Him and their stars

Chapter 403 Escaped

Just as Yu Lian made this plan, he heard the roar of airflow, but two armored airships were already roaring over and hovering outside the rooftop. The black muzzles on the cannon carousel were already pointed at him on the rooftop, ready to pour out a torrential rain of shells at any time.

However, the opponent did not fire. After all, there was an emperor, a duke, and two attachments close to him.

At the same time, a dozen soldiers wearing gliding power armor had fallen from the sky. One of them was wearing a heraldry machine and carrying a three-meter-long atomic light spear.

This is the normal way for Astral Knights to leave the factory.

"The terrorists over there, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

"Surrender!" Duke Arona also shouted loudly. He felt that he had held the whole audience.

Yu Lian glanced at the half-opened chrysanthemum that was still stuck in the flower wall not far away, laughed playfully, and suddenly flicked his fingers. A violent explosion exploded again. But this time, the laboratory under his feet, the flowers behind Yu Lian, and even the Feilin Campus in the distance were all bursting with sparks.

Duke Arona was slightly startled and glanced in the direction of the campus involuntarily. Naturally, he was too late to stop Yu Lian from retreating and disappearing into the garden.

Afterwards, the snake head who claimed to be the "Red King" disappeared.

All the imperial soldiers present were stunned for several seconds, and then they hurriedly gathered around, rescuing and helping. In front of His Excellency the Duke, these big soldiers must at least act like they are really busy.

As for the astral knight wearing a heraldry machine, under the Duke's cold gaze, he could only walk over tremblingly and salute with a bang.

"Your Excellency, I..." Before he could finish his words, he received a severe kick from Duke Arona.

Even with his armor on, his body weighing at least one ton was unable to withstand the Duke's angry kicks, and he was thrown backwards even on his armor. Of course, the astral knight inside probably didn't dare to dodge or resist, and let himself fall miserably.

"Idiot! You should have deployed the barrier first!" The Duke was almost roaring.

The old guy said it quite simply. I'm just an ordinary astral knight with three rings. Things like the "throne" star ring and the space locking barrier are too difficult!

The Duke probably knew that he was pushing someone too hard. He just vented a little, so he said again: "Let the rescue team enter the rescue immediately! This laboratory... no, the house doesn't matter, rescue personnel are given priority! The person in this laboratory, one No one is allowed to give up! Do you hear me? No one is allowed!"

"Understood!" The knight climbed up quickly with the heraldry machine on his shoulder, and quickly returned a military salute.

"Send His Royal Highness the King of Guards and the Knights of Tyraon to the hospital! Also, seal the city of Wellenshire immediately. All ports and transportation are closed! Enter the curfew! Call the Secretary's Office and tell them that I need Urgently convene a security meeting of the Privy Council... Tsk, don’t forget to notify the Prime Minister’s Office!”

"Also, let the people in charge of the Imperial Police Department and the Security Department run to the gate of the Privy Council and wait there! In less than half an hour, let them send the head over!"

When Duke Arona stepped onto the airship, he had already completed a series of arrangements. He sat on the chair, still feeling the veins on his forehead beating. On the one hand, he was angry, but on the other hand, he was also afraid.

He is not that afraid of death. He has been on the battlefield anyway, and his attitude towards death is at least much more optimistic than most people. What he was afraid of was that the most core secrets of the entire empire, the secret experiments intended to deter the alliance and even the entire universe, had actually been known to this secretive association?

"...How many smugglers have you buried in various departments of the empire? They are so cruel that they must not be left alive!" He gritted his teeth and secretly clenched his fists.

The Duke took a deep breath silently, allowing himself to regain some composure, and then ordered: "Call the Chamber of Commerce... and ask if His Majesty is willing to come to the Privy Council?"

After the airship carrying the Duke of Arona and escorting Prince Guarden to the hospital left, the Jade Forest Laboratory on site was also surrounded by guards, police, and medical and emergency personnel coming from all directions. Three floors outside and three floors.

But at this time, Yu Lian had already appeared in Feilin University, which was at least five or six hundred meters away from the laboratory building. Of course he emerged from the pillar of flame rising in the back garden of the academy.

This is a way of escape constructed through the psychic array carved inside the alchemy bomb. The explosion of the bomb is the signal to activate the space channel. At that moment, a space channel had actually been formed within the rising flames and bright light. As long as you transfer into it at the moment the explosion ends and withstand the high temperature burning and impact of the shock wave, you can complete the instant transfer.

Of course, ordinary people, ordinary psychics with poor defense, and those who are afraid of pain should definitely not try it. In addition, the space channel formed by the explosion is very unstable. If the explosion disappears, the channel will be gone. Don't try it if you are not an experienced driller, but don't accidentally get stuck in the corner.

As for Yu Lian, he is really not afraid of pain, and doesn't he have a unique skill like "Elemental Cells"?

Of course, the commotion in the Feilin Laboratory had already woken up all the teachers, students and staff living on campus. The explosion in the back garden of the campus scared many of the timid ones to the point where they rolled under the bed and shivered.

Of course, it was night after all, and there were not many teachers and students living on campus. No one really came to the back garden to find out. Yu Lian jumped out of the center of the explosion, turned on the optical camouflage again, and prepared to return along the road, while still maintaining the highest level of alert.

He still remembered that there should be an execution judge on campus.

But it doesn't matter. In such a short time, he wouldn't have time to call people. With a few soldiers, he would definitely not be able to stop him.

Sure enough, a figure wearing a black silver-rimmed coat really appeared at eight o'clock.

It was a very young-looking man, or a boy, short in stature, wearing round goggles, holding a blow-type valve blade similar to that of an impact crutch in one hand, and holding a large one in the other hand. Special pistol.

"Sure enough, I expected it!" he shouted.

Yu Lian slowed down slightly and observed the other person's aura.

"The Feilin Laboratory has exploded ten times in a row, but there was not one in Feilin University. So why was there an explosion in the end? And it was in an empty back garden? This is very unreasonable! So! I just guessed that someone should have used some occult escape method and came here! Sure enough, I guessed it!" He showed a triumphant expression: "I, Judge Iggy, have seen through your trick and will surrender immediately. Bar!"

You didn't bring anyone with you?

"Or, you can choose not to surrender! I will personally execute the extremely evil terrorists who destroyed the Feilin Laboratory! From now on, you will reach the pinnacle of your life!"

Got it...he's a smart retard!

Yu Lian suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of the opponent in an instant. With a stroke of his sword, he cut off the opponent's right hand, the impact crutch, and his head.

When the head of the young executive fell to the ground, the smug look on his face had not even had time to dissipate.

"Oh, the Judge's special pistol used by the execution judge! And it's a classic 25-year-old model. I want it! But... the gameplay of killing people and touching the corpse doesn't seem to fit in with the setting of the Red King? So still forget it."

Yu Lian reluctantly left the body behind, walked through the garden, and silently entered the artificial lake in front of him again. He silently lowered himself to the bottom of the lake, merged with the water flow again, and then entered the pipe.

Three minutes later, he successfully returned to the Alliance's safe house before the Empire's military police completely sealed off all the neighborhoods.

"It actually happened?" Claire Bellmonqi asked.

He immediately realized that this kind of look at the visual wonders could easily lead to misunderstandings, so he hurriedly added: "You are indeed someone who is valued by Yani! A capable person can do anything!"

"It's true." Yu Lian nodded, took off the listener's protective clothing, stuffed it into his ring as a matter of course, and quickly put on his previous casual clothes, and then added before Belmont opened his mouth as if he was about to question. Said: "In addition, I also beat King Wilente, Duke of Arona, and took off one of King Wilente's arms."


"Soon the empire will be searching the mountains and seas. This safe house cannot be hidden for long. If you have a way, run away as soon as possible. Of course, with your status, even if you are caught, you will not be able to hide for a long time." Isn't there any danger? Hahaha." Yu Lian laughed three times in a smooth voice, and then ignored the other person's collapsed expression again.

As if he were returning to his own home, he lay down on the recliner next to him and closed his eyes.

Yu Lian once again let go of his spirit, letting his consciousness fall into the interlacing seam of light and shadow.

He once again experienced the mysterious feeling of seamless switching between ten thousand years and an instant. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was actually in a movie theater. On the screen directly in front of him was a powerful man with one arm holding a lightsaber to fight with the enemy. On the seat next to him, there was a A young lady with curious and scrutinizing eyes.

If this wasn't Amida Berenkeist, who could it be?

Now, he has returned to the date scene with Miss Amida in Bethenberg City.

"Not bad." Yamida smiled and said: "After getting that precious phantom, I did many light and shadow avatar experiments, but you are indeed the fastest to wake up, and naturally you are also the one with the best quality."

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