Him and their stars

Chapter 449 What kind of messy fate?

Miss Suliuka Wang seemed to be simply expressing her curiosity. Ever since, those blue eyes were no longer the domineering and cold ice blue at this time. As the long eyelashes fluttered, it was clearly 24k pure Kazi blue.

Yu Lian thought to himself that if I was deceived by you, it would be a big deal.

But, how should he answer? It can't be said that he really knows Miss Wenna, right? But that was a lifetime ago. At that time, Miss Wenna in her old age was already Her Excellency, Viscount Wenna of Glenmie, and became a member of the Privy Council of Queen Brünnhilt. She also served as the president of the Imperial Academy of Engineering and a director of the Educators Association. .

That lady was not an extraordinary psychic, nor was she one of those naturally famous generals among Brunhilt's "girlfriends", nor was she a wise man with outstanding talents, or an academic master who was a genius. However, with his diligent work attitude and open-minded and generous attitude, he was recognized by the imperial academic and political circles, as well as respected by the Queen herself.

When Yu Lian was lurking in the imperial capital in his previous life, he happened to catch up with Ms. Wen Na when she came to Feilin University for an inspection, and even had a few chats with her. The old lady even encouraged Yu Lian to participate in the Youth Engineering Design Grand Prix held that year, but when she learned that Yu Lian was not from the Empire and was an auditor, she gave up with great regret.

In short, Ms. Wenna left a good impression on Yu Lian, so he could recognize her at a glance.

But he didn't know that Miss Wenna was actually a maid when she was young, so he couldn't help but say "huh". What he never expected was that he would actually find out about an assassination activity.

So, once again, I assure the spirit of the universe that this is all really a coincidence!

However, if you think about it carefully, the assassin used nanomachines to simulate the appearance of Miss Wen Na, so she herself is probably in danger, right?

The future Viscount Glenmie, Ms. Wen Na, is certainly not an academic figure who can go down in history. The reason why she became the dean of the Imperial Academy of Engineering was also due to her ability in organizing affairs and raising funds. But no matter what, if you want to manage a group of scientists, you cannot be illiterate yourself.

Remember she has a PhD in astrophysics from Wisdom Palace University?

...From a maid to a doctor from a top university to an important minister in charge of science and education in the Galactic Empire, this is truly an epic inspirational legend.

But now on this timeline, this inspirational legend has ended before it even began.

Butterfly wings have really begun to affect the real world in all aspects.

Yu Lian looked at Brunhildt's big Kaze blue eyes and hid his sadness in an understatement: "...Maybe it's just intuition."

"Oh, it seems like the bad nature of people like us to classify everything as intuition. However, I don't really believe it."

"Well, when I visited Wisdom Palace University last time, I had a chance encounter with Miss Wenna. Although I'm a little embarrassed to say this, I am a diplomat after all, and I also have a very good memory. I am confident." Yu Liandao: "I really didn't expect to meet her here. Your Highness, you'd better take the time to look for her. Maybe the real Miss Wen Na is still alive."

Brunhild felt that this made some sense, nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly heard a thunderous rumble from outside the door. She was suddenly startled, and walked out of the hall with a sullen face, and came to the garden. She ignored the dissuasion of her subordinates who came up to her and went straight in that direction.

The subordinates and guards had no idea and hurriedly followed. So a large group of people gathered around their lord and arrived at the place of the explosion, and no one noticed Yu Lian hiding in the crowd.

Everyone soon arrived at the center of the incident, only to find that it was a fish pond in the center of the garden. Most of the water in the pond had been swamped by the shock wave caused by the explosion just now. Many rare ornamental fish were pushed out by the explosion just now and scattered in the surrounding gardens. Most of them have naturally rolled away, but there are still a few that are still twitching hard with a strong desire to survive.

The condition of the surrounding landscaped flower walls with green plants and precious flowers is even more terrible, as if they had just been hit by a typhoon.

Yu Lian estimated that from the center of the explosion to a radius of thirty meters, there were probably only a few whole precious flower seeds left. Based on these flowers alone, King Suliuka's economic losses today are estimated to be in the tens of digits.

Of course, the biggest loss should be the statue of Emperor Elisir facing the fish pond, which was also the one Yu Lian saw before.

This statue is said to have been made by a top sculptor of the last century. Although it is lifelike and domineering, it is obviously not made of any indestructible "combat" stone. Under the close explosion, it was completely shattered.

The only thing that is still intact is the head. It has fallen into the water that has been mostly emptied, and half of it is exposed. The corpse, whose eye sockets were flattened by the shock wave of the explosion, seemed to have lost focus, looking at everyone from a distance with a look of regret.

...Okay, let’s add another ten digit number.

The only good thing is that this is a fairly open garden, so not many people were injured by the explosion, and there were no deaths. However, while it is not very harmful, the insult has already been caused.

Yu Lian couldn't help but start to wonder: If the narcissistic emperor in Longlin Palace knew that the statue he personally asked someone to make had become like this, what kind of wonderful expression would he have?

This should be the normal operation of a terrorist attack. Regardless of whether it is Fourteenth Workshop or whoever is behind it, I am really grateful to your eight generations of ancestors.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian saw with his own eyes that King Suliuka's expression began to change visible to the naked eye. She was trembling slightly, her anger condensed into evil spirit, and her face was covered with a layer of iceberg that looked daunting. She took a deep breath, forced out a difficult smile, nodded curtly to Yu Lian, and strode away with her men.

Even if this girl is wearing an evening dress, she can still look bold and domineering. Looking at her like this, someone must have believed her when she said she was going to burn glass in any galaxy with an army of one million people.

Yu Lian looked at Miss Brunhilt's murderous back, and couldn't help but mourn for the main messenger behind her.

"Lieutenant Colonel...I'm sorry, please go back to the house first and wait quietly." A captain wearing protective clothing stood at attention beside him and saluted.

Seeing that the other party was still very polite, Yu Lian said that he would not make things difficult for these people. After nodding in return, he went back to the house directly. Afterwards, those guests who ran into the garden were "invited" back by the guards on site.

To put it bluntly, this is actually equivalent to a disguised form of house arrest. And with so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries present, if it were in the community or even in the alliance, someone might have jumped in. But although there were some whispers and some expressions of dissatisfaction, none of them said anything strange, and they returned to the hall where a battle had just occurred in an orderly manner.

Yu Lian estimated that such things were happening everywhere in this Holy Tree Palace.

The imperial aristocrats were naturally decadent rentiers who lorded it over the working people, but their discipline was engraved in their bones.

Of course, perhaps this kind of discipline is based on the strict class society of the imperial system, but discipline is discipline.

For a while, Yu Lian stayed at the scene and finally got to eat. It must be admitted that this kind of orange snack not only looks good, but also tastes the best that Yu Lian has ever tasted in his life. If the show he was in now was a gourmet show, then Duke Androtier, who could make these snacks, would be either the protagonist or the protagonist's old enemy.

Thinking of this, Yu Lian deliberately got close to the other party.

This brother of King Suliuka has always seemed a little distracted. Obviously, being assassinated by someone close to him had a great impact on him. When it is discovered that this "close person" is a prosthetic person whose appearance has been changed by nanomachines, the shock will be even greater.

Probably in order to calm down his mind, the Duke still chatted with Yu Lian for a few words.

"I just hope that Wenna is still alive." He sighed, his voice seemed to be trembling.

His Highness is an ordinary person without extraordinary abilities. He is indeed a gentle, kind and non-aggressive herbivore, but he is not a fool either. Naturally, he also knows that his exclusive head maid is really in danger.

"Can you guess the reason?" Yu Lian asked.

He just asked casually, without any hope of retribution, but he didn't expect that after the other party pondered for a while, he smiled bitterly, and then answered calmly: "It should be for revenge."


"You are a diplomat, and you should have your own intelligence channels. Naturally, you should know that the imperial capital is not very peaceful during this period."

Yu Lian thought to himself, I know this very well.

Duke Andorotier added: "I only know that the adults in the Privy Council were very angry, and Bree also did something. It seems that someone sealed off some company in the territory."

This gentle and elegant Duke probably felt that this information was not a secret. Diplomats like Yu Lian who have their own intelligence channels will find out sooner or later, so it is better to just tell them first.

The Fourteenth Workshop is indeed one of the snakeheads. Even if it is not an industry under the organization, it must be a close collaborator. The empire should have already grasped these situations.

In other words, because of the "security issues" during this period, the Privy Council bosses were furious and decided to launch a full-scale attack on the Snake Organization, and then Miss Suliuka Wang conveniently took away the property of the Fourteenth Workshop in her territory. However, the leaders of the workshop are obviously a group of sensitive giant babies. They have neither the correct views of the Omnic Brotherhood nor the strategic determination of the snakeheads, so they directly choose revenge.

Okay, the logic holds true!

So, after going around in circles for so long, it seems that the source is all me?

When he thought of this, Yu Lian suddenly felt a little guilty.

Of course, Duke Andorotier did not know the other party's psychological activities, and said to the east coast: "Lieutenant Colonel, I think that terrorist activities are the enemy of the entire galaxy civilization. I hope that I can get help from your country in this incident."

Well, no matter how herbivorous he is, Duke Andorotier is still a top noble born in the royal family, and he also has basic political literacy. Of course, he might also want to do something within his power for the head maid who was most likely dead.

"Combating terrorist activities and terrorist organizations is the obligation of all civilizations. As a soldier, it is naturally my duty to do so." Yu Lian said seriously: "I will definitely inform the central government of what happened here as soon as possible, and they will also Make the right judgment."

"Thank you very much." The Duke sincerely apologized to Yu Lian, then felt his eyes sore and quickly turned his face away.

For a period of time after that, Yu Lian didn't go anywhere. He kept eating oranges while waiting for news, and by the way, he chatted with Duke Andorotier.

He really felt that His Highness was actually a good person. Seeing him look so heartbroken, he couldn't bear it, so he tried his best to comfort him. It doesn’t cost any money anyway.

After nearly two hours of this, a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a lieutenant general came over. He first comforted Duke Andorotier, and then apologized to the guests present, saying that the alarm was lifted and everyone could go back to their homes. .

This uncle is also very bookish, but his physique is very strong, and his eyes are very resolute, but he has much more aura than the herbivorous Duke next to him.

Yu Lian quickly recognized that the uncle should be Lieutenant General Xiumolai, the chief retainer of King Suliuka. Although he was not an extraordinary ability user, he had always been the person Brunhilt trusted and respected the most. In the later era of the Queen, he became the head of the prestigious "Eight Marshals of the Holy Dragon Spring" and was also a big figure who will go down in history. However, compared to military strategy, this uncle is better at military affairs. Compared with military affairs, he is better at government affairs. So after receiving the rank of marshal, he retired and took a civilian position, serving as the prime minister of the empire.

In short, he is indeed a great man capable of both literary and military skills.

Yu Lian was originally wondering if he could also get close to him and see if he could get some information from the other party, but the other party came up to him first, took Yu Lian aside, and said with a smile: "On behalf of Your Highness, I come to apologize to you. , it was originally such a beautiful night, but it was ruined. This is the owner's dereliction of duty."

The majestic election emperor actually came to apologize to a young boy in person. If it had been anyone else, he would have been flattered by this time.

As a result, while Yu Lian maintained the serious face that an outstanding officer of the community should have, neither humble nor arrogant, he actually showed a little bit of flatterment in his eyes.

Well, my acting skills have improved recently. Is it because I wrote a script with Mr. Qi or because I had a few appointments with Yani?

"In addition, Your Highness also entrusted me to tell you that today's events have already happened, so she will have a busy time. However, when the matter is over, she will come to thank you personally."

Finally, if you work harder, you can chase down the Fourteenth Workshop and the snake behind them to the other side of the universe. Yu Lian thought so and quickly shied away,

However, Lieutenant General Xiumolai said: "This is the courtesy that a noble official deserves. After all, if you hadn't helped, the Suliuka family would have lost a member of the royal family today. To the public, this may be a little less It doesn’t seem very cautious. But speaking of personal matters, isn’t it proper etiquette to go to the door to express gratitude to the benefactor who saved your family?”

Yu Lian was startled for a moment, then suddenly said: "That child just now..."

"He is His Highness's cousin, Marquis Fenno." Humolai explained, "He is also the third heir to the royal family of Suliuka."

This familiar yet unfamiliar name made Yu Lian's heart tremble and he almost lost his breath.

…The person I killed in my previous life must have been that little boy’s son, right? What kind of messy fate is this!

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