Him and their stars

Chapter 275 There is no ethnic conflict

Yu Lian was indeed smiling, and it was his careless and cynical smile. He was probably joking.

But the problem is that although he is smiling, his words seem to contain some kind of inexplicable chill. However, the evil spirit disappeared in that joking tone so quickly that Babalu felt that it was an illusion.

He pondered for a moment and then said: "Captain, I don't quite understand, why are you here?"

"what why?"

"My master said that everyone and every group has their own pursuit. Our pursuit is to protect the Red Maple Factory, to see it regain its glory, and to see that all the children of the Red Maple Factory are prosperous. Can be happy. What the gentlemen of Xingsheng Company want is to make money. The military representatives and the government only hope to stabilize Lumina's people. It would be better if they could provide some high-quality and low-priced Taishi alloy. As long as everyone pursues If we can be consistent, we will be successful. But if everyone's pursuits cannot be integrated and compromised, then we can only fall into conflict."

Yu Lian sighed with regret again: "It is really my lifelong regret that I couldn't chat with Mr. Tom Wyeth all night long!"

Teacher Li is right, there are always capable people, heroes and wise men hidden among the people. It is really a pity that we did not meet such a wise man.

Babalu smiled proudly. For him, Mr. Tom Wise is not only a master's master in craftsmanship, but also plays the role of a life mentor.

"Some people also said this during the old man's funeral," he said.

Yu Lian was a little curious.

"He is a very famous writer! None of us thought that he would come to attend the old man's funeral. It's Mr. Qi Bingwen, but I don't like reading much, so I don't know how good he is."

Is he the one who brought a watermelon knife to the Cathay Embassy and blocked the door? It can no longer be described as famous! In this universe, that gentleman is a combination of Alexandre Dumas and Marquez! And he is not particularly old now. Who knows if he will one day evolve into Tolstoy and Tagore?

All in all, it can definitely be regarded as one of the most famous cultural business cards of people on earth.

"Mr. Qi said that when he was young, he once came to Lumina to collect information, and he became good friends with the old man. Hearing that the old man was in poor health, he rushed over from the empire, but unfortunately he still could not see him for the last time."

That literary uncle is now the community's ambassador to the empire. Of course, he actually plays more of a mascot role, and there are not too many administrative tasks that he needs to handle personally, so he can leave his duty without permission and go to such a remote planet to attend the funeral of an old worker.

Of course, the current atmosphere of this cosmic civilization already gives too many preferential treatment to geniuses. If you are a bit more willful, others may think this is the result of a true celebrity being romantic.

Speaking of which, Mr. Qi is indeed a very interesting person. Yu Lian had read his books in his previous life, but didn't know much about his life style. After all, Mr. Qi personally ended his life before he grew up in his previous life...

... I really need to find a reason to have a chat with this literary giant. Life is so wonderful, how can we waste it carelessly?

"Everyone has their own pursuits. But, Captain, what are you pursuing?"

"People like you have a great future and must have ambitious goals. We all feel that people like you should sit on the Independence and command all the fleets of the community."

"I just helped you restore the factory. What gave you such an illusion?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"Those who can manage the factory well must manage the fleet well. This is what the old man said."

I feel more and more sorry...

"For people like you, staying in such a small factory for even one more day is a waste of life." Babaru said.

Because I really like it here! I like this place that is infinitely close to my real hometown in my previous life. If I hadn't been able to waste the sense of mission I had imposed on myself through three lifetimes, I might have stayed here for the rest of my life.

"Have you forgotten my main job? I am a revolutionary!" Yu Lian patted his chest and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Before that, he really wasn't qualified to say such things. However, seeing the factory roaring and shining in the distance, and seeing the growing smiles of the 200,000 people in Maple City, Yu Lian felt somewhat confident.

You never said that! Besides, what is revolution? Whose life should be killed?

Babalu looked at Yu Lian blankly, unable to turn his head.

Yu Lian paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Every intelligent life individual has different levels of needs. First of all, it is the need to ensure basic survival. At least food that can fill the stomach can provide shelter from wind and rain. A place to live, clothes that can keep you warm and cover your shame. Then, there is the need for safety. The right to live freely without being violated or bullied at will."

Babalu thought he made sense. This is what he and his workers' committee have worked hard to achieve today.

"Then, there is the need for belonging and emotion. So far, the intelligent creatures that make up the galactic civilization are all social animals and emotional animals. With his own belonging, he can real"

Babalu still thinks it makes sense, which is why he has been guarding the Red Maple Factory. He must leave everyone a home where everyone can feel a sense of belonging.

"As long as you have these three levels, you can live like a human being."

"...Captain, these are already good days that most people can't even dream of! In fact, our Red Maple Factory is pretty good. At least there will be other tribes coming to exchange food and clothing with us. But even so, no one can fill their stomachs. But in some places, I heard the old man say it before... Hey, in short, it is really cruel beyond your imagination!"

Babalu probably felt that Mr. Captain, a proud man with a great future, no matter how noble or powerful he was, was still living in the clouds, so he should not pollute his ears with things in the mud.

It must be said that this is a very considerate approach, as long as it is considerate enough to make Yu Lian a little angry.

Is there anything this hero has never seen before?

Yu Lian rolled his eyes in his heart, but said: "Then, isn't it wrong for the world to make most people live less than human beings? If people are wrong, they will stand up and be beaten. If the world is wrong, they will torture the world. Get him back on track!"

Yes, this is wrong. But why did I take him for granted before? Babalu thought.

He suddenly realized that he might have stood at the door of some kind of truth, just waiting for the last step.

"Then, there are the last two levels. The need for respect, whether it is respecting others or being respected by others! And whether you can successfully realize your self-worth!" Yu Lian looked at the worker leader who was already deep in thought and slowed down his speech. Rhythm: "If every intelligent individual can fully satisfy the first three needs, and has the motivation and hope to pursue the last two needs at any time. Then my career will be considered a success!"

"I really... can't imagine such a world."

"It's hard for me to imagine! I don't even expect it to be possible in my lifetime."

"But moving in that direction is my career. Being a professional military officer in the community, as well as being a psychic, are all my job and side jobs. Don't forget! My main job is to be a revolutionary! "

You never said that, right? Also, what does “revolution” mean?

Babaru has indeed never heard of this word, but he always feels that as soon as he hears it, there is a burning fire in his heart.

"Of course, all this is a thing for later! You can think about it slowly and make a decision before it's too late." Yu Lian smiled and said: "Let's get back to business. You should not only be from Xingsheng Company if you keep me today. Is it something?"

What decision should I make? And after you said these words, you suddenly felt that other things were really not worth mentioning.

Babalu was in a state of excitement for a long time. He straightened his mood and organized his words before saying: "The tide of beasts in the past two days is a bit unreasonable. This season is when the autumn grass is the most lush, so there shouldn't be any A tide of beasts! Moreover, a tide of beasts of this scale is too unscientific. There must be something fishy in this!"

Therefore, this strange thing is probably what Babaru wants to tell himself.

"Before you came, someone came to the Red Maple Factory once... It was my former friend and a son of the Red Maple Factory, named Kolmo."

Yu Lian was a little surprised. He had heard of this name, either in his previous life or in this life. He was one of the leaders of the Rumina rebels, a ruthless gangster with an eight-figure bounty on his head. However, he really didn't expect that this guy was also born in Hongfeng Factory.

According to Babalu's introduction, this man named Colmo was not only a child of the Red Maple Factory, he was also the most famous "other people's child" in Maple City. If he had not gone astray, Babaru would not have been the chairman of the workers' committee.

Kolmo's father is a worker at the Red Maple Factory, but their family is a very prestigious and long-standing clan among the Rumina people. It has also produced many tribal chiefs, warrior leaders, master hunters, and sky priests. Big shot. Moreover, the relationship between the members of this clan is also very close, and it is said that there is a little bit of kinship relationship with the extinct Sero royal family that cannot be confirmed or falsified.

So, after Kolmo's father, a worker, passed away, his uncles from the clan discussed it and felt that it was a pity that such a talented young man should be wasted, so they pooled together a sum of money, plus everyone from the Red Maple Factory With help, he was sent to study abroad in his empire.

"We all thought he would learn a lot of skills and would come to help the Red Maple Factory. The old man also had high hopes for him and mobilized everyone to donate! Even I donated 1,000 yuan to him!"

It doesn't sound like much, and I can't even book an afternoon tea for Zhixia and Liuli. But you must know that Hongfeng Factory has not paid wages for ten years, and the workers' families have earned their own cash from side jobs. Occasionally they have to carry some souvenirs from Planet Lumina to New Seville for the market.

It would be impossible to go any further. After all, the Lumina people are a race with the characteristic of "relocating to their homeland"!

Kolmo is more talented than his hometown and clan elders imagined. Not only did he get an engineering degree, but he also awakened to psychic powers.

Everyone was touched, and what was even more touching was that he declined the invitation from a certain imperial noble and decided to return to his hometown - it was a story of an overseas wanderer who returned from his studies and served his hometown with positive energy.

He did return to Lumina, but instead of returning to the Red Maple Factory, he joined the Lumina rebels.

There is evidence that he even personally planned and organized several large-scale terrorist activities and rebellions, causing considerable losses in personnel, so he was directly put on the wanted list of the Community government.

Because of this guy's birth, the intelligence department even suspected that the Red Maple Factory had any relationship with the rebels and sent people to investigate.

We all know that the investigative methods of the intelligence agencies have never been very reasonable and compliant, let alone friendly. Of course, the workers at the Red Maple Factory are all unruly masters. Back then, they even fought against the military representatives who represented the most violent organization in the country, and dealt with murderous pirates who were armed with live ammunition. They would be afraid of you guys. lackey?

Of course, that conflict ended with the intelligence agency's embarrassing retreat, but the Red Maple Factory did not suffer any losses.

Of course, young workers like Babaru have no good impression of the community government. Of course, they have outright disgust and even hatred for the real culprit, Babaru.

"We are funding him, not to let him become a terrorist!" Babaru gritted his teeth and said: "Studying is for understanding, but why does that guy keep reading more and more?"

"Because the route is wrong. The more knowledge you have, the more reactionary you will be!" Yu Lian said this in a matter-of-fact tone.

Then, before the other party fell into deep thought again, he added: "So, do you think that this strange beast tide has something to do with him?"

"It may not have a direct relationship with him, but it must have something to do with the current situation of Lumina." Babaru thought about it seriously and then said: "He came to the factory to see me once on the day you arrived. . I hope that no matter what happens, we will remain neutral. I guess that he, his rebels, and the cultists must be causing something big!"

Yu Lian nodded. Even if they don't do big things, you must let them do big things. Otherwise, why are you pretending to be so hard?

If we don't cause something big, how can we live up to the Lumina Galaxy, which is so popular now?

Of course, there is no need to tell Babalu about this kind of thing.

Of course, Kolmo didn't just come here once. As a rebel leader, of course he has been trying to win over Babaru, and told him that "if the Rumina people still follow the people on Earth, they will have no future."

Babalu responded to the other party: "Those big guys above who are squeezing us are all Earthlings. But, aren't the people in this city who are working with me to maintain our hometown and our factories still Earthlings? I don’t quite understand why this is happening! But right now, I just want to protect our factory.”

Kolmo said: "But how long can you protect us? We Rumina people still lived in trees and mountains hundreds of years ago. We have no own heritage, no own history, no own Tradition has nothing but the phantom of a so-called sky god. We are destined to be unable to stand independently in this forest of galactic civilizations. In this case, why not stand on the stronger side?"

It turns out that guy is an imperial leader! This is quite new. Yu Lian thought.

There is no blood feud between the Earth people and the Lumina people, but the Lumina people were used as slaves by the Empire. No one knows how many died in the mining farms or even in the arena.

"Yes! No matter how much people on earth say they're sorry for us, they don't feel like there are too many of them anymore."

"You are wrong. It's not that the people of Earth are sorry for you, but that the meat-eaters of Earth are sorry for the ordinary people of Lumina. They are also sorry for the ordinary people of Earth. In fact, there are no national conflicts here, but only class conflicts."

It was also the first time that Babalu heard the word "class", but he only thought about it for a few seconds and understood it immediately.

"But the empire is different. Not to mention the nobles and citizens, even for ordinary citizens of the empire, killing a Rumina man will only cost him two pig legs. Facing the big shots in the community, The most I can do is bow and call them sir... However, if it were the empire, wouldn’t I have to kneel down and call them master?”

Having said this, Yu Lian shrugged: "You are still young! I have not experienced that era personally, and I have no intuitive experience at all. It is easy for young people studying abroad to get lost in the lights and feasting. If they do not have sufficient self-understanding, With a firm outlook on life, it is easy to get lost on the road of life.”

"Yes, that's the truth! I wish I had known you earlier. Then I could shut up that guy! Every time I hear that guy keep talking, I know there is something wrong with what he said but I can't refute it. That taste is really unpleasant! "

Yu Lian also smiled and asked: "But you didn't inform the military and the government about these things. Then why did you tell me?"

"I don't believe in the military, nor the Earth government...but I want to believe you. I believe you can give a good end to these past grudges. Then, we are willing to believe you and follow you." Babaru He pondered for a moment and patted his chest hard: "Young man here, and me, just use it! As long as there is a way to get weapons, I can help you pull out 10,000 militiamen in three to five days. !”

He thought for a while and then added: "It's hard to say that the Marines can fight better than the Guards!"

Yu Lian really wanted to ask what gave you such courage, but considering that this man has always been a very reliable boss, it shouldn't be bragging.

It is no wonder that the working class has always been the best soldier.

But even so, there is no need to be so radical. Even if I want to arm you, it’s not now!

Just as Yu Liang was about to say this, the communication terminal rang three times, and then the call was connected directly, but it was Feifei calling.

"Yu'er, come to the company headquarters. Someone from the Suppression Headquarters is here again."

"...You're not here to forcefully requisition supplies this time, are you?"

"If you are here, we can have a good discussion. Where does the force come from?" Feifei said with a smile.

"Oh, then it must be a defeat, right?"

"...Yu'er, I'm right next to you."

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