Him and their stars

Chapter 220 Rescue at the conference venue

Yu Lian pretended to raise the metal plate in his hand: "Is this the core terminal of those robots?"

Morey's face looked very ugly.

He really wanted to ask how the other party knew, but he saw Yu Lian continued to pretend to raise the personal information terminal on his arm and said: "I have scanned them all! Such a small prop, but a large number of wireless There is no other explanation for the source of the signal other than the terminal of the drone. Huh...what, you don't understand? Also, I have seen too many psykers like you. Because you have mastered a little bit, you are called He is complacent about the brute strength of his 'psionic power', but the scientific thinking in his head is not as good as that of a serious middle school student."

Brigadier General Morey felt that his dignity had been severely damaged, but the most important thing was that he could not refute it.

"You lost. Surrender now, and maybe you will have a little bit of dignity." Yu Liandao.

"Hmph! You are indeed smart, but you will be defeated by your arrogance!" Brigadier General Morey said coldly.

Morey no longer wanted to care about how Yu Lian found out. Anyway, the other party would definitely take the opportunity to continue mocking him. What's more, what if the core terminal falls into his hands? Anyway, he must not know how to turn it off, let alone know that he can control the robot even through telekinesis.

His will, through the transmission of spiritual energy, silently acted on the terminal in Yu Lian's hand, and then spread to the entire ship. The robots on standby around the square gathered around and raised various types of cannons to aim at the back of Yu Company.

At the same moment, the Gray Mist Omnics in the bridge and the Great Hall also reacted in the same way.

"Kill him! Kill them! Let's die together!" He showed a ferocious smile.

Then, he watched in horror as Yu Lian raised the omnic terminal high, but he only felt subtle fluctuations of psychic energy. The red light on the metal plate flickered and was extinguished on the spot.

The robots who were about to spray at Yu Lian's back seemed to have lost all their energy in an instant. Their bodies went limp and the guns in their hands drooped.

Morey remained silent for several seconds, then suddenly turned around and rushed towards the bridge as quickly as possible.

Yu Lian expressed his full admiration for the opponent's prompt decision, waved his hand and threw the blade in his hand, and then chased after him. While chasing, he was also fiddling with the metal plate in his hand.

The blade spun into a windmill and hit Brigadier General Morey on the back of his neck. Judging from the powerful sound of wind pressure, it seems as if it can directly decapitate an elephant. Morey, or rather the thing behind Morey, didn't dare to be too big, so he turned around and drank a word spirit.

"Laws, block!"

The air inside the ship seemed to directly turn into an invisible solid wall, and the entity opened directly in front of the two people, but only a "duang" sound was heard, and the blade fell to the ground like a deformation.

While chasing a master who was at least two levels higher than himself, he also had to inspect the newly obtained trophies. Yu Lian felt that it was too difficult for him, and of course he was too amazing.

This thing is indeed the core of the Gray Mist Omnic, which is the control terminal for more than 200 Gray Mist combat robots on the Azure Princess. It is an... antique that is very consistent with the scientific worldview!

Yu Lian had dealt with this thing several times in his previous life. It was a legacy left by who knows which civilization in the previous era. Some scholars once again attribute them to the legacy of the omnipotent Enlightenment, but because these robots are really inconsistent with the style of the known Enlightenment legacy, the controversy is still quite large.

There are actually quite a few of these things in the entire universe. Each terminal, depending on its number and performance, can control dozens or even thousands of unmanned combat machines.

The reason why there is a name like "Grey Mist" is because a certain transcendent from the Luen galaxy in the future who calls himself "Gray Mist Master" Aimeng got a large number of ancient mechanical terminals from unknown sources, so he gave it to He built a huge army of robots himself. Afterwards, he brazenly raised the flag of resistance to the empire.

In a sense, Mr. Ai Meng, the "Lord of the Gray Fog", can even be regarded as an ally of the people on Earth, although this guy is really unscrupulous in his conduct, almost like a cult leader.

...The leader of a cult? Yu Lian felt as if he had realized something.

In short, in the future, Mr. Aimeng became one of the rebel leaders who threatened the empire the most, and his name as "Lord of the Gray Mist" spread throughout the galaxy. The omnic cores and combat robots he used had bandit names like "Grey Mist Core" and "Grey Mist Robot."

However, this is indeed just a bandit account. In fact, in future official records, the academic number of this thing will always be ancient relic No. UA12.

"Gray Mist Lord" Ammon, together with the vegetation on his home planet Luen, were eventually wiped out by the Empire's neutrons, and the Ethereal Temple also sealed almost all known gray fog omnic terminals. Only the Empire and the Alliance obtained several units for research.

Such a scientific antique was actually handed over to the most unscientific organization in the universe to handle, perhaps because its manipulation method is indeed very unscientific.

However, we all know that once this kind of thing spreads to the battlefield, it is absolutely impossible to completely ban the seal. Yu Lian had played it several times in his previous life.

Even facing the Spirit of the Universe, he dared to say that he definitely knew much more about the gray fog machine than Brigadier General Morey across from him.

Ordinary people can operate it in conventional ways, but psychics can also attach their own will to it, which has the effect of identifying the owner of the treasure in some fantasy novels.

If this is the case, it will still take some time to dispel the will of the previous owner. Yu Lian could only close it temporarily.

Therefore, the most energy-saving and trouble-free method...is to kill the previous owner first, right? Yu Lian quickened his pace, stretched out his hand, and directly grasped the machine cannon on the gray mist guard next to him.

In fact, until this time, Brigadier General Morey's hard power was still superior to Yu Lian's, but both sides seemed to have forgotten this fact.

No one noticed that a large unmanned delivery vehicle had driven out from the other end of the square.

Miss Serena Mayo exposed half of her head from the carriage and looked around with confused eyes. She soon saw the passage at the end of the square and knew that it should lead to the bridge.

The singer lady knew that the greasy middle-aged man whom she disliked at all, the unreliable head of state of this country, but also the most important man in her life was there.

There was such a big fuss... He was so weak and passed out again, it would be very dangerous.

Serena gritted her teeth and quickly retracted her head.

Need to think of a way? But what to do? Miss Singer felt that if she foolishly rushed to save people, she would most likely become a burden to her own side, or even directly become the enemy's flesh and blood, and become a tool for the villain to threaten her friends.

Yes, Miss Serena has watched many movies in this area, and she has always felt that the heroines are mentally retarded. It's your turn, but you must not do this.

She carefully took out her beloved electric screwdriver, calmly opened a hole under the cargo box, climbed over, and climbed into the cab. Look at her extremely skilled movements, it's obvious that she has done it many times.

This delivery machine is unmanned most of the time, but just in case, it is actually equipped with a manual cab. Serena Mao climbed to the operating panel,

Many people know that she grew up in a single-parent family. She was discovered by a talent scout at the age of 12 and was trained by the company as a future pillar. From then on, she could see her mother for less than a month every year. However, too many people don't know that her mother drove a large truck back then, and later drove an interstellar cargo ship.

You can imagine what kind of style women who engage in such work look like. Having grown up in such an environment, one can easily imagine what kind of painting style Miss Serena Mayo has.

She fiddled with the dashboard, and then saw an entire map inside the ship. The highlighted trajectory should be the robot's delivery route.

"Mom, protect me!"

Serena actually didn't know much about it, at least not as well as her mother, but she still fiddled with it carefully based on her superficial understanding of machinery.

Probably the operating modes of this type of vehicle are similar. In short, the unmanned truck stopped on the spot and started again a few seconds later. Well, it changed its original trajectory on the spot, bypassed the square in front of the bridge, got into the side passage, and just stopped.

At this time, Miss Serena Mayo got back into the cargo hold through the passage just now, and continued to crouch defensively with her head in her hands.

Horatio Wayne poked his head out from behind the bunker and looked at the robot opposite that seemed to have fallen silent. He stood up and fired a bunch of bullets at the steel colossus with the heavy machine cannon in his hand.

The machine cannon in Wayne's hand was the only heavy weapon that could pose a real threat to the Gray Mist Guards, but this shuttle blast only pushed them back several meters.

With a "click", the shiny black steel giant seemed to lose its balance and fell to the ground with another heavy bang.

"Death, finally dead?" Major Geisen asked with a lingering fear.

You know, just this robot just suppressed everyone so much that they couldn't even lift their heads. It is difficult for the light weapons in our own hands to effectively attack the solid armor.

Wayne pondered for a moment, gave everyone a vigilant look, and walked out of the bunker.

"Sir!" Manager Harris wanted to stop him, but Wayne ignored him and stepped forward to touch him directly with the muzzle of the gun.

"...That guy really did it!" Wayne sighed in his heart, and then ordered: "Mr. Harris, take people to the conference venue and quickly suppress the rebels. There is no need to seek death, just guard the door. Others People, follow me to the bridge for support!”

He still had a very clear judgment on the combat effectiveness of this group of security guards. Although they had an absolute advantage in numbers, it was unrealistic to really expect them to fight to the death.

Wayne's guess was indeed correct.

Harris quickly rushed to the auditorium with a group of security guards and mercenaries from private security companies. After a not-too-intense confrontation with the special service team members on the opposite side, the other side began to retreat.

There is nothing we can do if we don't retreat. When this group of special service members saw the air battle outside the porthole, they knew that what was supposed to happen had finally happened.

Thirty former special forces members had differences at this time. Some people wanted to start massacring the hostages according to Brigadier General Morey's initial plan, but most people were unable to do this cruelty. Shooting one or two people dead and shooting more than 20,000 people indiscriminately are two different things after all.

Facts have proved that although they followed the old leader and became terrorists, they still did not have the consciousness to completely turn themselves into beasts, and they quickly unified their thinking.

"Let's leave this kind of massacre to the robots." The special service members thought so and simply withdrew from the venue.

They still felt that as long as they guarded the door, prevented the hostages from escaping, and controlled the situation here during this period, they would be worthy of Brigadier General Morey and General Schwartz. After that, let's just settle on our destiny.

What the special service team members never expected was that as soon as they lined up at the conference venue, the door there clicked and closed on the spot. Thirty former special forces members had completely lost contact with the more than 20,000 hostages inside, plus dozens of combat robots.

After they were stunned for a few seconds, they all said that they would skip to the last step and just settle for their fate now!

They were even more certain of this when the several robots that were still fighting together around them completely lost their power, and when the security guards who were supposed to be locked up suddenly came to kill them.

"what should we do?"

Everyone looked at the person in charge here, a man in his 30s named Captain Rubins.

"Everyone knows that the Sa family used to be a gangster. He worked as a thug for several years and committed many murders. Because of the great favor from Morey's brother, he became a military policeman and a special service team member. If it hadn't been for him , either he was killed by someone from another gang, died in that alley, or he was killed by the police."

What the hell do you want to start remembering now? Are you ready to lead everyone in a desperate charge for the sake of acquaintance?

"But, when a person dies, there is nothing! Although the Sa family ate the imperial rations, they were not as happy as before with a big bowl of wine! This time, from being eater of the imperial rations to a wanted criminal, it can be regarded as worthy of Brother Morey Got it!"

Everyone is almost dying of anxiety, thinking that you are still being careless at this time. Are you saying that you are the spirit of the universe asking for peace of mind?

"Go in this direction, there is a small yacht dock, and you can also find two moving yachts. Let's bet to see if our brothers can escape! From now on, Swordsman and Proud Galaxy, it can be regarded as a quick fall!" The bald captain road.

One side did not want to attack by force, and the other did not want to defend. After a fierce but not tragic exchange of fire, the special service members fought and retreated, leaving the Great Hall to the White Wing Angelo Company. The security guard was there.

With this, more than 20,000 hostages on the Azul Princess were liberated.

The only ones who were still in danger were the upper class among the more than two hundred upper class people on the bridge.

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