Him and their stars

Chapter 268 Beast Tide

"Tide of beasts?" Yu Lian asked strangely.

It’s not like I’ve never heard of this term before, but it’s a bit new here.

"Yes, a tide of beasts! But it's really not very scientific!" Xia Xiake said worriedly.

...Yu Lian looked directly at the other party with an expressionless face.

It's a pity that this senior hunter, the captain of the self-police team of Red Maple Factory, has never been a soldier after all. Yu Lian stared at him like this until he laughed awkwardly, not knowing how to explain in detail.

Fortunately, Feifei, who had conducted a preliminary investigation on the border defense of the Far Coast Star District during her internship, explained: "I remember that the herds in the eastern wilderness occasionally formed quite large herds, which was very important to Rumi. The Na tribe launched an attack. Is this the so-called beast tide?"

Planet Lumina is not a very typical terrestrial planet. The ocean area is only about 40% of the surface, but the climate is not dry. This is because there is an extremely large amount of underground water, or in other words, an underground ocean.

Because of this, its surface vegetation is also quite dense. Half of its landforms are mountains and forests, and half of its landforms are grasslands with extremely rich products.

In addition, the oxygen content of this planet is much higher than that of the Earth, or the home planet of the Alliance and Empire, so the Rumina people appeared with larger bodies. Similarly, the bodies of wild animals are naturally not small.

One of the predatory overlords on the surface of Lumina planet is an animal called Lumina moa. There are at least twenty or thirty subspecies in biological concepts, but everyone mainly divides it into mountain moa. and plains moa. They are not the most powerful predators on the planet, but they are certainly the most famous. That is because everyone is very afraid of their existence.

We all know that it is theoretically impossible for carnivores to appear in large clusters, but this is not the case on this Lumina planet.

Preliminary estimates from the biological community suggest that the largest group of moa on the planet could reach more than two hundred individuals. They will hunt larger groups of herbivores, and they will also fight with other groups of moa for territory, which suddenly feels like a tribal war.

If these big birds didn't use tools or words, they would probably be regarded as intelligent creatures.

However, under some special circumstances, the flocks of birds will occasionally be dominated by some mysterious force, gathering into larger flocks, driving huge herbivores, like an army of wild beasts, attacking nearby Lu. A stronghold of the Mina people.

This is the beast tide recorded by the Rumina people.

"Yes, our ancestors believed that this was a way to adjust the balance." The old man Bekai said in a long tone, which sounded like a mysterious stick.

Yu Lian laughed in his heart, thinking, does anyone dare to balance himself in front of me?

Seeing his apprentice Babalu looking at him with reproach, old man Bekai could only say helplessly: "That's what the old man said."

Indeed, these carnivorous chocobos are only at the top of the wild animals, but above them, there are intelligent creatures, namely the Lumina people.

You know, the meat of moa is really nutritious and delicious, and it is naturally one of the most important hunting objects of the Rumina people. Then, under the guidance of some unscientific will, the moa flocks gathered together and became Avengers. This is what is called balance, right?

"However, our Maple City is on the edge of the Caohai Great Plain, and is not the habitat of large flocks of birds. What's more... In the past ten years, there have been several animal tides in Caohai, but they have tried their best to They will stay away from our range. But this time, they are indeed coming in our direction." Shashak added.

Yu Lian touched his chin. He wanted to touch the old knife without the lollipop, but he had no choice but to give up after being given a sideways look by Feifei.

"Is this beast tide you are talking about very large?" Yu Lian asked.

"It's not a question of whether it's powerful or not, it's huge! There are at least a thousand moa alone, and I even saw a giant rock tiger!"

Compared with the moa, which relied on the abundance of birds to bully talented people to occupy the top of the food chain, the big rock tiger is a typical lone ranger. It looks a bit like a large saber-toothed tiger. The skin is thick, the flesh is thick, but the fur is not particularly thick, so it is not weak to fire. Its fangs are extremely sharp, and so hard that it is difficult to call it calcium, but it can literally break gold and crack rocks.

Since its teeth are painted in this style, it is self-evident to know the strength of its bones and the strength of its body, right?

This is an animal that has reached the phantom beast species, and its combat power is by no means inferior to the gravel dragon encountered by Xin Yumen.

Even if it is a group of moa that can hunt around and "understand the art of war", if it is a group of small and medium-sized birds with less than a hundred birds, they can only retreat when encountering a large rock tiger.

Yu Lian frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of some very unfriendly experiences.

"Are you sure it's just a tide of beasts and nothing else? For example, have you seen some weird... um, creatures between beasts and insects?"

Yu Lian said in a calm and calm tone. In order not to make everyone nervous, he tried his best to hide his emotions, but Feifei still glanced at him calmly.

Xia Shake thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "No."

"Are you sure?"

"Really not." Mr. Hunter said solemnly: "I am very familiar with the grassland plains in the east, and after discovering the beast tide, I also observed it for several days, and I have indeed never seen those strange animals you mentioned. This time the beast The tide was indeed huge, but it was really just a local animal in Caohai.”

After all, Mr. Xia Xia Ke was a senior hunter, so Yu Lian trusted his words, so he felt a little relieved.

He then thought of another possibility, but this was just a guess and needed other proof. Before that, we must not take it lightly.

"Let the self-police teams in the city assemble, and let the young and middle-aged people also start to assemble." Yu Lian began to give instructions.

"I have already given the order. They will be assembled in ten minutes at most. Just give the order." Babaru said.

His expression seemed a bit solemn, as if he was thinking about something.

This is the good thing about industrial society. Workers are naturally organized and disciplined, and in this regard they are even much better than those old mercenaries who are said to be "hardened in hundreds of battles."

"Are there any weapons in the warehouse?" Yu Lian asked again.

"There are two multiple rifles, three phase wave cannons, ten power skeletons and ten armored vehicles." Xia Shake said.

This armament is similar to that of No. 14 Military Station in Xinyumen, but this Maple City is also a city with a population of more than 200,000!

"Originally, we didn't even have this kind of armament. However, when the arsenal was demolished, we didn't finish moving the things in the warehouse, so we stayed in it, and it was still well maintained."

No matter how well maintained it is, it is still a product from more than ten years ago!

What about the automatic defense facilities in the city? Yu Liangang wanted to ask this, but then gave up. The city can barely maintain the energy supply for factories, and even heating and air conditioning in residential areas cannot be guaranteed, let alone automatic sentry cannons and the like.

He heard it from Babalu. In the past ten years, the biggest danger that Fengchang has encountered, except for a small number of sand bandits, is the wave of pirates that were wiped out by the vast ocean of the People's War last time. The workers must have shut down the city's automatic defense equipment, and they may even have dismantled the sentry guns and used them as production parts.

"I'm going to notify the Suppression Headquarters and ask them to send reinforcements quickly." Feifei said.

The Suppression Headquarters will definitely send reinforcements, but the number should not be too many. They would probably only send one or two transport boats and a small group of soldiers, and the mission would be considered completed if they picked up themselves and Feifei.

Anyway, Red Maple Factory and Maple City are already forgotten places outside the law. The Guard, which is mainly composed of residents of New Seville, and the Marine Corps, which is affiliated with the center, have no obligations towards them.

In comparison, asking for help from Lilia might be more useful.

In short, we cannot rely on urban defense. There are a considerable number of old people and children here, and the production line that everyone has finally set up is still running. If a few moa or wild yaks really rush into the urban area and the factory, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Use our authority to apply for the monitoring equipment of the space station in the sky. I need to know the trends of the beast tide at any time." Yu Liandao.

Feifei nodded and started to operate.

Monitoring from outer space can of course monitor the movement direction, quantity, and even the hair of a certain beast. However, as Lao Bekai and Xia Xia Ke have just said, the emergence of this beast tide is very unscientific.

In this universe, since it is not scientific, it is most likely occult.

When it comes to this aspect, it cannot be discovered by very scientific outer space probes.

"There should be transport boats available in the city, right?" Yu Lian asked.

"There are two Seagull low-altitude shuttle boats." Bouska replied. Usually these things are maintained by him and his friends. The smart technician quickly guessed what Yu Lian meant and hurriedly said: "But, it is not for military use. It has no armor or firepower."

"It's enough that you can fly!"

As Yu Lian spoke, he stood up and looked at Feifei again. Just as he was thinking about how to organize his words, the latter said: "Don't worry, I won't go with you, I will stay in the city and help you stabilize the rear! "

She said to Babalu again: "We cannot rely directly on the city for defense! We must set up defensive positions outside the city! How many manpower do you have and what engineering equipment do you have? Please give me a list as soon as possible."

I am really lucky to meet such a girl who is not pretentious, unpretentious and decisive!

"I have it here," Stocker said.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the graduate student quickly added: "...This, this, since production has resumed, I have asked everyone to make lists of various materials and equipment every day, and they must be updated every day. .”

It's even luckier to have a group of teammates who are worry-free, right?

Yu Lian took a rifle from the warehouse, and was very pleased to find a dozen impact grenades as big as eggs in a sealed box in a corner, without a powered exoskeleton. He has reached the third ring, and this kind of "civilian equipment" has no added effect on his abilities - of course, if there is a heraldry machine, it will be another matter.

The Seagull low-altitude airship is a transport craft used for both passenger and cargo, and the internal space is quite spacious.

The maneuverability of this kind of airship is also good. It is simple and clear. If you can drive a large truck, you can definitely drive this airship.

The driver is one of Sha Shik's members of the self-police team, and he is indeed a driver of a truck. Xia Shake took several well-armed and capable team members and boarded the airship together.

Yu Lian sat in the passenger seat, closed his eyes and said nothing. Others thought he was concentrating with his eyes closed and did not dare to disturb him, but in fact he was having a spiritual connection with the stone AA in the test tube on his sleeve.

"So, you have lived on this planet for so long, do you have any suggestions for the current situation?"

"I'm a mollusk, so I'm not very familiar with these mammals. Besides, we've been living in our own base, so we're even less familiar with them." The slug said

"..." Yu Lian didn't speak, but the emotions he sent out already showed his attitude.

"...Well, Count Salvin has also tried to find new hosts for us before. Moa, crocodile, and of course, the big rock tiger. Because these animals are physically strong enough and also possess a certain degree of intelligence. The brain still has a certain capacity.”

There was no need for Shi AA to continue talking, and Yu Lian knew that the experiment had failed. If successful, there might have been a giant saber-toothed tiger that walked independently and was keen on studying biotechnology in this universe a hundred years ago.

"...If I have to say something, Your Excellency, these large animals on Lumina Planet, especially the Big Rock Tiger, actually have very typical sensitive constitutions."

Yu Lian knew what the other party meant, but what he said was really awkward.

"It can be regarded as a phantom beast. Its body is very sensitive to spiritual energy. Their brains also have a certain degree of intelligence and are fully evolved. They are not sensitive to spiritual induction, so they can fully accept the sharing of our consciousness. . Unfortunately, the brain development of this animal is still limited, and it cannot accept too many complex instructions, so it cannot really serve as a stable host... So, what kind of body can carry us to survive? Sure enough, it still can More and more complete research! Your Excellency, if you can help me provide such conditions, we will work for you. This is the promise of scholars of the last era!"

"Let's get to the point! Don't talk about him right or wrong!"

"...Well, that's all I really know."

This guy probably wasn't lying. After all, one person and one insect communicated through consciousness links. Those who can lie in this situation are all masters of mysticism who specialize in the soul field.

Although the Seagull airship is a very typical civilian object, its flying speed is still good. It only took two or three minutes to leave the scope of the Red Maple Plains and cross the mountains. The scenery below changed from a red forest that looked like morning glow to an endless green field, extending beyond Yu Lian's sight.

This was indeed a quite magnificent sight, and Yu Lian, who had seen a lot, was amazed by it. He felt that he really seemed to be in the sky above an ocean made of endless weeds.

And that's exactly what happened. This place is called the "Grass Sea Wilderness" by the Rumina people, and is simply called the "Eastern Prairie" among the workers of the Red Maple Factory. Its total area is larger than the three Mediterranean Seas combined. It is also a place dominated by grasslands and forests. It is the most extensive wilderness on the main planet.

Moreover, just looking at the prosperity of these pastures and the quite dense rivers, you will know that the soil here is actually very fertile.

If you don't cultivate some fields, you are not worthy of being a Seris. Yu Lian thought.

However, even if we want to farm here, it is a matter of course. Yu Lian soon felt the vigorous and violent breath of life appearing on the distant horizon, like a crazy tsunami.

It was only then that Xia Xia Ke reminded loudly, "Captain, that's over there! That's the direction of the beast tide!"

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