Him and their stars

Chapter 462 Practice Banquet

On June 30, the 831st year of the Galaxy's common calendar, the God of War Festival, which has been brewing for nearly a year and has been anticipated by all audiences across the Galaxy, finally came to its opening moment.

But all I saw was that the entire sky was filled with gongs, drums, firecrackers, red flags, and huge crowds of people... Well, anyway, as long as you know, from June 20th to 30th, in less than two weeks, This is evident from the influx of nearly 100 billion foreign and foreign tourists into Tianyu. This is under the premise that the empire has always implemented a very strict, even strict, security inspection system at the borders and in the imperial capital.

Two months ago, the terrorist activities that cast a shadow over the entire empire, and the emergency martial law that made the entire galaxy tremble, seemed to have passed away.

Yu Lian got up at 4 o'clock in the morning, not because he wanted to see the imperial capital at this time, nor because he was too nervous to sleep, but because he wanted to make the last preparations for the God of War Festival in advance.

He took out a complete set of outdoor travel clothes, looked at the "Star Step" company logo on the back of the travel clothes, and couldn't help curling his lips.

This company is a sportswear brand jointly established by the Community and the Alliance, and its development trend in the past ten years can be considered rapid. It is also one of the main sponsors of Yu Lian's God of War Festival, requiring Yu Lian to use the field and jungle travel packages provided by Star Step Company in the God of War Festival.

One thing to say, the quality of this specially customized travel suit is still good. When the time comes, putting a protective suit inside will be able to meet most travel and defense requirements.

However, the logo of "Star Step Company" is a star with a hook on it, so it doesn't look very good.

Yu Lian hesitated for a moment, then simply took out his paintbrush and drew a red maple factory logo on the back of his coat, and then nodded with satisfaction. After changing clothes, I went to the embassy cafeteria. I originally thought I could enjoy an undisturbed breakfast, but I found that Mr. Qi, Counselor Bliss and Major General Lal were all waiting for me here in advance.

Sure enough, once people get older, they wake up faster than dogs... ah no, they wake up earlier anyway, which is really admirable.

Seeing Yu Lian's admiring expression, Major General Lal said helplessly: "We just didn't sleep."

Yu Lian looked at their table, which contained wine glasses, side dishes to go with the wine, and messy piles of star cards. He immediately thought of the uncles and aunts in his hometown in his previous life. They play mahjong with such spirit, I mean serious mahjong, that they can play it all night long.

As a result, Yu Lian immediately admired him even more.

As the oldest person present, Mr. Qi, who had not slept all night, was actually the most energetic one present: "As people get older, they usually sleep less, but I don't actually have this problem. I can always sleep well at the end of the day. More than seven hours. However, considering that you are about to embark on a journey, you should do something. At least the meal you are practicing cannot be a standard meal cooked by a robot, right? "

When he said this, something suddenly occurred to him, and he walked into the kitchen calmly. After a while of "crackling" operations, the dining cart rolled out two cages of steamed buns and a large bowl of noodles.

The reason why you need to use a pusher is because the steamer is a large one and can hold three or four fist-sized pasta at one time. As for the bowl... or rather, the basin is almost the same. The red soup is covered with thin noodles, and topped with garnishes such as sesame seeds, beef, small fish, garlic sprouts and other side dishes.

The rich and appetizing aroma immediately filled Yu Lian's nostrils. He immediately became energetic and felt that all his dissatisfaction was gone. Just based on the aroma, even if it is not as good as my uncle who has inherited the 1,500-year-old Liu family's cooking skills, it must be of top quality.

Sure enough, the capable can do anything!

"According to the saying in our hometown, before going to war, you should have a bite of hot noodles. It is best if they are rolled by the hands of the most respected old man in the village, so that you can have the blessing of the ancestors in your hometown." Mr. Qi put the hot noodles The noodles were also served.

"Mr. Qi kept us playing cards until two in the morning, and then he cooked the food himself and asked us to help him. The buns were freshly made and made, and even the noodles were hand-rolled by him." Mr. Bliss said. As he spoke, he let out a big yawn: "I told the chef class to get up early, but the husband also said that he would cook the food himself."

"That's natural. Those guys can only follow the recipes. Even when adding water to the dough, they have to use a measuring cup to see if they can make something good." Mr. Qi sneered: "I usually make big pot rice for everyone. Just bear with it and don’t get up and cause trouble for me now.”

Of course, more importantly, Mr. Qi actually does not want to sacrifice the rest time of ordinary staff because of his "private affairs." Otherwise, why would he be respected by everyone in the embassy? Just relying on his status as an ambassador and the aura of a literary giant?

Counselor Bliss and Major General Lal exchanged a subtle look, but of course they didn't bother to expose each other.

Yu Lian couldn't help but be moved now. If a great writer who is almost seventy years old and famous all over the world stays up late to personally make buns and noodles for you, if you are not moved, then you must have no heart.

"Even if it is to live up to your hard work, I must win a championship and come back." Yu Lian stood at attention and said loudly.

"Hey, it's not important to be the champion." Although Mr. Qi spoke highly of Yu Lian's ability, he did not have such extravagant expectations: "A safe return is the first priority."

He felt that saying this seemed to reflect the ambition of others, and it was not in line with his previous personality, so he added: "On the premise of ensuring a safe return, try to compete with your style and level."

As soon as he finished saying this cliche, he couldn't help showing a disgusted expression. He felt that even the slightest similarity between himself and the uneducated bureaucrats and politicians on Earth was an insult to his past life.

Thinking of this, Mr. Qi came closer and said seriously: "Listen, kid, don't put any burden on yourself. You have done enough. No one at your age can do so much." Things. Not even Marshal Li. Your life is your own after all! You have no obligation to other people’s lives or the survival of other organizations and groups. So, treat yourself as an ordinary contestant and just have fun. and a competitive mentality to complete this event.”

Major General Lal and Counselor Bliss looked at each other. They didn't really agree with what Mr. Qi said, but as diplomats with high emotional intelligence, they could only pretend they didn't hear it.

Yu Lian nodded: "I understand. Only by having a playful mentality can you relax your body and mind and exert your greatest abilities. Only in this way can you defeat the entire God of War Festival and win the championship, right?"

"I didn't tell you to win the championship!" Mr. Qi said loudly.

"I understand! Even if we can't win the championship, we must at least get the MVP. Even if we take a step back, we must capture a few gifted children from Earth. We must not let the empire underestimate us, right?"

Mr. Qi just took a deep look at Yu Lian and was silent for a long time, then suddenly burst into laughter: "Forget it, even if I tell you now that safety is the first priority, you guys will definitely not listen. You guys That’s the way it’s always been.”

"Sir, what I should actually say is 'people like us'." Counselor Bliss muttered in a low voice.

The tone was resentful, more like complaining; the voice was so low that Mr. Bliss, who was very close, probably didn't hear it, but Yu Lian, who had a sharp ear, completely heard it. This shocked him. This was the first time he saw Counselor Bliss acting so manly in front of Mr. Qi. Could it be that this uncle didn't sleep all night and his head is a little watty?

Mr. Qi was probably too lazy to be on the same level as his deputy, so he just said to Yu Lian: "So, use your own method to overcome this level. Only geniuses who can survive it can become heroes or even great men. Those who cannot survive it can become heroes or even great men." Yes, it’s just a genius who died young. But, this is all your own choice!"

Yu Lian did not answer, but reached out and tapped his chest lightly, and then focused on the large basin of noodles and steamed buns on the table.

He wiped out the breakfast that the old man and the two uncles had spent all night like a whirlwind, then patted his belly and sighed with satisfaction.

After eating such a meal, even if he is without food for three days, his combat effectiveness will not be completely affected.

He packed up the things he wanted to carry and prepared to set off.

Mr. Qi and the two uncles did not send Yu Lian out, but went directly back to the bedroom to catch up on his sleep.

"I will attend the opening ceremony at nine o'clock on time. At other times, I can only watch it on TV." Before leaving, Mr. Qi gave another instruction: "I hope I don't see you when I turn on the TV next time." Die."

What was waiting for Yu Lian at the embassy was not the embassy's transportation, but the luxury car sent by the Suliuka family. The vehicle drove all the way into the port without going through any transfer procedures. It went directly along the special expressway and boarded a certain golden passenger ship on the pier.

As soon as the vehicle stopped in the belly of the passenger ship, the passenger ship had already left the space city and drifted towards the green planet in the distance.

Twenty minutes later, Yu Lian met the owner of the ship, the contemporary King Sulyuka, Miss Brunhilt, in an "open-air" restaurant surrounded by stars.

She was wearing a light dress, dressed up like a girl next door going on an outing. The table is already filled with all kinds of imperial palace cakes that are as eye-catching as brilliant jewels.

"Sit down." Miss Suliuka Wang showed a smile that was even brighter than those bright pastries, and pointed to the seat opposite her: "Let's have a good meal before the God of War Festival. Of course, I'm also looking forward to it. , there is no river of Styx between your next meal.”

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