Him and their stars

Chapter 446: Protracted War in the Age of the Universe

Brünnhilt was a little confused for a moment. He didn't understand how to start the ginseng attack properly?

Can this be considered a diplomat?

However, Yu Lian across from him felt so refreshed, even better than drinking a large glass of ice cream with a large bowl of iced watermelon in the dog days of summer. In his previous life, how had he ever seen Miss Brunhildt look confused, and how could he have had the opportunity to directly attack the "Queen of the Dawn" ginseng? If you don't seize the opportunity to enjoy yourself enough, there will definitely be fewer and fewer opportunities in this area in the future.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian took advantage of the fact that the other party had not come back to his senses, and continued to add: "What I said just now is just a family opinion. It does not mean any diplomatic significance, and I will not admit it outside this door. So, The Galactic Empire is the most evil political system I have ever seen. These people, born in an unjust country, only violently dominated half of the galaxy by virtue of their first-mover advantage. How dare you talk nonsense in front of me. Please repent. ?”

Of course Yu Lian scolded him freely, but Brunhild, who was so fresh, remained calm and calm. She just blinked her eyes, as if she didn't hear what Yuan just said, and said directly: "You just said that the civilization of the Milky Way has actually stagnated?"

...Well, what a powerful woman! Yu Lian felt troubled. What's the saying? By the way, if you don't feel embarrassed after scolding the other person, then you will be the one who is embarrassed.

"Do you want to know?" Yu Lian picked up a snack from the tray.

Brunhild nodded.

"But I just don't want to tell you." He smiled and stuffed the snack into his mouth.

"Let's get back to the original topic! What His Highness wanted to ask just now is, if you are the supreme commander of the empire and launch an all-out invasion of our country, how should I, the commander of the community who was appointed by you, deal with it, right?"

Brunhilt spent nearly a second debating whether he should nod or not. She originally wanted to use this topic to play a weapons game with Yu Lian to see how good the other party was. But after the other party made such a joke, she was no longer interested. Instead, she was more interested in the so-called "civilization's stagnation".

"So, as I have just discussed, the empire's manpower, military strength, financial resources, and material resources are far superior to ours, and the existing standing army can be called the most powerful armed force in the known universe. With your country's strength, Whether it is a short-term surprise war or a long-term war of annihilation, there are sufficient resources to continue, and our side has no chance of winning. I once made a comment that if the possibility of third-party intervention is excluded, your It may only take the country two to three months to invade the solar system."

"So, how did you establish that the community will not perish?"

"Because the community is already an independent country recognized by the Galactic Civilization Parliament, and it is also the hope of all people who have the dream of founding a country. The aggressive wars launched against these countries represent the regression of civilization and the barbaric trampling of justice... Well, I saw your smile. You probably believe that justice and justice are meaningless in front of the sharp swords of the Tirero people. This is the truth believed by the ancestors of the empire. "

"No, I believe in justice. I also believe that the sword of justice is indestructible!" Brynhilt shook his head and said, "It's just that the interpretation of this term is always relative."

Nonsense, if the direction pointed by the sword represents the interests of the majority of people, then it is naturally the sword of justice, and of course it is indestructible.

"It is a pity that the empire's system has also determined that your glorious palace is built on countless dormant volcanoes. Your local ethnic conflicts, interest disputes between princes, and strategic conflicts of all vassal countries , and conflicts between ourselves and the enemy in the opposite alliance."

"All of these indeed exist." Brynhilt smiled nonchalantly: "But, these existed thousands of years ago, and thousands of years later... if the empire still exists, they will always exist. "

"Yes, the premise is that you must ensure that your force can really suppress everything forever." Yu Lian said with a smile: "So, if I were the supreme commander of the community, I probably would not fight the empire head-on at all, but would Let all the fleets be reduced to pieces. Let the empire’s mighty fleet enter the earth.”

"Oh, you didn't even fight, and you just surrendered like that?" Brynhilt laughed.

"The Lords of Earth will probably surrender. But, who said that the community will surrender when the government of the community surrenders? This country is called the Blue Star People's Community, which represents the equal integration of all Blue Star people into the world. The vision of great unity. On any ship, the flag of community can be flown at any time."

Brunhildt had already suppressed his smile and looked at Yu Lian steadily.

"So, the universe is so big, there are gaps everywhere. Even with the technological strength of the Empire and the Alliance at this time, it is impossible to seal all national borders, let alone lock the gravity wells, right? By that time, the entire galaxy, and even the New World , and where is not a place for the athletes of the community to fight?”

One thing to say, if the Community has any advantage over the Empire and even the Alliance, it is that people on Earth really don’t have very strong racist thinking. The community is not a multi-ethnic country. Earthlings account for more than 80% of the entire population. They are influenced by the human supremacist ideology of the two countries. Ordinary people may have a certain sense of superiority, but even so, few There is structural, institutional, or mass discrimination against alien races.

Probably because of this, the independence and current existence of the community can really become a flag.

"Your Highness, how quickly will a great talent like you destroy this 'community'? Then, how long will you, the Galaxy Empire, and this shadow community be prepared to continue fighting?" Yu Liandao said.

The other party didn't speak, and seemed to be deep in thought. However, after pondering for a few seconds, she suddenly clapped her hands and let out a silver bell-like laughter: "Oh, I see the sea of ​​​​fire everywhere. This is really not a good future. I really hope we are joking today. If you say so, it won’t affect other people.”

"Yes, we are just telling a joke. Now is an era of peace and prosperity!" Yu Lian quickly laughed like a barbell.

"Yes! The empire has recognized your country's independence, then we are a country of peaceful diplomacy!"

As a result, although the atmosphere at the scene seemed to become more and more embarrassing, it did become strangely relaxed.

Yu Lian then picked up the tray, and suddenly found that the snacks he had taken were one-third less without realizing it, and his smile suddenly fell.

"These are all sent from the Imperial Household Agency. They are said to be imperial products, but in fact they taste quite ordinary. The most delicious snacks are actually made by my brother. Blood velvet cakes like this are really... It melts in your mouth, and you feel that all the gaps between your teeth and buds are filled with rich deliciousness." Brynhilt stood up and motioned for Yu Lian to follow.

After saying this, Yu Lian suddenly felt that he was no longer sleepy. If the snack was really so delicious, he wouldn't mind breaking into Brynhilt's boudoir.

"Your brother?" Yu Lian had never heard of Brunhilt having an older brother.

"Yes, my brother Andro Tie, he is a very gentle and gentle person who loves life. He just loves life so much that he is particularly good at doing these things."

"But, your brother..."

Isn't it an illegitimate child?

"Oh, he's a squib." The Queen said calmly.

Yu Lian understood immediately.

The Imperial Heraldry Academy implements a particularly strict eldest son inheritance system. The eldest son, regardless of gender, is the first in line. But there is also a very strict principle of supremacy of strength, and the order of succession for those with psychic awakenings is before all brothers and sisters.

But we also know that the conditions for spiritual awakening have always been a matter of metaphysics. Even in the Morning Royal Family, where there are many powerful people, most members are no better than ordinary people.

Brünnhilt later explained that her brother had not had much interest in politics and military affairs, so he was relieved to be able to hand over the inheritance rights. The relationship between the brother and sister was not affected at all by this incident. Now, her brother, His Highness Androjie, even went to a public middle school in the imperial capital for ordinary citizens to teach music incognito.

The famous Queen of Dawn, her biological brother actually had no sense of existence in later generations. Either he died young or he really had no interest in political, military and state affairs.

"Your brother is not a couple with Gia...Countess Lamut, is he?" For some reason, Yu Lian suddenly couldn't help but ask.

"Where did you hear this rumor?" Brynhilt was startled for a moment, and then he seemed to have thought of something and nodded suddenly: "Oh, it must be the white-furred fox from the Berenkeist family. Are you lying? Yu Lianqing, I should give you a piece of advice. Some girls may seem gentle, upright and kind, but they are always deceptive."

It took Yu Lian two seconds to realize that the "white fur fox" should refer to Yani, and he suddenly felt that it was so appropriate.

"He is married and has three children." King Suliuka said again.

The two walked side by side through the garden and entered the palace on the left side of the garden.

Brunhild probably didn't want to be discovered by others, so he kept walking along the path in the garden, but when entering the palace, he always had to meet other people.

However, if King Suliuka really put on a business-like smile that would repel people thousands of miles away, even if other guests and servants found out, they would not immediately come to disturb him. After all, reading the air is also their specialty.

So, the two of them met the hidden attention of many dignitaries, passed through two corridors and a hall, and came to a smaller hall.

Most of the guests here were Brunhilt's contemporaries, and the hall was immediately filled with a youthful atmosphere that was rare in the entire party. Beside the piano in the corner of the hall, a bookish young man was playing hard, but it was clearly a cheerful country song with a very early summer atmosphere.

The man was indeed very handsome, and his face was roughly similar to Brunhilt's, but he was four or five years older than her. Naturally, his aura is much weaker, and he is just like a herbivorous literary young man. In all likelihood, it should be Brunhildt's brother, Duke Androtier.

Yu Lian was about to go over and say hello to the Duke, who was said to make delicious snacks, but he saw a maid walking towards the piano and couldn't help but say "Huh".

"Wait a minute, I just thought about it. Your strategy is just bluffing." Brynhilt suddenly said at this time.

Yu Lian ignored the other party completely. His attention was completely attracted by the maid holding a tray and red wine. He confirmed the woman's appearance, but couldn't help but say "Hey" again.

Even if you pay off your debt, you have to take your time. Not in a hurry, not in a hurry

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