Him and their stars

Chapter 249 Melt into the void

The so-called sliding shovel is actually just an adjective. He was taking spiritual steps and was ready for a head-on breakthrough, but he didn't want to fight.

But then, the boulder that was rolling towards him also appeared in the darkness.

It was a tall figure, but it was as fast as a gust of wind, so fast that it almost surpassed Yu Lian's dynamic vision.

The two of them approached again at extremely fast speeds. What surprised Yu Lian was that the other party should also be taking spiritual steps. He even predicted his own steps, and with a slight movement, he had already stopped in front of him.

The strong light bloomed instantly in the darkness, but a moment later, it condensed into a sharp and cold light.

Yu Lian saw the weapon in the opponent's hand. A two-meter spear lay in front of him. The halo extended from the sharp tip of the spear, forming a condensed light blade nearly one meter long. This is an atomic spear.

An astral knight?

Yu Lian frowned slightly. He is very familiar with this type of enemy! However, the aura and pressure emanating from the other party made him dare not relax at all.

At this time, the opponent's attack has already come. The sharp spear blade of light moved like a snake, but it unleashed the might of a giant dragon unscrupulously.

"Buzz!" Yu Lian showed his lightsaber and blocked the puncture. The impact of light and light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the true form of the black shadow.

It was a man in his thirties, with a tall body nearly two meters tall, burly and majestic, like a statue that was born to stand in the center of the square. This is a man who is so handsome that he can be called inhuman. His overly delicate facial features, brewed by the awe-inspiring domineering eyes, are no longer humanoid, but seem to have a hint of divinity. In the halo of the spear and sword, his silver hair seemed to be flowing with moonlight, and his purple eyes were like gems formed over millions of years.

Yu Lian had to admit that based on his appearance alone, this person was indeed his lifelong enemy.

However, this is not the point. How could he not recognize such a celebrity? Even though what he is more familiar with is actually the appearance of the other person in his old age.

He is Emperor Elansel, the contemporary supreme king of the Galactic Empire, the master of the Infinite Crown, the overlord who controls half of the galaxy, and one of the most powerful people in the universe.

...If it was really the emperor who came here, Yu Lian said that he would abandon his sword and surrender immediately. It's not that he's a coward, but the strength gap between the two sides is probably further than the distance from the Andromeda Galaxy to the Earth. It can't be overcome by such vain things as off-board moves, experience, and combat wisdom.

In addition, like the divine kings of the Dawn Dynasty in the past, Emperor Elansel is also an open-minded and talented master. If his acting skills explode, he may be able to fool the other party and get a very glorious title. In this way, we can take a curved route to save the country.

However, this is not the original Great Emperor who has entered his old age, but a counterfeit of him from his youth.

Okay, that’s fairer! I've actually wanted to fight you for a long time!

Yu Lian crossed his sword and blocked the opponent's horizontal slash with great difficulty. He knew that he could no longer resist the opponent's counterattack with conventional methods, so he could only let the Ring of Palmino form a vortex of storm.

This little bit of air vortex can only scare away a few cats and dogs at most. Not to mention stopping Elansel's attack, even making him blink is difficult. However, what Yu Lian wanted was just the air barrier formed by the air vortex. His telekinetic dragon eye took the opportunity to get out of the vortex and directly hit the handsome face as if it was carved with a knife.

Emperor Elansel smiled, and simply raised the light spear lightly, and then opened the eyes of Fafuer.

However, he seemed not to have thought that a considerable part of the airflow from the Ring of Palmino had actually poured into the dragon's eye, and the condensed light blade lay across the dragon's eye, immediately forming a ripple-like wave of hot air.

The emperor's eyes seemed to shrink slightly. He was still as immobile as a mountain, but his whole body naturally formed an invisible psychic stance, which deflected all the air waves.

Yu Lian had already circled around the opponent's side, taking the opportunity to swing his sword and sweep three inches under his armpit.

"Boom!" The lightsaber only swept away the ethereal mist.

While Yu Lian grinned and endured the pain caused by the opponent's spiritual energy, he visually observed that his true body had condensed again ten meters away in front of him.

"Very good! This is the battle!" The young version of Emperor Elansel began to laugh, showing the enthusiasm and excitement of a warrior.

His voice and tone were very calm, but his invisible domineering power seemed to make the whole world a little heavier. Both the darkness in front and the gray mist coming from behind seemed to have solidified.

Yu Lian lowered his eyelids and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Don't be afraid! This is the enemy you must face!" A vague voice sounded in his ears.

My enemy is not the emperor alone, never has been! Yu Lian murmured in a low voice.

"Stand before Him! Don't tremble! Face your fear!"

Idiot! I was indeed trembling, not with fear, but with excitement!

Yu Lian raised his head and looked directly at the other person, licked his lips, adjusted his energy, and finally showed an unprecedented craziness in his smile. This is a crazy expression that none of his friends have ever seen in the real world.

"I'm just short of a prey of this quality!" Yu Lian laughed loudly.

Yu Lian held the lightsaber in his hand tightly, and the Faful Dragon Eye floated beside me, like his own satellite. In this moment, he had forgotten all the doubts, worries, victory and defeat, life and death, and even the truth behind the history he was involved in.

If you can't break through him, you can't escape this mustard world. If I cannot defeat him, I will lose the courage to face Emperor Elansir from now on. If I can't go further, I will even be torn into pieces by the approaching ten thousand beasts behind me... But, so what?

The opponent's skills, strength, agility, perception, and spirit, as well as his understanding of psychic abilities and the nature of combat, are all superior to his own.

But, so what?

He wanted to fight the legendary Emperor Elansir, he wanted to defeat this legendary existence, he wanted to hold the head of the so-called "God of Reality" and drink his blood. Even if this is just a virtual phantom.

The touch on Yu Lian's hand turned from the cold metal hilt of the lightsaber into a mysterious sensation, extending to the sharp blade of energy on the crotch mount, and then gradually extended to this gray world.

His senses seemed to have explored the end of the world and captured traces of reality! He didn't hesitate anymore and charged towards the opponent!

There is no way back! I am invincible! It’s just a bloody battle!

Emperor Elansel was laughing so loudly that the whole world seemed to be shaking. He swirled the spear, turning the light blade into a brilliant whirlwind of energy. The magnetic field reaction sound of the light blade cutting the air changed from a dull "buzzing buzzing" to a very uncomfortable whistling sound through the air.

From Yu Lian's spiritual perspective, countless terrifying dragon shadows had formed in the circle of the light spear, which could roar at any time and tear him into pieces.

Heaven and earth are one, invulnerable. Yu Lian knew very well that as long as he took one step further, whether it was for life or a sliding shovel, he would face the psychic piercing of the spear and the integrated bite.

There is no way to retreat, and there is no way to stop it!

But at this moment, Yu Lian, who rushed to a place no more than ten feet away from the emperor, made a move that stunned the other party. His hand that had been empty behind him suddenly stretched out, holding a cylinder as long as a forearm tightly in his hand.

"...The gallstones of the spirit of the universe!" Emperor Ilanthel couldn't help but cursed in the language of the imperial court.

What Yu Lian held in his hand was a pocket-sized portable neutron bomb. It was originally an "experimental" weapon developed by the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Because the killing range was always above the range of individual weapons, it has been difficult to put it into active use. If this thing really exploded, apart from other things, the two of them present would definitely not survive.

Of course, if His Majesty is really the emperor, he might be able to tap dance under the neutrons.

But the question is, isn't this guy just a younger version of the fake?

Well, to say that the counterfeit is probably a bit of a shame, but at most it is to the point of missing the body.

"Yes, I'm fake!" Emperor Elansel seemed to finally react. He immediately realized that the neutron bomb in the opponent's hand vaguely exuded the same aura as his own, and that one must also be fake!

"Can you actually create objects in the mustard world?" He looked at Yu Lian with feverish eyes, and was about to say something, but by this time it was already too late.

The other party's wavering reaction was naturally clearly seen by Yu Lian, so how could he miss such a good opportunity.

He looked directly into the opponent's eyes, which showed obvious fluctuations in emotions, and launched the mental whipping.

At that moment, he felt like he was hitting the wall with a whip, which made his temples jump. But probably because the whip was strong and thick enough, the wall did shake a bit, and then the opponent's spirit was indeed shaken.

However, this world that was continuing to collapse in silence suddenly heard an unbridled roar again.

It was still a silent roar that resounded directly into his soul.

The indescribably powerful thing in the void, the beast with ten thousand heads, Ogosola is advancing.

The battle between Yu Lian and the emperor has once again returned from the realm of stagnation to the "reality" in the mustard world.

Now, Ogosola has targeted both of them as prey.

Emperor Elansel looked at Yu Lian, his expression a little stiff, but his eyes became more intense.

"Ahaha, is this the successor?"

He let out a sigh of contentment, like a drug addict who had taken enough drugs, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed. As a result, the whole body relaxed.

Emperor Elansel put on an attitude full of flaws, as if he had given up resistance, but Yu Lian became nervous instead.

"No self..." The secret of the Chenxi royal family!

Am I stupid enough to let you unleash your ultimate?

Yu Lian's psychic energy had all been applied to his legs. The active cells were injected with more supernatural power in an instant, and they also gained vitality beyond their endurance.

The cells of muscles and bones almost exploded with explosive force like the wind. The severe pain made Yu Lian almost lose the feeling in his legs, but he still controlled his almost useless lower limbs with every touch of touch.

Yu Lian's body turned into a gust of wind, and the light blade rotated, almost infiltrating fatal killing blows into every air wave.

This is the ability of the "Adjuster"!

The emperor remained motionless, like a mountain that covered the sky and the sun, and would not be moved by mere storms at all. However, Yu Lian could feel that he shot half a second too fast and the rhythm was still disrupted.

Almost at the same moment, a huge flesh-and-blood head stretched out from the gray mist behind Yu Lian. He has no eyes or nostrils, but only a pair of huge mouths that can swallow even an elephant. At first glance, it didn't look like a head at all, more like a tentacle with a huge mouth and sharp teeth.

Emperor Elansel's light spear tilted forward and struck out with a mysterious and unparalleled blow. The transparent energy blade actually formed a shadow in the collapsing world, involving Yu Lian and the indescribable head.

The light blade of energy and energy splashed at least hundreds of times in an instant, and the impact and entanglement of the magnetic field turned into a deafening collision sound.

The corridor floor under Elansel's feet screamed and began to run.

He did not completely resolve Yu Lian's killing blow. The invisible spiritual energy condensed into a spiral sword energy, which finally penetrated his body and spread to the surrounding areas.

But in comparison, Yu Lian was much more embarrassed.

A blood mark had been pulled out on his back, and the high temperature burned the flesh and blood near the wound to carbon in an instant. However, the strange thing was that Yu Lian felt as if his blood was boiling.

The spiritual energy turned into sword energy with the breath of Yang Yan, and was blasted into his body. He didn't know when his internal organs would be burned to ashes.

However, Yu Lian was very convinced that he had succeeded.

He has broken through the opponent's interception and is behind him.

Elansel turned his head, and the spear was once again placed in front of him in a smooth motion. In an understatement, all the changes seemed to be hidden in it.

His face showed the enthusiasm of seeing the hunter, and he was ready to counterattack again, but when he realized something, he withdrew the weapon again, showing a trace of helplessness.

Yu Lian nodded to him, spread his hands and shrugged.

The ferocious head like a huge tentacle fell to the ground. It was still twitching, but the flesh and blood around the wound had been carbonized. However, more indescribably distorted faces emerged from the gray mist, like an army of monsters.

But this time, there was already Emperor Elansel between Yu Lian and the monster.

He didn't even say goodbye, but followed this stagnation and rushed towards the other side of darkness. The roar of the giant beast behind him was still fierce, but seemed to be getting farther and farther away. The oppressive feeling that made his soul tremble slowly stopped, as if the tsunami that tore the world apart slowly stopped and turned into soothing waves.

Yu Lian did not dare to relax at all and continued to move forward. He didn't know how long he had been running, but just when he was getting a little impatient, he finally saw the end of the road ahead. Under the light of the lightsaber in his hand, there is no way ahead. As long as you take a step forward, you will see endless nothingness. You can't see any light or shadow, you can't hear any sound, and you can't feel anything.

"Jump down!" the voice said.

Yu Lian bit his lip.

"Look, what a mysterious void!"

"If you walk past it, you will melt into the void."

"Keep moving forward, don't look both ways! Didn't Salvin jump too?"


Yu Lian sneered, opened his arms, jumped up, and let himself be surrounded by more nothingness. He lifted his mental shield and allowed his body, mind, and spirit to undergo the invisible baptism wantonly.

He didn't know how long it took before he opened his eyes again and made sure that he was indeed standing firmly in the real world.

He was still in the same office at the Independence Hall, standing in front of the "Painted Temple" "painted" by Khalsa II.

All the harm he suffered in the mustard world has disappeared, and the abundant satisfaction in the soul realm makes him so comfortable that he almost wants to sing. The vitality he didn't know where he got from was flowing endlessly in his blood, like an inexhaustible river.

In Yu Lian's inner world, the universe that only he can feel has broken through the second ring of imprisonment. The stars of the third ring shone brilliantly.

He has now opened the third level of "balance" star ring, and is known as the "Nian Wushu" by the world.

However, the source of life currently flowing in his body is by no means what a "balance" should have.

So, is this the legacy of Count Salvin?

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