Him and their stars

Chapter 483 Weeds growing wildly

It is indeed now the third meeting of the Youth Friends Club.

Although it was a so-called "non-plenary meeting", two-thirds of the members were present. For a group of young officers, this is not an easy task. Of course, all this is due to the efforts of the club's vice president, secretary general, organization minister, finance minister and other senior officials. Each of them is much more reliable than the legendary president.

However, what makes the vice-president, that is, Horatio Venn, particularly sad, is that the guy who is the president has never appeared from the beginning to the end. These guys are so loyal that they are going to cause trouble. Which kind?

No, a young lieutenant in front of the conference hall raised his hand and asked to speak. After receiving the consent, he stood up and said: "Everyone, I think the president must have known that he would not be able to come back for the meeting. In order to motivate us, he went to attend this meeting." Sacrifice to the God of War. (Vice-President) Wien, Secretary-General Mihir, we should organize some support activities for the president in the military. More people, especially ordinary soldiers, should know that a man in the community is You can kill everyone in and out of the empire’s base camp!”

Vice President Wayne twitched the corners of his mouth and did not speak, but as Secretary-General Mihir Kent nodded approvingly: "Well, Comrade Koshan's speech is still very meaningful. Everyone is like-minded, and for Comrades who gather together for the same goal. Of course, our goal is still very far away and requires everyone to spend a lifetime pursuing it. Before that, we should organize some group activities. Classmate Kou Shan, after the meeting, you go and do a Plan it. Can you leave it to me within three days?"

Lieutenant Anton Koshan sat back down in his seat with great energy. He felt that calling Yu Lian was much more important than his current job. He was not a "Moon Man", nor was he a psyker. Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to become a lieutenant in less than two years of service. The reason for this is naturally because at the Navy Day, as the (real) charge captain of the red side, he fell into the eyes of the people above. Naturally, he was also full of gratitude and even admiration for the captain, Yu Lian.

"Okay, let's continue with today's topic. As we all know, although Comrade President did not attend the three meetings, he is not a temporary mascot. It is still very hard." Kent continued, and then caused a burst of laughter again. Voice: "At least he has never forgotten to help us find new comrades."

"In short, as of today, the official members of our Youth Political Friends Association have expanded from the initial 47 to 200 this year, and have also spread from the military to the private sector. Therefore, everyone has already studied and decided that there must be a meeting next year Plenary session.”

There was a buzz of whispers in the venue, and Kent added: "I'd like to say again that we are all comrades here for the same goal. Although everyone here is a soldier, the goal should not be to establish a country where abuse of force is used. A violent and dictatorial military government, right? Sooner or later, our Political Friends Association will become a progressive political party, but it will never be a group of military officers. Therefore, you must get used to sitting next to your comrades who are not wearing military uniforms!"

As he spoke, he looked at Wayne, who said solemnly with a straight face: "Everyone here is a soldier, and indeed we think we are soldiers full of courage, responsibility and patriotism. However, times have changed. , all the gentlemen here must not think of themselves as Knights of the Round Table, let alone centurions in the Roman era, do you understand?"

Although he is hopelessly in the advanced stage of secondary cancer, as the leader of the Lionheart Club and the leader of the blue team at Navy Day, Horatio Venn still has high prestige among the young officers of the community. He spoke with such a straight face, but it really shocked everyone's heart and made them all become serious.

"Everyone has a sense of responsibility and is in control of violence, but the more this happens, the easier it is to become paranoid and think that the world revolves around them. All military dictators in history who brought their countries into disaster, when they were young, They are all of your own kind. Our original intention was not to bring a Caesar to this country."

Seeing that everyone was shocked by Wayne's aura, Michiel Kent coughed and continued in a pleasant tone: "In short, when holding a plenary meeting, we will try our best to find ways to make everyone Everyone is involved. Then, the organization will be reorganized to determine the organizational structure and leadership. At the same time, a complete program and organizational discipline must be established." According to the president's wishes, the initial meeting time is set for July next year. month. The time when everyone was happily playing house was coming to an end. Therefore, from now on, I hope that everyone can seriously consider the topics that will be spoken at that time. "

"Yes, speak freely, everyone must think carefully and speak well." Deng Zhengqing added.

"In addition, in order to determine everyone's learning progress, I hope everyone will be divided into ten groups, and each group will submit an article. There is still one year left, which is enough for everyone to complete." Kent looked at everyone's thoughtful expressions seriously. Expression, and then put on the tone of a dean of discipline: "In addition, there is still a direction. Who is our friend, and who is our enemy. I think what the president did at the God of War Festival is enough to give We took it as a reference.”

"Reference?" Kou Shan was startled for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Are you talking about the way he divided the spoils with those Flanmore people? Well, I understand. He is truly worthy of being the president!"

There were many motivated guys like Kou Shan present, but there were also many people who looked distressed. This is not to say that they are not enthusiastic enough. The main reason is that most of the students here are studying in military and technical colleges that are relatively professional but relatively single. Some of them are even directly promoted from the top soldiers. I still lack experience in writing this kind of article.

There is no way. After all, there are only a few academic types like the 830 Party who graduated from the Central Defense University and are always dealing with various strategic-level data and papers.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Wayne couldn't help but said loudly: "It's so lackluster! By this time next year, we won't be the only ones attending the meeting. There will be very outstanding new companions joining us. I hope everyone What can be shown is a mental state that is different from traditional martial arts! And this belief can only be completed from this assignment? I said, the time for playing house is over! This is what the organization has given us Everyone’s mission! Do you understand?”

"...Ming, I understand."

"Louder! Do you have this kind of courage to save the country and change the world?"


"Very good, now it looks a little bit like it."

In this way, because both the good and bad actors are very responsible heroes, the third non-plenary meeting of the Youth Friends Club once again entered a constructive and orderly process.

On the other side, without knowing it, Tan Jize, who had been directly counted among the "new comrades" of the Youth Friends Club by Yu Lian, was taking his assistant Andro Motta in the Imperial Capital Territory. In a private room of a restaurant in Jiuyao City, guests are waiting for tonight.

Mota looked at the decoration around him with a slightly worried and curious expression, and then at the well-dressed guests, and said nervously: "It's not cheap here."

He was born into a wealthy second generation with a small family business. He was basically never short of money, but he was still under a lot of pressure in this environment.

"Jiuyao City is a so-called high-end community. The residents are basically small aristocrats, generations of citizen families whose families have served as elite civil servants and military officers, and wealthy businessmen. In a place like this, it is impossible to have cheap restaurants and consumer spending. The habits are even more ostentatious than those of aristocratic communities.”

Tan Jize saw that Mota showed his confusion, so he patiently added: "A big noble with a certain status will naturally have royal merchants who cooperate with him all year round, whether it is jewelry, art, antiques or the simplest daily necessities. It is possible to trade through them. The big nobles have their own history and do not need to show their majesty in front of the public. On the contrary, they need a sense of mystery. On the contrary, it is the half-hearted nobles who need to show off their spending power. My own nobility.”

Motta suddenly realized: "This is what the captain told you last time, is there a class division in sociology?"

Tan Jize was delighted: "Haha, your captain has indeed opened a new door for me. I now find that there are classes among people. There are still classes between classes. Find out clearly the nature of society and civilization, and their I can probably figure out the development rules of . However, this is enough for me to study for decades. However, it is indeed very interesting. If I were in the past, I would not be able to distinguish between true nobles and half-hearted people. of."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dissatisfied female voice came from the door: "I'm a half-hearted nobleman who doesn't care about five things. I'm so sorry! So you left me just because you didn't care about five things?"

A beautiful lady wearing a black police officer's uniform came in. Her silver hair was tied up in an aristocratic bun. She glared at Tan Jize fiercely with her big purple eyes. However, although she was wearing a crisp uniform, her face was obviously very delicately made up, and no matter how fierce she was, she couldn't be more sinister.

The female police officer glanced at Motta and determined that he was someone she didn't recognize, so she quickly classified him as a tomato or a potato. It sat down and stared at Tan Jize opposite him as if there was no one around. He gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't seen you for more than a year. I came here right after I received your call. The first thing I heard was you talking bad about us. Tsk, I It's still despicable enough. Tan, based on what you just said, I can convict you of despising the nobility, and you still want to live in a detention center for two months?"

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