Him and their stars

Chapter 207 What kind of person is he?

"The Fairy of the Stars", the most famous beautiful girl singer in the Blue Star Community, Miss Serena Mayo, is still a little unclear about the situation.

In other words, what was happening now was beyond her ability to understand, so she could only act based on instinct.

Half an hour ago, she accidentally fell into the ice cream shop. Fortunately, although she has always been dull off the stage, she still underwent strict dance training for the stage show. Although she is petite, she is still much better than the fat nerds. The moment she fell, she actually completed the twist of her body, causing her back to face downwards and bumping into various debris.

But even so, she still held her ice cream high, as if this 10-yuan cone was more important than her own life.

The spirit of the universe will always be kind to those who work hard. After Serena Mao climbed out of the debris, she looked at the intact cup of ice cream, finally showed a happy smile, and took a big lick.

However, before she finished licking the ice cream, she was attracted by the scene on the big screen in the middle of the commercial plaza.

When she came over, the jewelry advertisement that she endorsed was still playing in a loop, but now, it switched directly to a scene from the movie.

"My name is Frances Morey, message from the Celeste Princess!" The gloomy middle-aged man in the center of the screen, with a sinister sneer, spoke of the movie's villain in a sinister tone. General lines.

It took Miss Serena nearly half a minute to finally realize that this was not a movie. Because the screen has now switched to President Noxham's gray face.

The singer lady really knows Mr. President’s nature very well. Although this guy is essentially a good-for-nothing greasy uncle who is strong on the outside but is a good-for-nothing on the inside, he is still a head of state and will never allow himself to show any signs of weakness in public.

Some prank TV shows are even less likely. Although President Noxham claims to be a people-friendly, tolerant, kind and loyal elder, most congressmen, senior officials and even the public know that he is actually a softie.

Because of this, he pays more attention to identity and distance, and relies on a high-end personality with style, identity, and knowledge to maintain his majesty.

Mr. President does like to appear on TV programs, but they are all so-called high-end political and business programs.

All in all, after eliminating all impossibilities, the only possibility is that all of this is true!

...Having said that, Serena still felt that it lacked a sense of reality. She just sat there with a confused look on her face, licking the ice cream in her hand until she finished it all.

There is no way, as a person who was discovered by a talent scout at the age of twelve and has been trained by the agency as the leading female star in the entertainment industry, she really lacks experience in this area. She didn't know what she should do or where to go now, so she could only eat the ice cream and calm down.

In other words, she didn't know what she should do until she finished the ice cream.

After eating the ice cream, Serena Mao threw the paper cup into the trash can, thought about it seriously, and simply walked towards the bridge.

Miss Singer still doesn't know what she can do or what she should do. However, she knew that President Noxham was there. I actually don't really like that greasy uncle who is pretending, but he is really nice to me. The begging and crying in front of him, the joy every time he meets him, and the promises he makes to his future are all real.

...He should be scared now! Moreover, he should be worried about himself, so go and stay with him.

No matter what happens, just stay with him.

Serena thought.

"Miss, Miss, your caloric intake today has exceeded the limit. According to the previous agreement, we must notify your agent and health consultant." Bodyguard Robot A said.

"Your loyal bodyguard and assistant robot suggest that it is best to conduct an hour of aerobic training within ten minutes. The speed cannot be lower than 8 kilometers per hour, you..." Bodyguard robot B said.

Serena Mao pressed the two Frisbee robots that had just floated to the ground. No matter how stupid she is, she still understands that any noise at this time may alert the snake.

The robot didn't resist at all, and was just pinned to the ground by the singer's petite body.

In fact, if this specially customized high-end bodyguard and assistant robot is fully powered, it can knock a polar bear to death with its own alloy shell. Miss Serena's visual inspection is just over 1.6 meters tall. Naturally, it is effortless to lift a 50-pound body.

However, they did not resist at all. It is not known whether they did not dare to resist their master, or whether Serena had hidden innate divine power.

"Shut up!" Serena whispered. This girl has a completely warm-hearted character, and this kind of statement is the most serious statement.

The robots' lights flickered, but they continued: "No, we don't have mouths!"

Serena sighed and took out a small electric screwdriver from her hood.

"This is not rational behavior! Even if you destroy me, we have already sent the signal to your agent. In addition, we are your bodyguards and assistants, so please stay calm."

Serena let go and stood up. It wasn't that she was convinced by the robot's pronunciation of sticks, but that she saw a steel giant that was half a body taller than herself, already appearing not far from the street, crawling towards her.

It has eight legs like a crab. When it crawls, it makes a metallic friction sound like "crack" and "crack". However, it stands upright like a human with its upper body and stretches out four mechanical pendants like arms. Carrier of firearms.

The singer's body was a little stiff, and she subconsciously held her breath. Although she didn't understand military matters, she could still tell that the machine must have been prepared for war just by its terrifying appearance. It had a completely different style from the two civilian machines next to her that looked like flying saucers. .

"Escaper found." The battle robot flashed its lights and issued a mechanical stick pronunciation without fluctuations, which was unusually cold.

But precisely because of this, it makes people feel even more terrifying!

Serena took a few steps back and wanted to run, but she felt that her legs were filled with lead, but the robot took a few steps forward.

"Start a portrait scan... Confirm that the target is Serena Mao, not a Class A hostage."

The scanner on the robot's chest flashed a bloody red light, and it took a few steps forward. But at this time, Serena's two bodyguard robots floated up from the ground and rushed towards her.

"Please stop any hostile behavior on your machine! Please stop any attacking behavior on your machine!"

"They are not Category A hostages. It is judged that they can be executed on the spot!"

"Please stop any offensive behavior, otherwise we will reserve the right to self-defense!"

Machine conversations without intelligent AI are destined to be like chickens and ducks.

The huge battle robot took a few steps forward and suppressed the machine cannon on its left hand.

But at this moment, the Frisbee robot that was approaching suddenly accelerated immediately and went directly towards the scanner with a red light flashing on the opponent's chest.

"Bang!" "Bang, bang, bang!"

The violent impact of the alloy and the sound of the gunshot happened almost at the same time. The mechanical flying disc directly hit the scanner on the battle robot's chest, and the opponent's machine cannon fired a burst of fire at the place where Serena was, but was completely blocked by another flying disc.

This little "frisbee" was like an activated shield, blocking its owner. A 9mm steel nail bullet couldn't penetrate its body.

The bodyguard and assistant robots customized from the alliance have indeed demonstrated capabilities corresponding to their price range.

The singer finally woke up from a dream, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

She heard a loud "crackling" and "crackling" sound behind her, which must have been the sound of the two Frisbees fighting the giant "spider", but she did not stop at all, or even look back.

She didn't know where she should run, so she could only subconsciously crawl into the narrow gaps in the business district.

"We have called the police! We have called the police! Please stop any hostile behavior immediately!" The flying disc robot continued to face the repeater and continued to hit the combat robot.

Serena wanted to cry a little, but she didn't dare to cry, let alone slow down her pace. She often does physical fitness and dance training, and her running movements are very steady. Finally, there is no classic plot like falling on the ground.

However, she saw a robot that looked like a large scorpion, its tail exposed directly from the roof beside her, and then jumped directly in front of her. It was obviously a giant metal creation that was estimated to be at least a ton in size, but it only left a light and soft buffering sound, as if a small piece of plastic duck had fallen on the ground.

Then, Scorpion propped up his metal upper body, raised his four arms, and hung the rotating cannon.

Serena stopped, resigned to her fate, and wiped her tears.

"The fugitives are not Class A hostages and can be eliminated," the robot said.

"Yes, can you just shoot once and don't hit the head!" Serena said.

The robot's red light flashed and stopped crawling.

"I don't want to die ugly." Serena said again.

The robot's red light flashed again, and this time the silence lasted for more than three seconds. Probably with its own processor, it would be difficult to understand this girl's brain circuit.

It finally raised its machine cannon, and at this time, Serena had closed her eyes, looking resigned to her fate.

However, she did not hear the gunshot she imagined - in fact, if a gun was actually fired, she would have been hit before she heard the sound - but a dull "Weng Weng" sound. .

This... isn't he trying to knock me to death? This is such a tragic death! Serena wanted to cry again, but at this moment, she couldn't cry anymore. She simply opened her eyes again and decided to die.

However, what she saw was such a scene. A young man in a navy uniform, with his back to him, stood in front of him and the robot. His figure was not very tall and majestic. He was obviously much shorter than that terrifying fighting machine, but he seemed to be standing across a solid fortress.

The man opened his arms, his movements were unusually stretched, and punched the robot. .

According to common sense, it must be the local arm that is broken, but the reality is the opposite. The robot, which was mechanically equipped with a military installation plate, was obviously distorted and deformed. Invisible electric sparks were beating in the cracked armor. The weapon mechanical arm raised high lost power and drooped on the spot. Not only that, the upper half of the machine's body seemed to have been struck by an invisible sharp blade. It separated directly from the lower body of the spider and flew several meters away. Then, with another "bang", it hit the spider's body. On another fighting machine that just came over.

It was the guy who fired at Serena just now, and it had two Frisbees embedded in it. It was the two loyal bodyguard robots there.

The singer lady was completely stunned.

She had seen such scenes in movies, TV and the news, but this was the first time she had seen it in reality, so the impact she received was naturally different.

Under the dull gaze of the singer lady, the young officer did not stop, but jumped over with a vigorous step, and punched several times in a row until the sparking robots were completely motionless.

The officer paused for a moment, dug into the pair of mechanical rubbish, and pulled up the cannon from the opponent's hand, and then dug out another mechanical part. He thought for a moment, then pulled out the two "frisbees" embedded in the enemy's body, then turned around and smiled at himself, revealing his friendly white teeth.

"It's Miss Serena! Are you okay?" he said.

Serena looked at her savior blankly, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "No, ah? You, ah, you are Fina's boyfriend!"

She didn't notice that another officer appeared behind her, and he also smiled and prepared to greet her, but after hearing this, his smile suddenly fell.

The name of this young man who is changing his face is Horatio Wayne, and Miss Serena's "savior" is of course Yu Lian. He neither admitted nor denied. He threw the machine cannon he had just dug out to Wien and said, "Here, the weapon you want!"

The cannon he acquired was quite heavy, but Wayne still caught it with a very calm movement. He fiddled with it up and down to make sure it actually worked, and then felt a little relieved.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time! The movement here will reach the enemy sooner or later. Fortunately... with these things, we can do something!" Yu Lian raised the flying disk and a bunch of machinery in his hand.

Although this type of gray fog robot is not nano-sized, the outer armor is still made of hard alloy plates, but its internal mechanical skeleton is made of viscous composite metal with good ductility and changeability. As far as the scientific and technological content of materials science is concerned, there are only a few countries in the galaxy with such a level.

With these gadgets, Yu Lian can turn them into the tools he needs.

In short, I still have to thank (future) Ina for the hundreds of short videos of her hands rubbing various weapons and military tools, and for her ten-year volunteer career in her previous life!

Anyway, don’t thank the spirit of the universe.

"In addition, your bodyguard robot is the Slave 12 type produced by the alliance. The core processor has quite powerful computing power. Can I disassemble it and use the parts inside?"

"Then... that, yes. But after using it, if you have time, can you put them back together?"

Yu Lian glanced at the other party and felt that the girl's reaction was different from what he imagined!

"Xiaohong and Xiaolan died to protect me. At least afterwards, I want to give them a funeral... Shouldn't they be buried as whole bodies?"

"...Don't worry, they're not dead! After everything is over, I'll let them have full health and full status, okay?"

Miss Serena Mayo was startled when she heard this, and her eyes suddenly bloomed with a refreshing glow. She held Yu Lian's hands tightly: "Thank you, thank you! Xiaohong and Xiaolan, I'm leaving it to you..."

"No, I should be thanking you.

Wayne, who was standing aside with a machine gun, looked embarrassed. From the beginning to the end, not to mention talking to each other, Miss Serena didn't even look at him. He felt that he was just like Yu Lian's follower and appendage.

"However, before that, we must first find a safe place to settle you." Yu Lian added.

Serena bit her lower lip and nodded after hesitating.

Although she was worried about President Noxham, she also knew that it was always right to listen to the professionals at this time.

She has never been a willful girl. At most, she would hide from her agent and sneak out to eat ice cream, chocolate, barbecue, hot pot and anything high in fat and sugar. However, if she has to force others to take her actions together, not only will she not be able to help at all, but she will also drag everyone back at a critical moment - she will definitely not do such a thing that will lose fans.

"But where is the safe place?" Serena asked.

Wayne felt that this should be a very real technical problem, and suddenly felt a headache. But Yu Lian once again showed a row of big white teeth and a smile that made the girl's skin crawl: "Don't worry, there are plenty of places! There's one nearby."

Yu Lian just held Miss Singer's hand, walked straight to a quiet corner behind the commercial street, opened the cargo compartment of an automatic truck, and pressed her directly in.

"That's it..." Miss Serena Maho was stunned. She was about to speak, but was almost vomited by the sudden fishy smell.

The singer lady has realized that this thing should be used to transport meat.

Wayne next to him was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

"Don't worry! The fog machine will ignore the machine. You have to be grateful that this is a luxury cruise ship. The food transport ships on it are all super luxurious. In order to ensure the deliciousness of the food, the cabin is insulated from heat, sound and even radiation. .”

"This this……"

Of course, just in case, I still need to aggrieve you. "Yu Lian stretched out his hand, and without saying a word, he slapped Miss Serena on the back of her neck. She immediately shrank limply into the cabin, so breathless.

Yu Lian closed the hatch, turned his head, and saw Wayne's expression so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"I didn't kill her." Yu Lianda said: "I just blocked her body functions with spiritual energy. In this way, within a short period of time, she would fall into a state of suspended animation, and even the most sophisticated instruments would treat her as a pile of Dead meat.”

Of course, this kind of psychic micro-management ability is actually very high-end, and it is not something that ordinary beginners can play.

"One, a pile of dead meat..." Winn pursed his lips and repeated the word: "This, this is the elf of the stars! It's just this... one, a pile of dead meat?"

"We don't have enough power to protect her, so it's the best way to go with Kenen and his wife!" Yu Lian said matter-of-factly, turning around and walking towards a secluded passage.

I, I would lose to such a person! Miss Fina, did you see it? This is the kind of person he is!

Wayne wanted to drag his goddess over to watch this scene on the spot, but in the end he just stayed there dejected for a few seconds, and then followed with sad steps while holding the machine cannon.

Although I have degenerated into a yokumon now, most of the chapters are over 5k. They are still more moral than those coquettish bitches disguised as second-guessing beasts from the 2K Party.

So, you are still eligible to ask for votes as a matter of course, right?

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