Him and their stars

Chapter 423 The love between mountains and sea is so beautiful

This series of rhetorical questions immediately made the person behind the phone even more incoherent. At this time, Yu Lian vaguely heard that this should be a very young voice, probably still an underage boy.

Facing Yu Lian's oppressive questioning, he could only say in a voice that was almost crying: "I, I am Kilian Shazabi, I really didn't mean it, this, you, I... …”

This ordinary name made Yu Lian think of something for a moment, and there was a very brief pause. However, before he could continue speaking, a calmer and gentler voice came from the other side of the microphone: "Hello, I am Tan Jize. Excuse me, is this Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian?"

This name made it easier for Yu Lian to think about it. However, fortunately, he had regained his composure at this time and said in the same calm tone: "I am."

"I'm sorry, Seldy Stock really can't answer the phone right now," the other person's tone was gentle, but straight to the point, and he was indeed a refreshing person.

"So...what happened?" Yu Lian's heart suddenly tightened.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just two weeks of administrative detention, and today is the last day. He will be released from prison tomorrow, and we are going to hold a welcome party for him. If you are free to come, it will be our greatest honor. "


"I promise to the spirit of the universe that everything I said is true." Probably sensing Yu Lian's emotions, he explained in detail.

This starts from a football match between international students two months ago.

Most of the international students in Tianyu come from various vassals and "allies" of the empire. For countries like the Community that have had conflicts with the empire, the number of international students has always been a small number. Now there are only about two or three thousand people in the entire imperial capital. Naturally, they are far away. It is not as good as the "popular countries" such as Ketai, Bakvi, Khaiyar, Philun, etc. that have alliances with the empire.

As we all know, due to the War of Independence, the relationship between the Earth and the empire's sphere of influence is very delicate. The Blue Star Community even has a direct territorial dispute with the Cathay people. After several wars, both sides are about to become feuds. .

As a result, the Catai cats, who had an absolute advantage in numbers and thought they were a naturally fighting race, would drag the Bakvi bird people who had been friendly with them for generations and come to provoke them from time to time.

However, after all, the people of Earth are the only ones who have succeeded in becoming independent from the Empire so far. No matter how hard the central government tries, young people are generally quite virtuous. Coupled with the fact that the International Students Association has a natural leader like Tan Jize, the international student group is quite united and even after several conflicts, the other party did not take advantage.

No matter what, after all, the Galactic Empire is holding its nose and admitting the independent status of the community. If it really wants to go out of its way to cause trouble for a group of students, the imperial nobles who are said to attach great importance to honor would really not be so mean. When dealing with conflicts among international students , try to be as impartial as possible.

Of course, this is Tianyu, and everyone knows that the empire is very proud of the security of the imperial capital, so everyone does not dare to cause too much trouble.

So far, the most serious conflicts have been group fights, and the celestial ball match a month ago was one of them.

Because the team composed of Earth students defeated the opposing Katai cats, the battle began in the audience. However, because the Community International Students Association recently added a new officer who can take on MT and physics output, the Earth students once again won a complete victory.

Facts have once again proved that in the era of cold weapons, there is a warrior who can defeat ten thousand people and break through the formation alone, which plays a decisive role on the battlefield with less than a thousand people.

Yes, fighting among foreign students can only use "cold weapons" at best. This is also the limit of what the imperial authorities can tolerate. And if it was just a beating or group fight, as long as it didn't affect the surrounding ordinary passers-by, even if they were punished, they would be put down gently.

So, the warrior who broke the formation alone received ten lashes and also had to pay a fine. The reason why he was punished was not because he fought, but because he was the first to use the weapon-the beer bottle.

Well, this warrior is a wolf killer and has a great future! Yu Lian thought to himself. What was Tan Jize's name just now? Oh, Andro Motta? Where have you heard this name before? Where did it come from?

On the opposite side, the Catai Big Cat and Bakvi Birdman, who provoked and acted first, at least three people got into the game.

In short, purely in terms of "battle losses", Earth students still have a big advantage.

As we all know, cats are actually very vengeful animals. Catai cats will definitely feel that this is really a shame and humiliation, and they will try their best to get revenge. So, a few days later, that is, the day when Yu Lian officially took up the post of Assistant Counselor of the Embassy, ​​several big cats who were born from wealthy families in Kaitai probably took too much ambrosia, and when their minds got hot, they attacked with guns. The office of the Community International Students Association.

"...A group of foreign students started shooting in the imperial capital? Even if they are all the illegitimate sons of the Grand Protector, they will inevitably be taken to the food market and have their heads chopped off, right?"

After all, the Empire is the most stubborn monarchy in the galaxy, and many particularly anti-human habits still remain. The God of War Festival with loud gongs and drums and huge crowds of people is one thing, and corporal punishment is also another thing. The death penalty still retains the guillotine and hanging.

Yu Lian was really a little shocked. If there really was a shooting in the Imperial City, there was no reason why the embassy would not get the news. Let’s not talk about how the foreign students brought firearms into the imperial capital. If they were actually used, it would definitely cause an uproar.

What? You said that someone even used the special optical camouflage combat suit and bombs to great effect?

Haha...those things were brought in by a certain "alliance princess" with great powers. She has special channels.

But I am just an ordinary resident military attache with a gun license. But as a conscientious diplomat, I have always respected the laws and regulations of the host country, and weapons have never been taken out of the embassy. Even if there is, it must be your illusion.

"They used imitation guns that fired rubber bullets." Tan Jize seemed to be holding back a laugh.

Are those big cats here just to be funny?

In short, president Tan Jize was not present when the attack occurred. There are only Vice President Seldi Stork, Force Officer and Secretary Andro Motta, and the youngest Secretary Kilian Shazabi in the International Student Headquarters.

Motta thought the other person was holding a real gun, so he broke the window and rushed out, knocking down the Catai who was about to shoot. Stoker told Killian to call the police and hide in the house and not move around. Then he rushed out carrying a swing stick for self-defense.

At this time, Motta, the number one warrior among foreign students, had already knocked down two Cathays. And Stoker soon discovered that at the street corner not far away, another Catai man had picked up a simulated gun and was aiming at the back of Mota's head.

Stoker didn't know that it was a fake gun, and even if it was a rubber bullet, it could be fatal if it hit a vital part of the human body.

At this moment, Seldy Stoker, who had spent more than half a year in the Red Maple Factory and learned the two-knife and javelin kung fu from the worker leader Babalu and the senior hunter Xia Shake, seemed to be the master hunter of Lumina in the past. As if possessed by his soul, he threw the stick as a javelin on the spot.

"Dead?" Yu Lian frowned.

"No. But one of the Kaitai man's eyes was punctured." Just from the regretful voice of the other party, Yu Lian could sense Tan Jize's expression at this time.

Yu Lian was dumbfounded for a while, thinking that wild cats that grew up in the wild could really let themselves go in the city!

That guy Seldy Stoker did learn javelin from Babalu and Shashake, the two red maple plants (other than himself) who were the first and second in terms of force value, but it was just a kind of leisure at most. When throwing a spear within ten meters, it would be good to hit the target once.

To put it bluntly, don’t forget that Lumina people have four arms. Senior Rumina hunters control bows and arrows with two hands, holding a knife in one hand and a short spear that can be used as a javelin in one hand. The body structure is different, and the way of exerting force is naturally different. It's a wonder what martial arts skills can be learned from them.

However, in his first actual combat, the shot did hit.

Fortunately, these days, having an eye blown out is about the same as dislocating a joint in my previous life. If you use a top-level gene therapy cabin with better performance, that is, you can stay in a hospital for two or three months, you can still be resurrected at full strength.

I heard that the parties involved in Big Mao are all dignitaries of the Cathay Kingdom. They should be able to afford the medical expenses, right?

But no matter what, after all, if someone's eye is blown out, even if the body can heal itself, the mental trauma will be quite terrifying. Even if the Imperial Police wanted to turn a blind eye like before, it would be impossible.

So, is it sinful to injure? Is this why Stoker was detained?

Yu Lian said dissatisfiedly: "You should have come to the embassy to find me in advance. If the embassy helps, it should be considered legitimate defense."

Then there will be no jail time.

"...Well, I fought the lawsuit. The court ruled that Stork and Motta were indeed acting in self-defense." Tan Jize said.

Then, he told Yu Lian that although he would not get a doctorate in law until next year, he had already obtained the lawyer's certificate from the empire, and of course he was qualified to help his classmates litigate.

Of course Yu Lian knew how difficult it was to take the Empire's lawyer qualification exam, but it was much more difficult than the Alliance's exam. However, it didn't seem surprising at all that the target was to be Tan Jize.

"Don't worry, it was indeed self-defense. Ender almost smashed the heads of the other two Cathayans, but nothing happened to them. On the contrary, those Cathayans were injured more seriously than the other, but He was still imprisoned for the crime of abusing imitation firearms and disrupting social order, and the highest-ranking one will be imprisoned for half a year." At this point, Tan Jize's voice also brought a little bit of complacency.

No matter what kind of outstanding hero he is, no matter what reputation he will leave in history in the future, Tan Jize is still a young man under thirty years old after all, and of course he will be complacent.

However, Yu Lian was slightly relieved. Since this guy is still in a complacent mood, it means that Stoke's problem shouldn't be too big.

"Then why Zeldi?"

"...This is because the stick he used contains a high-strength carbon core." At this point, Tan Jize seemed a little helpless.

Yu Lian was also speechless.

"He also told me that he had learned some small skills at the Red Maple Factory and could help me improve my self-defense weapons." Tan Jize said.

What an innocent child he was! How did it end up like this? Well, it turns out that after staying in the mountains for a long time, I acquired a wild nature, and naturally became more out of place once I entered the city.

"So, it's illegal weapon modification?"

"I have carefully discussed with the community court. It is not as serious as illegal weapon modification, it is just a very common violation of training and fitness props. To put it bluntly, there are so many martial arts gyms in Tianyu, who doesn't have a few illegal modifications and transformations of training props? ?”

Indeed, this is the capital of an empire rich in martial arts, with as many as eight hundred martial arts schools. Whoever dares to open a martial arts gym here has no ancestors who have some real skills, and who dares not to teach them real skills? But real skills cannot be taught by fake props made of rubber and composite plastic.

Not to mention it is a modified product with a carbon core or metal added, but the real thing is probably found in every household, but they just don't dare to show it off.

"But no matter what, because this illegal training prop has indeed caused serious harm to people's lives, I am sentenced to ten days of public security detention." Tan Jize said solemnly: "Don't worry, it's just public security detention. We take turns every day. He really didn't suffer any injustice when we brought him food. In addition, I also checked with the school and they would never cancel his degree because of this matter. The reason why we took Seldi's terminal was because we were worried about him My parents and relatives called me at the last minute. We are all away from home, so there is no need to let our relatives back home worry out of nowhere."

If it were a stranger he had never met, Yu Lian might still suspect that the other person was trying to comfort himself by reporting good news instead of bad news, but after all, the other person was Tan Jize, one of the great men of the future.

It can be said that Yu Lian even knows himself better than Tan Jize himself.

If the military commanders in the future Earth Liberation Organization are the red-haired Zhonger Shejingbing and his 830 Party friends, then the chief among the civilian officials is Dr. Tan Jize.

It is even said that before the 830 Party officially joined the Volunteer Army, this scholar who studied law was already organizing forces to fight against the empire.

People with leadership qualities and organizational skills are better able to weigh the pros and cons and understand the priorities of things. If they really encounter something that they cannot solve, they should know how to ask for help.

"Seldi is indeed going to be released from prison tomorrow. We are preparing a welcome party for him. How about you come over and have a look?" he asked again.

I started watching it when I woke up in the morning and sent my baby to kindergarten. I watched 8 episodes in one go and I was hooked.

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