Him and their stars

Chapter 412 Ending and new drama

This time, Yu Lian's dormancy did not last too long. When he opened his eyes, it had been just over two hours since he last closed them.

At this time, Yamida was sitting in the middle seat of an amphitheater, watching attentively the costume heroic drama performed on the front stage.

Now that it is a night show, there are no underage children in the park, so some dark and dark plays can be staged, such as the currently staged "Song of Sunlight". It tells a very famous heroic epic when the Dawn Dynasty of the Empire just started. The protagonist is an astral knight nicknamed "Xiaguang Knight". He was born into a family of ordinary citizens. He made great contributions to the early universe creation of the empire and the war with the ancient Meiyars. Finally, he was shrouded in horse leather and served for the Galactic Empire and the Tirero people. He dedicated his youth and blood to his hegemony.

Well, this kind of story may not sound suitable for an amusement park, but we have to understand the Tirello people's consistent behavior. This group of guys who pride themselves on their martial virtues like this kind of pretentious tone.

In short, the story of "Song of the Sun" can be regarded as the blueprint for the imperial propaganda of military (meow) patriotism and "patriotism". It has been adapted into novels, movies, TV series and various stage plays, and now there are many more specially staged in amusement parks. The "heroic version" of the opera - to put it bluntly, the story is condensed and shortened, and the songs and dances have changed from serious operas to popular ones.

However, even if it was changed specifically for the amusement park atmosphere, the content of the story is still there, whether it is deception, betrayal or murder.

Perhaps because of this, the final battle seems even more exciting.

Although it is an opera on a small stage, with various gorgeous and realistic projection technologies, the small stage actually shows the pride and tragedy of thousands of troops.

Anyway, it must be the Bibo people who spread the passion.

As a result, the audience in the audience also cheered and applauded.

Yu Lian looked at the Xiaguang Knight on the stage who was wearing plastic armor and fighting with people. He seamlessly entered the role. He stood up on the spot, applauded and shouted and joined the audience.

Yani seemed to understand that Yu Lian was back. She looked away and laughed softly: "The adaptation is really good, isn't it?"

"These pretentious and serious artists here in the Empire are not good at this kind of electronic song and dance music with such a strong sense of electronics. Is it really your handiwork?"

"After all, we are the operators of this amusement park. This can be regarded as our gift to the empire. It seems that the response is very good. If everything goes well, we can use this as a basis for making new movies and TV series. ”

"It's really quite exciting, even I got excited watching it!" Yu Lian said with a smile: "However, if you think about it carefully, isn't it just a passionate knight version of "The Legend of Wu Xun"?"


"No, I mean, isn't it just a story that teaches people how to be slaves passionately?" Yu Lian smiled and said: "Yani, I was still thinking about what to write after "Green" at the beginning. I’m really inspired now. Thank you for taking me to inspiration.”

The eldest lady of the Berenkeist family stared at Yu Lian silently for several seconds before gradually showing an interested smile.

"You are really a..."

"A great man who carries a heavy burden and moves forward?"

"No, an obsessive paranoid lunatic. But, again, I actually quite like this type."

She smiled, looked Yu Lian up and down again, and nodded approvingly: "This time it was faster than last time, it only took twelve seconds. Your physique is really adaptable to this kind of spatial treasure. It’s amazing.”

Yu Lian showed a proud expression.

"According to my current analysis, the more familiar a person is with the virtual realm, the soul will be transformed and strengthened by the virtual realm environment. Therefore, the more adaptable he is to the unity of the spirit and body and the phenomenon of traveling through space. So, here is the question, How come a trust that has only been awakened for more than a year is so familiar? How many times have you been to the virtual realm?"

"Not many! Just twice (in this life), right? However, after all, I am the first person to complete the virtual realm ritual in the third ring. The spirit of the universe loves me, and the virtual realm also loves me!" Yu Liandao.

Yamida once again looked at Yu Lian with an overly deep gaze for five seconds, then smiled sweetly and sighed lightly: "Oh, I really want to do an autopsy and have a look!"

"Hey, is it really okay to say such creepy things with such a cute smile?"

"Don't worry, I'm just joking." She smiled again.

I'll just take it as a letter, okay? Just pretend that the perverted old witch who dissected a Void Realm lord in the future is a different person, okay?

"So, tell me? What did you do this time?"

"Blowed up the No. 2 blast furnace of the Star Ring Manufacturing Factory. In addition, they also killed three Astral Knights." Yu Lian gave a thumbs up: "They did raise the alert level. However, this is not beyond our expectations. There are so many important targets in the Imperial Capital. No matter how many Star Knights and Executive Judges there are, how many can we see? Moreover, it has only been one day, and support from outside the Imperial Capital cannot be rushed back. It is still only Now you can sprinkle some pepper.”

As a result, a group of three astral knights were stationed in the factory area, and they were also equipped with a heraldry machine. However, Yu Lian's appearance was still too sudden, causing the three knights to rush to intercept without wearing armor, and then they were killed.

"Now, do they know that the country is too big?"

This time it was really a bit beyond Yamida's expectations. She opened her mouth slightly, and after being stunned for a few seconds, she laughed dumbly: "I originally thought that tonight was just a feint, just showing up casually to show that I was coming, and then I would retreat directly."

"There's nothing I can do about it, those three Astral Knights are still very capable."

"Sure enough, it's not surprising that a madman with mobility and intelligence can do anything!"

"As I said, I'm not a lunatic, I'm just a passionate activist!"

As the Hot-Blooded Knight version of "The Legend of Martial Arts" ended, the two of them left the theater with the exiting audience, and then found a high-end restaurant in the park to have a midnight snack.

Because it is an imperial palace-style restaurant and serves high-end palace dishes and snacks, the word "Yong" is used.

Anyway, I won so many free coupons before, so I don’t use them in vain.

Thus, for the first time in his two lives, Yu Lian felt the feeling of filling his fourth-dimensional stomach with imperial dragon blood cakes and sun cakes with one gram of golden dragon.

This time, Yani was very good and didn't disturb Yu Lian's meal anymore. She looked at the other party with a smile and waited until Yu Lian had basically filled his stomach before saying, "Tomorrow..."

"Are you coming again tomorrow? Do you want to go to Neverland this time?"

"That place is not interesting. To put it bluntly, it just captures the beautiful but docile fantasy beasts from all over the universe and makes a big zoo to satisfy the emperors' collecting habit. The emperors of these dynasties used star dragons to The King of Stars is the emblem, and he calls himself the King of Star Dragons, so of course he has to show himself to be the leader of all things." Yamida said with a smile.

"Besides, with the modulus caused by your actions just now, this time interference array is considered completed, and there is no need to continue tomorrow."

"Yes, and I'll do it again. The empire may really impose martial law across the entire sky this time and cancel the God of War Festival. Although I think it's funny to slap them in the face like this, but if it really becomes like this, you will Are you troubled?"

Yanni smiled and said nothing, and took a sip of walnut milk.

Yu Lian stretched out a hand: "Then, happy cooperation."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Yani pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out Rouyi and shook it back: "However, you must remember that in order to interfere with Norddos's precognition array, the ambitions you set forth are all ambitions that must be realized. Since adults want everything, they must be implemented. Moreover, although I used the power of the Book of the Sun God to predict the time of the array, such changes have limits, and it is best to do so within ten years. All completed within.”

The explanations Yu Lian and Yamida used to interfere with the Imperial City's precognition array were both simple and difficult to say. With the strength of the eight-ring "Lingyou Sect" of the high priest Nordos, they should have had a premonition when the two began to discuss making big news.

"Speaking of which, I have always been thinking that if I die before completing these ambitions, naturally I will not be able to realize them. Wouldn't this directly change the law of cause and effect?"

"This is also a topic I am pondering. However, time and cause and effect are the most elusive areas in the universe. Even I cannot hope to figure it out in my lifetime. But, Yu Lian, how can you Are you sure that your untimely death is not the backlash of cause and effect? ​​Anyway, the result of your death exists. "

Okay, if this continues, it will really turn into a metaphysics that will lower everyone's sanity. They both decided to let it go.

"Also, when the new drama you mentioned is released, please inform me to watch it," she added.

"It may be too late this time. However, I will definitely not forget to inform you when I go to the Alliance for a performance. Of course, as long as you don't send a group of mentally ill lunatic gunmen to attack the troupe, I will thank you. Eight generations of ancestors.”

So, without hugging, reluctantly, or looking back three times, the two of them said goodbye so gracefully.

Yu Lian looked at the time and saw that it was already past three in the morning. Going back to the embassy at this time would also cause trouble for everyone, so he went straight to a relatively secluded express hotel and opened a comfortable suite.

After he settled down and arranged the array to shield the surveillance, he quickly put himself into a state of tranquility to calm his agitated spirit.

To be honest, with three enemies against one, one of them is still the same as myself in the fourth ring. Even if I rely on my experience of slaying the Astral Knights until I vomited them in my previous life, and finally completed the counterattack, I still have to pay a price. of.

Physical damage is easy, just wipe it with the Touch of Life and it will be fine. Moreover, he handled it promptly and made sure that no cells were left at the scene.

In addition, the "soul-soothing spirit" unique to the Astral Knights, used to break spells and remove curses, has caused some mental trauma to oneself. If he didn't have the magical skill of Spiritual Vein Circulation, which allows him to recover mana quickly and recuperate his spirit, he would probably have to rest for several days.

Half an hour later, Yu Lian finished recuperating and was just about to take a nap when the communication terminal's tone rang. After three beeps, it automatically popped open, and the figure of a girl she was very familiar with jumped out of the holographic projection.

"Hi, Feifei." Remembering that he had broken up with another beautiful girl less than an hour ago, Yu Lian suddenly felt guilty, so he could only force out a forced smile.

"Hi, Yu'er. You've done a great job again!"

"...Okay, what a big deal?" Did the news reach Feifei so quickly? How can a reporter be so well-informed! It’s unscientific!

Then, a news headline popped up on his terminal screen, clearly marked "Shock!" "Princess of the Alliance" fell in love, and the object turned out to be..."

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