Him and their stars

Chapter 222 Let’s go shoulder to shoulder

That type of unmanned carrier vehicle is still about the size of a golden cup of bread, and the large cargo box behind it is nearly two meters high, so it looks quite substantial. If he really charged with all his strength, he would at least still have the aura of a rhinoceros.

Of course, this is for ordinary people. Everyone knows that psychics (in most ways) have such strong body structures, strong vitality, and rapid regeneration that they can hardly be regarded as carbon-based mammals.

Yu Lian knew that even if he was prepared, he would definitely be the one who overturned.

However, isn’t this a special situation?

Brigadier General Morey, who had completely focused his attention on Yu Lian, was hit by a car on the spot.

…Then, the truck did overturn, but it didn’t fall apart after all. Brigadier General Morey himself did stumble involuntarily, and the strength in his hands suddenly relaxed.

Of course, Yu Lian couldn't let go of this good opportunity. He leaned down, waved his hand, swung hard, and threw the opponent away on the spot with a stone-throwing motion.

Brigadier General Morey was thrown nearly twenty meters away again, hitting the center of the square directly in the trap created by his various psychic skills and resonance martial arts.

Looking at the overturned drone over there, a delicate girl rolled out of the cargo hold, covering her head and making a painful sound of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhurelulyhahaha!"

But then she quickly stood up and patted her clothes, but it was none other than Miss Serena Mayo.

She looked around and then at Brigadier General Morey in the distance. She was stunned for half a second and clapped her hands: "Okay, I succeeded!"

As soon as Miss Singer's celebration started, her collar was grabbed by a hand.

"What have you succeeded in?" Yu Lian couldn't help but said, waving his hand and throwing it away, and the singer's little body of less than 50 pounds was thrown away like a rag doll.

Of course, the direction of her flight was towards the bridge. Before she could scream, or hit the floor directly, she landed in the crook of a pair of arms.

The frightened Miss Serena waited with her big eyes. Before she could adjust her breathing, she saw Fina's helpless expression.

Yu Lian was actually really grateful to Miss Serena for her help.

This singer lady is very courageous, has great ideas and actions, and she really helped. But now, it's really not the time to say thank you. It would really be too dangerous for her to stay where she was.

"Feifei, watch out for everyone! Don't come out! No one can come out!" Yu Lian shouted to the bridge, and then stood in front of the passage, blocking the only passage between the bridge and Morey.

But is that really Morey?

He had already stood up from the ground, his face was as gray as a corpse, and his bulging veins were about to break free from the shackles of his skin. The corners of his mouth closed, and he wanted to say something, but the deep black mother, who could no longer see the focus at all, was moving unnaturally. It seemed that the nerves were being compressed, and he couldn't make a sound from his mouth. Come.

Morey's face began to distort, and the flesh and blood that burst out behind the wound seemed to be crawling with moving insects, beating crazily. The cheek began to deform and swell, like a balloon being filled with countless breaths.

Then, he saw that the two eyes that were bulging as if they were about to explode reluctantly moved. The black eyeballs were like cells dividing, and they tore out seven or eight of the same style on his body. come out.

However, probably because of these cell divisions, his original eyes were separated into black and white again. The eyes that were very unnaturally bulging, as if they were about to burst out of their sockets at any time, finally regained focus: "Ah, it turns out, this is the feeling of release..."

If you just look at his eyes, this is probably the most normal thing Yu Lian has ever seen about this guy.

However, Yu Lian subconsciously withdrew his spiritual perception at this time. He didn't even need to extend his psychic powers to feel the stench coming towards his face.

... Extraordinary loss of control actually happened! This kind of low-probability event really happened to me!

However, this guy had a slug stuck in his brain stem, and there was a gloomy mastermind behind it, which made him almost schizophrenic. Thanks to the above factors, he can't even use the Word Spirit and Law Techniques that pose the greatest threat to him.

After all, psionic power belongs to the power of stupid idealists, and schizophrenic psykers will naturally have a greater chance of losing control of their extraordinary abilities.

However, this is still a small probability event!

Yu Lian looked at Brigadier Morey's strangely clear eyes and immediately understood that this guy had deliberately let himself lose control!

Even if the psyker has the will to die, he does not have such awareness, let alone such control. All I can say is, this guy is really good at playing, and what a shame!

At this time, in addition to the splitting of his eyes, his body also began to swell, beginning to swell in the direction of an indescribable monster.

His state was naturally noticed by everyone on the bridge, which once again caused a shocking uproar.

Fortunately, this group of people are all prominent figures even in the upper class society, and their respect for class qualities has become a conditioned reflex.

"This, is this the legendary extraordinary loss of control?" Chairman Nicita looked at Morey, who was becoming more and more indescribable, and finally flashed a hint of fear. The feeling of watching a horror movie live was a bit unbearable even for him.

Although I had heard that psykers could lose control and degenerate into monsters, I never expected that such a scene would happen!

When he thought about this, he couldn't help but look at his wife again. Horror movies can be staged in real life, but what if they are staged at home? I almost subconsciously wanted to take a step back.

"Darling, what's that expression on your face! In our world of extraordinary beings, the probability of losing control and falling out of control is lower than a car accident. Don't you think you'll never ride in a car again?"

The Chairman thought about it, so he sat a little closer and held the lady's hand: "Well, Madam, Morey over there..."

He began to make quick calculations. Should I let the madam go over to help, or should I let the madam stay and protect everyone? Which aspect is more profitable is really giving him a headache!

"Darling, my responsibility is to protect you...and my ability is not suitable for this kind of battle." Melalie shook her head and said: "Now, we can only count on that young man. You have good vision, he It is indeed quite outstanding, I hope I can create another miracle again.”

Having said that, Mrs. Melalie really didn't have high hopes. She knew very well that the monsters that were transformed out of control by psykers would absorb a large amount of negative energy from the virtual realm in a moment of complete madness. This was also the main reason why they expanded into indescribable monsters.

But these crazy negative energies not only turn the psyker into a monster, but also turn him (or it) into power. As a result, its strength will inevitably exceed that before the fall.

According to the theorem of extraordinary loss of control, the increase in power should be around the first to second rings...perhaps it will degrade in control and combat rhythm, knowing that becoming frantic is like a wounded beast, but the increase in power is even above that. .

If only that young man was alone, he would definitely not be able to deal with the out-of-control spiritual monster.

Even if I were added, it would be very confusing...

Mrs. Melalie thought of this and couldn't help but glance at Claire Belmont in the crowd. Her natal family and the Belmont family were from aristocratic families, so she could be considered as having watched this boy grow up.

But at this time, the young master of the Belmont family, who represented the alliance, and the Duke of Fishou, who had already represented the empire, almost at the same time let out a dismissive laugh when Morey entered a state of extraordinary loss of control.

The two were startled and looked at each other at the same time. The two people, who were old enough to be considered grandparents, after a few seconds of silence, spontaneously showed a tacit smile that paid tribute to their kindred spirits.

"Not taking action?"

"I'm already this old! What about you? You're obviously very powerful now."

"I want to see it again, don't overdo it!"

"The slippery libertine!"

"The evil and greasy old man!"

The two of them smiled tacitly again with smiles and eyes, and then retreated into their chairs, ready to watch until the end.

If I were really an earthling, I would definitely find a way to blow you two up into the sky, and then tell the public that you died in a terrorist attack! Mrs. Melalie rolled her eyes and looked at the sky.

It's a pity that she married from the Alliance after all, and she doesn't have the final say on the earth.

The only person who is incompatible with the environment here is the singer lady who is always out of tune with the reality.

Serena Maio ran over, struggled to help the unconscious President Noxham up, and let him lean on the chair. After thinking for a while, he took out a bottle of high-sugar and high-calorie frozen chocolate milk from his hoodie and placed it on Mr. President's cheek.

Mr. President yelled "Ah woo", and completed the seamless switch from fainting to jumping violently in half a second, roaring loudly: "Morey! Morey! Labor and management will fight with you!"

However, he soon saw Serena's little face close at hand and was stunned. Then, the cheeks that were swollen with rage collapsed in an instant. He fell to his knees, hugged the girl's petite body tightly, and cried on the spot: "Uuuuuuuuuuah! Serena, you're okay, great, you're okay!"

The reporters were in a dilemma. They didn’t know whether to shoot the actual scandal here or the battle there. Anyway, they were both big news! What a happy worry!

Fina gritted her silver teeth. Although she wanted to beat everyone in the bridge, she couldn't care less at this time and was ready to rush out to help.

She was not prepared to listen to Yu Lian's orders at all.

But the girl had just taken a step forward when the already somewhat deformed bridge door made a "click" sound, and then, the three-layer armored door still fell down.

Fina and Yu Lian were isolated at both ends of the gate. The last thing she saw was Yu Lian turning back to her with a smile and a thumbs up at the moment the door closed.

"Dear, don't make trouble, just wait for me!"

Feifei didn't know whether she should be moved or dumbfounded at this time.

"Dead fish! Stupid fish! Why are you acting cool at this time!" The girl threw herself on the door switch, but found that it didn't move at all no matter how she operated it. It was obviously locked remotely.

At this time, even the dignified "Earl Black Moon" didn't know what to do and could only stamp his feet helplessly.

"Don't, don't worry...our support will be here soon!" Someone comforted in a low voice.

Yes, through the bridge window, you can already see several light spots outside, which is exactly how the ship is approaching rapidly.

In fact, the moment the Feixue 48 was confirmed to have been completely sunk, the rescue fleet and stormtroopers who were already on standby rushed over at full speed.

In terms of hostage rescue, the operation of Yu Lian and his friends can be considered a successful conclusion, and the result is perfect.

In comparison, the fact that there was only one enemy leader left to resist was not a problem at all.

To put it bluntly, if Morey loses control somewhere else, Yu Lian will not bother to pay attention and will just run away. When the backup comes with heavy firepower, he will just clear the ground with firepower.

What about the fallen spiritual monsters? They are also physical entities and can be destroyed by conventional means.

But the problem is, behind him is the bridge. There are more than two hundred people, and most importantly, Feifei is there.

If left alone, can the three main doors of the bridge really stop the opponent? In other words, can you hold on until backup arrives?

Yu Lian really didn't dare to gamble.

...In this case, to put it bluntly, isn't it just a "war"?

I'm good at this!

Yu Lian was so determined that he had no need to be afraid of anything. He suddenly felt that his fighting spirit was high, and he almost had some "Drawing the Sword" music in his mind to cheer him up.

"How dare you stop in front of me!" Francis Morey laughed loudly.

"...I'm just a little curious." Yu Lian looked at the other person up and down, showing a malicious ridicule: "It's rare for me to lose control of you in this state, and I really want to take the opportunity to exchange experiences... For example, if you fall What does it feel like to transform into a spiritual monster?”

"Degeneration? No, this is evolution! This is my ideal feeling! Power, infinite power! I finally understand now, I only need this!" Morey roared loudly, his voice shaking the sky.

"I am destined to fail! Ah, my general! I can't save you! However, I will send everything here to pay tribute to your soul!"

"Admiral Schwartz is still alive." Yu Lian couldn't help but remind him.

However, by this time, this guy naturally couldn't hear such human words.

He continued to expand, and the flesh and blood exuding an ominous aura became increasingly filthy as his body expanded, eventually turning into a huge mass of black hair and blood-red organs twisted into a huge piece of flesh, covered with more than a dozen... He opened his mouth, revealing sharp and terrifying fangs.

Tentacles wrapped in gloomy mist stretched out from the cracks in the mass of flesh, densely packed like a spider web.

Immediately afterwards, the monster rushed over waving its tentacles.

It's obviously a monster with a standard horror style of a mass of indescribable flesh and tentacles, but it moves very quickly. It stretched out its tentacles, hung on the raised structure, and swayed over. At first glance, it looked like an oversized irregular elastic ball.

Yu Lian really started to have a headache.

This guy is obviously crazy, but his destination is quite clear.

This kind of rational madness must be the most difficult enemy in any situation.

But, again, I am the best at dealing with this kind of situation!

However, at this moment, the transparent dome above the square was mostly covered by a sudden shadow, but it was a roaring landing craft.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a deafening crash, and the dome suddenly lost its previous "transparency". The distant starry sky and bright moon could no longer be seen, and it directly returned to an indifferent metal ceiling.

But then, the smooth metal ceiling began to deform obviously, bulged, and even broke.

"Boom!" A metal component that didn't know whether it was a steel bar or a ceiling, weighing at least twenty tons, fell from the sky and hit the monster's head immediately.

Even this corrupted spiritual beast was temporarily sluggish.

Immediately afterwards, a conical machine like a large drill drilled through the gap in the ceiling, and then opened like petals, revealing a dark passage.

A figure appeared from the entrance of the passage. Seeing such a scene, he hesitated and did not jump down for a while.

Yu Lian, however, stood up with his spear in high spirits. He said he became better at handling subsequent scenes.

"Xiao Qing, there is no need to talk about moral principles for evil heretics like this. Let's all stand shoulder to shoulder!"

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