Him and their stars

Chapter 243 This is how fairness is explained

Of course, these two unreasonable senior officers did not take Yu Lian and Feifei to the military meeting as soon as they got off the ship - it would have been too deliberate to do so - but took them to eat as a matter of course. Good meal.

This can be regarded as catching the wind and washing away the dust.

Of course, they did not accompany him during the meal - it would have been too deliberate - but found a non-commissioned officer who was doing logistics work and then left. Before leaving, Brigadier General Lu Ben once again solemnly reminded Yu Lian that someone would be sent to the hotel to pick him up at eight o'clock tomorrow to attend the meeting. Please be sure to attend.

New Seville is a water world where 90% of the surface is covered by the ocean, and its specialty is naturally seafood delicacies. One of the main dishes was a Thousand Layer Fish, which opened the eyes of Yu Lian, who thought he was well-informed. The main course looks like the giant swordfish, a specialty of New Seville, but its belly is actually a golden salmon; the belly of the golden salmon is green barracuda, and the belly of the green barracuda is white-scaled fish; in the end, the white fish The belly of the scale fish is still stuffed with drunken shrimps that have been soaked in wine long ago.

The entire dish is steamed using a high-heat laser, and it truly has a taste that cannot be tasted on earth.

Although Yu Lian felt that this dish should actually be called "ecological chain", and the core was quite cruel, the taste was indeed very good.

The next day, the logistics sergeant whose name was not too important brought Yu Lian and Feifei to the headquarters early in the morning and began to prepare for the military meeting.

The headquarters conference room is divided into steps. It is large enough to accommodate two to three hundred people. The facilities inside are also very complete. At least they are much better than the Tulong headquarters on Xinyumen.

At this time, only the first three rows of the conference room were occupied, and they were all school-level officers.

"This is Captain Yu Lian, the special commissioner of the headquarters, who is responsible for the supervision and supervision of our operation." Brigadier General Lu Ben introduced.

This is the embarrassing part of the work of imperial envoys to supervise the army. The so-called "supervision" and "supervision" are really too free. In the end, it really depends on each person whether they will become mutual constraints or work together.

Everyone started to applaud. Although it was very cliché, after all, they were applauding with a friendly smile.

"This is Lieutenant Fina Li, Specialist of the Propaganda Department of the Headquarters. I hope you can show the grace and courage that a community soldier should have. Only in this way, Lieutenant Li can write an excellent report for us!" The Brigadier General added. introduced.

This time everyone's applause seemed more sincere and their smiles became brighter.

In short, maybe someone is a Central Commissioner after all, a Moonman after all, a Tiger Talisman Team after all, and someone is a psyker after all; so, in addition to the necessary military etiquette issues, Brigadier General Luben and Colonel Hesa From the beginning to the end, he never acted like a superior in front of Yu Lian, and he was also very polite and friendly to Feifei.

The attitude can be described as quite upright and sincere.

With the two of them taking the lead, the other officers did not show any negative emotions. There was no traditional drama that everyone liked to see in the entire military meeting. At least on the surface, the meeting started with a positive atmosphere.

Then, as the second most important person in theory at the scene, Colonel Sahe began to introduce to everyone: "After the order from the headquarters came down, we began to conduct a larger-scale pre-war reconnaissance. We invited from the far shore fleet Three large orbital exploration ships, coupled with ground search forces, have been exploring for nearly a month. Currently, all new settlements on the planet Lumina that have not been registered with the sector government are at the following locations."

He glanced at everyone and saw that neither Yu Lian nor Feifei responded, so he continued: "These are naturally potential supporters of the separatists, but they are not our focus today. The problem now is here..."

He pointed at a point on the holographic map and enlarged it into a holographic image. What unfolded directly was a large group of buildings located among the mountains and forests. Those ancient Rumina buildings are looming in the hazy forest valleys and mountains, just like the elven city in mythology.

"This is the ancient city of Sero with a history of nearly 10,000 years. It is located in the Great Forest of Sero and is also the holy land of the Rumina people..." He said while adjusting the image: "This place was originally almost two years old. It has not been inhabited for ten years, but now a large number of heat sources have been discovered, and a considerable number of Rumina people should have gathered there."

He paused and looked at Yu Lian: "Under the auspices of the psychic consultant sent by the fleet from the far coast, we conducted... well, some investigation there, and determined that there was something subtle, but not normal. Psychic fluctuations.”

The psyker's detection method is really too advanced (che), du (du), and superior (zi). Colonel Sahe said that he couldn't understand it at all, but he could only believe it.

"To sum up, we can basically confirm that the remnants of the All Souls Cult and the main force of the Rumina rebels should be gathering there..." Colonel Sahe paused and then said: "Of course, this is just The current situation!"

"Everyone can tell at a glance that the ancient city of Sero is deep into the mountains and jungles. What is currently shown is the buildings on the surface, and there are also a large number of buildings deep into the mountains. The situation is very complicated. If the enemy really takes up residence here, We will have some trouble in a strong attack!" Brigadier General Lu Ben explained, with a flash of distress.

"Then, why not use orbital bombing?" a lieutenant colonel asked.

Yu Lian looked at the lieutenant colonel who asked the question and determined that this guy should be a new arrival like himself. Of course, unlike myself, the other party must not have done their homework well.

The ancient city of Sero is considered to be the oldest and largest group of ancient buildings on the planet, and it has a certain reputation within the galaxy. Before earth scientists discovered this planet, more than 200,000 Lumina people lived in this ancient city, which was their most prosperous city.

Of course, this was hundreds of years ago.

As the empire incorporated this place into its territory, the ruling Duke Tannhäuser felt that so many Rumina people who did not accept the king's status were really evil in the dense jungle. If they did not come out to work, he, the lord, would still be here. what to eat? Then he drove them all out of the woods with half force and half inducement.

Imperial people have never been gentlemen who have gathered all the seven virtues. In this process, they did a lot of cruel and fucked-up things.

The Rumina people don't like the people on Earth now, and they don't like the government of the Blue Star Community, but at least at that time they really hated the empire. For a long period of time, because of the common goal of hatred, the people of Earth and Rumina actually had quite a few romances.

"We were forced to leave our holy land, the home of our spirit and soul. We turned our backs on our ancestors and the God of the Sky!" This is what the elders of Rumina said when they mentioned this period of history. .

However, the so-called tradition is not worth mentioning in practical terms. What's more, the Rumina people's own civilization has just developed to the level of primitive polytheism, and there is actually no ideological unity.

In short, after centuries of development, most Rumina people have learned to settle in valleys and hilly areas with relatively convenient transportation. Although the ancient city of Thuro is still regarded by them as their ancestral home and spiritual home, except for a few priests, no one has settled there anymore.

However, it must be admitted that the large group of buildings surrounded by dense forests and sand ridges is a natural fortress city. It is really hard to imagine how the Rumina people, who were still in the tribal alliance system at that time, could complete the construction of buildings of this scale.

This is really unscientific!

"Orbital bombing is not allowed! The ancient city of Thuro is a treasure of the community, and it is also a civilizational heritage belonging to the entire galaxy. It is a first-class interstellar cultural relic registered by the Galactic Civilization Council. If it is damaged! None of us can afford this responsibility!" Brigadier General Lu Ben said.

Although it sounds a bit frustrating, this is the current situation of this universe. Since the existence of this huge ancient city is very unscientific, it is naturally very metaphysical. The Lumina people's own messy records are more like myths than history books.

As a result, some people in the academic field even suggested that this ancient city is likely to be the legacy of the enlightened ones... Even if it is not, there must be a certain relationship.

Regardless of whether Yu Lian believes it or not, many big shots do. I heard that the alliance is still arguing with the community government, and I hope we can study this together.

As for the community government, it seems really tempting.

All this was told to him by Yu Lian's current boss, Azisha Mallowan.

Obviously during the empire's rule, Duke Tannhäuser worked hard on this huge ancient city, but after spending so much money, he didn't get much research out of it, but everyone still didn't give up after all!

At this time, Brigadier General Lu Ben paused, and then said: "In addition...if the place is really destroyed, the Rumina people will really become disloyal."

As the brigadier spoke, he glanced at Yu Lian with a very hidden look. The latter knew that these words must have been specifically spoken to him, but they were indeed rare mature and prudent words, and he very much agreed with them.

"So... not only orbital bombing, but also heavy weapons cannot be used casually." Colonel Sahe continued to introduce the battle plan.

The combat plan of the Garrison Command is actually very simple. The 141st Marine Corps Brigade was the main force, working with warships in orbit and aircraft in the atmosphere to complete the blockade of the entire ancient city of Thuro and the great forest, and launched a tentative attack on the ancient city to try to understand the enemy's combat power.

In addition, the police team cooperated with the operation to "sweep" all Rumina settlements that did not cooperate with the government...

Yes, that was indeed what Colonel Sahe used. Yu Lian almost couldn't help but want to twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Colonel, can you explain what this sweep means?" Feifei asked.

"Of course we need to find out which ones are loyal Community citizens and which ones are supporters of the rebels. Don't worry, many lieutenants, guardsmen and marines grew up here and will not mess around. All of us All actions will be carried out within the scope permitted by the laws of the community." The colonel explained kindly: "Our main purpose is to find a secret passage into the ancient city... I don't know if it exists. However, we have actually blocked that city for some time, but they are still insisting on it. So, we can only consider it from this aspect."

Feifei nodded expressionlessly.

"The above is the entire battle plan. Do you have any questions?" Colonel Sahe glanced around the conference room with sharp eyes. Seeing that all the middle-level officers were showing high morale, he nodded with satisfaction. Then he looked at Yu Lian.

His eyebrows seemed to twitch unnaturally, but he still forced out a humble and sincere smile: "Then, Captain, what are your opinions..."

The so-called central commissioners, to put it bluntly, are military advisors sent by the military headquarters to local troops. Yu Lian really has the right to make suggestions, and even has the right to make irresponsible remarks on all combat plans.

"Your battle plan is perfect! I don't have any special opinions!" Yu Lian said with a smile.

Brigadier General Luben and Colonel Sahe were both a little startled, probably because after spending most of their lives in the military, they had never seen such a reasonable commissioner.

At this time, Yu Lian said again: "Of course, there is indeed a little immature suggestion here."

The two of them seemed to be relieved again, thinking that it was coming, it was coming.

"We must be cautious about the exploratory attack on the ancient city of Thuro. There is no need to force any results! In comparison, the raid on the surrounding Lumina people's settlements...well, you can also be as cautious as possible, even if it takes a little longer. Please try your best not to wrongly accuse any innocent person." Yu Lian looked at everyone with a smile: "This time, the official is indeed here with a mission, but the biggest mission is to give everyone a reassurance. Since it has already Once the location of the enemy is determined, it is only a matter of time to deal with them. Therefore, there is no need to rush, just proceed steadily and cautiously."

"Steady, steady? Prudent?"

"Yes, after all, the lives of soldiers are also very precious. If you can force the enemy to surrender during a long siege and defeat them without fighting, then that is the best art of war!" Yu Lian said seriously , and then pretended to be mysterious and lowered his voice a little: "Everyone present is a senior officer of our army, so I will say...According to the opinion of the Earth Headquarters, even the All Souls Religion, except for their leader Wanda, In addition, their bishops, high priests, etc. are all negotiable. So, everyone understands, right?"

After being stunned for nearly half a minute, Brigadier General Lu Ben finally showed a sudden smile: "I understand, Captain, we can also work on persuading surrender at the same time."

"So, before you..." Colonel Sahe was still a little hard to accept.

"What before?"

"It's what I said in my previous interview with Son of Blue. If you kill tigers, you don't catch flies..."

"Hey, isn't Flores Wanda the biggest tiger? Aren't others just flies compared to him?"

"That's fair, fair, fair..."

"We cannot let the ordinary people of Rumina be wronged. This is fair! We cannot let the soldiers sacrifice in vain. This is also fair! More importantly, we cannot impose difficulties on others and force you to advance easily. We must respect your command authority and respect everyone. Judging the situation, this is greater fairness!"

So that’s the explanation!

"Besides, who is a decent person who would tell the truth in front of reporters?"

As soon as Yu Lian opened his mouth, he felt the sharp gaze on his back. Then he realized that Feifei seemed to be a reporter too, but he could only open his eyes wide and take a look. His big and bright eyes were so friendly and his face was full of enthusiasm. He said sincerely: "In short, let's go step by step at your own pace. Don't be nervous, really!"

As soon as these words were said, the officers present looked at Yu Lian with more friendly eyes, and were even a little moved. If all the Central Special Agents were like this, the Milky Way society would be unified all over the world!

However, Brigadier General Luben and Colonel Sacher were not fools after all. Although they nodded gratefully, the smiles on their faces looked awkward, and they obviously did not believe it.

Yu Lian continued: "...As for the war, I leave it to you all. After all, I'm new here, and I still need to do some research, and I should be able to take a look around."

Everyone's expressions stiffened again, and the atmosphere in the venue seemed to become tense again.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, I mainly want to see the situation at the Red Maple Factory... Hehe, it's time for this factory to get back on track!" Yu Lian showed an embarrassed expression: "So that everyone knows, There are still many people interested in Red Maple Factory."

Brigadier General Luben and Colonel Sahe looked at each other, really confused about the current situation. So, they had no choice but to continue smiling.

This time, the smile seemed to be more sincere.

I took my baby on a trip yesterday and took my baby for a physical check-up this morning. I just coded it out, so I really haven’t saved it yet. Wahahahaha... I might have to ask for leave from now on! Wahahahaha!

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