Him and their stars

Chapter 460 Reliable Allies

Well, although this guy is the son of the Belmont family and has also served as the alliance's trade representative in the community, in essence, his current status is that of a wealthy idler, and no one can be more noble than anyone else. Yu Lian decided to ignore this person for the time being and quickly turned his attention to the box.

But they saw that the silver Qimen weapon was completely smooth, neither gold nor jade nor wood nor stone. It was only about the length of an arm, but its tip was divided into yin and yang. One side was an eagle beak, containing the coldness of autumn frost, and the other side was like a shield, hiding the power of thunder.

...Okay, actually, this thing is just a duck-billed hoe with a hammer attached. Speaking of which, this thing is the same style as the weapon that Krell used to use in the Emerald Maze, and it is full of the exaggeration of MT. But what must be admitted is that from the appearance, Cuncui does look much more practical than a lightsaber.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment and reached for the weapon.

"Inherited 45 million Xinxing." Claire Belmont stretched out his hand.

Yu Lian glanced at the other party and retracted his hand: "I think I can still use my beloved lightsaber. The worst I can do is apply to the organizer. These days, those who use swords are the protagonists, and those who use hammers are the most popular ones. Partner A acts as a human shield around the protagonist, and often dies in boss battles, becoming the fuel that inspires the protagonist to explode."

Belmont felt that he was fully offended, his smile suddenly froze, and he immediately picked up the duck-bill hoe from the box... Oh no, war hammer!

"Lightsaber? It's just a toy to fool children! It's eight pounds and six taels, solid and eight-edged! It's a pure star steel guy with an anti-psychic energy generator installed in the pointed beak of the staff, and a stance impactor hidden in the hammer head. Son, isn't it better than a firework stick that turns off the lights when it encounters an expert?" He said loudly, and waved it vigorously.

...In a sense, what this guy said is indeed right. Some highly skilled psykers have a way of making it impossible to even "unsheath" a lightsaber. From this point of view, in the world of extraordinary beings, the more masters are, the more they prefer physical weapons.

It's like the protagonist's previous life. Influenced by the aesthetics and feelings of his previous life, he was really keen on killing people with a lightsaber. However, after getting his little wife (Dawn Sword) after the Sixth Ring, he collected all kinds of colorful things like colorful The crayon-like lightsabers were thrown onto the black market.

Seeing that Yu Lian seemed to be lost in thought, Belmont became even more proud. He raised the silver war hammer in his hand, then twisted the handle, and a bunch of blades, can openers, screws, screwdrivers and the like popped out. Something comes out.

"After all, we are in the wild. With this guy, it is equivalent to bringing a lot of tools. Besides, I really didn't lie to you, this thing is really made of pure star steel... Of course, In order to ensure a certain degree of flexibility, some other materials are infiltrated into it, but the hardness and strength bonus will never be inferior to mine. The 45 million you charge is really just the cost price." At this point, Belmont lowered the price Voice: "Besides, this is what Yani ordered, and she said she must collect money."

What is that girl going to do? Could it be that you feel that you are always making money by yourself and want to get your position back?

Seeing that Yu Lian was silent, Krel said again: "Brother, I don't know when you offended that girl, but from what I heard, a man who doesn't want to suffer the immediate consequences should be soft when the time comes."

"Then you are wrong. Even if I go to the embassy to plead guilty this time, she will definitely take the money." Yu Lian took another look at the weapon in the opponent's hand and was filled with admiration. He felt that this weapon seemed to be a combination of hammer and sickle, which was really in line with his class attributes.

"Transfer the money. Give me an account number." Yu Liandao.

What's the saying? Oh yes! Things that can be solved with money don't count at all. Anyway, we are not short of money now. We just got more than 300 million golden dragons from the foundation. Even if we convert it based on the lowest transaction price, it is more than 500 million trust stars.

Claire Belmont glanced at Yu Lian, and there seemed to be a trace of pity, a trace of sympathy, and an eight-point admiration in his eyes. Then he gave the latter a thumbs up: "You are indeed an angry person. I I will pray to the spirit of the universe for your long life and good health.”


"After all, I have been a trade representative in your country for five or six years. I spend half of every year on Earth. Isn't it easy to understand if I learn some interesting slang?"

That's not what I care about!

"It's yours." Belmont handed the warhammer to Yu Lian's hand: "After all, it's a psychic weapon, and you can give it a name! Hahahaha, as our Yanxing's younger brother, I'm looking forward to it The time when I made a big splash with it at the God of War Festival.”

"Flame Star?" Yu Lian immediately realized that this should be the name of the war hammer used by Krell. What made him more concerned was the meaning hidden in the other party's words.

"...You shouldn't be doing this voluntarily, right?"

Although Yu Lian has not known Krel for a long time, he has some understanding of his personality. This is a born showman who likes to be in the limelight, but he is still a three-ringer after all. A direct descendant of the Belmont family, if you look closely, he is indeed a MT with championship strength.

If this kind of guy really wanted to participate in the God of War Festival, he would never have waited until the deadline to sign up. He should have started to warm up on the surface a few months ago and collaborate behind the scenes.

Then, there is only one true image!

"Yes, it's what you think." Claire Belmont showed a heartbroken expression: "To be honest, I do like to be in the limelight, but in the jungle, I can't get enough of snakes, rats, and insects. Yue, why bother? Isn’t it nice to open a brokerage company? Isn’t it nice to play in movies and TV? Isn’t it nice to play in a sports team? This God of War sacrifice sounds like a bloody sacrifice performed by barbarians. It should have been banned by all countries long ago. Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to enjoy the World Cup in peace together?”

"Which team do you want to play, celestial ball or flying ball?" Yu Lian asked casually.

"There are both celestial balls and flying balls!" Seeing that Yu Lian seemed very interested, Krell said with a smile: "I am the largest shareholder of the IT Deep Skyrs. We won the final of the Galaxy Champions Cup the year before last. I should have been there. I celebrated with the players."

Yu Lian said "Oh". Of course, he knows that the Yite Skylanders are also the top giants in the world of heaven, but who is interested in who the boss is.

All in all, this young tycoon in the league's cultural and sports world was supposed to be enjoying life, but he still gathered many good players and formed a team called "Black Cloud Group", and finally made it before the deadline. Registration completed.

"But, what can I do? Most of the equity of the creative culture company is now in the hands of Yani, and she can always kick me out. But in this way, I have been painting for ten years before I can succeed. The Mobile Girls Team that I worked so hard to cultivate has nothing to do with me anymore. They have finally reached the threshold of the front line, should I just give up and grow up with them?"

Yu Lian thought to himself, based on your ability to name the girl group, without Yani's operation, those girls would not be able to touch the threshold until their teeth are gone.

Of course, he still reached out and patted the other person's shoulder comfortingly. He knew that Claire Belmont and his team were probably his most reliable "allies" in the entire Ares Festival, and they even knew more than the people on Earth.

"Besides, Yani asked me to give you this." Claire pulled another document for Yu Lian.

The latter scanned the first page and immediately saw a long list of names and photos. He immediately understood that this should be the information the girl had given him, and it should be information about the various ghosts and snake gods participating in the God of War Festival.

The information Yani obtained through the alliance intelligence department should be more detailed than what she and the Community embassy collected.

Yu Lian was a little touched, and just about to say a few polite words, he heard the other person say again: "Chenghui 30 million Xinxing..."

"Don't look at me like that, this is also the cost price. Yani asked everyone in the intelligence department of her country's embassy to work overtime for a few days, and then we got these things. Although people say that for Miss Yamida, the obligation is Labor doesn’t matter, but we can’t be so shameless! But overtime pay, late-night snack pay, and dangerous action allowances all have to be paid for by ourselves.”

Can you return my emotion first?

"Where is Yani now?" Yu Lian asked while transferring money. He felt strange last time. Queen Brunhilt held a banquet, and most of the dignitaries in the imperial capital were there. There was no reason why Yani wouldn't show up.

"Hey, don't you know? You left the Imperial Capital last week. You said you were going to make some preparations..." After speaking, Claire once again looked at Yu Lian with sympathetic eyes: "What's wrong with her?" Didn't I tell you? Hey, brother Yu Lian, really, after listening to my brother's advice, that girl looks well-behaved and generous on the surface, but she is actually very petty. Although she is still smiling now, who knows when she will Come to take revenge? If you have the chance, why not accompany me? The girls of the Berenkeist family have always been much more fierce than the men in their family, so I have to submit to them and not be shabby."

Is this why you gave Yani the "Mobile Girls Team" composed of your maids?

Seeing that today's business was completed smoothly, Claire rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "However, since Yani is not here, brother, I can be considered liberated. Although not many people come to the Imperial Capital, there are some places where I am quite interested." Let’s get acquainted with each other. Otherwise, why don’t you go hang out with me tonight?”

Look at his extraordinarily handsome yet disgusting smile, even a fool can see what he means.

However, a community military attache stationed abroad and an alliance young man went to drink flowers together... ah no, they went to inspect the empire's special industries together. Isn't it a bit too lacking in diplomatic etiquette?

"In addition, we can also take the opportunity to discuss the strategy plan for the God of War Festival. Since we have decided to participate, we still need the champion to come back to make the trip worthwhile."

Yeah yeah! Sitting in a high-end salon, under the cover of the noisy drinking and laughter of the ladies, we discussed cooperation matters for the God of War Festival. What could be safer than this?

Do you think I'm a stick?

Yu Liang was just about to say a few words to declare his loyalty, but he heard his communication terminal buzzing. It was a call from Counselor Bliss.

"Lieutenant General Humolay is arriving soon. He said he came specifically to visit you."

"Oh, King Suliuka's housekeeper? But, I have other guests here..." As soon as Yu Liang opened his mouth, he heard Claire Belmont leave a "See you next time". He stood up, rushed to the door with a quick step, and then disappeared from his sight at lightning speed.

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