Him and their stars

Chapter 50 For Hope

Contrary to what the fleeing sand people leaders had guessed, Great Elder Hessen was not only not dead, but also alive and well.

After all, he is also a third-ring psyker, the number one master of the Sand People, and the number one master on the planet. He still has a few ways to save his life.

The excellent perception ability given to him by his psychic talent allowed him to sense the approaching danger at the first moment and quickly launched his psychic spells. A huge stone puppet grew out of the ground, blocking him in the camp. And the next second, a deafening explosion penetrated the puppet's solid rock body and dominated his hearing. Immediately afterwards, the blazing heat and shock wave tore apart his scales like a sharp sword and penetrated deep into his muscles and marrow. He felt that every part of his body was in pain, his internal organs were churning, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiled dry.

In fact, if Hessen was not a psychic master who had opened the third ring of the astrolabe, his physique would no longer be a mortal thing, and all the above would have happened.

After the severe pain and brief daze, he seemed to gradually realize that he had been bombarded. Moreover, it was still shelling from Archie Heights.

The mercenaries rebelled? This was the great elder's first thought. An error occurred during the test launch? No, someone is going to rebel! Yes, there are too many city-state “kings” and tribal “khans” who don’t like me! Are they finally going to turn on me? Someone must have bribed those money-hungry goblins, right?

But, it shouldn’t really shouldn’t! Even if he had to take action, it should be when the Tulong defenders were completely defeated! You short-sighted rats are really hopeless!

The great elder did not have the option "the heavy artillery position was captured by the earthlings" in his mind for a long time. This is understandable. Hessen was not a military expert who had undergone rigorous training and arduous study, nor was he a natural general, nor did he have any superhuman sensitivity. After all, he has an army of millions. It is really hard to imagine that someone would get into the defense line of his army, seize all the heavy artillery, and then in turn bombard his own side.

Heavy artillery continued to bombard the camp for an unknown number of rounds. Just when the great elder thought that he was really going to die down there, someone finally dug open the broken stone puppet and dug him out.

"Teacher! That's great... you're still alive! That's great!"

It took the great elder a few seconds to finally come to his senses. His vision gradually turned from chaos to blur. The constantly vibrating vision, the bright light and heat coming from all directions, and the loud noises one after another still occupied most of Hessen's senses, but he could finally recognize the other person's appearance. appearance.

"Mi Xun..."

The most proud disciple of the Great Elder let out a long sigh of relief. The teacher could recognize him, which meant that he was neither dead nor stupid, so he quickly reached out and helped him up.

The great elder grinned and took a breath. He endured the pain and looked around, but couldn't see anything clearly: "What happened? Has someone rebelled? Hanrat? Game? Or someone else..."

Mi Xun said loudly: "Teacher, our heavy artillery position was taken away by the people on earth!"

Hessen was at a loss for a second, then shook his head: "This, this is impossible! We..."

"Teacher, it has happened! Moreover, the defenders in Tulong Port also attacked! We are defeated! Please make a decision!"

The great elder was stunned for another second, and suddenly shook his tongue vigorously, forcing himself to dispel all the confusion. He stood up and said in a hoarse voice: "Where are the others? Where is Feng Fist?"

Mi Xun lowered his head with a heavy expression.

Of course, the "rest of people" mentioned by the great elder did not mean the manpower of the other lords and chiefs, but a thousand-man guard led by his disciples. This was probably the most organized force in the history of the sand people. However, as guards, they are naturally stationed around the camp, and of course they are also the first target of the artillery bombardment.

"Really..." The great elder looked at Mi Xun, who was also covered in injuries, and sighed.

"Teacher, most people are fleeing. The situation here is irreversible. However, as long as you are still alive, you still have a chance!" Mi Xun said.

Hessen gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, there is still a chance! Let's go... Wu, wait, Mi Xun, where is Kaz Khan? Have you seen Kaz Khan?"

Mi Xun shook his head, thinking that I was knocked unconscious just now. I came to dig you up as soon as I woke up, so I couldn't care about other people.

"Save him! He is the future! Let's go to him!" Hessen said.

Mi Xun will naturally not object. On the one hand, the teacher is like a god in her mind, and on the other hand, it is naturally her own little thought.

She helped the teacher up and looked around, and found a dying large velociraptor not far away. Mi Xun quickly ran over and injected her spiritual energy into the body of Velociraptor - she was a "believer" and was ready to develop into the branch path of the "pure" star ring.

Its abilities focus on repair, treatment, infection, encouragement, etc. To put it bluntly, it is a wet nurse. Of course, she is only one link now, and cannot really live the dead with human flesh and white bones. At most, she can only use spiritual energy to stimulate the opponent's vitality all at once, temporarily allowing him to regain his mobility.

Mi Xun helped the great elder climb onto the dragon's back, judged the direction, and prepared to go in the direction of Kaz Khan's camp. However, the two of them had just run a short distance when they collided with a large group of sand people retreating from the opposite side.

"Stop! Stop! Go back and fight! You are the sons of Vanu! You are the masters of this planet! Take up arms! Go back and fight! Why are you running away! Why are you running away in front of your mentor!"

Young Mi Xun stood on the dragon's back and shouted loudly to everyone. However, the sound of artillery and gunfire muffled her voice. The sand people, who were in constant panic, couldn't even see the road ahead clearly. They could only follow the crowd like walking zombies, and naturally they couldn't see Mi Xun's presence.

"You cowards! Stop now!" Mi Xun roared, and the power of the spirit condensed from spiritual energy was like a ball of thunder spewed out of thin air, completely overwhelming the sound of the cannon for a moment. Many sand people were also shocked and actually recovered from their panic.

"Mi, Master Mi Xun?"

"Great Elder!"

"It's the Great Elder!"

The sand people who came back to their senses saw Hessen on the dragon's back. They immediately ignored the fact that the opponent was obviously seriously injured and his energy was as thin as a thread. Many of them threw themselves to the ground and started kowtowing.

"Great Elder, save us!"

"Save everyone!"

"Please guide us again."

More and more fleeing sand people stopped. Civilized societies also have a herd effect. They may run away because some people run away, and of course they may regain courage because some people go against the flow.

Hessen looked at Mi Xun appreciatively. Without this proud disciple who could turn the tide through his words and spirits, he, the Great Elder and the "Wizard" of the Third Ring, would have been more vulnerable to the retreating defeated troops than a dead tree in a mountain torrent.

A high ring does not necessarily mean that you are powerful, nor does it mean that you are omnipotent. Junior awakeners who can produce specific effects under specific conditions are probably more useful than those masters or even saints.

The Great Elder felt that he should seriously consider the application of different psykers in war. However, this kind of "high-end" tactics seems to be too far away from the current sand people.

"Get up immediately and organize the team! Which of you has ever been an officer? Get up quickly and take charge of the team!" Heson asked loudly.

There are indeed several officers in this group of defeated troops, and there is even a warrior captain and a centurion, which are regarded as the most senior military positions under the "King" and "Khan". Encouraged by the Great Elder and Mi Xun, they finally started to work. It's a pity that they are not the kind of people who can gather and disperse soldiers freely after all. It took nearly ten minutes to finally reorganize about 500 people.

They are still a mob! The great elder shook his head covertly, thinking that this was better than nothing.

He didn't expect to be able to lead this group of people to fight back, but to be able to protect him and rescue Kaz Khan, and then try to use this as a basis to gather the defeated troops, it would not be considered as losing everything.

"We..." The great elder was about to encourage everyone. However, at this moment, a red beam of light fell on the crowd like raindrops. Many sand people were pierced by the blazing beam on the spot, and the internal organs and muscles within the puncture were even directly evaporated. However, when those beams of light hit the ground, they exploded and spread into turbulent shock waves, constantly tearing apart the bodies of the surrounding sand people.

The sand people had just regained a little bit of courage, and now they were like soap bubbles floating into the fire, disappearing in an instant. But this time, there was no more inspiring words to restore everyone's morale.

Because another series of blaster beams exploded on the side of the velociraptor, knocking off the master and apprentice on the dragon's back on the spot.

Fortunately, Hessen had recovered a little bit of his physical strength at this time. He used his spiritual energy to gather airflow and lifted himself and Mi Xun up. They did not suffer any impact when they landed. His gaze passed through the chaotic crowd, and he finally caught a figure in power armor and a "God Guard" tank in the distance.

"Divine Guard" is actually the official name given to their "Stitch Monster" tank by the Sand People lords after discussion. Although the name is very impressive, in essence it is just a building block made of components made in many countries.

Of course Hessen knew that in the Milky Way, tanks of this quality would never be on the market. But he also knew that this was still the most powerful war weapon on this remote planet.

After all, this is a serious tank with armor, shields and ion cannons. At least it is much more powerful than the Panther tank in the hands of the police.

He persuaded various ministries and city-states to sell 200 vehicles from those "collaborators", always thinking that they would become the trump card for breaking through Tulong's defense line. But so far, these tanks have killed far fewer enemies than they have crushed to death, but once they fall into the hands of the enemy, they will become a nightmare for their own side.

"You should listen to Kaz. After you get the tank, you should train for at least a year and form a separate unit to form a combat effectiveness!" Hessen gritted his teeth and grabbed Mi Xun.

"Quick, go find Kaz!"

"...Old, teacher!"

"Quickly go! I'll cut off the queen!"

Mi Xun was about to cry, but his mentor had already pushed him away. By the time he reacted, he had been sent a hundred meters away by spiritual energy.

"Remember! He is the future! Help him! Assist him! Give us hope!" Hessen left his final instructions to his disciples and rushed towards the direction of the enemy without hesitation.

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