many psykers are willing to join the army, and it is indeed because of the reputation of Lieutenant General Wang Jingyang. In psionic power In the domain of the warrior, strength is fame, and fame is cohesion, which is fighting power! We are all for the community, so what difference does it have between us?"

Wang Jingyang felt that he was indeed comforted. This time, if he didn't have this capable deputy, he would be overwhelmed with so many intricate security tasks.

However, there have been too many things going on recently, and even an iron man like Morey can't hide his fatigue. His cheeks were sunken, his eye circles were darkened, and his temperament became more gloomy. Only his two bloodshot eyes were still shining. At first glance, he looked like an owl that had just crawled out of the graveyard.

When the others saw the current Brigadier General Morey, they didn't even dare to take a breath, but Wang Jingyang felt very distressed. He felt that it was precisely because of his "incompetence" that his partner was tired like this.

"When this celebration is over, take a good rest. Well, I'll give you a three-month vacation!"

The other party was noncommittal and nodded expressionlessly.

Wang Jingyang thought for a while and then said: "I heard that all the terrorists from the All Souls Sect and Rumina have been eliminated?"

"All the terrorists and the backbone of the All Souls Religion have been arrested. Their headquarters in the New Asia sector is surrounded by troops of the Second Cantilever Fleet. Good news should come soon. Just don't worry. "

Wang Jingyang nodded again. He knows that he is actually not good at arresting and tracking, and the work of supernatural crimes can only be delegated to his deputies, so all he is currently doing is training work.

"I heard that the Wanling Sect still has some spiritual treasures in hand?"

As a high-level psychic master, Wang Jingyang would certainly not use unprofessional terms such as "devil sacrificial weapon" and "evil magical weapon". In this universe, all mysterious magical weapons that are difficult to explain scientifically are, to put it bluntly, a type of spiritual treasure. Even if it cannot be analyzed scientifically, it can certainly be dealt with using mysticism.

"Yes, a total of three Noble Phantasms were seized, but their origins and uses are temporarily unknown." Morey paused and then said: "However, what is a bit confusing is that there is also a mechanical center."

"Mechanical center?" Master Wang Jingyang, a psyker who has practiced all his life, took nearly half a minute to digest this word: "For controlling robots?"

"Yes, it's just that the place of origin and manufacturer are unknown, and I don't know what kind of robot it is controlling."

"It seems that the secret behind this matter is quite deep... Just the fact that the All Souls Religion actually got involved with the Lumina separatists surprised me. By the way, didn't you catch Did you kill their Archbishop Chaka?"

"He committed suicide in prison yesterday." Morey sighed: "I don't know how he did it in a well-guarded prison for psykers, but... he did it."

Wang Jingyang fell silent, feeling a little scared. He had met Wangsa, the leader of the Wanling Sect, and was sure that his strength was on par with his own, so he had not been too wary of this cult. But now, the more I know, the more evil I feel!

"No matter what, let's take care of the immediate matters first," Morey said.

Wang Jingyang nodded.

The latter began to report: "After the celebration begins, you and I will be on board the Blue Star Princess, four outstanding psykers. In addition to the manpower of the Security Bureau of the Presidential Palace, there will also be internal guards selected by me personally. Two squads of troops.”

"So, what about the threat from outside the ship?" Wang Jingyang didn't know if his question would appear amateurish, but he still asked it.

"Although the Blue Star Princess is a cruise ship, its power equipment and automatic damage control system are the most advanced designs in the galaxy, and its shield power is also very strong. Of course, to ensure nothing goes wrong, there will be three destroyers and two work ships on the periphery , a large hospital ship is on standby. The crew members are all elites selected by me personally and can ensure safety."

However, even so, the organizer of the celebration, the Protocol Department of the Presidential Palace, also felt that Brigadier General Morey was a bit busy. Work ships and hospital ships are fine, so why do we need destroyers?

Even if there were any reinforcements, there would be 100,000 elite internal security forces on Earth. The main force of the local fleet stationed near the orbit of Mars can reach the Earth-Moon orbit within half an hour.

However, because of Brigadier General Morey's insistence, the Protocol Department and the Security Bureau still approved his security plan.

"Huh, then I'm relieved." Wang Jingyang nodded pretendingly, and said a little embarrassedly: "What should I do during the celebration?"

"Stay on the ship and open the Sky Eye field. At present, the protection from natural dangers is considered foolproof. And as long as you are on the ship, all dangers from hostility will be invisible."

Wang Jingyang thought for a while and felt that this was indeed the most professional thing that he, a six-ring saint, could do.

"Frank, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Everyone does his best," he replied simply.

Wang Jingyang looked at the other party's tired expression and pondered for a moment. He wanted to discuss with him what he had heard last time about Admiral Schwartz, but considering the other party's current mental state, he decided to wait for this matter. Let’s talk after you’re done.

He decided to change the topic to a lighter topic and said, "By the way, have you read my junior's thesis? How did it go?"

Morey thought for a while and said in an objective tone: "It can be verified. I personally feel that it is very executable and may even bring revolutionary improvements to the existing psychic assault tactics!"

Wang Jingyang smiled: "Then, after we are done with the celebration, we can try to implement it?"

"Yes, after the celebration is over..."

Tomorrow is the ship review, and the day after tomorrow is the party, which is the climax of the Navy Day celebrations. They still have a lot to do, and they really don't have much time to worry about Yu Lian's thesis.

Then, it was July 11 of the Common Calendar, which was the day of the ship review. Since it is Navy Day, this link is naturally a must.

Of course, the Blue Star Community is still a republic after all. No matter how unreliable it is, it will not really gather all the battleships to celebrate Lafayette's birthday. The defense and vigilance of the border still need to be guaranteed.

Therefore, the so-called ship review is to gather the famous hero ships from the major fleets and decorate them. Then just show off in front of everyone and cruise for a while.

Most citizens are more interested in tomorrow's space party, but as long as they are a bit of a military fan, they will definitely think that today's ship review is the highlight. As a result, the Central Defense University even took a half-day holiday to let all students watch it nearby.

Because he had done too many things last night, Yu Lian was a little out of energy during the day, so he didn't go anywhere. He also found a seat in the auditorium to watch with his classmates.

The first to appear were the four 5-million-ton last-generation dreadnoughts, the Independence-class, produced by the community. These are the greatest and final creations of the Glory Shipyard.

The predecessor of this shipyard is the Royal Tianhe Shipyard established by the Empire in the solar system. It can build dreadnoughts of more than 4 million tons.

This huge shipyard was also the most valuable trophy that Marshal Li and his comrades captured from the empire.

A total of twelve Independence-class dreadnoughts are the magnificent answer that this shipyard has given to the Blue Star Community in ten years.

However, the sad thing is that the various ultra-large equipment for building dreadnoughts completely exceeds the technical reserves of the emerging country of the Community. Therefore, the miracle of Guanghui Shipyard is destined to not be replicated.

Marshal Li and the new government once spent a lot of money to overcome these technical problems, but this really involved too many aspects of system engineering, and it was so confusing that it was impossible to even start.

Later, with the death of Marshal Li, the first batch of forward-looking independence heroes slowly withdrew from the stage of history, and "conquering the manufacture of dreadnoughts" became a political slogan. I keep shouting every year, but there seems to be no progress every year.

More than 20 years ago, an inexplicable fire at the Guanghui Shipyard reduced those large-scale equipment that had made great contributions to the community to rubble.

The community government at the time was furious and believed that this must be a conspiracy by hostile forces. So the whole country mobilized urgently and dug three feet into the ground, but nothing was found.

Subsequently, the Community lost the ability to build dreadnoughts.

...Fortunately, there are only seven or eight countries in the galaxy that can build dreadnoughts. With such a ranking, it is not a shame for our emerging country, which was founded thirty or forty years ago. Look at the Minlan Commercial Republic opposite. They spend so much money every year, but the quality of the dreadnoughts they build is not as good as the Independence-class ships that were launched thirty years ago.

Moreover, if you can’t make it yourself, can’t you still buy it? The entire universe is now in an era of free trade!

Thinking of this, the officials and people who were cheering for the Independence class were full of expectations for the eight new dreadnoughts being built by the Alliance. Of course they also felt it was a pity. It would be great if the Navy's 50th anniversary celebration was the year after tomorrow. With the latest Dreadnought joining the team, there would be no need to carry an old and meritorious ship like the Independence class out for a walk!

Moreover, no matter what, the Blue Star Community can still manufacture battle cruisers and aircraft carriers, which ranks among the top 30 in the entire galaxy! We are an emerging country that has only been independent for a few decades, so we have to eat in one bite!

It must be noted that although the ability to build dreadnoughts has been lost, the designers and engineers of the community are still very capable on secondary battleships such as aircraft carriers and battle cruisers. For example, the Yinglong class where the Hyperion is located is a battle cruiser that has been in shape for decades and is far from obsolete; and armored aircraft carriers like the Lexington, whether in terms of performance, versatility or Modification is also almost perfect.

This time, in front of everyone, in addition to the four new Yinglong-class ships built last year, there are also four new Dragon King-class battle cruisers. This kind of ship is a bit like an improved version of the Yinglong class, but it is equipped with the latest Scream 3 particle light spear cannon - which is also known as the most powerful energy main gun in the entire galaxy.

The community has introduced external funds into the military-industrial system. This is a diplomatic consideration, but there are also considerations in terms of technology sharing and production scale. During this period, we did lose some talents and experienced some "pains", but it was not that we failed to produce results. Isn't the new particle spear cannon already in service a very obvious example?

In addition, there is also an "arc cannon" that is said to have entered the experimental stage. This is a new technology that the empire has not yet produced.

yes! Since it is tiger skin, it must be more glamorous in order to scare people. At this time in the previous life, the community that had suffered great losses in Xinyumen fell into a political chaos of attacking each other and shirking responsibilities. Even the Navy Day could not be held. These bright tiger skin patterns were not even displayed. Almost all are gone.

Then, there are eight Victory Lee-class aircraft carriers, as well as more than 400 battleship formations of various types flying around. Let’s not talk about the aircraft carrier, let’s just talk about the ghost carrier-based aircraft on it, which is actually among the most advanced in the galaxy.

In fact, the community is really not that vulnerable! However, in my previous life, his potential was not fully utilized! When Yu Lian, who was sitting in front of the screen, thought of this and looked at the majestic battleships on the screen, he felt a little funny.

At the same moment, the supreme head of state, President Noxham, who was aboard the Dreadnought Spirit of Liberty, the flagship of the Community Space Fleet, looked at the huge fleet passing in front of him, and naturally fell into a state of contentment.

"This is the guardian of our community! How elite and how majestic!"

"Yes, they are also our great country!" Keith Nichta, the chairman of the National Defense Committee on the side, responded with a smile. He was also full of pride, perfectly burying his disdain in it.

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