Him and their stars

Chapter 435 Our friends will be fine

Yu Lian knew that if there was really a black hand behind the scenes that wanted to frame Stoker against him, it would be impossible to refuse his request at this time.

The policemen on the opposite side showed expressions that were ten times more humiliating than Tan Jize's just now, but no one dared to step forward or even make a move to draw their gun. Then, the police sergeant finally gritted his teeth and dialed his boss's phone number. After a few minutes, the imperial authorities seemed to finally react, and several more cars arrived from across the street. First, a group of tin cans wearing external power and carrying heavy equipment came down, frightening the nearby residents who were watching the excitement. Then came several more security agents in plainclothes with a strong temperament.

Finally, an ordinary plainclothes trio came, consisting of a middle-aged uncle, a bookish young man and a girl. It was the trio of judges who had dealt with each other at the gate of the detention center this morning.

The middle-aged uncle hesitated for nearly a minute, as if he had made the greatest determination in his life, and then he walked over step by step under the eyes of his two subordinates who were paying tribute to the hero.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you..."

"You are not qualified to talk to me yet." Yu Lian's face was expressionless and his tone was calm.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we..."

"Get lost." Yu Lian smiled and sounded calmer.

The surrounding police officers seemed even more humiliated when they heard this, but the middle-aged uncle who was the client, the judge, ran back to his car as if he was blessed by the gods.

This confrontation lasted for nearly half an hour. Several high-ranking bureaucrats from the Imperial Court came over, and Counselor Bliss from the Community Embassy arrived in person.

Mr. Counselor can no longer see the high spirits of yesterday. The sadness on his face is about to condense into a visible haze. He looks like he just won a million and before he had time to celebrate, he learned that his wife lost 10 million by investing in A-shares. expression. As soon as he saw the situation here, he quickly ran over at a trot, pressed his stomach and lowered his voice and said:

"Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian, this, this, this, how can this be like this!"

"...The student involved is a good friend of mine. Moreover, I always feel that there must be something fishy behind this matter, and it may involve some shady conspiracy of the empire." Yu Lian also lowered his voice.

Mr. Bliss's hand pressing his stomach suddenly tightened a little tighter. The muscles on his face twitched so much that it seemed as if the frame was about to drop. His sad eyes made Yu Lian feel a little sick in his stomach.

"This, why did it become like this..."

"In short, we are diplomats of the community and it is our obligation to protect ordinary citizens."

"Indeed, it's true." Counselor Bliss's stomach seemed to hurt even more, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded. Then he held his stomach and turned around. In an instant, he suddenly switched to a serious and high-spirited diplomatic profile. With a fighting expression, he said sternly to the Hongluyuan bureaucrats: "Sir Luo Shen, I believe you already know the whole process of the matter. The crime of injury to our citizen Seldy Stoker has been ruled as self-defense. , there is absolutely no reason to be investigated again for the same thing!”

Obviously, Mr. Counselor had quickly understood the whole story when he rushed over.

"I understand." The senior bureaucrat named Sir Luo Shen was very polite: "It's just that, as far as I know, the Belrogin City Court did rule that Mr. Stoker was self-defense, but the client, Roar Xi, Mr. White Wrist and his family are dissatisfied with this and are appealing to a higher court. Now that Mr. Luo Ershi has died, there will naturally be new changes in the situation. "

"I fully understand that the empire's judicial system is so unrestrained and unrestrained." Counselor Bliss sneered: "We will file a formal protest!"

"The legal system has its own way of doing things, and it is not something that our Honglu Court can comment on. However, please rest assured that we have approved your request for accompanying, and we will also have a specialist to accompany you. I assure you, Mr. Stoker will never be treated unfairly." Sir Luo Shen said with a smile, and nodded in the direction of Yu Lian.

Yu Lian said that this hero was particularly unhappy when he saw such a natural smile and narrowed his eyes, so he also smiled and said: "Then I'll trouble you. However, I might as well catch up with you the next day, and I will apply for another one from you. Let’s do it.”

"Please speak."

"I will apply to your country's police chief, Viscount Demen, for an honorary duel of extraordinary beings."

Sir Luo Shen's smile suddenly froze on his face, and Yu Lian felt that this expression was more pleasing to his eyes. Of course, Mr. Bliss's stomachache suddenly became more obvious next to him. This was probably the only side effect.

So, just 12 hours after being released from prison, the unlucky Seldy Stoker strode back to the detention center once again, with his friends watching him in the wind and cold. Fortunately, people from the embassy finally followed, and the matter rose to the diplomatic stage. In this way, Stoker himself would at least not suffer any injustice in prison.

This is why Yu Lian wants to make things bigger.

After all, what Stoke had committed before was just a security incident, but this time it became a murder case. The nature was different, the cells he was held in were different, and the inmates who were locked up together were naturally different. Who knows whether that fair-faced scholar with delicate skin and tender flesh will suffer any damage that will take him a lifetime to heal?

However, even with the company of the embassy, ​​the subsequent development of the situation was just as Yu Lian had guessed. Seldy Stoker's security crime of "illegal modification of fitness props" uncontrollably rose to to the point of murder.

As a result, someone in the empire proposed to move Stork to the detention center for heavy-duty criminals in the outer ring for temporary detention.

Fortunately, at this time, Tan Jize, who had already reacted, realized his shame and became brave. He came out with the courage to fight against the odds. His momentum alone overwhelmed the opponent's five-person prosecutor team. In the presence of diplomats from both countries, he quoted scriptures and exchanged words with each other, and he was able to completely refute each other.

Perhaps the "mastermind" didn't want to take this matter too seriously, and put a little pressure on the court - don't tell me about judicial independence. Talking about judicial independence in a country with an autocratic monarchy is as ridiculous as talking about people's livelihood and human rights in a capitalist country.

In short, after the first ruling two days later, the court adjourned the case for another trial, and also approved Tan Jize's application for "house arrest." As a result, Stocker must wear a set of anklets at all times and cannot leave Belkin until his next court date. Even if I go out, there will be two policemen following me at all times.

The only good thing is that Seldy Stoker finally doesn't have to suffer another month or two in jail.

In any case, if we really discuss this matter in detail, the hospital will bear a great responsibility, and various evidence collection and investigations will also take time. So the court announced that the next hearing would be in a month.

It sounds like the current situation is pretty good. Even Counselor Bliss, who has been with everyone for two whole days, feels a little relieved.

However, Tan Jize had a completely different view and couldn't laugh at all.

"The problem now is that Seldi is an ordinary international student. According to the laws of the empire, he enjoys the same human rights treatment as the citizens of the empire. And the deceased named Rorsch White Wrist..."

"A noble from the Kingdom of Cathay, right?" Since his surname is Bai Wan, it goes without saying that he is a famous noble from the Kingdom of Cathay. The dead meow named Roar Xi might be a relative of Sharon Whitearms, whom he killed in the Battle of the West End System. However, the White Wrist family is also a famous warrior family in the Cathay Kingdom. It is really embarrassing that the children of this family would be killed by a weak scholar like Stoker with a stick.

In other words, it is precisely because he is ineffective that he is pushed out as cannon fodder.

But no matter what, the Kingdom of Cathay is a vassal state of the empire, and their titles are theoretically recognized by the empire.

This certainly does not mean that the nobles of these subject countries can be arrogant in front of the citizens of the empire. In fact, even the king of a country would not dare to let an ordinary citizen of the empire salute him.

However, reality is reality and legal principles are legal principles. The nobles of the vassal country have such a high status. What's more, after all, the White Wrist family is also a family of warriors with quite a reputation for martial arts. In addition to the titles of the Kingdom of Cathay, some of their ancestors also received the Steel Mane Knight Medal personally given by Emperor Elansel, which is a gift given to foreigners by the empire. Second-class honorary title. People and families who hold this medal will also be regarded as members of the imperial nobility, and can even receive a generous annuity from the Heraldry Academy.

"So, according to imperial law, this is equivalent to a civilian accidentally killing a noble, right?" Yu Liandao.

Tan Jize nodded. His expression was a little heavy, and he did not hide his distress at all: "Yes. The reason why the court agreed that Seldi could be placed under house arrest may be because Seldi himself did not leave any security problems during his several years in the imperial capital. According to the record, he has also participated in volunteer work in college and community organizations, and he is a good young man with a good reputation. As for the university, he should be thinking of something now. "

"I've heard about this. I heard that the professors at Memorial University appreciate him very much?"

"...Indeed, Sir Main has even been persuading Seldy to study abroad for a Ph.D., thinking that he may become a master scholar who creates a new economic concept."

Professor Kramer Main is the associate dean of the School of Social Sciences and the head of the Department of Economics at Shire Memorial University. He is also one of the defense advisors for Stoker's master's thesis. In this court hearing, it was he who appeared in person and proved to the court that Stoker was indeed a good young man who was humble, polite, honest and diligent.

The testimony of an academic master with a knighthood still carries a lot of weight in court.

Probably because of this, there was an opportunity for a retrial.

However, even so, when the court hearing ended, Professor Myne had an apologetic expression on his face, shook hands with Tan Jize vigorously, and said "take care".

"Memorial University is already considering canceling Stoke's degree and student status." Tan Jize said helplessly: "Although Professor Myen and others are arguing hard, if Stoke is convicted of murder, they will have nothing to say. .”

"Then, if he is convicted of murder, how will the empire judge him?"

"It is already a serious crime for a citizen to kill an imperial noble, even if it is an accidental injury. Even if it is the minimum sentence, he should be exiled to the border star region and serve a lifetime of hard labor."

"For him, it's no different from the death penalty." Yu Lian sighed.

"Yes... Moreover, the outer border star area where these serious criminals are exiled is completely different from the mainland of the empire. If he really becomes a lifelong hard labor, the nobles of the Kingdom of Cathay can only spend a little money..." Tan Jize didn't say any more. Seeing Yu Lian's silence, he squeezed out a smile and said comfortingly: "Don't worry. I will do my best. As long as it can be proved that the death of Luo Erxi White Wrist was the same as that of Stoke that day. The injury has nothing to do with it, and he will be innocent. There is still time before the next court hearing, and there is still a chance for a comeback."

Yu Lian also smiled: "Yes, our friend Seldi will be fine no matter what."

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