Him and their stars

Chapter 202 Hijacking

This instruction seemed a bit sudden, but Yu Lian felt that it came at the right time and almost applauded.

"Everyone, the battle is over! Don't be nervous, put down your weapons!" He shouted: "Take care of the injured immediately. Let's get organized and prepare to clean the battlefield. By the way, rescue all the comrades who are judged to have died in the battle. Are they tired of lying where they are?"

The most important thing is to dig out the eldest daughter of the Gongsun family. This girl has been stuck with glue for more than ten minutes. This must be an uncomfortable feeling.

Yu Lian knew that there must be many people dissatisfied with the director's decision. No, even good and considerate girls like Zhixia and Liuli are unhappy now. However, they would not object to Yu Lian's order, at least not in front of everyone, and immediately went to appease other crew members.

No matter how dissatisfied the passionate young people on both sides are with this result, this is the final result after more than three months of hard training and an hour of heroic fighting. What everyone participated in was called a "practical exercise." For young people, the important thing may be the "actual combat" in the front, but for the smelly adults, the important thing is the "exercise" behind it.

Only when they understand this quickly can they truly grow up.

Horatio Wayne looked deeply at Yu Lian, his eyes still as aggressive as ever, but a little hard, a little cold, and seemed to be filled with thousands of emotions.

Yu Lian didn't like being stared at with such a deep look by a big man. Just when he started to think about how to put a psychic shock on the other person's face without being discovered, the latter finally withdrew his gaze and finally made his expression normal.

Then, Horatio Wayne let out a heavy breath and snorted coldly.

Future famous generals in the chuunibyou period! It felt so interesting... Yu Lian then took the initiative to step forward and extended his hand to the other party.

"Let's call it a tie." Yu Lian forced out a business smile, took the initiative to step forward, and silently extended his hand to the other party.

Yu Lian knew that he was the undoubted winner in terms of scores, appearance, and battle losses. Now that you have won, why not show off your grace?

Horatio Wayne hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly stretched out his hand to touch the opponent, and snorted: "No, I did lose!"

Yu Lian looked at the other party in surprise. He knew that at this time, there was a camera on the bridge broadcasting live broadcast across the country. This guy is equivalent to announcing to the entire galaxy that he has lost.

Well, although this guy is an arrogant guy, it is precisely because he is arrogant enough that he will not be unable to lose.

"...But just because I lost to you, it doesn't mean that my team lost to you!" Wayne added.

Yu Lian mentally shrugged. Anyway, he has won, no matter how this guy dances, he will be incompetent and furious.

"Accept the cheers and be proud of yourself. Although you are students who have not yet graduated, this is the most exciting single-ship combat exercise I have seen in the past few years." Although the words of the director's director sounded a bit cliche , but the evaluation was still very high, which finally alleviated the students' dissatisfaction a little.

What the Major General said was quite pleasing to the ear, but because his expression and tone of voice were very conventional, and he was not a future celebrity, Yu Lian still couldn't remember the other person's name.

The Rear Admiral, who did not know his name, paused for a moment, and his last words contained a hint of apology: "Sorry, after all, this is just an exercise, the finale of the Navy Day. After all, I can't let you show your courage and wisdom to the fullest! But! , fellow students, you still have a future, your journey is the journey of mankind, and in front of you is the infinite sea of ​​stars."

All in all, although it is said to be a practical exercise, since it involves Navy Day, it involves an exhibition match, and it involves a bunch of big shots watching the game. No matter how "actual combat" is, it will not be "actual" in the end. However, as long as it has a wonderful program effect, the red and blue parties as "actors" will be considered a success.

No, on the Blue Princess, the big shots watching the battle, as well as their relatives and friends, also stood up and applauded. Whether they are knowledgeable or not, everyone saw what they wanted to see, and naturally the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Feifei also wanted to be happy for Yu Lian and her friends. She knew that although it was an "exhibition match", everyone's wonderful performance really left a deep impression on these powerful audiences. Based on this alone, many friends will have a much easier future.

Not every crew member of the red and blue sides will embark on a military career, but their performance has brought an almost perfect end to their student days!

However, she could never be truly happy. Her mind was unable to calm down, and her nerves and body muscles were subconsciously tense.

In this way, even if you want to be happy, you will naturally not be happy.

Why on earth... Feifei continued to maintain a generous smile while quietly observing the surrounding environment, and then silently extended her spiritual sense.

"What a wonderful battle! Even the final ending, haha, isn't it very dramatic?" Ms. Laura Cheryl on the side said with a smile.

"Well, boys are particularly imaginative only at this time!" Feifei still dealt with the other party appropriately while continuing to stretch her spiritual sense.

"Yes, but boys are only particularly handsome at this time!" Laura looked Fina up and down, as if she had discovered something, lowered her voice and said: "But, little Fina, over there Captains, one of them is your boyfriend, right?"

Feifei bit her lip, neither denying nor admitting, nor did she blush in a conventional way, but showed an impeccable, helpless, reproachful, slightly shy, very girlish smile.

"Ms. Laura, what did you see?"

"Haha, the most important thing in our line of work is to look at people! When you were explaining, although you were always impartial and neutral, I could still see some of your cute little eyes and sweet smiles. Yes." Ms. Laura said: "I can still tell the difference between a sincere smile and a smile that faces society."

On the other side, President Noxham was also applauding. While he was filled with a smile facing the society, he performed the setting of a loyal elder who is proud of outstanding young people with 100% sincerity while whispering to behind him. The Chairman of the National Defense Committee was talking: "It's really time to end the fighting, right?"

"Your decision is very correct. If it continues, the way this wonderful battle ends... well, it may end in a too tragic way. It may not be a good thing for these brave and passionate young people. Bar."

Mr. President felt that he did not understand what he heard, but he still made a clear expression and raised his voice a little: "Yes, it is a good thing to be brave and fearless, but we must not let young people develop such a habit. Don't Only by dying lightly and leaving him useful can he serve the country better."

The dignitaries present nodded their heads, saying that Mr. President is right!

Even Duke Feixu, who had a cool face from beginning to end, had to admit that this was probably the most brilliant thing the president said tonight.

"Although I don't completely agree, I also believe that young people are the future and capital, and we really cannot let them develop the bad habit of dying easily." Duke Feixu said.

"This does not sound like the statement of a noble imperial martial noble!" Claire Belmont said.

The Duke glanced sideways at the alliance representative who was only one-third of his age, and sneered: "We have never praised death. It is precisely because we are afraid of death that we can face death, so we can be superior to others. We don't understand this truth. , Those who talk about death easily are just self-motivated fools, so what qualifications do they have to lead the country and the people?"

He paused and showed a malicious smile: "Of course, we never dare to try to use money to control death."

"Death and money are the facts that can never be avoided in life. We have not controlled it, Your Excellency, we are also facing death in our own way." Claire Belmont smiled magnanimously and spoke firmly.

President Noxham lowered his voice again and said to the Chairman: "Anyway, it was indeed a pretty exciting battle, right?"

Mr. President probably didn't realize it himself. His final tone didn't seem too confident.

Mr. Chairman of the National Defense Committee said categorically: "This is of course. Even the best captains of the Outer Rim Fleet and the Central Home Fleet can only do so much. I dare to guarantee it with my military career! That's right! It is because of your leadership and leadership that such outstanding young people can emerge!"

Although Mr. President always felt that he had been fooled again, he was still very happy and nodded: "In short, our community has a bright future! Then we should follow the original plan and let the two young captains come over Celebrate with us! They deserve this honor!”

After all, it's almost eight o'clock in the evening, and it's time to think about the stomach problems of the big shots.

Afterwards, according to the normal schedule, it was time for the dinner and cocktail reception.

For many people, tonight’s event is the official start. Excluding some who are looking for excitement, most people will regard it as a battlefield in the social field.

In fact, a considerable number of decisions that determine the development of this country, and even the entire galactic civilization, are made on such occasions.

Half an hour later, the buffet and cocktail reception began in the huge banquet hall on the Azul Princess.

President Noxham on the podium began today's opening speech. Although he still spoke very clichés, no one expected him to deliver a famous speech that would go down in history.

It is precisely because there is no hope that we can cooperate.

In any case, Mr. President is in a very comfortable mood now. Looking at everyone's smiling faces and all the gorgeous lights in front of him, he is very proud, as if everything here has turned into a gorgeous scene that makes him feel relaxed and happy.

In any case, Navy Day was a great success this time! Mr. President feels that his approval rating will increase a lot.

Then, until the next term, I can let my little moon stand beside me upright.

...Well, having said that, where is Serena?

Mr. President did not find that beautiful and demure figure in the crowd, who was incompatible with all the glitz and luxury, and he felt a little worried for a moment. However, he still tried his best to smile impeccably and finish his speech as quickly as possible.

"Well, this is such a wonderful day. With a perfect process, there will inevitably be a perfect night. Please enjoy this night..." President Noxham was about to end his speech with these words gave a speech. But at this time, standing on the stage, he suddenly saw the figure appearing at the door of the banquet hall, and was slightly startled.

Everyone in the banquet hall didn't seem to notice this, and had already begun to look around for the target of the conspiracy.

For example, Brigadier General Robnan is huddled at the outermost door of the hall, his eyes flashing with unprecedented brightness, like an owl looking for a mouse.

He felt that he should give full play to his interpersonal skills, build relationships with big shots, and expand his network of contacts. I am also old, but I am still motivated. Now that I have decided to leave the academy, it does not mean that I will be satisfied just finding a place to retire. Wouldn't it be better if it could fall into someone's eyes?

As a representative of the Central Defense University, such a good opportunity cannot be wasted.

Now, everyone was still unsatisfied because they had watched a gorgeous battleship show. As long as he claimed to be the teacher of those "actors" - which was a fact - they could still talk to each other.

But, who should start with?

You know, interpersonal communication is a technical job. If a character who is too high is not blended in, he will be humiliating himself. If a character who is too low is blended, it will not have any effect. If a character who is neither high nor low is blended, it will not be helpful if it is not his own line. There will also be counter-effects.

In addition, the blending method is also very particular. Running to take photos with others is the lowest way. How to arouse the interest of others, how to introduce yourself, how to create a persona for yourself that is neither humble nor arrogant but very capable, how to flatter others and flaunt yourself without leaving any trace, this will test people's mentality, eloquence, and observation skills. and psychological quality.

There is so much knowledge here! Who dares to say that this is not an ability? Why do you look down on the masters of office politics?

Vice Principal Robnan is still very confident in this aspect of himself.

He searched carefully, and then walked towards the two middle-aged men chatting on the side of the hall.

Those two people, one is the National Security Advisor of the Presidential Office, and the other is a senior official of the Education Committee. They happen to be professional counterparts, and their status is a little higher than themselves, but not much higher. Aren't they just the right match?

Brigadier General Robnan adjusted his military uniform, squeezed out a high-end social smile that was one-third reserved, one-third enthusiastic, and three-thirds warm, and walked over there.

But just as he passed the door of the banquet hall, a group of people appeared there.

Except for the leader, all of them were wearing close-fitting black power battle suits, masks, and loaded guns. They exuded an aura that was completely incompatible with the entire banquet hall, and even the entire Azure Princess.

Brigadier General Robnan was startled, and then he saw clearly the appearance of the leader.

"Mo, Brigadier General Morey?"

Of course Mr. Vice-Principal knows this person. The famous vulture of the Gendarmerie, the de facto commander of the Blue Guard. Although the military rank is the same as his own, normal people know that his generals will soon be added one by one. Of course, he will also need to be ingratiated with... ah no, the person he is trying to win over.

"Brigadier General Morey, are you here to attend the banquet too?" Luo Bunan decided to have a small chat with the other party first, and maybe get on the line with Lieutenant General Wang Jingyang behind him, and then repair the relationship with Yu Lian.

Yes, Brigadier General Robnan had determined that he could no longer stop the student who was gnashing his teeth with hatred from flying into the sky. In this case, let's turn enemies into friends. This is what a mature adult should do.

As he thought this, his smile became a little more kind.

However, Brigadier General Francis Morey glanced at the other party and felt that he was an unknown person. He happened to need a sacrifice to let the big shots present quickly understand the situation, so he immediately pulled out the weapon without saying a word. pistol.

Luo Bunan still didn't react, so he opened the window with a bang of his head. Mr. Vice-Chancellor's brains and blood spattered out, but without touching Morey who was so close at hand, he was pushed away by the invisible psychic field.

Vice Principal Luo Bunan fell to the ground and died on the spot. He lost his life just like that. His eyes that lost focus in an instant were still full of confusion.

The sound of gunfire is not loud, but the dead bodies, brains and blood are enough to make many people realize the reality.

The stiff silence spread like a plague to the entire banquet hall in an instant.

problem occurs? Feifei's eyes narrowed. Although she was surprised, she was not too shocked. From the moment the single-ship exercise began, her mood was not at all calm, and she always thought something would happen.

Now, something really happened, Feifei calmed down instead, as if the shoe she had been waiting for for a long time finally landed. She turned her wrist, and a butterfly dart had slipped from her sleeve into her wrist. However, when his eyes quickly locked on the identity of the visitor, he immediately hesitated.

She didn't know if she really had the ability to quickly kill a long-famous psyker like Francis Morey without revealing his identity.

And at this moment, Ms. Laura, who had been beside Feifei just now, telling her about men, suddenly let out a high-pitched scream.

Even the calm Feifei was startled. She really never thought that her idol, a famous host and media personality who is famous throughout the country for his intelligence, elegance and erudition, would actually scream with galactic power and volume.

Her reaction seemed to give the scene a head start. In an instant, there were screams, cries, wailing, running, and flute playing, all coming one after another. Facts have proved that when big shots encounter unexpected situations, they may not perform better than ordinary people... or even worse.

Feifei patted Ms. Laura calmly, and she stopped screaming and her body went limp. Although she did faint on the spot, she also entered a comfortable dormant state.

Now, this is all she can do.

The chaos didn't last long. Two armed soldiers fired a hail of bullets into the air, causing everyone to stop shouting. I don't know when those battle robots with live ammunition appeared around the venue, completely pulling everyone present from panic back to fear.

The mood is similar, but at least the performance is much "calmer".

Brigadier General Morey looked at everyone's status with satisfaction.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I regret to announce to you that you, as well as this Blue Princess, have become my hostages!" He still said to everyone in that calm tone, his tone was as calm as It's like describing objective truth.

Thanks to the Platinum Tower Master for the 10,000 rewards, you

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