Him and their stars

Chapter 444 The only natural advantage

It must be admitted that even among the traditional aristocratic class of Tirello, which is rich in handsome men and beautiful women, the host of tonight's banquet, the youngest elected emperor in the contemporary era, the owner of this gorgeous and exquisite Holy Tree Palace, Brunhil His Highness Te Savna is also the most beautiful woman.

The long golden hair, which was so gorgeous that it seemed to be forged from fragments of sunlight, was like a halo, surrounding a face as delicate and fair as jade. The upright and handsome nose and lips are like the masterpieces carved out by the master sculptors who are famous throughout history.

Then, there were those ice blue frosty eyes that were like bright gems.

In the previous life, some people said that they were a pair of "ambitious and dangerous eyes", while others said, "The cannibalistic female devil is worthy of such cold eyes." However, Yu Lian felt that the above statements were a little bit... The taste of free-spirited evidence is a typical example of inferring a person's appearance based on examples.

Seriously speaking, she does have a pair of ice blue eyes that are a little dull and cold, but due to her overly surging and bright temperament, she has an extra layer of colorful life luster, which is full of heart-wrenching warmth. , but not too sharp and dazzling.

All in all, as long as you know that this is a sunny and beautiful girl who is generous and generous, you can understand it.

"The last time we met, it was on the battlefield, right? From that time on, I already knew that sooner or later I would hear about your reputation again." Brynhilt seemed to be sizing up a novel toy. The overly bright eyes seemed to have stripped Yu Lian's insides and outsides cleanly in an instant.

"It's just that I really didn't expect that I would hear it so soon." She showed a bright smile.

Yu Lian used his firm will as a shield to hide the complicated emotions in his eyes. He bowed slightly to the protagonist of today's party and said with a smile: "...That's such a pity. It must not be a good reputation."

Yu Lian, you must have emotional intelligence, be mature, and be calm! Although you like to nip potential future enemies in the cradle, this woman is different. Let’s not talk about whether it will kill him or not. Even if he kills him, he still has to consider the consequences! The will of the universe gave me another chance, but it didn't mean that I would be reduced to a first-rate assassin. Yu Lian said to himself.

He had to try his best to hide his emotions, because he was indeed hostile to this huge galactic empire and the Dawn Royal Family that dominated this empire and half of the known universe.

So, naturally, Yu Lian was also hostile to the military aristocracy that was the core of the empire's rule. After all, it is a slave gang that combines militarism, racism, and anti-intelligent life. How can any young person who has been taught by Teacher Li and has a correct outlook on life not be hostile to such an existence?

However, Yu Lian also had to admit that the above hostility was based on the morality of intelligent life and a rational judgment based on the prosperity and development of civilization, and did not include any personal emotional disgust.

And now. The beautiful woman standing in front of him has proven with what happened in the future that she is the wisest, most decisive, and smartest among the imperial military aristocracy.

In this way, from the perspective of national and class emotions, in Yu Lian's mind, the current Queen Brunhilt and the future Queen of the Galactic Empire should be the closest to the number one villain in the world. people.

However, from a personal emotional point of view, Yu Lian must admit that his emotions are very complicated.

I remember that Teacher Yang Xiyi (in his previous life) also said that if he had been born and raised in the empire, he might be happy to serve under King Brunhilt. For this reason, Yu Lian also laughed at these guys who had not learned class education. In addition to using the feelings of family and country to maintain their patriotism, they still had the mentality of a wise king and a holy master, who would die for his bosom friends and good birds would choose the right tree to roost in. It is the conclusion of the traditional scholar-bureaucrat's narrative.

However, it must be admitted that Brunhildt is really a very charismatic leader. Energetic, clear goals, outstanding ability but determined. At the same time, he is very tolerant to the people, his ministers and even his enemies, and he is also very generous to his capable subordinates. In addition, although my thinking is too out-of-the-box, so I often drag my subordinates 007 when I think of the same thing, but the overtime pay is definitely enough.

After the young queen wore the Void Crown, the Galactic Empire once again entered a golden age of prosperity. In fact, even the racial issues and class divisions that were most likely to become flashpoints in the empire were much more enlightened in her era.

Imagine that when he was undercover in the imperial capital, the several meetings and conversations he had with her were unforgettable. If he hadn't been the enemy of his country and his family, and if he hadn't been a successor to communism who had been educated in a class-oriented view of history, he might have really fallen in love with him.

Therefore, Miss Brünnhilt, who would have been called a perfect god in the feudal era, smiled indifferently when faced with Yu Lian's seemingly sarcastic answer: "I am quite happy with this kind of reputation. It's done. To be honest, I personally disapprove of building a Kerna city in the far bank nebula. What you did, although the blood of the imperial soldiers spilled across the galaxy, was still fulfilling your duty after all. In comparison, I should be thanking you for tearing down that big and useless fortress and letting some people calm down a little bit."

Yu Lian suddenly felt a little strange. He really didn't expect that Brünnhilt would actually oppose the construction of Kerna City. However, in the future, she would not mind maximizing the value of this fortress.

Probably seeing Yu Lian's confusion, Queen Brunhilt explained: "This fortress can certainly be a bridgehead for us to attack your country's surprise troops, but so far, its cost has been enough. Seven or eight Titan ships have been built. Moreover, once someone finds out... the result is like this. People die and ships are lost, and everyone can only suffer a loss. Instead of this, it is better to serve the front line for three to five more years. Wouldn’t it be nice to just cruise through this Titan in a dignified way?”

She paused for a moment and said: "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel, I have always believed that if the empire wants to return to the earth again, it cannot rely on sneak attacks and deception, but should build upright and upright soldiers of the king. Conquest is not Defeating the enemy with the gun is the end. The universe should be taken, not stolen."

Is there a difference? Yu Lian rolled his eyes in his heart.

The sad thing is that ordinary people always feel that their wits are shut down when they say this kind of statement that is purely a form of chuunibyou. But when this woman said it, it was so natural.

Brunhilt pursed his lips and smiled, and waved his hand lightly, as if he was waving a bouquet. However, at that moment, Yu Lian still seemed to see the empress sitting on the throne of the Dawn Angel, commanding thousands of troops and ordering countless battleships to fire thousands of guns.

He secretly took a deep breath and grinned, but he spat out words without warmth: "...You are the minister of the Imperial Privy Council, electing the emperor. Is this a formal diplomatic attitude on behalf of the empire?"

"Don't overreact, Yu Lianqing. Have you ever seen the Privy Councilor and the elected emperor dressed like this?" She smiled.

Only then did Yu Lian realize that the emperor-selecting lady was wearing a purple outer dress that was as close-fitting as tulle, fastened with gold and silver gemstones and precious metal accessories. The hem of the skirt only reached her knees, revealing a smooth and clean figure. Tight and toned calves, and a pair of high-top women's shoes that seemed to be made of gold-pressed silk threads.

I have to admit, it's really pretty.

In Yu Lian's memory, this woman, the toughest yet bravest woman in the universe, had never concealed her incorrigible militaristic tendencies and always wore a military uniform.

This was the first time in his two lifetimes that he had seen King Suliuka dressed so girlishly.

"Besides, aren't you a military attache stationed abroad? Dating with alliance trade representatives is not your specialty, but conducting military exchanges with us is. Of course, this should also include some strategic war games."

"So, today is a military exchange?" Yu Lianyue said.

"Just think of it as a small talk. Anyway, I came out to take a breather." At this point, even the emperor's lady showed a look of distress: "This is the first time I took the lead in holding a dance, but it seems that It sent some bad signal to the social circles of the empire. As soon as I came out, some self-righteous people always came to me like a peacock, and they couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they tried."

She simply complained, and then directly changed the topic back to the direction she was interested in: "Okay, let's get back to the topic. As I just said, the subsequent construction of Kerna City should not be It may be underway. Then, if all the funds originally planned to be invested are invested in naval construction, the empire will be able to add more than five Titan ships in the next ten years, and even include their supporting ships. Under such force conditions Next, if attacks are launched against your country from three directions at the same time: the Lucknar Corridor, Earl Elisabeth Star Gap, and the West Tail Galaxy, how will you respond?"

"Are you the commander of the empire?" Yu Lian smiled.

"Well, just think of it as me." Brynhilt said.

"Is it me on Earth?" Yu Lian asked again.

The person on the other side urged me angrily: "It's you, don't think about others."

King Suliuka is the same age as Yu Lian. However, she is an adult after all. Her Royal Highness, the elected emperor, who is qualified to compete for the Void Crown, is automatically awarded the rank of Imperial General when she reaches adulthood. After all, if nothing else happens, she should obtain the rank of marshal again before she is thirty.

Even if Yu Lian's "Moon Man" classmates who graduated from prestigious families really reached the rank of generals, they would have to endure one by one. The chasm between the general and the marshal is even more difficult to overcome than the gap between the colonel and the general.

However, for someone like Brynhilt, this is the status she was destined to achieve at birth.

More importantly, until now, King Suliuka, except for being the champion of the God of War Festival when he was twelve years old, has not had any real military merits, nor has he ever heard of anyone who has attracted much attention in terms of military skills and courage. of genius.

But the question is, would a serious country allow an Olympic champion to be its marshal?

There is really no way around this evil monopolistic monarchy.

So, Yu Lian squeezed out a wicked smile and said: "It's impossible. Ten years from now, you may lead an army to invade our country, but ten years from now, even if everything goes well, I can only wear a They have one or two general stars, and most of them should be engaged in positions such as the headquarters staff group and the chief gunman on the bridge. From the perspective of qualifications, it is impossible to even command a squadron. "

"So isn't this just a war game? Settings, do you understand the settings?" King Suliuka said helplessly.

"Isn't the more realistic the war game, the more meaningful it is? What's the point of such an unrealistic setting? Instead of doing this, how about adding two Titan ships to our side?"

"...Has anyone told you that you actually have a talent for offending people?"

"This is the talent I am most proud of." Yu Liandao.

King Suliuka snorted coldly, then smiled and said: "In short, just treat yourself as the supreme commander of your country? What should you do?"

Yu Lian thought about it seriously and said seriously: "Then find a handsome young man with earth-shattering spirit, well, someone with half the looks. Train him to be an ace spy, and then lurk early and enter your country. Go to the headquarters."

The other party did not expect that Yu Lian would say this, but he did not blame the latter for not practicing martial ethics. Instead, he asked with great interest: "What next?"

"Then send that spirited young man to make your commander-in-chief's belly bigger. If the commander-in-chief's belly is bigger, the war will naturally be out of reach. At that time, the alliance and other countries will react, and your country will lose The sudden nature of the attack naturally left it unsolved.”

Even Miss Brunhildt took nearly half a minute to realize that the "commander of your country" turned out to be herself. It wasn't that her IQ was low, but that she was so shocked by Yu Lian's answer that she was speechless for a moment.

Of course, as an atypical woman, she didn't feel offended at all and laughed without getting angry: "Has anyone ever said that you not only have the talent to offend people, but you are also quite good at offending women?"

I've never heard anyone say this.

"However, you must admit that this matter is enforceable."

Isn’t this guy a little pushy? Am I the kind of nymphomaniac and stupid woman who will be deceived by men? Brynhild wiped his face and was about to say a few words, but Yu Lian said: "Set, set."

Brunhild really couldn't get angry this time. She had to say that she was indeed not well-informed, at least it was the first time she had seen this kind of product.

Just when she was about to find a reason to complain, she heard Yu Lian on the opposite side say again: "Of course, this kind of small operation is just to buy a little time, and it's not a big deal. So, if I am contemptuous The supreme commander-in-chief of the country must first tell his people that whether it is 'quick victory to drive away the invaders' or 'the community will inevitably perish', it is not advisable."

Brunhildt was surprised again. She originally thought that Yu Lian was going to put forward his own military suggestions, but she never expected that the other party would actually start from this direction.

"Don't you want to think about how to intercept my attack from the tactical stage?"

"This is impossible. You are fully aware of this. What's more, even if you achieve a certain tactical victory, under your country's overwhelming national strength, it is impossible to win forever on the frontal battlefield." Yu Lianxiao Said: "Our only advantage is the people who stand on the side of natural justice."

King Suliuka was originally just a war maniac wrapped in the appearance of a beautiful girl. He was only interested in topics such as military strategy, tactics, and new weapons. This kind of politically correct talk was originally unacceptable. . However, at this time, she didn't know where the mistake was. She immediately restrained all her emotions and listened carefully.

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