Him and their stars

Chapter 247 In front of the temples

In the large square outside the capital of the Galactic Empire, the Tianyu Grand Senate, also known as the "Temple of the Temples", Yu Lian, who was wearing a dark night mobile suit, looked at the imperial dignitaries around him who were traveling in costumes. , for a moment I felt like a vulture trapped in a peacock cage.

...Or is it an evil spirit that broke into the Garden of Eden?

Well, I like this description very much, it fits my personality!

Yes, his dress, his appearance, and his appearance are all incompatible with everything around him. What's more important is that he is now standing in the center of this magnificent square, with no hiding place around him. Not far away from him, a group of patrols wearing retro golden armor passed by.

They are like living fossils that have traveled through the cold weapon era, and they also exude an aura that is incompatible with the background of the entire era. But what must be admitted is that the armor on that group of people is really beautiful, gorgeous but not exaggerated, and elegant yet majestic. The tall and burly human figure is wrapped in golden armor and bathed in the halo of the morning sun, like a divine army descending from the highest heaven.

Of course, no matter how gorgeous the armors are, we cannot deny the fact that they are just decorations!

There is no way, in this idealistic universe, everyone likes these retro tones, especially the empire. And it must also be admitted that wearing such a gorgeous outfit can indeed have a ceremonial effect.

In addition, the armor on their bodies is decoration, but the equally gorgeous spears in their hands are not! They look like spears, and they can indeed penetrate military armor like paper, but the ends of the spears can shoot beams at people.

That is the Atomic Light Spear, the symbol and symbol of the Imperial Astral Knights. But in fact, this kind of weapon has appeared many times in ceremonial occasions, and it can be regarded as part of the road specimens.

Yu Lian knew that those patrolling the conference venue were either attendant knights of the Astral Knights, or heirs of various noble families. They formed the "Chen Palace Holy Guard" and were responsible for the guards and honor guards on all important occasions in the heavenly realm. For these young elites of the empire, the reservists of the ruling class, this is naturally a duty filled with a sacred sense of honor.

...It is said that the mustard world is different from the spiritual treasure house. It is a world that is infinitely close to the real world, between reality and virtuality. Although this world is illusory and everything in it is naturally constructed, it has a very mysterious and unbreakable connection with the material world.

For all intruders from the material world, if their spiritual cultivation reaches a certain level, it is possible to bring the things in this "fake world" back to reality.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian couldn't help but look at the atomic light spears in the hands of the Chen Palace Holy Guards.

This kind of elegant and classy yet powerful weapon suits me! Although what they had in their hands were all miscellaneous weapons, which were far less sharp than the specially numbered stick I grabbed from the knight commander, it was still better than nothing.

However, as soon as he thought this, the Chen Palace Holy Guards seemed to sense something, and stopped on the spot, looking in the direction of Yu Lian.

The crowd of dignitaries and dignitaries around Yu Lian also stopped. The vivid expressions on their faces. At that moment, everyone froze up, as if they had turned into dolls, and turned their heads to look over.

At that moment, Yu Lian suddenly became the focus of tens of thousands of emotionless eyes.

Behind the sight, there are tens of thousands of faces that have lost all expression, as stiff as cheap puppets. There didn't seem to be any emotion in their eyes, they just looked in Yu Lian's direction calmly and without any fluctuation, and even their eyelashes and eyelids didn't even move.

These imperial ruling elites who are about to enter the pantheon seem to be deprived of emotions by the invisible supreme being; therefore, the world they live in seems to be deprived of time and space.

This was a very embarrassing scene, which made Yu Lian's little heart even pause for a moment. Fortunately, for someone as experienced as he is, this is not the first time he has encountered this scene.

Before the irreversible negative changes in those emotionless sights, Yu Lian directly opened the mental shield, wrapping all his emotions under the invisible mental wall formed by spiritual energy.

Time begins to flow again. Everyone present seemed to have souls, lives and emotions again. They ignored Yu Lian and reintegrated into this world that was becoming vivid again.

"..." Captain Yu breathed a sigh of relief, once again confirming that the creator of this world must be a bitch.

He does not belong to this world, so if there is the slightest sign of trouble, he will be directly excluded. And after being eliminated, it is impossible for his body and soul to be intact.

Smarter people should retreat now, but everyone has come in. If he just ran away in despair, Yu Lian was sure that he would be confused for the rest of his life.

Yu Lian raised his head and glanced at the golden angel statue hanging in the sky, and also saw a light screen that the angel "held up" with a lifting motion. The time displayed on it was "August 12, Dawn Era 2784, Imperial Calendar. August 12, 674 Year of the Galactic Common Calendar. 10 a.m.”

Yes, this is the arrogant empire. Except for diplomatic occasions, they will use two commemorative times everywhere, and the imperial calendar will definitely be placed before the galactic community.

The next moment, the light screen "lifted" by the angel statue changed from time to a huge advertisement: "Blue Aikjani, a paradise of wealthy quality!"

...Well, from this perspective, the imperial nobles are actually not that arrogant.

However, the year 674 in the Common Calendar seems vaguely familiar. Something big must have happened, right? Yu Lian thought about it for a moment, then followed the crowd and walked towards the huge dome-shaped building in front.

This building looks a bit like a big mushroom upside down on the ground, but it must be the most spectacular mushroom Yu Lian has ever seen.

It should be visually estimated to be a thousand meters high, which is not particularly exaggerated in the age of the universe. In this imperial capital suspended in space alone, there are several buildings that are even taller than it. However, considering that its overall appearance is a round hemisphere, its scale can be imagined.

Yu Lian observed the crowd around him, but after all, they were all ancient people from a century and a half ago, so he didn't see anyone he recognized. The attire of these people is elegant but not flashy. It does not look like they are attending a casual party, but more like a major official event. More than 70% of the people present were purebred humans. A few strange alien races were mixed in the crowd. Although they were conspicuous, they were inexplicably harmonious even though they were dressed in unique imperial attire and wore the gorgeous Tianmen crest.

It’s not okay to be disharmonious! Their existence is a sign that the races and civilizations occupying half of the galaxy are as close as one family under the governance of the great Dawn Royal Family!

They should be the elders and members of the two houses of government in the empire. The former were recommended by the Heraldry Council and the Privy Council, or were personally appointed by the emperor. They were probably nobles from well-born families, or retired senior officials and generals. The latter is elected by citizens and nationals, and should theoretically be from all walks of life.

The 5,000 elders and 30,000 members constituted the empire's "highest" legislative and supervisory body.

The reason for the quotation marks is that the emperor has the unlimited right to veto parliamentary bills and directly dissolve parliament. At the same time, the Privy Council has always only had to answer to the emperor himself.

Although there is a quotation mark, they are theoretically one of the highest power agencies in the empire. In theory, they will only come together if it is a very important issue.

Yu Lian was quite interested in the topic of today's meeting. In addition, like a ghost that no one could see, he sneaked directly into the conference venue to see how the imperial elders and congressmen were quarreling and scheming to make half the universe's people lustful. The death-defying conspiracy is still quite interesting. However, he does not have this lighthouse time after all. There is a limit to the opening time of the mind shield. If you don't want to be torn into pieces by these indescribable monsters that can suddenly transform into pieces, you must speed up the time.

Count Salvin, and perhaps Duke Charles II, what kind of legacy and information did they leave for future generations?

Yu Lian speeded up and quickly entered the gate of the "Temple of Gods".

However, when passing through the gate, he still walked a little more cautiously. He was always carefully observing the two ten-meter giants who were like bronze statues, and was always ready to resist or even escape.

Fortunately, there was no movement on the two giant statues, they were just pure statues.

This made Yu Lian feel a little relieved.

After entering the hall, he had no time to appreciate the elegant and solemn decoration inside. The already spacious and spectacular hall could not wait to expand his perception.

To be honest, if he hadn't mastered "Spiritual Vein Circulation", Yu Lian wouldn't have dared to perform such "mana-consuming" operations while turning on his mental shield. Judging from this year alone, Uncle Wang's teacher is indeed worthy of being a great master in the field of extraordinary beings who will go down in history. It is understandable that his disciples and grandchildren will later become the people on earth's military force.

Deep spiritual perception extends even further in this mustard world between the virtual world and the material world.

In Yu Lian's senses, the vivid people and things around him, the magnificent background of the temples, the grand square outside the temple and the sweeping city seemed to have faded into black and white. There was only a glimmer of light, swaying calmly in the depths of the Great Hall, but it was too easy to ignore.

Yu Lian felt the danger again, and also felt the attention gathering towards him. He quickly withdrew his spiritual awareness and walked slowly in that direction.

At this time, he already felt a little tired, which was an early warning of excessive consumption of blue bars.

He did not hesitate and continued to work hard to maintain the mental shield, but he did not dare to open his perception and quickly moved forward in the direction of the light he had captured before. He jumps over walls, climbs through windows, and climbs stairs. In short, he does whatever comes as fast and as convenient as he can. I'm not worried about being seen anyway.

Twenty minutes later, he finally arrived at the indoor dome garden on the side of the Grand Council Hall.

In this fragrant courtyard filled with flowers, Yu Lian slowed down. His experience told him that in this fake world, the more beautiful the place, the more likely it is to deceive people.

Maybe the trees around you are boxing masters, maybe the crystal roses on that wall can spit fire, maybe the water lilies in the lake can launch missiles; or even more likely, the two figures standing in the lake will suddenly turn into indescribable shapes. The virtual monster wants to devour itself completely.

Yu Lian pressed the lightsaber on his waist and took a few steps forward. This time, he finally saw the appearance of the two people clearly.

One is naturally his "old acquaintance" Count Salvin.

The other one, as expected, is a little-known "country lord", the 31st Duke of Tannhäuser, Carl Sa II - suspected to be the creator of this huge mustard world, or at least one of them.

The two were whispering, but their voices reached Yu Lian's ears clearly.

"The overall situation has been decided. We have failed." Count Salvin said to the Duke. His tone and expression were very calm, even with a hint of joking and self-deprecation, as if he had just lost a pleasant game.

"No room left at all?" In comparison, Duke Khalsa's expression was more solemn.

"Just now, the imperial magistrates have occupied the Prime Minister's Palace. This is an order issued by the Privy Council. However, the owner of the Void Crown has not yet returned. In what name can the Privy Council mobilize the magistrates?"

Duke Khalsa said unwillingly: "Where is the Knights..."

"Oh, Karsa, sometimes I really feel like prying your head open and putting some of my brain cells in. At this time, you are still expecting their power! Glorious and noble Astral Knight The reason why we have always been so glorious and noble is because they will always stand on the side of the winner!"

The Duke wanted to retort, but he opened his mouth and finally just sighed heavily.

"what should we do?"

"My historical mission has ended. Let me face my fate quietly. However, I have left enough legacy to wait for our descendants to start the next round of competition. Our predecessors have already experienced They have persisted through more than a dozen reincarnations. Our descendants will continue to do so."

"No, I mean, how exactly?"

"You go back, go back to your own territory, and be a harmless border lord. Until now, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"how about you?"

"Me? I am also a member of the Senate! Of course I want to return to the meeting hall and cheer for the return of the Void Crown!"

Yu Lian finally realized what historical moment he was in.

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