Him and their stars

Chapter 479 Fishing Successful

The so-called Cangming crocodile, as its name suggests, is a hunting phantom that looks very close to a crocodile. It has the appearance of a typical reptile, but has eight legs. When moving on the ground, with eight short legs, it can still explode with explosive power and charging speed that eclipses even cheetahs, and its endurance is also amazing.

However, it prefers to live in the water. As long as the space is large enough, it doesn't matter whether it is rivers, lakes or the sea. A mere change in salt content will not affect this powerful phantom beast at all.

In fact, in their hometown of the Noai galaxy, the Cangming Crocodile always likes to go upstream to give birth and raise children in the relatively calm large lake during pregnancy. When the two to three young crocodiles in a litter are large enough to hunt directly, they will be taken back to the sea where food is more abundant.

The extraordinary talent of this phantom beast is the use of water. It can create floods and tsunamis, and it can also use its aura factors to exert sufficient influence on water at the molecular level, and use them to build free space passages.

This is also the reason why it caused huge waves just now. By splashing spiritual water into the sky, you can suddenly and silently appear from the sky, catching the opponent off guard.

Most prey will not be prepared for attacks from the sky at all, and will often be killed instantly by the Cangming Crocodile before they can react.

The friends of the Sons of Marais team on the shore looked at the tsunami-like power of the giant beast, and they were all frightened out of their wits.

"So we actually spent the night with this thing last night!" the Wolfgang man said loudly.

"What's the point! This is the planet Gumeia. It would be weird if there weren't one or two giant phantom beasts hidden in such a big lake, okay? As long as you're prepared, it won't be too lazy to run to the shore to hunt small fish like us! " Peleliu shouted back with a louder voice. He said that he grew up by the sea and moved to the imperial capital with his parents after he was twelve years old. No one is more familiar with the sea and the habits of the giant beasts in the sea than him.

Although this is a lake and not a sea, the underwater animals should be similar.

The deeper they live, the more powerful they are, and the more powerful they are, the more lazy they are to come out to the shallow sea.

There is indeed nothing wrong with Peleliu's idea. He himself does have the ability to hide himself in the water and foresee danger. As for the Cangming Crocodile, although it looks like a reptile, it is a fantasy beast that has awakened space-like abilities. Its intelligence level is actually higher than that of Ginger and Fish Cake. It already understands the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and then accept the benefits when they are good. . In his home galaxy of Noai, the crocodile is the overlord of the planet with no natural enemies, but it is different on this ancient Meiya planet. If there is not enough profit, it will not take risks in the shallows at will.

But now, there is a confused big cat with a pickled steak in its mouth. On the big cat's back is sitting the most unpredictable self-reliant creature, exuding its coveted warmth into the water. strength.

Yes, as long as it is a living animal, who wouldn't yearn for the living dead, flesh and bones, and the life energy that makes every cell surge with joy?

Although that animal that walks on its own has really confused itself. The weaker ones are those who pay tens of millions to deliver protein, but they can control terrifying props to threaten themselves. As for those powerful individuals, coercion alone can prevent them from even thinking about resisting.

...However, that power is so fascinating. Such a risk is worth taking!

Therefore, that Cangming crocodile was clearly lured here by Mr. Yu Lian, right? Peleliu River finally reacted.

Does he really want to hunt this disaster-level fantasy beast that can destroy a city?

However, according to the illustrations jointly provided by the Ethereal Temple and the Guerrilla Association, if you want to hunt a giant beast of this strength, you need at least two fourth-ring masters and a professional team of more than ten people. The team can complete the task relatively safely.

Peleliu Hewen looked at Yu Lian riding on the back of the big cat, facing Yu Lian facing the arrival of the giant beast. Although he was stunned with shock, there was already a fire burning in his heart.

He didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he always felt that he was about to see a miraculous scene.

At this moment, the blade-tailed tiger turned its tail vigorously to form a propeller, while pushing its wind control ability to the extreme. The condensed airflow has even caused optical visual dislocation. At first glance, it seems as if gorgeous wings of wind stretch out from its sides.

The Saber-tailed Tiger skimmed across the lake, constantly trying to get closer to the shore. Its instinct made it clearly aware that if it was to escape, it would be safest to get out of the lake.

However, the Cangming Crocodile, who was experienced in hunting, seemed to have already figured out what the other party meant, and kept creating larger waves towards the shore. If Yu Lian hadn't been grabbing the soft hair on the back of Fish Cake's neck to adjust its direction, this silly cat would have probably hit the wall of water created by others.

A few minutes later, the battle between the phantom beasts (which was actually an escape and a chase) with visual effects comparable to that of a blockbuster film finally came to an end, because Fish Cake was finally tired. Continuously manipulating the storm with high intensity, even a fantasy beast like the Blade-tailed Tiger, could not last long. Even if Yu Lian continued to stimulate his cells with life energy, he finally reached the point of exhaustion.

The wind wings on its ribs gradually began to weaken, the propeller behind its hips was no longer so powerful, and its body gradually sank.

The Cangming Crocodile was also tired, but it couldn't hide its joy, knowing that victory was in sight.

It jumped up again, and in a flash, it appeared next to the blade-tailed tiger again through the water mist. It opened its bloody mouth as much as possible, and like ferocious scissors, bit into the side of the exhausted tiger's waist and abdomen again.

This time, the fish cakes were not avoided. It seemed as if its head had been lowered, and the whole cat seemed to have dropped the frame. The body was stiff and sluggish, as if the soul was stuck in another dimension.

How could the Cangming Crocodile let go of this opportunity? He opened his mouth and bit the opponent's waist. It was happy at first, and then surprised again. The "main course" that exposed him to the shoal did not succeed.

Yes, to this magical beast in the water, this big cat with plump flesh and fat body is really just a piece of soup. Only the upright walking creature that is still exuding a strong breath of life is worthy of taking action.

Fortunately, the prey that fell into its mouth did not struggle too much, which made the Cangming Crocodile a little surprised, but also very lucky. It decided to quickly devour the big cat and then go after the upright animal.

This phantom beast with reptile characteristics naturally has the ability to open its mouth to more than 120 degrees. It worked hard to expand the arc of its mouth, and in just a second or two, it directly swallowed half of the blade-tailed tiger's body. Throat analysis showed that the acid directly wrapped the prey's body, corroding and dissolving the prey's body at high speed.

Adult crocodiles do have the ability to secrete powerful acid and spit it out. Its power is enough to melt through the armor plates of almost all orbital military vehicles currently in service, not to mention the fur and bones of a blade-tailed tiger. Down.

Of course, for giant reptiles, this powerful acid is only used to quickly corrode prey and make it more comfortable for them to swallow and digest.

It soon felt that the big cat's head stuck in its throat had slowly melted into a shape that was quite comfortable for it, and was slowly sliding towards its esophagus. The zero element separated from the life essence of the prey is also taking shape, and will soon become a supplement to his extraordinary power. However, at this moment, a gloomy energy seeped out from the deformed flesh and blood of the prey. Along with the formed zero element that slid into the esophagus, it fell directly into its abdominal cavity and spread immediately. It was as if an icy vortex was exploding directly within his body.

The crocodile's shell armor can indeed resist extreme temperature changes, but this does not mean that the inside of its abdominal cavity can as well. As a result, this reptile phantom beast also appeared in the same state as the blade-tailed tiger, and began to drop frames.

Its internal organs and limbs immediately stiffened, and it could no longer stretch its body. Its belly broke and hit the lake with a loud bang.

However, this guy really deserves to be the overlord in the water. He didn't sink to the bottom immediately. He swung his body with difficulty and tried to escape by jumping in the water, which he was best at.

The Cangming Crocodile has now made up its mind to escape, because it has felt the severe pain and paralysis coming from the throat and esophagus, and can even feel the decay of the body in that location. This is not a harmful ulcer caused by poison or acid, but purely a loss of vitality. It was as if aging spanning hundreds of years had been completed in just a moment.

Cells that are rapidly aging or even dying make it difficult for the Cangming Crocodile to control its spiritual energy. It can no longer even sense the water molecules that have been contaminated by its own spiritual energy.

But by this time, it didn't even have time to consider these horrific changes in detail, but its ears were filled with a roar:

"No, fish cake! You have to pay for my ginger and fish cake life!"

The Cangming Crocodile's back suddenly sank. It soon realized that it was the "main dish" it had worked so hard to find, and it had fallen on its back.

"Bullshit main dish! It's obviously a natural enemy!" The Cangming Crocodile almost wanted to cry to the other party. With its (relatively speaking) good intelligence, it was finally able to understand the fact that it was clearly being fished for.

But by this time, it was already too late. The opponent held the war hammer high, and it hit him hard on his forehead like it was driving a nail.

"Boom!" The Cangming Crocodile felt as if there was an earthquake in his head, making him tremble from the brain to the pineal gland to the nasal cavity to the throat and finally to the larynx, as if every cell was shaken by this sudden natural disaster. Running and wailing below.

"Boom!" The enemy's war hammer fell again, but this time it didn't seem to be as strong as the first time. Instead, there was a clever force that followed the gap in the body formed after the bombardment and was directly thrown into its throat. Inside, it directly affects the entity of the fish cake.

The fish cake, which had half of its body swallowed by the Cangming Crocodile, naturally began to break apart.

As a result, more death aura turned into a storm and exploded in the giant beast's body.

Yu Lian jumped off the back of the giant beast, and lightly touched the water with one foot like a dragonfly. Then he rose up from the ground due to the reaction force between spiritual energy and the entity on the surface, and then landed lightly on the lake shore a hundred meters away. superior.

In the eyes of the audience who are watching the show, this water drift without any pyrotechnics will never be inferior to Viscount Shameen's flying across the sky last night.

Ever since, the limelight that Yu Lian had been stolen by the genius children of the empire was once again transferred to him.

Of course, Yu Lian, who was still at the scene, had no way to access the Internet, and of course he didn't know all this. He just put on a posture and looked at the giant crocodile rolling in the water. Look at the way it is so excited that it is about to rise to the sky, as if it has swallowed ten tons of Canadian happy leaves in one bite.

The technique is actually very simple. When he was riding on the back of the fish cake, he had been injecting a steady stream of life force into its body through the hand of life. These invisible energies that can stimulate cell activity slowly seep into the blade-tailed tiger's flesh and meridians, continuously providing it with physical and mental strength.

But we also know that the "Hand of Death" and "Hand of Life" are actually just an inverted use of psychic energy.

The moment Yu Lian was about to move sideways, he directly used the "hand of death" to reverse the energy in the fish cake. As a result, the blade-tailed tiger swallowed by the Cangming Crocodile clearly became a death energy bomb that had been subjected to the "Delayed Corpse Explosion Technique".

However, at this moment, we must give a thumbs up to the overlord of the sea in the Noai system. This guy swallowed a bomb that exploded directly in his throat and mouth, and now he is still living hard and hard. This is really a tragic hymn to life.

What a pity. It would have been better if I had taken my little wife from my previous life with me at this time, the Wind Blaster Experiment. It really doesn't work. Those concubines that are very useful occasionally, such as blue fire Gatling, revolving grenade guns, honeycomb missiles, etc., as long as I have one in my hands, I can immediately end that poor thing. The big crocodile is in pain!

However, except for his new wife, Crow's Mouth Hoe, and a small amount of novice equipment and supplies, Yu Lian had nothing on him.

Just when Yu Lian was thinking about how to make the Cangming Crocodile die early and be reborn, he heard footsteps behind him. It was the alien contestants from the Sons of Marais team, jogging towards him. come over.

Taking a closer look, I saw that I and the Cangming Crocodile had already run three to five kilometers away while they were fighting back and forth. These intruders didn't run far away, but ran after him. They were really courageous.

Besides, this is indeed fate.

"Lend me your fork." Yu Lian said to the leader Peleliu.

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