Him and their stars

Chapter 239 Transit

This year's chief executive of the dignified Central Defense University actually went to the Laoshizi Propaganda Department. All major military departments may feel it is a pity.

However, Yu Lian thought it was pretty good. He knew that the so-called military propaganda department did the work of war reporters, and in many cases also served as "legal spies", but in any case, it was much safer than leading troops on the front line.

Moreover, a female star like Feifei, whose looks can knock out 99% of hers instantly, is also a top student on the Moon. It is really a scarce resource. Coupled with the previous Navy Day incident, she really attracted a lot of fans. For the top brass of the community military, it would be a waste of such scarce resources to be exposed to the sun and rain on the front lines. Wouldn't it be better to keep them as mascots?

This is probably the reason why they made such personnel arrangements.

Of course, maybe Feifei has also made relevant applications.

When Yu Lian asked, Feifei nodded to show that he was not wrong.

"So you are really ready to engage in such a promising career as a journalist! But why do you want to stay in the Army Propaganda Department? I remember that the lady who seemed to be quite famous admired you very much and said, I’d also like to recommend which TV station you go to.”

"It's Ms. Laura Cheryl! The number one gold medal female host in our community!" Feifei defended: "Yu'er, you should remember her name after all. She wanted to treat you to dinner last time. , saying that I must report your life-saving grace... Of course, I will interview you again by the way."

Is there such a thing? Yu Lian thought for a moment and felt that there was something vaguely possible. However, I even declined the dinner party for the dignified Chairman of the National Defense Committee.

"There are some sensitive places and events, and it is easier to intervene if you have a military identity. I hope to win the Galaxy's highest journalism award before I am thirty. Of course, by then, I can retire with peace of mind. ”

...Well, this year’s dignified chief lunar person, such a kind-hearted Miss Fina Li, is just using the army as a springboard! The broken pot of the community is really getting more and more shaky!

"The Luna Galaxy is still very dangerous, so..."

"If Yu'er wants me to pay attention to safety, not go to too remote places, and stay in the base and big cities as much as possible, then I can only refuse. After all, I am the number one this year! Yu'er My son has been really swollen recently! After becoming a psychic, do you think that you are a weak woman with no strength? Since you were a child, when have you defeated me?" Feifei is still smiling, but her attitude is different. Very tough.

Dear, if you have something to say, can you please not reveal someone’s dark history?

"Don't worry. I'm just expressing my attitude to Yu'er. An interview is an interview, and an investigation is an investigation. I'm not the heroine in those third-rate horror movies from the Alliance who specially runs to dangerous areas to die. I will be careful."

Well, at least from the perspective of ordinary people, Feifei should be considered the most capable. Moreover, with the rank of lieutenant and being a lunar person, she can dispatch the local police force to serve as her bodyguard at any time. As long as she is not possessed by the heroine of a third-rate horror movie who commits suicide, she should still be very stable.

Besides, traveling with Feifei is always more enjoyable than traveling alone.

Just like that, the next day, Yu Lian and Feifei said goodbye to their families and embarked on a familiar journey again - it was this process every time they left home for college, so naturally they couldn't be more familiar.

Then, they boarded the same military transport ship in the lunar city and arranged an officer's room with a personal bathroom and living room.

Don't think too much, it's one room per person, even though it's two rooms next to each other. It would be fine if it was a civilian passenger ship, but this is a military transport ship after all. After all, Yu Lian and Feifei are already active-duty officers. They need to pay attention to their status and consider the impact.

Of course, after all, they are two rooms next to each other. If you think of a way, you can still turn them into one, but there is no problem of having a bad impact on what happens after the door is closed.

The journey for a period of time after that was still very smooth. Except for some necessary social interactions with the officers on the ship, all the time could be arranged by oneself.

Yu Lian could sort out the information, re-perfect the subsequent actions, and then complete some "private matters".

For example, on August 7, he connected to the Alliance News Channel through his personal terminal and saw the news he wanted to see.

"A large-scale Pesa tribe rebellion occurred in the Lotak Star Territory of the Alliance! The descendants of the last King Lothar have reoccupied the royal city. They announced the establishment of a new independent country and asked for help from all countries, hoping that they would uphold justice!"

"The new king of Lothar, who calls himself Lotharon XI, declares to the empire that he has always been an admirer of the emperor. If he can get the support of the empire, he is willing to become a vassal state."

"The Alliance Agricultural Association officially refuted the rumors and stated that the rebellion in the Lotak sector will not affect normal agricultural production."

"The Galaxy Securities Market opened yesterday! There are fluctuations in the agricultural sector!"

I don’t know what happened to the little girl from Zixinhui Group. It’s really hard to imagine how worried and frustrated she is!

"The Imperial Prime Minister Count Valpolis issued a statement, hoping that both sides can remain calm and resolve their differences in a peaceful manner. He also advised the alliance government to respect the will of the people of Lothar."

"The Alliance Congress passed the new quarterly shipbuilding plan!"

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, and before taking action, he first sent a message to Zhixia and Liuli: "It's time to sell!"

"Ah, but the alliance's shipbuilding plan is to build another community navy within a year! All military industry stocks are soaring!"

"That's why I want to sell it!"

Zhixia and Liuli were not greedy people, so Yu Lian convinced them without spending much words. Anyway, I can make a lot of money if I sell it now, so I just accept it as a good deal.

Ever since, after all operations were completed, the more than 300 million received from the Sharing Foundation and stored in the International Libra Bank had become 500 million. As for Zhixia, he should have made tens of millions "small".

It should be noted that the money for Zhixia's admission was raised by all the girls in the student union. In this way, each of them has received a large amount of money. If they can live peacefully in the third- and fourth-tier star areas from now on, they will probably achieve financial freedom.

This is good. No matter whether you are a collaborator, a comrade-in-arms, or something else, you must first let others see the real thing before you can talk about the next step.

Even when Teacher Li was training the Hundred-Fighting Lion, he was paid full wages, rationed food, and received free books if conditions permitted. This alone surpassed the bald team opposite him by more than a dozen people. There are more than one street.

In addition, I can still squeeze out my spare money and buy Feifei a Yavanna star jewelry set. The magazine ads on this page of hers are all torn.

Probably sensing Yu Lian's gaze, Feifei, who was also busy with her own affairs, raised her head and smiled sweetly.

"It feels like I'm traveling with Feifei."

"Well, this is the first time since I went to college!"

Yu Lian really enjoyed this short journey, at least until he arrived at the Gibraltar Star Port.

Yes, their stopover on this trip is still the famous Gibraltar Star Port. According to the original plan, the cargo ship Governor Dandolo the two of them were traveling on would dock in Gibraltar for a day and after a short replenishment, it would pass through the Star Gate and head to the New World to transport spices and other specialties.

As for the two of them, they will transfer to another Nithia 14 cargo ship here and transfer to the Luna system. Of course, the ship would also leave tomorrow, so they would have to stay at the military guest house for one night.

"How about we go to Gibraltar to eat the special Jianer hot pot." Yu Lian suggested to Feifei when they got off the boat.

The latter also nodded with interest, but then said: "Is it just the two of us? Didn't Yu'er say that he has made many friends in the outer fleet, why don't you call them? There is also Teacher Yang."

Of course, Yu Lian had also considered this issue, but still refused: "Teacher Yang is very valued by General Bonaparte now, and he has a lot of things to do every day! It's not a day off, so I won't disturb him. I'll get rid of Lu earlier. Once the matter over there is sorted out, it won’t be too late to come back and meet him.”

What's more important is that the friends I met in the Outer Ring Fleet and Teacher Yang are all men! I had dinner with a beauty like Feifei, and I was so hot that I could move on to the next activity, such as playing mahjong or something?

Feifei was looking forward to today's dinner, and Yu Lian was looking forward to today's dinner and the following activities. The two happily disembarked hand in hand. However, before the two of them left the port, they were blocked by a group of people.

Because they were all acquaintances, Yu Lian could only tremble and tremble his teeth. His eyes swept over the face of Feifei, who was smiling but not smiling, and stayed for half a second on the face of senior Eleanor, whose sweet smile began to solidify. Zhong, and then looked at Ina who seemed to have no expression but kept staring at Feifei.

The current situation is very clear. Feifei and I didn’t know that Eleanor and Ina were there, and Eleanor and Ina didn’t know that Feifei would come. As for the culprit, it must be...

Thinking of this, Yu Lian smiled ecstatically, strode forward with a relaxed or slightly exaggerated pace, and saluted Marshal Paris, who was standing in the C position in the crowd. .

"Your Excellency, Marshal, your subordinate, Yu Lian, is reporting to you!"

Before the other party returned the salute, he turned slightly sideways and saluted Brigadier General Yang Xiyi on the marshal's left.

"General Yang! I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much!"

Yu Lian was really grateful to the two saviors of this old school. Without them, he wouldn't have known how to end this scene. Although they obviously looked like they were watching a good show, and the malice and ridicule on their faces were about to turn into an ominous and unknown substance, it really didn't matter. Yu Lian decided to forgive them.

"Seeing the officers so energetic makes me...well, I am very grateful! So why not have a pot of the special athlete's pot first?"

We all know that Jian'er pot cooked with various kinds of meat is a specialty of the Outer Rim Fleet and even the entire Gibraltar star port. You have to taste it... What's more, in the current situation, Yu Lian really doesn't know, except for the appointment Food, what else can be done to lighten the atmosphere at the scene?

Marshal Paris and Yang Xiyi agreed. Although they liked eating melon, after eating, they no longer wanted to be tortured by the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene. These days, the only thing that can relieve the awkward atmosphere is a hot pot meal.

If it doesn't work, then it will have to be two meals.

So, the group, led by the old marshal, went to the officers' mess at Gibraltar Star Port and went up to the third floor to find a secluded private room.

Of course, from the original one man and one woman to three men and three women, this is actually very fortunate. Without Marshal Paris and Yang Xiyi, Yu Lian really couldn't imagine what would happen next.

The veteran commander and marshal of the Outer Rim Fleet is here again and is planning to have a meal in the fleet's jurisdiction. According to due etiquette, the fleet's senior officials should naturally show up to accompany him.

However, according to what Yang Xiyi said, the Marshal actually arrived in Gibraltar yesterday, and all the ceremonial and business activities that should have been completed yesterday. Except for him, all the companions sent by the fleet were dismissed by the marshal.

Senior Eleanor's half-brother, who is twenty years older than her, is currently the commander-in-chief of the Outer Rim Fleet, Admiral Ferdinand Bonaparte, who is not in Gibraltar. Also according to Yang Xiyi, the new commander spends most of his time patrolling between the various squadrons and the fortresses belonging to the military region, and most of his time is not in Gibraltar.

In addition, Marshal Paris was just passing by this time, so naturally he was not willing to cause the whole Gibraltar to go crazy.

Even so, there will still be senior officers who appear like potato sprouts after a heavy rain. Even if they just say hello, they can still show their faces in front of the Marshal!

After not seeing each other for half a year, Marshal Paris seemed to be much better behaved than last time. He was not impatient from the beginning to the end. It was not until Yang Xiyi went out and gave some unknown instructions that the potato sprouts stopped sprouting.

However, after all this trouble, by the time everyone had their meal, it was already more than an hour later.

At this time, Feifei was already chatting with senior sister Eleanor and Ina in whispers that only girls can have, while giggling happily.

"I just finished my patrol in the New World yesterday and returned to Gibraltar. Then I heard about your itinerary from Marshal Aylwin, so I stayed for an extra day." Marshal Paris said.

A dignified marshal actually stayed here to wait for a young captain. If it had been anyone else, he would have been moved to tears.

However, Yu Lian knew that although he had established a good personal relationship with Marshal Paris, the old man was a selfless person. How could he do private things during his official duties? It must be purposeful.

It can't be that the secret is exposed, right?

Yu Lian couldn't help but look at Senior Sister Eleanor, but the latter rolled her eyes covertly, turned her head to the side, and started talking to Feifei again. At first glance, these two really look like best friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Don't look at your senior, young man. You are indeed doing great things with this girl!"

Yu Lian's little heart suddenly skipped a beat, not because the old marshal's eyes gradually became sharper, but because Feifei had already looked at him with a thoughtful expression, and his eyes seemed a little subtle.

"Tell me, boy, what are you going to do in the New World?" the marshal asked in a deep voice.

"Besides, you actually came to Luna voluntarily this time. What does it have to do with the arrangement of the New World?"

Yu Lian couldn't help but glance at the senior sister again, but saw the marshal saying: "Don't worry, she didn't betray you. Even when I found out, she said she did it on her own initiative. Ha... you are such a happy boy."

I had no doubt that my senior sister would betray me! In addition, I also know that I am very happy! But can you not say it on this occasion? Didn't you see that Feifei's eyes were sharper?

At this time, I saw the marshal stroking his gray and resolute beard, his expression softened a little, and he said: "Let's talk about your thoughts in detail. Only in this way can I help you deal with it!"

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