Him and their stars

Chapter 233 Hometown is also changing

The family banquet is still held downstairs in Rong, which can be regarded as the good news does not go to outsiders.

"Your father said he wanted to go to Pearl City to find a luxurious restaurant or something like that, so I said he would go out to eat while guarding our old Liu Jiarong's 1,500-year-old shop downstairs. Who are you insulting? "When my uncle put one of tonight's hard dishes, a large plate of dry-roasted Liao ginseng, on the table, he didn't forget to say a few words to the other party.

"Tsk, I've been feeding you for decades, why can't you let me change my ways? Besides, the children have finally graduated, so they should spend some money. The Valley Park in Pearl City was opened by the retired imperial lord Yuchu. It’s hard to determine the place for serious imperial palace dishes. I only managed to get the connections from a certain student.” Feifei’s father, Willis, whom Yu Lian calls “Uncle Wei” · c · Li said angrily, but before everyone came to the table, he had already put a large piece of Dongpo elbow on his plate, which tasted like eating a large piece of meat.

Now it is time to give a positive introduction to the contemporary leader of Atomic Boxing, Mr. Willis C. Lee.

He is 45 years old this year and is a strong man full of energy. His stature is actually not very tall. If you look closely, he can't even be considered particularly strong, but perhaps his spirit and vitality are too vigorous, which makes him look burly. The feeling of a fierce and powerful warrior.

He is indeed a very handsome and handsome man. Of course, it is impossible to be personable and gentle. After all, he is a warrior who eats meat and drinks from a big bowl. But just looking at his facial features can indeed be regarded as a "handsome" evaluation.

After all, if he could give birth to a daughter like Feifei, his own appearance should not be too flattering.

Of course, maybe it's because he has such a fierce temperament, and because he is really bald in middle age, so everyone only remembers him as a tough guy, and the image of a "beautiful uncle" is really not good. How strong.

While chewing the stewed soft meat, he said: "So, Yu Lian was not very smart in the fight on the boat. After all, he was a fool in my gym. If this spreads out, it won't be Are you going to embarrass me?"

It was really hard for Uncle Wei to argue so seriously. Yu Lian thought of this and quickly filled a glass of wine for Uncle Wei with a smile: "Uncle Wei taught you a lesson!"

"Feifei, you must be thinking, am I, an old guy, relying on my old age to show off my old age again?" The bald man reached out to cover the wine glass and said to his daughter: "I tell you, the so-called atomic boxing, even if it is just a basic technique , and also his..."

Feifei picked up another chopstick of vegetables and put it into her father's bowl. She interrupted with a smile: "Dad, is it the wine Yu'er bought for you that doesn't taste good? Or is it that Uncle Liu's cooking doesn't taste good?"

Uncle Wei touched his bald head, sighed sadly, and picked up the wine glass that Yu Lian brought over.

"That's right, just eat well, and you are talking about fighting and killing again!" Auntie said angrily: "When I watched the broadcast before, you don't know how worried I was! Yu'er, as promised Is it a battleship drill? Why did it turn into a fight with monsters! But it scared my aunt so much that she almost fainted, and your uncle passed out immediately!"

"Huh, nonsense, how could such a thing happen!" Rong Xia downstairs' 88th generation boss sternly denied it, saying that this was a slander against the old Liu family's food god.

"Wow, my brother is so handsome! Our classmates all admire him!"

"Yes, the senior sisters all said that they would not marry anyone but him, ugh..."

Under the glare of their aunt and Feifei at the same time, An An and Lele quickly lowered their heads and focused their attention on the food again.

"Anyway, don't be so reckless in the future! Did you hear that? Dad, please say a few words!"

The uncle raised the wine glass stiffly, took a sip, and showed a surprised expression. Finally, he changed the subject stiffly: "Oh, this is the top-grade fire rock wine! It's hard to buy this stuff. ! It’s really hard for Feifei!”

"I'm not in trouble, the people lining up for errands are all fish. Dad, he has been queuing up for most of the day to buy these bottles of wine for you." Feifei laughed.

The so-called fire rock wine is one of the most famous spirits in the universe. It is brewed from fire rock beans produced in the Hesse Sector of the Alliance. The taste of this wine is very close to Jian Mouchun from Yu Lian's hometown in his previous life, but the taste is stronger and has a long-lasting aroma that cannot be tasted on earth.

Of course, this is indeed a luxury product among spirits. The production is limited and it is difficult to buy.

If paired with Sichuan food, the taste will be even better! Yu Lian liked this taste in his last life, and it will be even more so in this life.

To his relief, Uncle Wei also liked it very much. A man who enjoys a strong drink and eats meat is a man.

"Humph, isn't it just a bottle of wine? Isn't this what this kid should do?" Uncle Wei said.

Yu Lian smiled and said: "Yes, it's just a little bit of wine. We juniors still have a lot to do."

He also did a lot for Uncle Wei. For example, in addition to buying good wine for the elderly, he also bought a very reliable insurance for Willis through the branch of Tianwen International Bank in Guanghan City, covering accidents, major and minor illnesses, pensions, etc. It is the star product of the alliance insurance giant.

There was no way, after all, Yu Lian didn't know that Uncle Wei was hiding so deeply when he bought it. Of course...it doesn't matter even if you know.

Who's to say that psykers don't need insurance?

It is said that giving insurance to family members, especially the elderly, has become very popular recently. Yu Lian feels that this must be much more affordable than giving free flowers, fruits, cultural toys, etc.

"Wait a minute, forget about the pension insurance. What does disability and accident mean?" Uncle Wei was furious: "Feifei, this kid bought disability insurance for your father! Disability insurance! This is simply an insult to our atoms. What an insult to the ancestors of boxing!"

Feifei had turned her head, covering her face, and her shoulders began to twitch.

"It's not just you, we all have... Well, Xiao Yu'er is really thoughtful." Auntie smoothed her hair helplessly: "But Auntie still feels that she is very young, and she is still waiting to help you and Feifei take care of the children. .”

Feifei's ears seemed a little red, but she still wore a flawless smile and stood up to refill her aunt's tea.

If it were any other father, he would probably be furious on the spot, but Willis just smiled dryly, with a sad and desolate expression, and poured himself a glass of wine.

Not only that, Yu Lian also bought a fund in the names of his uncle and aunt. When the second elder reaches the age of sixty, he will receive a fixed pension of at least 500,000 Xinxing every year.

"In addition, I also bought a house in the alliance capital. The various certificates and keys will be sent probably next month, right? It's in the Green Island City of Nephi. It's a picturesque tourist town, isn't it? It’s too noisy, but it’s not too lonely. It’s a three-story building with a big yard. I think, uncle, it’s time for the 1800-year-old craftsmanship of our old Liu family to be seen by all the rubes in the universe. What is a real food culture! We should open a branch in the Alliance. In addition, I have purchased the land opposite this house. If Uncle Wei wants to spread the pride of martial arts from our planet to the Alliance, he can also open a branch! "

Yu Lian thought for a while and then said: "I think it's quite interesting to practice in the martial arts gym and then run to the Sichuan restaurant opposite to have a big meal. I like it very much."

The elders looked at each other, speechless for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little depressing.

The younger siblings didn't know why, but because they were still growing, they watched secretly and continued to eat.

The uncle pondered for a moment and wanted to say something, but saw Yu Lian taking out two more boxes from under the table and stuffing them into An An and Lele.

"Wow! Blue Bird Company's latest dream box!"

"It also includes the 40 games with the highest sales and rankings in the past three years! They are all luxury genuine editions, and all future DLCs will be updated for free."

"Brother, you are the incarnation of the spirit of the universe that I have admired all my life! No discounts!"

"Lele's is Malensa's consumption card. I don't know what kind of clothes and bags a little girl of your age likes, so just take the card and buy it yourself. In addition, there are also 3 years of the Moon World Paradise. Free play card, one card can bring four people. The place will open next year, so bring your friends to play.”

"...Brother, do you know? With these two cards of yours, the most beautiful seniors in our school will be lining up to wait for you!"

All I know is that you, a girl who is less than thirteen years old, are too precocious!

"In a few days, yes, at the beginning of August, you two will go to the Youth Center in Mingzhu City to report! I have signed you up for a summer camp training class! Middle school life will be over soon, so don't slack off!"

"Why, why is this like this? Has the spirit of the universe turned into a subspace demon like this?"

"Brother, why do you want to destroy my good impression of you in an instant!"

"Oh, by the way, that summer camp training class is jointly organized by Bailushan University, the Royal Academy of Arts in Wudu and the Central Defense University. It provides comprehensive training in morality, intelligence and physical fitness. From now on, you will go every year. I have made arrangements!"

"elder brother!"

Yu Lian ignored the screams of his younger siblings, but said to his uncle and aunt: "Now I have the strength to do some small things for my family! You can rest assured, right?"

Then, he saw his aunt's tearful face.

"...Xiao, Xiao Yu'er, you didn't commit something, did you?"

"Ha, where are you?"

"But the way you were announcing your funeral arrangements made my aunt think you were planning to run away."

"So I ask you to watch less gangster vendetta dramas these days."

"...There's going to be a war soon? Are you going to the front line?" The uncle put down his wine glass and spoke in a deep voice, but with a hint of trembling.

"I haven't been able to fight any big battles in the past ten years. Moreover, people like me will start from the headquarters directly, and it will be very safe. However, it is likely that I will not serve in the earth or the solar system. I should I have been away from home for a while, so I need to make some arrangements. My allowance is very high, and I don’t have much money to spend on my own, so I might as well switch to financial products.”

Uncle and aunt were still a little doubtful, but they also knew that at this time, no matter what Yu Lian wanted to do, they couldn't say anything.

Willis covered his face with his wine glass, looked at Feifei covertly, and cast a questioning look.

Feifei turned her head to the side again, still acting like I didn't know anything.

"Xiao Yu'er, you...heh, actually you are more like your mother, and you are destined to not be bound to this small place. However, I just hope you know that this is your home, and there is yours here. Family. Uh, why does this sound so familiar?”

"Because this line is used in many TV dramas!" Yu Lian laughed.

However, it is precisely because emotions are real that they are often used in TV dramas.

"Uncle, you should take your aunt on a trip to the Alliance when you have time to see the new house. Even if you don't open a branch, it is still our family's property and can be left to Anlele. If they have the opportunity to go to Nephi in the future If you study abroad, you don’t have to rent an apartment.”

"I will go! Times have changed. If you work so hard, I can be cool again when I get old!" The uncle patted his big belly and showed a proud smile: "Actually, Yu'er, I've been really cool recently. A company came to my door, saying that it wanted to invest and help me open a branch in Rongxialou. It also said that it would make great efforts to promote Fujie’s cultural tourism and so on... Haha, this company’s attitude It's quite upright. I asked a lawyer to read the contract, and it's very sincere! I'm ready to agree to it."

Uncle Wei nodded.

"So our old street is not going to be renovated?"

"It seems that something happened to the mayor and he stepped down again. Now the city government is empty. The previous real estate company has also withdrawn."

"So, where did the new company come from?" Yu Lian felt that he still needed to check it out.

"It seems that she has a background in the Alliance Zixinhui Group, but the person who came to talk was actually a little girl, about the same age as An An Lele, but she has already gone to college, and she can actually participate in business negotiations. An An, Lele! Look at it People!" my aunt said loudly.

The younger siblings rolled their eyes and pretended not to notice, and continued to play with the gifts in their hands happily.

"I remember the little girl's name was...Haidama, what was her name?"

"Miss Petunia, her surname is Pierce! Yes, that's her name. I even took a photo with her. That little girl is smart, pretty, and so lovable! Of course, she's still not as good as Feifei."

Yu Lian felt that he shouldn't worry too much about the future of his hometown. Of course he wouldn't trust the character of those two genius girls too much, but he must trust their taste 100%.

As expected, a good man must arrange his home well before he can venture into the world with confidence!

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