Him and their stars

Chapter 692 Two-pronged battle

Just when the Reavers had to focus on the main force of the incoming Imperial fleet, the Buran had already retreated behind Modan 7, an ice crystal planet at the edge of the Modan system.

The surface of the planet covered by billions of years of ice seems to have formed a huge mirror, which very effectively neutralizes the Predator's detection signal, and of course blocks the direction of the Buran.

An imperial officer on the ship confirmed through the automatic detector set up on the freight station that the predators had indeed dismantled the main machines in the compression workshop and heavy element workshop on the freight station, as well as the production lines and even the factory buildings. After moving to his own dreadnought, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition to being thankful, everyone was also very excited, knowing that the plan was more than half successful, and their hearts were suddenly filled with uncontrollable bad taste, just waiting to explode and watch the show.

Captain Hongsha even expressed his admiration to Colonel Yeager Soback: "The reason why you didn't directly interfere with the space station is because you were sure that they would do so, right?"

Soback was a little panicked, his face was expressionless, and he looked at his captain with confused eyes.

Of course I want to do something in the space station! I just thought that when the looters went up to move things, they would be sent directly to the sky. But doesn’t this allow time? So I only had enough time to stuff the homemade bombs I taught with "that guy whose name must not be mentioned" into the mechanical cracks of the energy compression and heavy element decomposition workshop.

However, Mr. Captain did not notice the latter's eyes at all, and said to himself: "Indeed, if a trap is directly laid in the space station, even if the predators are really fooled. The space station will self-destruct, killing one or two thousand people. It is enough." . However, the bomb that did not explode now has been carried onto the ship by them. If it suddenly exploded during the battle with Major General Biffick, that would be great fun! Hey hey hey, Mr. Soback, I thought before You don’t look like an orthodox knight, that’s true.”

So that’s it! Soback suddenly understood, but he just nodded gently with a smile as usual.

"Indeed, the gang of barbarians in the Galactic Center are lacking in everything. Every time they come out to plunder, they will even rob the pretty girls, let alone the machines. Moreover, although the gas compressor and heavy element separator are both civilian technologies , but it is also a very advanced technology in the whole universe. They will definitely be jealous after seeing it, and it is very likely to be stuffed directly into their own ship." Captain Hongsha sighed in admiration: "You have accurately calculated the habits of the predators. , that’s how you arranged it, right?”

The corners of Soback's mouth twitched and he forced out a slightly stiff smile. Can he say now that he is too late?

"But, are those delay devices and... well, handmade bombs you set up really useful?" the captain asked again doubtfully. He is also a veteran of the navy. He has climbed up the ranks step by step from being a gunner on the ship. Naturally, he has a good knowledge of weapons. He even knows the production methods and performance of many alchemical weapons. But even so, the methods Soback used before were unheard of.

However, when it came to this aspect, Colonel Soback said that he was no longer sleepy, and explained happily: Compressed gas cans in gas warehouses are very common, but because the empire’s compression technology is very good, every unit of gas cans The energy contained is also greater. In the ore warehouse on the other side, because the empire's heavy element separation technology is also very good, the ore excavated from the deep core of the lava planet has indeed been deeply split. In addition to extracting a considerable amount of precious metals such as gold and silver - most of which have been carried on board by the soldiers on the Blizzard - there are also many special minerals containing energy crystal particles, such as malachite, flame stone, and moonlight. Wait a minute.

"These minerals are zero elements?" The captain was a little surprised. He never thought that such a "gift of the spirit of the universe" and "the source of mysticism" could be produced in an automatic mine in such a remote and uninhabited small galaxy.

"It does not count the zero element. You must know that if the next step of decomposition is carried out, the internal energy crystal can be extracted." Colonel Soback shook his head and said: "Of course, it is indeed easy to produce such a thing near the mineral vein of the zero element. A rare mineral that can be considered a good alchemy material."

He then explained how he simply processed these rare ores that were between zero elements and ordinary substances. Grind them, soak them in oil with various chemical ratios for several hours, and then pour them into the pipelines of the workshop, the gaps in the machinery, and even apply them to the inlet and outlet.

As long as it is turned on and generates high temperature, it can turn into a gorgeous firecracker on the spot.

"So, where did you learn this from? As far as I know, the current military technical department does not understand this." The captain was surprised.

"Yes, using a crucible to boil stone particles sounds like a counterfeit product produced by a third-rate small workshop. How can the empire's military industry department understand this?" Soback shrugged: "But, Captain, I am now I understand, even if the weapons made using this kind of local method are not very reliable, not very formal, not very high-tech, and even the failure rate and versatility are questionable, as long as they can be used, it is enough. "

"So, you really learned it from the God-chosen champion." The captain said that he finally remembered.

Back then, someone was live-streaming the goods at the God of War Festival and handing everyone homemade weapons and weapons... Ah no, the situation of the local workers rubbing labor tools was a famous scene. Although the broadcaster found something wrong and blocked the signal, his short video has been spread all over the galaxy. Even Captain Hongshan watched with gusto for a while. Unfortunately, before he was ready to find a note to write it down, it was taken off the Internet, and he can no longer find it.

Needless to say, it is not just the empire that takes action. This should be a tacit agreement reached by the top leaders of all the galactic countries.

Captain Hongsha estimated that even if the public channels could not be found, these short videos would be spread silently in private channels. But this has nothing to do with him.

Although the signal was blocked, Yu Lian's popularity was already at the top, and even if the Ares God Festival chairman committee ignored public opinion, it did not dare to ignore interests. Later, I learned the lesson and hired a group of agents from the Ministry of Truth to keep watch on duty 24 hours a day. They were also unambiguous when it came time to turn on the camera, but once I found out that this guy was showing signs of another scam, I immediately zoomed out and stopped the radio. To blur.

In short, everyone knows that Mr. God's Chosen Champion's most exciting operation is when he leads his friends to the arsenal, but during that period, nothing too sensitive was leaked through the video.

Soback's expression became stiffer, but he still said solemnly: "I did learn a lot from that... ah, stop pretending! I did learn a lot from Colonel Yu Lian. Although he is an enemy of the Knights , but he is also a guest of the empire, and can be regarded as my teacher. I must admit that I learned more in the more than a week as his comrade in the Ares Festival than in the three years of serving in the colonial army of the New World. This kind of The method of grinding nearby ores into powder and then soaking them in chemicals is what I learned from that temporary arsenal. Pour them into orbital artillery shells, and they will become very useful high-explosive artillery shells. And smear them on These places in mechanical pipelines that are prone to high temperatures are powerful crystal bombs.”

Moreover, it is a crystal bomb that is almost invisible to the naked eye. Soback thought happily.

Even if someone with good eyesight finds it, it doesn't matter. At most, they will think that it is the remains of mineral crystals. Anyway, those machines are for rolling ore, so it is very reasonable to have them. How could a mere plunderer know that I had soaked these minerals! Soback thought smugly.

Captain Hongsha glanced at him and said with a smile: "You will definitely become a big shot in the future."

That is inevitable! Sobek thought. It's best to be a big shot who doesn't need to do any dangerous work and is decent enough to get his title back. Well, just the general in charge of equipment, logistics or training will be fine! Okay, set a small goal for yourself, and when the battle here is over, apply to manage logistics!

The Blizzard was observing the movements of the Predator fleet, while using the icy planet of Modan 7 as a cover, shrinking towards the edge of the star's gravity in the local system, so that it was ready to run away at any time.

However, although the Predator Fleet separated a squadron of light ships, which should be prepared for search and reconnaissance, it soon returned to the formation of the main fleet.

At this time, even the Buran felt the space shock in the gravity well area on the other side of the galaxy through sensors arranged in advance.

The Imperial Fleet is coming!

Immediately afterwards, the figure of a giant ship jumped into the Modan galaxy. But for a brief moment, the predators couldn't even see her clearly clearly.

She is a dreadnought whose entire body is painted black, almost blending in with the entire starry sky.

"Wang Hu!" General Huitan grinned and announced the name of this distinctive warship.

In the previous battle in which both sides ambush the Imperial garrison fleet, this pitch-black battleship was the least damaged capital ship of the Empire. According to the information that the Predator has learned from the outlaws and the underworld, she is the latest Dreadnought battleship in the empire that has been in service for less than two years. Based on performance data alone, she is almost the most powerful dreadnought ever built.

Its armor and shields are thick, its firepower is powerful, and most importantly, the ultimate speed of such a behemoth with a mass of more than five million tons is comparable to that of an assault ship of tens of thousands of tons.

Well, the two main ships on our side are also fearless, but sometimes, they have to admit that the gap between ships is greater than the gap between people.

Come on bite the bullet. General Huitan and Nilgoda gritted their teeth and began to mobilize their troops.

Anyway, two against one, the advantage is mine! Maybe……

Wait, two against one? Why does this feel so familiar?

The two raider leaders suddenly felt something was wrong. At the same moment, more than ten warships jumped into the battlefield. After taking a closer look, they turned out to be battlecruisers, and they were all painted in deep jet black.

Under the leadership of Wang Hudi, they took the lead and rushed towards their own fleet.

Battle patrol raid? What tactic is this? The two "academic" raider leaders said they had never seen this style of play.

However, the imperial fleet arrived too quickly. Before the opposing predators could react, they had already brought the opposing fleet directly within the range of their own main guns.

Dozens of positron beams blasted into the enemy fleet like city-breaking cannons, directly igniting countless fires there.

It was only at this time that the empire's follow-up fleets jumped into the Modan galaxy one after another. But at this time, Wang Hu and his equally dark friends had already stunned the predators.

At the same time, in the Lion's Den Fortress, more than two hundred light-years away from the Modan Galaxy, King Sulyuka Brunhilt, who was still on the Angel of Dawn, also received the news from there.

"Has Rear Admiral Biffick's fleet found the remnants of the predators?" She looked at Ostana while holding a glass of mead. Just now, it was his chief of staff who conveyed the news.

Ostana nodded.

"Did he call for backup?"

Ostana shook her head and added with a smile: "Major General Biffick said that he will end the battle within three days and then rush over to meet you."

"I'm so confident!" Miss Xuanwang said happily: "So, is it arrogant talk, or is it a bold statement based on the perception of strength?"

Admiral Farrell smiled and said: "If Lieutenant General Amoti is not seriously injured and unconscious, it will be the former. If it is now, it will be the latter."

Brünnhilt thought of his great-great-great-grandfather's evaluation of the young warrior: "Listen up, little Brynn, that kid is a crazy bulldog, so I need to give him a helmet. From now on, you can It should be like this. However, occasionally you have to remember to let him go and let him have his way, maybe he will come back with a lion's head in his mouth."

She pursed her lips and smiled, then just ordered her fleet to continue to pay attention to the battle over there, and then turned her attention back to the fortress here.

"Colonel Yu Lian is right. After the... lord died, the insect swarm in the fortress was indeed out of control." Thanks to someone's influence, Ostana and the others have been able to use "insects" very skillfully. "Group" is the word: "They are attacking our soldiers and looters indiscriminately. Because we have notified Brigadier General Kesore in advance, the damage to us is not great."

In comparison, the situation of the predators who were caught off guard is very bad now.

"Major General Misaro and Brigadier General Lamut commanded a part of the troops to land in Area A and Area C. A stable landing site has been opened up. Follow-up troops can follow up at any time." Miss Chief of Staff said.

"Colonel Mela also successfully returned with the cell remains of the Zerg. For safety reasons, they are temporarily stored in a professional warehouse on the Mercy special hospital ship."

King Suliuka expressed that he was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Miss Chief of Staff paused for a moment, then added: "Also, Colonel Yu Lian requested to participate in the war again. He said that no one understands the insect swarm better than him, and maybe there are more valuable targets in the fortress."

"Let him go back to his room and sleep. Oh, let's just say that we are very grateful for his internationalist spirit and will reward him generously for his efforts at the right time. Now, he can have a little rest." Walter thought for a while and then said: "Write it down and send a report to the Heraldry Academy to apply for an honorary title and medal."

Ostana nodded.

"Also, have you contacted the media I asked you to contact?"

"Contacted... However, it is unseemly to contact such newspapers and periodicals to elect an emperor. If His Excellency Hugh Lai finds out, he will definitely have something to say."

"That's why I asked you to contact me directly." King Suliuka said angrily: "Aren't you the best at doing this kind of work?"

"It turns out that in His Highness's mind, I am actually a cruel old witch!" Ostana said with a smile and a sad tone.

"I didn't say that. Also, please don't add drama to yourself!" King Suliuka said angrily.

This time the soundproofing force field was activated on the bridge, but the senior generals who were close at hand listened attentively and had to start looking at the sky again, some at the carpet, and some through the portholes. The scene of meditating on the avenue under the starry sky.

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