Him and their stars

Chapter 458: After all, I have to go alone

Although the other party looked troubled, they did not give in on the spot after all. Yu Lian glanced at them again and left their communication methods and the corporate brochure of the North Wind God Development Company.

Yes, they did come with the idea of ​​advertising the company. Otherwise, how could I carry a corporate brochure with me, and it is made of high-quality, beautifully printed coated paper? It must have taken a lot of effort.

"It doesn't matter. I remember you." Yu Lian said to the former mercenary: "Even if the cooperation fails this time, there will be opportunities in the future."

A veteran former mercenary and owner of a small pioneering company, Mr. Karnovich took his wife and partner and left hesitantly with mixed emotions.

As soon as they left, Yu Lian stretched out his hand and shook it hard with Major General Lal, and said with sincere gratitude: "I really don't know how to thank you."

Watt Lal also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relaxed expression: "Then, I will try to persuade them later. As long as I make it clear to them that there is no need to participate in a direct battle with psykers, they should be willing to join. In addition, I can also help introduce some business to their company through my own connections..."

"No, no, no." Yu Lian shook his head and said: "I really need to know such planet development experts, but letting them participate in this year's God of War Festival is harming others. If they accidentally become cannon fodder, it will be a waste of resources. .”

Major General Lal was startled for a moment, his face suddenly turned a little blue, and he complained helplessly: "This is already the best candidate we have encountered in the past few days."

Indeed, if nothing else, just having experience in developing a Holy Land planet is enough for others to take a high look. If it weren't for the connections between Major General Lal and Counselor Bliss, they might not be willing to come for the interview.

The so-called holy land planet is the rarest earth-like planet in the galaxy. Their volume is often more than four to five times that of ordinary terrestrial planets, but their gravity is not much different. The air, water, soil, and microorganisms on the surface of the planet have reached an almost perfect balance, making it a prosperous world most suitable for the growth of carbon-based organisms. Living on this kind of planet, the natural lifespan of organisms is several years longer than in other environments.

Even the empire's most advanced planetary environment transformation engineering technology cannot restore a perfect "Holy Land Planet". As a result, a considerable number of scholars believe that the so-called "Holy Land Planet" should have been transformed by the civilization of the Enlightened Ones who have disappeared.

To put it bluntly, everyone can regard this kind of planet as a kind of legacy of the Enlightened One.

More importantly, it is said, of course it is only said, that sensitive people are more likely to awaken in the environment of this "holy land planet"; and psykers after the ceremony will find it easier to practice here.

If we use the terminology of the online novel about Yu Lian's hometown in his previous life, this is a perfect planet that is born with a state of "revival of spiritual energy".

Of course, this statement has not been officially certified by the Void Spirit Temple and other authorities. After all, no matter how strong the spiritual energy is, it is still in the material world, and it cannot be compared to the virtual world anyway. What's more, most psykers also firmly believe that an environment that is too comfortable will wear down people's will. Only by moving forward can we see the scenery of a higher level. Obviously, the Holy Land Planet is too comfortable for any kind of carbon-based organisms.

It has to be said that the existence of this "holy planet" is a complete insult to known astrophysics. But there is no way, they just exist.

In addition, the holy land planet is actually the unified term for this kind of planet among the civilizations in the galaxy. The Earth side is generally directly translated as "Gaia Planet".

So far, there are only 20 "Gaia planets" discovered in the entire galaxy, and almost all of them are controlled by the Empire and the Alliance. As for the "New World" Fairy Nebula that is still under development, it has not yet been discovered. Of course, considering that some people have discovered the remains of the Enlightened One on the planet in the Fairy Nebula, the new "Gaia" planet is just around the corner.

As mentioned before, the natural environment of "Gaia Planet" is the perfect habitat for all carbon-based organisms. Coupled with the attribute of "revival of spiritual energy", many overly powerful creatures will naturally grow. of wildlife out. The difficulty of developing and colonizing such a planet can naturally be imagined.

Since Mr. Karnovich and his team have participated in the development work of Holy Land 17, at least from the side, they are indeed experts in dealing with this extreme wild environment, with considerable experience in exploration, guides, wild survival, and even Considerable knowledge of natural history.

In short, this kind of assistance is needed in the Ares Festival team.

However, the reason why Yu Lian was so grateful to the other party was not just that. He had not heard of the name Karnovich, but he knew the name of the Boreas Development Company. Fifty years later, although this pioneering company is not a powerful industry giant, it has always been famous for its professional and efficient business level, and it has attracted some experts. When working, it is inevitable to wander around in the gray area and play around with the edges, but at least it is still a little offline, not to mention that the fees are indeed not high, and it can be regarded as a conscientious company. The reputation on the road has always been good.

Although the registration place of God of the North Wind is in the Alliance, it is said that the founder, many managers and Double Flower Red Stick are all from Earth, and the main business scope is in the New World, so they can be regarded as Earthlings for the time being. One of the star companies. Yu Lian had many good relationships with them in his previous life, but he never expected that this "young" company would have been established now.

In other words, this Mr. Karnovich is most likely the founder who laid a solid foundation for the Borei Company and is said to be very awesome, right?

To be honest, Yu Lian was quite reluctant to let such a person serve as cannon fodder for him.

"So, let's wait and see. After all, the God of War Festival is such a sacred event, but you can't force it. You have to learn to let nature take its course."

"Your team list will have to be sent up the day after tomorrow at the latest." Major General Lal really started to have a headache. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have wanted to slap him with his old arms and legs.

"Well... As I said, let nature take its course." Yu Lian shrugged: "After all, you can't force it."

"So, how about the Terrabi adventurers we met yesterday? They are the team recommended by General Mallowan. Their team is also somewhat famous. They were the enlighteners of Planet Roshar 3 who participated the year before. The ruins were excavated.”

Yes, Yu Lian's preparations to participate in the God of War Festival have of course been reported to the central government of the Earth, but it doesn't seem to cause much trouble. In other words, due to the resignation of former President Noxham, the attention of political bigwigs has been focused on the general election. The only person who has expressed a certain degree of concern about this matter is still Yu Lian's half-brother, His Excellency Chairman Nihita. The old man even had a special conversation with Yu Lian, expressing his praise for Yu Lian's courage, and at the same time expressing a certain degree of concern for Yu Lian's safety.

"There should be something strange at this time. I always feel that this War God Festival is a bit like the Hongmen Banquet!" The Chairman of the National Defense Committee said worriedly: "In short, I have no objection to your participation, but you must pay attention to safety. If you feel something is wrong, just give up immediately. Although fighting is not prohibited in the God of War Festival, it is prohibited to attack players who give up."

He paused and then directly expressed his apology to Yu Lian: "Yu Lian, you have done enough for the country and the people. There is no need to work hard on this kind of thing."

This "reliable big brother" should be sincerely considering Yu Lian's safety. As a result, the latter also sincerely expressed his gratitude and said that he would definitely compete with style and level, and would never let down the elders in his hometown.

Then, of course, it’s the military headquarters.

Marshal Paris didn't seem to care at all how high the charge for mass wave communication was, and he scolded Yu Lian for nearly half an hour, until Yu Lian said in an attitude that was ten times more sincere than Chairman Nicita that he would definitely not be able to defeat him. Then he ran away, and the other party handed the call to Major General Azisha Mallowan.

The sister with the prosthetic eye then recommended to Yu Lian an adventure group mainly composed of Terrabi people called the "Silver Beard Wool Group". Yu Lian recalled the details of yesterday's meeting with the leader of this Terrabi adventurer, Carlan Silverbeard - he was a slightly older Terrabi man, but his body was still burly and strong.

We all know that when feline ears and mane are paired on a girl, they are naturally the cute elements of a monster girl, but when placed on such a strong man who is nearly two meters tall, something feels wrong. Fortunately, because Yu Lian had heard of Mr. Ginsu (in his previous life), he was finally able to convince himself that this was a kind of domineering and lion-like might.

"Aren't you going to play in person?" Yu Lian looked at the domineering and majestic cat-eared uncle in front of him, and actually felt a little excited.

"I actually want to compete with the geniuses of the Empire's Astral Knights, but unfortunately, I am also a psyker after all, so I can't join your team." He showed a pityful expression.

This old man who is still very young is indeed a third-level psychic. Even if he wants to participate in the God of War Festival, he can only form his own team. What's more, the registration time has now ended.

He then recommended to Yu Lian the members of his adventure group, one each for a trap and reconnaissance master, a field combat master, and a negotiation master. All of them were non-ability users and all had considerable experience in jungle activities.

Of course, these subordinates of Uncle Ginsu are not all top masters, but at least they can be regarded as experts in this field. In addition, this Silver Beard Adventure Group has a very good reputation in the industry. Compared to those war dogs who come for money and fame, they are actually more trustworthy.

What's more, only Yu Lian knew that after the death of the boss Carlan Ginsu, the adventure group was succeeded by his grandson and granddaughter and renamed the "Ginsu Volunteer Army", but it also made some bigger things. career is coming out.

Yu Lian felt that this time he participated in the God of War Festival and gained more than just the interaction itself.

Major General Azisha Mallowan is a well-known archaeologist (mo) archaeologist (jin) scholar (xiao) scholar (wei) in the academic (dao) world (shang). She can be regarded as making friends all over the world, or There are many reliable human resources.

But isn’t time tight now and tasks heavy? Yu Lian is very grateful that she was able to recommend such a reliable team in such a short period of time.

If there is a chance in the future, I still have to find a way to repay that one-eyed big sister.

To be honest, Yu Lian was really moved by the candidates recommended by Mr. Ginsu. However, after a day of thinking, Yu Lian still shook his head.

"Aren't you still dissatisfied?" Major General Lal said helplessly.

"Of course not. On the contrary, it has been difficult for me to find better candidates than them." Yu Liandao: "But, you have to know that they are Terrabi after all, and their identities are still a bit sensitive after all."

The Terrabi people do not have ethnic minorities in their own country. Most of them live in the Kingdom of Ketai and are treated as second-class citizens by the big cats full of racist thinking. Some of them live in the Empire, the Kingdom of Bakvi, and the Republic of Momoa. Wait within the territory.

Now, the biggest dream of the Terrabi people is to enclose their own land in the corners of the Milky Way and build a small country of their own race.

Of course, they did not expect to be completely independent. Being able to transform from second-class citizens of a tributary state of the Galactic Empire to a direct tributary state of the Galactic Empire would be considered a class jump in the sense of the entire race.

But to the empire, all alien races under it are cannon fodder, slaves and tool men, and what is given to you is yours. If I don't give it to you, let alone robbing it, even asking for it is an offense.

Now, a group of Terrabi people who are "dead-hearted" team up with Yu Lian, a guy who has attracted the most hatred from the God of War Festival. You can imagine how they will be targeted.

"Mr. Ginsu is willing to repay the favor because he has been taken care of by Major General Mallowan before. We can't harm him. And, to be honest, as long as I stand in the sea of ​​trees on Gumeia Star, I must be the most handsome boy on the entire planet. Even the sea of ​​trees as tall as mountains cannot block my light. If I am not careful, I will be besieged. At that time, I really have no energy left to protect the front. A teammate with fighting ability.”

Major General Lal felt that this made some sense and couldn't help but sigh. Suddenly, he realized that helping Yu Company form a team was actually more troublesome than extracting military secrets from the heavily guarded empire's confidential departments.

"I will take 45 points by myself, and I will keep the remaining 3 points, which should be able to be exchanged for more supplies and weapons." Yu Lian saw the Major General's expression as if he was about to bury himself, and immediately patted him He looked at the other party's shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Your Excellency General, I have already promised Your Excellency the Chairman, I won't force myself too much. If it doesn't work, can I abstain?"

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