Him and their stars

Chapter 471 Those who are inspired and those who are ready to escape

Seeing the other party's rare expression of nostalgia, Busca couldn't help but show curiosity.

"Mr. Summers, have you ever known the Captain before?"

"I have known God for a long time, and of course I have admired him for a long time. I am just an ordinary wandering engineer, how could I be so lucky?" Samos' plain face could not hide his nostalgia and longing: "...but I I also know that he is the one who makes the impossible possible, he is a true hero!"

Busca looked at the other party blankly, as if he had thought of something, he couldn't help but shuddered, and subconsciously moved himself a little to the side.

Mr. Summers is a member of the Engineers Guild. And this so-called "guild hall" is, to put it bluntly, an office. Located on the third and fourth floors is their office, which specializes in providing Hongfengchang with consulting services in factory design, improvement, maintenance and mechanical design. The first and second floors were transformed into a small bar with a rather industrial aesthetic.

Now, workers at the Red Maple Factory who also have some money in their pockets also like to go there to have a few drinks and chat with each other about work and life gossip. In addition, the engineers at the guild hall are all knowledgeable and talented gentlemen, and they speak well, so the workers naturally like it very much.

In addition, various large-scale construction projects at Hongfeng Factory during this period were directly related to their business needs. The Engineers Guild, which originally had only three people, also recruited talented people from all over the world during this period. In just six months, it became a medium-sized office with twenty registered engineers and designers.

With more opportunities for everyone to work together, personal relationships will naturally become better and better.

To put it bluntly, the friendship between workers is so simple and pure.

No, as the head of the Engineers Guild, Samos became very good friends with young labor leaders such as Babalu and Busca of the same age. Even this time when everyone was watching the opening ceremony of the God of War Festival, he came at Busca's invitation.

After knowing each other for half a year, Busca thought he was quite familiar with Samos and knew that he was a talented man with outstanding abilities and profound knowledge. His body doesn't look very strong, but he still has hidden magical properties. He is obviously an engineer, and it's never a problem to play a cameo as a big animal.

All in all, Busca really liked his new friend. Although the other party would occasionally drink engine oil, and occasionally a small screwdriver would pop out of his fingers, this did not deter everyone at the Red Maple Factory from treating him as his own.

However, no one actually knows much about Samos’ past. Not only him, but also Mr. Trend and Miss Nair, as well as most of the engineers who later joined the guild.

But so what? Who hasn’t had a past that is not enough for outsiders to appreciate? I, Lord Busca, used to think about joining the Iron Elbow Gang in the neighboring city of Nueva Seville as a thug, so I practiced hitting the iron sand basin with my elbow every day.

ah! Just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed!

In comparison, even if he had any unpleasant admiration for Captain Yu Lian, it was really nothing.

Thinking of this, Busca felt that he had lost his composure, and hoped that the other party did not notice.

At this time, on the large light screen opposite, the guests continued to analyze the information of the various masters of the God of War Festival and possible future situations, and they even started arguing, which was very heated. The key point is that these people are indeed experts and senior media people in various fields. They have a lot of useful information and they speak really well. Moreover, when they are so verbally insulting each other, the crosstalk effect is really full.

However, no matter how much they argue, almost all the guests present have reached a consensus. Although a one-man team like Yu Lian and Viscount Shameen will be the biggest threat to all teams, the chance of reaching the end is really slim. .

In addition, although General Remoz did not speak, several guests with imperial backgrounds began to make various comments, expressing their disdain for Yu Lian who was in the limelight.

There was even a big cat guest from the Kingdom of Cathay who grinned widely and said in an almost fanatical tone that although Yu Lian killed Sir Rumil instantly, he was just cheating and sneaking into the attack. If he really wanted to fight in an upright and fair manner, he would definitely not be Viscount Shameen's opponent. Even our own elite team, led by Prince Lulun Mane and Count Remen, could fight fairly with Yu Lian with their passion and wisdom. Fighting.

"You're right, neither the imperial devils nor the cats they raise have anything good to say." Summers said.

"Then, why not switch to GNN Comprehensive Channel, or Blue Star Central Sports Station? They are also broadcasting over there, right?" Busca thought about it, then turned around and asked the co-workers, and soon got most of them of approval.

"But GNN and Sports Station have been following the Suns Mavericks and Tri-Cantilever Rangers!" a worker reminded.

Both teams are star teams formed by the "official" community and have received investment from the government and major consortiums. To put it bluntly, they are the "national teams" sent by the earth's official team. Ordinary viewers of the community believe that as long as they perform normally, they should be able to reach the top twenty.

Busca adjusted the TV channel, and soon a picture of the Mavericks members being interviewed by a reporter from the Community appeared on the screen.

The captain is a slightly older senior "pharmacist", that is, a master of the three "purity" rings. He has participated in the God of War Festival three times and can be regarded as one of the stars of the earth. Now, he is talking to the camera like a social person with emotional intelligence, saying that he will definitely lead his team members to compete with style and level.

However, when asked again if he had any strategic agreement or tacit understanding with Yu Lian, he continued to smile with a social smile and said that these are all business secrets and it is better not to disclose them. After all, who can say what will happen in the future? What about Qing?

"Look at them, they don't look like champions at all. Just don't hold back the captain." Busk said disdainfully.

"Let's look around again. Maybe some local stations will be broadcasting the captain's broadcast live." Summers said.

Busca scratched his head in embarrassment: "We are in a remote star area here, and the only ones that can receive reception are a few major stations. If we want to open local channels, we have to add additional signal relay services, and that costs a lot of money. of!"

Although Hong Maple Factory has some money, it is far from being able to spend money lavishly without seeing or beating.

Samos thought about it carefully and said seriously: "Where is the source wave receiving center of our factory?"

In short, after some fancy operations by Mr. Summers from the Engineers Guild, the number of local channels that the Red Maple Factory could receive suddenly increased by thousands. The two finally found Yu Lian's full live broadcast on a local TV station in Earth Jincheng. Of course, the quality of the commentators is not as good as those from major TV stations, but for the workers at the Red Maple Factory, this is enough.

Of course, this is a story for another day.

Just as Busca took Samos to the factory's core wave center room, outside the auditorium, Babalu, the deputy director and union chairman of the Red Maple Factory, listened to the laughter and cheers of the workers in the venue, revealing My uncle smiled enthusiastically.

Miss Ye Zhixia next to her did not see any direct expression change on the Lumina man's face, but she also felt the other person's excitement and smiled: "Congratulations."

"Hehehehe... It's just, it's just a written test." The fearless youth leader of Lumina smiled shyly: "There will be interviews later."

Yes, the most handsome Lumina student from all over the country has just passed the entrance examination for the Philosophy Department of the Union Maritime University - fortunately, there is an examination center in New Seville next door, otherwise he would have to take all the exams. Spent a month or two on the road.

Lumina Youth Leader is very grateful to Miss Chixia. Without this top student to give him extra lessons, he would not have been able to complete his homework in such a short time.

"I really don't know how I can report on you."

"It's mainly up to you. You work so hard every day and have to study when you come back. I would never be able to survive it. Besides, you have other people you should be grateful to."

It was not only Zhixia who gave Babalu extra lessons, but also the director of Luger, and even the technical masters from the Engineer Guild. Of course, these technical masters are naturally good at science and engineering, but have little interest in literature, history and society. Moreover, Babaru is taking the exam in the philosophy department, which sounds very mysterious.

Fortunately, the Engineers Guild Hall still has some great people like Mr. Trend. Although this old man has left the operation of the Engineers Hall to his student Samos, the leadership of Red Maple Factory knows that this is really a hidden genius!

"Yes, Mr. Trend is also my great benefactor! I will go to the door to say thank you later." Babalu said seriously: "And Captain Yulian... I know that he actually did it to inspire all of us. Go and participate in such a decadent activity. It is precisely because of his heroic behavior of participating in the God of War Festival that he inspired my potential and was able to pass such a difficult exam, right?"

"When the list of the God of War Festival was announced, you had already passed the exam." Zhixia rolled her eyes.

However, Babalu seemed not to have heard it and continued: "I will never let down his efforts. When the captain defeats the God of War Festival and wins the championship, I will definitely pass the interview and get the admission notice." .”

A world-class university like Ocean University requires, in addition to a written examination, interviews at peripheral institutions set up by the university throughout the world.

The interview agency closest to the Red Maple Factory is located in Xinshengjing, the provincial capital of the Far Coast Star District where Lumina is located. To get there, you need to take a regular passenger ship from Nuevo Seville, which takes nearly ten days on the road. So, Babalu decided to set off tomorrow.

He felt that Yu Lian's behavior gave him endless strength, and he was fearless. He was gearing up to fight the interviewers from the alliance for three hundred rounds.

"Well, Mr. Babalu, I think you seem to have some misunderstanding about him... I think that guy just wants to be in the limelight." Although Chixia wanted to say this, after speaking, he gave up.

When Zhixia learned that Yu Lian would also participate in the God of War Festival, her first reaction was of course frightened, but thinking about it, this seemed to be Yu Lian's style.

Zhixia is not angry or worried - after all, in public perception, the God of War Festival is now just a large-scale competitive event for "immortals".

If Fina finds out, what will happen to that guy? When she thought of this, she suddenly felt a little sympathy for Yu Lian.

Although Zhixia was very curious, she did not dare to call Feifei directly to find out more.

"I don't dare to get into trouble at this time. It's only because of that idiot Allen that I think Fina is a gentle, virtuous and good girl." Zhixia said to herself: "Well, forget it, I'm still in this Red Maple Factory If you keep hiding...what are you doing? It’s obvious that everything is prosperous here, and I have a share of the credit! I also have a career!"

This girl, who had completely transformed herself into the role of the mayor of Maple City, bid farewell to Babalu, who was packing his luggage to embark on a new expedition. He returned to the auditorium and found a corner to sit down.

It is naturally impossible to say that Miss Ye Zhixia has no idea about the God of War Festival and Yu Lian's future.

It was a coincidence that when she just sat down, there happened to be a guest on the Blue Star Central Sports Channel's program on the screen, who began to analyze the situation of the God of War Festival, and also happened to mention Yu Lian.

"Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian is the strongest combatant among the participants in our community, but he is only one person after all. So the best way is to join forces with the Independents and Rangers." A guest said: "As long as we succeed, we will , there will be no shortcomings in our country’s team, and they will really have the strength to challenge for the championship.”

"You put it too lightly. More than 200,000 contestants will be randomly scattered in small teams on the initial land with a radius of one million kilometers. It is not so easy to merge." Another guest said.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Well, Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian is too conspicuous, and he may become a thorn in the eyes of other opponents. If I were a lieutenant colonel, I might deliberately expose myself and attract enough opponents to surround me, and then use the terrain and advance preparations. , try to kill as many competitors as possible. If possible, it is best to bring a few Star Knights with him at the same level."

"Didn't you just ask the Lieutenant Colonel to be the bait?"

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel is a noble soldier and a great hero who solved the Navy Day incident last year. Naturally, he knows more about sacrifice than any of us. He will naturally understand that some price can be paid for the honor of the country."

"You are morally kidnapping! This is not a war or a disaster relief, but just a competitive activity! Why can't the Independents and Rangers actively cooperate to create opportunities for Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian. Even if they can't win the championship, isn't it possible for the Chinese to win? Does the school win the MVP? This is also an honor for all the citizens of the community!"

"Hey, I won't argue with you. Anyway, he can't hear what we are saying here."

"Huh, I'm praying to the spirit of the universe, maybe he can hear me. I solemnly hope he can't hear your bad idea."

"You guys have been looking for trouble since just now. Do you want to fight?"

As a result, the two guests seemed to have forgotten that this was a live broadcast for the entire community, and just rolled up their sleeves in front of the camera.

However, the host was completely too lazy to stop these two idiots, but smiled at the camera and said: "It can be seen that Lieutenant Colonel Yu Lian's visit to the God of War Festival is actually a controversial event. We have already connected to the line. The Commander of the Community Guard, Major General Azisha Mallowan. General, can you share your views?"

"Of course I'm going to keep it up!" This was the first sentence the general lady said.

"Of course I want to be stubborn." On the ancient Meiya planet tens of thousands of light-years away from the Earth studio, in a mobile restaurant that entertained contestants, Yu Lian said loudly: "Not only do I want to be stubborn, but you also want to be stubborn. !”

The people sitting across the table from him looked at each other in confusion. After a few seconds, the oldest among them said: "So, what you mean is... to avoid a direct battle?"

"Yes. Although escaping is shameful, it is actually very useful." Yu Lian said seriously.

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