Him and their stars

Chapter 395 What program should I choose when dating a capitalist lady?

For the next twenty minutes, the two began a frank and very prophetic exchange about the distribution of the "possible" spoils. The two parties sincerely exchanged views, understood each other's differences, and reached broad consensus on the issues, laying a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial strategic partnership.

Overall, the outcome of this conversation was positive and the future is promising.

The bad thing is that Miss Yamida's character of a top-notch science girl is a bit broken. This girl was really well-educated when it came to bargaining, which made Yu Lian almost unable to resist.

The good thing is that although the character of the science girl has collapsed, once she enters the bargaining stage, it can actually prove her sincerity.

"However, even though we have made so many preparations, the only problem at the moment is... all our current operational targets are the key points of the empire. There are not only conventional protection measures, but also a large-scale mystical guard array. Now , the person who presides over the psychic warning for the imperial capital is Noddos, the high priest of Hoshijian Pavilion."

"I know that he is a 'Lingyou Sect' who holds the eighth spiritual ring."

Yanni glanced at Yu Lian with some surprise: "Through the psychic arrays set up in every city and tens of thousands of small space stations, the entire imperial capital is now covered under the abnormal prediction field. All behaviors, The more likely it is to cause major harm to the empire and the imperial capital, the more likely it is that it will be induced by him. I can be sure that when we just discussed the matter, he should have had early warning, even where we might go. , and even the action time is vaguely felt. If you go, you will probably have to break through the interception and search of a large number of experts. "

"So, when I was discussing with you just now, I was thinking that only children make choices, of course adults have to make choices!"

Yamida chuckled: "Just like when you were in college?"

...Did you find someone to investigate my eight generations of ancestors?

Yu Lian rolled his eyes in his heart, but he held his head high and said proudly: "So, I will attack all the key departments that will make the high priest feel danger."

Yamida pondered for a moment: "... Just thinking about it will not trigger the reaction of the precognition array."

"Yeah! So I said it, only sissies and fagots just want to do it but don't dare to do it. Gentle men not only want it, but they must do it! Do it sincerely! As for when to go... haha , I’ll leave it to you in terms of time. It’s much easier to just do something about time prediction than to do all-round sensory deception, right?”

Yamida pondered for a moment, and a flash of brilliance flashed in her royal blue eyes: "You... really refreshed my understanding of you again!"

"Which aspect? Extraordinary imagination and outstanding mobility?"

"No, it's the level of madness. Of course, I actually don't hate this. People like me can easily regard everyone around them as unevolved monkeys. Probably only madmen in the secular sense, That’s what makes me interested.”

"Wait a minute, did you just say monkey? Did you just say you turned everyone around you into unevolved monkeys?" Yu Lian couldn't help but rolled his eyes inwardly.

Will the future leader who is known for being friendly to the people, who sits in a wheelchair and plays games with a large group of orphanage children, and is affectionately called "Sister Ya" by ordinary people, be this persona?

Although he knows that all political animals will always use their performance to deal with the public. To put it bluntly, the operation of establishing celebrities' personalities is the result of politicians' manipulation.

However, Yu Lian still felt a little bit sad.

At this time, I heard Yamida say again: "I can't help it. The spirit of the universe has indeed given me enviable talents, but it has also taken away a lot from me. The most important thing is the empathy of a human being. .For a long time, I felt like I was the only human being among the monkeys, which made me really feel uncontrollably lonely. I really envy those classmates who couldn’t get full marks. I really I really want to experience the feeling of answering the wrong questions in the exam. And those stupid children who are not very smart can be so happy. What do you think is more important, IQ or happiness?"

"I really think you are quite happy now!" Yu Lian said expressionlessly.

You'll be damned if you don't have empathy. This section of Versailles is so lifelike!

"That's right. Those guys who feel that they have lost empathy and pride in being human because they have a slightly higher IQ than ordinary people can only mean that they are not that smart. However, I am really envious. I also want to understand the state of mind of this kind of person who is so arrogant even though he is obviously half-assed! It is really valuable for sociological research."

Yu Lian didn't want to speak immediately, but the eldest lady thought his joke was very funny, laughed a few times, and then said with great interest: "But, you seem to be familiar with the psychic defense array of the Imperial Capital before? Have you seen it before?”

"Of course I didn't. But Master Flores Wanda's former companion in Snake seemed to be a big boss named Black King, but he was confused by this array. If he knew it, of course I would know it." Yu Lian continued to remain expressionless, not even blinking.

"...Oh? Ha, let's just treat it like this." Yamida withdrew her deep gaze and stopped continuing this topic. She clapped gently, but saw a dark figure floating under the table. The figure began to condense, expand, and become fleshed out, and soon turned into another lifelike Yu Lian.

Yani looked at the two Yulians and nodded: "You can confuse the fake with the real."

"It's a pity that I can't express my extraordinary temperament." Yu Lian said seriously.

The eldest lady glanced sideways, waved her hand gently, and the other Yu Lian suddenly turned into a shadowy paper man again, then rolled himself up directly into an inconspicuous paper roll, and jumped into a small box.

Yamida left the box in the restaurant and stood up: "Then, let's go. I'm looking forward to this evening."

The two of them walked out of the private room together and passed by a waiter who "just happened to" come over to clean up.

Two bodyguards in suits who had been guarding the door quickly followed.

The moment they stepped out of the restaurant door, they all had a very sensitive early warning reaction, as if they suddenly stepped onto the center stage and were watched by countless audiences.

However, when I look around, I see the same busy street, with endless traffic and tourists, as well as the brightly lit buildings on the front.

The buildings in the empire are not all palaces and temples. The buildings in many neighborhoods are also very industrial, and Beisenberg City is one of them. At least, the street scene of this business district in the city center is not much different from any space city in the universe.

However, hidden among the lights and banquets, there were countless groups of intelligence and security personnel. The long and short spears in their hands are enough to clearly capture the stubble on their faces. Of course, they should also be enough to tear themselves into pieces in an instant.

This is what a man should do! Yu Lian thought.

"Our current characters are indeed dating, right?" Yu Lian asked again.

"There are still three hours left, it's up to you to make arrangements."

Yu Lian looked at the other party's enthusiastic smile, and his heart moved, and the bad taste suddenly started to bubble up: "Then go to the Wesson Theater in the Cultural Square in the city over there. Our community's new play is being staged there."

Yamida kept a straight face and said nothing.

Currently, there are at least a thousand stage plays of various kinds being shown in various theaters throughout the imperial capital, and there are also many famous theater troupes from the alliance. Of course, they all hope to invite dignitaries, especially celebrities like Yamida, to watch the show. As long as they can get a compliment from her, it will definitely become popular, but it will definitely be much easier to invest in the next play.

However, the aloof Yamida refused.

"I'm actually not very interested in stage plays. In fact, I prefer movies. I really like your Earth's interstellar martial arts dramas." Yamida said expressionlessly the lines that once again subverted her character.

"Me too. However, this one must be cut. Because I wrote it." Yu Lian ignored Mr. Qi shamelessly. But even if the old man knew about it, he probably wouldn't mind, right?

Yamida raised her eyebrows and finally became a little interested: "Then let's go."

"We can walk directly there." Yu Lian took the lead and walked towards the theater.

Yamida's bodyguard was just about to say something to dissuade him, but saw that the other party was already moving, so he could only follow him helplessly.

The drama that Yu Lian and the girls watched was naturally the destined to be great "The Green Star Princess and the Seven Little Starfish".

To be honest, the plot of "Green" is really aimed at the empire. However, the alliance has not done much in terms of extinguishing civilization, purging races, relocating reservations, disguised slavery, etc. few. It's just that because he was flying the banner of the Republic, he looked better. In addition, in addition to racial oppression, the economic exploitation of the alliance of the plutocratic republics is even worse than that of the military nobles of the empire.

Yu Lian can be sure that the rulers of the empire will be restless after watching the show "Green", and the alliance will not be much better. With Yamida's IQ, she should also feel the same way.

In addition, when he and his sister went to the theater, of course the Imperial Intelligence Department would also follow them.

Taking the rich daughter of a super wealthy capitalist and a group of secret policemen of the evil military (meow) and nationalist (woo) regime, to watch a new-school drama that is extremely left-wing. There is nothing more interesting in the world than this. Something?

If observers outside the universe learn to watch "Thunderstorm" when dating a capitalist lady, then that can be regarded as my contribution to the world, right?

In short, Yu Lian felt a little pity when he thought of this. If he had known that today's scene would happen, he would definitely find a way to enhance the resistance and revolutionary nature of "Green". This way he could appreciate Amida's expression up close.

...But in this way, the tragedy of the original sentence seems to be weakened, which is really troublesome.

How about asking Mr. Qi to write it again? Or, just make a trilogy?

The subjects are respectively tragedy, awakening and resistance?

Thanks to this cosmic era where mysticism is rampant, there are as many stories as we need to provide material for scripts!

Two hours later, with thunderous applause and cheers throughout, the fourth day of the performance of "Green" was once again a complete success.

Of course Yu Lian didn't know that this drama would soon become popular and become a milestone in the world of cosmic drama, but he had no doubt about it.

I...this is also a solid step forward for the propaganda front of our cause, right?

This was evident from the packed audience in the theater.

In fact, if Miss Yamida hadn't used her privileges somewhere, the two of them would not have been able to enter the small box on the second floor.

Yu Lian has always felt that the best way to perform a drama is to sit in the front row of the hall, and Yamida seemed to think so too. But he couldn't stand the two bodyguards who tried their best to persuade him. Judging from their looks, they were almost ready to kneel down and beg.

An excellent leader will not make things too difficult for those below him. Although Yamida always said that she has no empathy for mortals, she is obviously of this type.

Aeschylus from the Community is not very famous in the entire universe, but after all, it is also one of the official theater troupes of the Earth, and the actors have good skills. As a director, Mr. Kurtz has indeed put a lot of effort into it.

What made him a little regretful was that after watching the whole scene, although Yamida was very focused throughout the scene, her expression did not change at all. On the contrary, the two bodyguards who were watching the show behind were a little bit restless.

"Your bodyguards are all elites!" Bodyguards are naturally well-trained professionals, but that does not mean that their social awareness will exceed that of the general public. If it were an ordinary bodyguard, the first reaction at this time would be to either cry along with the ordinary audience in the hall, or to denounce the tyranny of a certain country.

Since he can fidget, it shows that he is still very critical.

"They are not my bodyguards. One is the Security Section Chief of the Security Department of the Alliance Embassy, ​​and the other is the Business Assistant of the Alliance Business Council. They are both top students who graduated from Ocean University. They are my colleagues!"

That is, when Teacher Fubao calls the 996 coders under him, he will also affectionately call them "colleagues" or even "brothers and sisters." As if their personalities were truly equal.

Of course, the eldest lady of the Belenkeist family, who is destined to inherit the "infinite treasury", can use the elite staff of the Alliance Embassy and the Business Council as assistants.

However, looking at the powerful figures of these two men, they must indeed have guest roles as bodyguards. No wonder Yu Lian misunderstood.

Two jobs for one salary, it must be said, this is really Belenkeist.

Yamida seemed to feel Yu Lian's disdain, and turned her face sideways, raising the corners of her mouth with a playful smile: "What a good show! Yu Lian."

This girl's reaction was indeed very calm, as calm as the Atlas Mountains on the Alliance's home planet. But for some reason, Yu Lian's intuition told him that the other party was not as calm as he appeared.

Metaphysics in a mystical realm?

Yu Lian decided to believe in his own metaphysics, and immediately looked directly into the other person's blue eyes without any hesitation.

After the two people stared at each other for nearly half a minute, Yamida sighed slightly and looked away slightly.

Yu Lian couldn't help but feel happy.

He really hoped to hear more of the other party's thoughts, but now, it was worth the price to see the future "Goddess of Wisdom" lose her temper like this.

"Then can you recommend it to your relatives and friends?" Yu Lian said with a smile.

"As a friend, I allow you to make such nasty jokes with me. However, you can't humiliate my IQ in person." Yamida glared at Yu Lian, but after thinking about it, she also showed the same evil look. Interesting smile: "However, this drama is more suitable for them to watch! This should make them make up their mind."

"Those two silly girls?"

"No, I'm talking about plan B." Yamida sneered.

More than ten years ago, when I was a beautiful young man in white clothes, I actually went to see "Thunderstorm" and "Returning on a Snowy Night" with ten wealthy capitalist ladies in my family. At that time, I really envied the fat nerds who could hide at home and play games!

In addition, the eldest lady and I had an absolutely ordinary and pure friendship, and at that time I already had a childhood sweetheart who was getting married. I really envy those fat guys who can enjoy peace and quiet at night!

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