Him and their stars

Chapter 41 Preparation before war

To be fair, Yu Lian actually doesn't have much resonance with the identity of a soldier of the Community, and he doesn't even have much recognition for the regime of the Community. The so-called sense of military honor and national responsibility cannot even convince myself, so how can it convince others?

However, Yu Lian is at least very accepting of his identity as an Earthling, even if this is just Earth in a parallel universe.

Similarly, he can also accept that the people on earth in this universe are his compatriots. The subsequent fate of the political system established by the people on earth and the suffering that the people on earth will soon endure will also be felt by them.

He didn't know why he could return to this era again. Could it be that his sincerity really moved the spirit of the universe and gave him the opportunity to remake history?

But no matter what, now that we are here, the "Tulon Incident" that later triggered a series of subsequent events is right in front of us, so how can we not get involved? How could it not end in a more perfect way?

What's more, the memories and emotions belonging to Yu Lian in this life are not fake after all. Since Senior Sister Eleanor took such good care of herself when she was in the academy, and even treated herself to grilled woodchuck when she came to Tulon, how could he let such a beautiful elder sister lie in the hospital for half a year?

As for the racial tasks that time travelers and reborn people must have to change history...well, those are all secondary reasons.

"We really don't have to rush to destroy the heavy artillery! After seizing their position, adjust the muzzle of the gun and bombard the sand camp at the bottom of the mountain! This can create maximum chaos." Yu Liandao.

Well, that's a really good idea. But there is an insurmountable professional problem here - those are heavy ion cannons, not the legendary three artifacts of guerrilla warfare, and they still require some professionalism to operate them.

In fact, let alone the garrison, even the 101st Company, the elite motorized infantry, did not have professional gunners. This is why Captain Winter said "destroy" instead of "capture".

"Do you know how to fuck?" Eleanor asked, squinting.

"Yes!" Yu Lian felt that there was something wrong with the senior sister's question, but he still nodded.

"Where did you learn it?" the senior asked suspiciously.

"The academy's simulator. Whether it's the Community's Type 09, the Alliance's Defender V-Type, or even the Empire's Punisher Star, I've played them all. I've fired at least hundreds of cannons."

Eleanor also felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong with it, so she could only say with a straight face: "You are from the strategic research department, not the artillery department. You are always hovering on the passing line because you are not doing your job properly. If you do this again If you go down, be careful not to graduate."

It is true that top students in the Department of Strategic Studies do not need to take the artillery test, but neither do they need to take the test of combat and power armor operation! Senior sister, you who got A+ in these two courses every semester are still qualified to criticize me?

"Of course, the simulator and the actual operation are two different things. So I hope to work with you. If you find that it cannot be operated when you arrive, it will not be too late to destroy it. Is that okay, Captain?"

In normal times, Captain Winter would have felt that the "Moon Man" would have been better off just hiding behind and giving orders. No matter in terms of physical fitness, strength, or individual skills and tactics, it would be impossible for him to keep up with these hardened Marines. However, since the "Moon Man" is also a psyker, that won't be a problem.

"It can be approved." The captain nodded.

"Besides, here..." Yu Lian drew another location on the map. It is also a hidden highland. It is not large in area, but its geographical location is very important. It can block the passage from the flatland to Archie No. 6 highland from the other direction. Similarly, once the sand people's army collapses, this is the place they must pass if they flee eastward.

"There are 30 people in the guard team of the No. 12 Military Station. We have a captured tank and two blaster cannons obtained from the ruins of the Enlightened One. We can build a complete interception position."

"You have really experienced a lot recently..." Senior Sister Eleanor couldn't help but say.

"Well, in short, the police force will occupy this high ground and form a cross-attack against all the sand people trying to retake the heavy artillery position. It can also block the enemy's retreating position. I suggest that it be put under the command of Sergeant Major Ina."

Captain Winter nodded. The command of the garrison should be left to the garrison's own non-commissioned officers. He didn't think it would be better if the company's officers took over the command. Besides, this little girl sergeant major was also a psyker, so that would be no problem. of.

"Our investigation can confirm that the sand people have set up a sentry camp on this high ground, and there are also two anti-aircraft guns..." At this point, the senior sister had a little toothache. These imitation anti-aircraft guns pulled from an unknown workshop have become the weapons that have caused the most damage to the police force - so far, a total of two airships and fourteen drones have been shot down. The Governor-General's Mansion felt sore and immediately gave up all low-altitude bombing and aerial breakout plans.

"If you attack this rashly, it may alert the enemies on Highland 6 and the heavy artillery position."

"Yes, there are about ten people. They built a sentry tower, a beacon tower, and installed two anti-aircraft guns. However, it is better to have anti-aircraft guns. There are quite excellent technicians in our army. With temporary modifications, maybe we can still Strengthen our firepower. Sergeant Sirika's ability can hide tanks and troop marches in a small area. In addition, there is an Alliance mercenary in the civilian team here. He is a traveler and is good at stealth raids. He can completely hide in the sand End the fighting before the people react."

Since when did psykers become potatoes, digging one up with a chain attached to it? Everyone feels that their brains are not functioning well enough.

"Mercenary? From the Alliance? Can you trust him?" Eleanor frowned.

"Don't worry, sir. I have already told him to swear by his star ring mantra and the spirit of the universe that he will fully cooperate with our actions!"

Eleanor looked like "I don't quite understand the values ​​​​of you group of psychic bastards", but in the end she chose to trust her juniors. Just when she was about to give the order, she couldn't help but said: "You don't have any more at your place." Is there another psyker?"

"No, really no!" Yu Lian quickly shook his head.

"Okay, let's make this decision! Everyone, please take a rest for half a day. Tonight, that is, at 21:00 on November 19, 829 in the Common Calendar, we will officially launch a general attack!"

Orbiting satellites have long clearly illuminated the Sand People's heavy artillery positions, and Eleanor is even more familiar with their project progress than Elder Heson himself. The assembly of those heavy cannons will be completed approximately in the evening, with an error of no more than an hour. Eleanor did not believe that the opponent's rabble had the ability to fight at night. In this case, the best time for a general attack was of course early morning.

However, considering that the sand people looked like they evolved from reptiles, they might be the nocturnal type. It would be a long night and many dreams, so it is better to be safe.

Yu Lian didn't object. It is clearly recorded in the textbooks that the attack of the 101st Company and the army in the city was very smooth, and the enemy put up almost no organized resistance. Later, based on multiple testimonies, it became clear that Elder Heson indeed planned to launch an attack in the early morning by relying on the sand people's natural night vision ability. So he ordered the soldiers to eat and rest in advance. When the senior sister and Captain Winter launched the attack, most of the soldiers had just fallen asleep, and the hired goblin engineers on the artillery position were eating and drinking to celebrate that the project was finally completed.

Another thing to mention is that the Kaldar goblins are actually a minority in the Alliance. It's just that they are short in stature, agile and very good at engineering, but they are greedy for money. They do look a bit like creatures from myths and legends, so they have such a name, but don't call them that in front of others.

The business has been decided. Yu Lian felt that he should advise the other party in a private capacity, so he changed his title: "By the way, senior sister, you are the commander, so don't..."

"Yes, junior, look at my sister's two-meter-long sword. We will see you on the battlefield tomorrow. Oh, hehe!" The senior raised his chain saw sword in the holographic image, leaving a trace The laughter was like a barbell, and the communication was immediately cut off.

"..." Yu Lian was stunned. Although he had known that the senior sister seemed to have this character, he still caught himself off guard when he really went crazy!

"I like this Miss Lieutenant Colonel." Lieutenant Parkin sighed with a heartfelt sigh, his face full of admiration.

Captain Winter rubbed his face, feeling that he had a new understanding of the so-called "Elite Bureaucratic Group" and "Moon Man", and asked again: "Matthew, do you have any spare bones?"

"There are still thirty sets, all models." Lieutenant Matthew Serote, the logistics equipment staff officer of the 101st Company, answered loudly as if he had known that the captain would ask this question. ·

In fact, as an elite orbital airborne force, the 101st Company has more than 200 spare skeletons, but they are all carried by proprietary transport vehicles and are no longer with them now. However, according to their own combat regulations, even when marching on foot, they must carry more than one-fifth of the total strength of spare armor.

"Give this lady a Civet." Winter pointed at Ina: "Then, give my spare mecha to Warrant Officer Yu Lian."

Ina's big eyes began to shine again, and her brown eyes seemed to be flashing with fire. She stood upright with her legs and gave a military salute to the captain.

"Xiaguan will definitely occupy the position quickly within the specified time and cooperate with your general attack to the maximum extent!"

This was the first time that Yu Lian saw her so moved. But he could understand it, because he was actually quite moved. You know, what Captain Yun gave himself must be the AS56R, which is the captain's improved model of the dragoon type. Compared with ordinary models, it has enhanced communication and anti-jamming functions, and is also equipped with a Vulcan cannon that can be used for fire suppression.

Not many of these captain's aircraft were produced, and even fewer have been preserved intact. In later generations, they can be regarded as quite prestigious collections in the military collection world. Yu Lian had wanted to get a condom for a long time, but he didn't get it until he was sprayed in the face by the Star Dragon King.

I never thought that after being reborn, I could not only play, but also wear it to fight. It’s so unpredictable...

Four updates today. Due to some inexplicable reasons, I will definitely have a stomachache tomorrow, so there will be no update. As a young author who hopes to use this book to supplement his family income and kindergarten tuition, this is the only thing he can do.

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