Him and their stars

Chapter 695 We will arrive at the Gate of Glory

After the call ended, Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled off the jeweled hairband on one side of her bun, and then loosened the collar of her tight-fitting dress. Just as she was about to say something, she turned around and saw Agnes. Already looking up from under the table.

"Communication has been interrupted. You can come out." Feifei said.

Agnes jumped up quickly, but still stared at Feifei without even moving her eyes.

"Oh, cross-dressing! After all, I am a psyker. Isn't it reasonable to change my face if I slightly change my visual dislocation?"

That's unreasonable. Aren't you a "driver"? Shouldn't the thing you're best at be throwing fireballs? Although Miss Agnes wanted to complain like this, considering that her knowledge of occult knowledge was limited to her own star ring, which was far behind her good sister Amiya, it was difficult to continue this topic. .

She added: "I remember that Countess Romerena seemed to be a section chief of the press room in the Grand Marshal's Mansion. We met after the last Ares Festival."

"You have a really good memory. She already has a military position, so it makes sense for her to join the militia."

"But, this is also for the daughter of a famous family, right? Doesn't this reveal the truth?"

"Miss Elena Romenare is on vacation at her private country estate. The source wave relay station in that galaxy had a problem the year before last, and the news from here could not be received."

"You, you have been planning this scene since the year before last!" Agnes was stunned, looking at Feifei as if she was sizing up a K-type monster that can make people lose their sanity.

"Don't talk like a witch who manipulates time, okay? This is all a coincidence." Feifei said.

"But, but, that countess gave you a heavy-duty motorcycle, right? She gave it to you when you were in the imperial capital..."

"You do have a good memory, but next time remember not to put too much effort into irrelevant areas, as it will distract you."

"So...you stole her identity information when she gave you the motorcycle, right?"

"You think too much." Feifei said.

"Yes, that kind of heavy-duty motorcycle was a limited edition, and identity verification was required when purchasing and transferring it. It was at that time..."

"You can try writing horror novels next time." Feifei said.

"Even if you didn't start planning it from the year before last, you were at least deliberately approaching her at that time, right? Anyway, you always have to use the identity information of a noble daughter."

"It doesn't matter."

"It's too coincidental that she said she was going to a country manor for vacation at this time. Couldn't it be your design?"

"It doesn't matter at all."


"If you have time, you might as well help me check the angles of these spirit-turning instruments. Is the obsidian used pure enough?"

"I, I have never learned alchemy..."

"However, you are a hunting star, and obsidian is your natal zero element! You need to use it almost every time you level up. You don't need to learn it, just hold it tightly and experience it intuitively."

"You, you even understand my star ring?"

"No matter how you say it, I am a highly educated problem solver. I am different from a certain illiterate delinquent girl who has not finished high school. Isn't it reasonable to just read more books and understand your star ring a little bit?"

Can you please stop improving and not finish the middle school? Is it my fault that I didn’t finish high school? If you don't finish high school, I will kill you!

Although Agnes thought so in her heart, she didn't know why, looking at Feifei's smiling face, she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Therefore, the Jincheng Fujie, disguised as an ordinary "armed merchant ship", swaggered into the front line of the Lion's Den Galaxy and began to stand by.

The "government soldiers" led by Brigadier General Sambeca were quickly organized into three clusters under the coordination of the staff department. One of the clusters was launched on the Far Home planet to maintain local security and resume production. Two others also ascended the fortress.

Major General Misaro, who had been troubled for several days by the shortage of troops, said that he had never fought with such a surplus in this month! It was time to counterattack and completely crush the marauders, but they were still stopped by Giafel.

If you can starve your enemy to death, then why bother fighting? The additional troops can fill some relatively weak defense lines, strengthen the encirclement network, and completely surround the remaining looters in the fortress to death.

However, all this has nothing to do with Feifei and the others on the Jincheng Fu Street. Now, she was pulling a few psykers on the ship and playing with two necromancy instruments.

This is a very practical occult prop. Some psykers are temporarily unable to activate the relatively high-energy zero element due to their strength, so they have room to operate this kind of spiritual transformation device.

By refining some high-purity zero-element energy crystals, psykers can briefly borrow psychic energy to activate their treasures. Of course, if you are not afraid of backlash, you can even unleash some more powerful psychic combat skills.

"Although the Soul Transformation Instrument can be purchased from alchemy shops, it also requires very complicated procedures. Major, where did you get it?" Mr. Ginsu was shocked.

She stole the information of a certain countess, Agnes wanted to say so, but she still held back.

Fortunately, Mr. Ginsu just sighed and was not prepared to ask in detail. He is indeed a veteran adventurer with rich experience. Things like the Spirit Transformation Instrument can save lives at critical moments. He must have used it many times before. He quickly re-adjusted the tiny pipelines inside and made it run smoothly.

Feifei nodded and placed a crystal as big as a fist in the dim light emitted by the two spirit-turning instruments. The warm light flows into the crystal, lingering in the clear crystal, seeming to form a micro world like a bright star river.

No one present except Feifei knew that the thing was actually a treasure left by the Enlightenment called the "Sacred Jade of the Sky", which Yu Lian personally handed over to the person he trusted most.

Agnes looked at this fascinating shimmering world and finally couldn't help but said: "...So, Fina, things have come to this point, can you tell me now, what do you want to do?"

"Of course you are causing trouble!" Feifei tilted her head and glanced at Agnes, then covered her mouth with her hand: "Oh, who calls me a bad woman?"

At this moment, in a remote galaxy on the edge of the Abyss Nebula, the main force of the Elorian fleet led by the Queen of the Elorans and the current Great Khan of the Predators, Tomitelli Masegetai, I finally received news from afar.

In the second fleet battle that took place in the Modan galaxy, the Marauders were attacked by the almost violent Imperial fleet. They were stunned for the first time and immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Now, it is already the sixth hour of the war, and the deep space reconnaissance fleet that is detecting ahead has also brought the latest news.

The Myshandar troll's dreadnought had been severely damaged and lost power. Although it can still hover in place and serve as a fixed fort, it is only a matter of time before it sinks.

"Nigelda is doomed, and she is doomed to lose." The old palace minister sighed and said to his Great Khan.

"Let the deep space fleet come back quickly. Start evacuation according to the original plan." The Great Khan glanced at the direction of the Modan 07 galaxy. Of course, that was hundreds of light-years away, deep among the stars, so naturally nothing could be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"Actually, we can still hold on for a while. If we send reinforcements, we should still be..." As soon as a slightly younger Aero general said this, he was slapped in the face by the old palace minister.

"Reinforcements? Okay, how about you leading them? How many ships and men are needed? Let's see, does that guy Huitan treat you as reinforcements or cannon fodder?"

The old man's skinny body was already a little rickety, but he still trained this prime-year general who was at least twice his own weight to the point where he didn't even dare to raise his head.

At this time, I heard the Great Khan say: "That's it, everyone is in their positions and prepare to escape according to the original plan."

Her voice is not loud, but she has a strong presence. The major officers of the Ero people present seemed to have just woken up from a dream and hurried to their respective posts.

Only the old palace minister remained where he was. He seemed to be hesitant, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Great Khan, I must remind you that most of our fleet's main force is here now. You have to admit the pressure. , but it’s much bigger than Vito and the others, as well as the admirals of the previous batches of fleets.”

"So I am the Khan and they are not." The female Khan said.

There are not even Earth-like planets in this remote gray wind galaxy. There are only two giant gas planets and a white giant star that has entered its old age and is expanding. As a result, the Empire didn't even have an automatic mining site here, and only visited one mining site at the edge of the most remote galaxy.

However, in such a small galaxy, there are already more than a hundred large and small battleships including two Dreadnoughts, a total of twelve Eero immigrant starships carrying a population of nearly two million, and eight various work ships. .

It can be said that these ships and population are enough to carry the rise and fall of a civilization.

"I understand what you mean, dad, but we have no other choice." Khan said to the hesitant old man.

She smiled very easily, but in the eyes of the old people who had watched her grow up, it was too relaxed and a bit artificial.

"Tori, you should belong there!" The old man also looked at the starry sky, as if his sight had passed through the Abyss Nebula and looked towards the ruins of civilization 20,000 light-years away. There are also the ruins of the ancient Eero Empire.

The Great Khan sneered: "The glory of the past should be our strength to unite people. Don't make it a burden."

The old man glanced at the young Khan, and a trace of indescribable sadness flashed in his eyes, as if he was seeing his own boy buying mobile game skins with his hard-earned tutoring fees: "...if it were... Normally, I would have to discuss your attitude (toward the past glory) with you. But let’s forget it this time.”

Seeing that Tomitelli Khan had shown an expression of discomfort, the old man finally stopped talking.

The female Khan hurriedly said: "After I activate it, the routine navigation and command will be left to you."

After getting the response from the other party, she strode out of the command room and climbed to the top of the platform on the uppermost level of the bridge. This is a wide circular space with a radius of more than twenty meters. It is more like an altar from the classical era than a balcony on a spaceship. There is also a perfect circular altar in the center, with three floors. An extremely complex psychic array has been drawn on the ground between the floors.

In addition to these complex array compositions like noble heraldry, there are also various alchemical instruments arranged in order. The zero element crystal filled inside has begun to operate, exuding a cool halo.

This is the highest place on the entire ship, and also the highest place in the entire fleet physically. If there is a fleet battle, this high point covered with a transparent dome that can reflect light must be the target of the enemy's fire. But in fact, there is an armor plate on the outer layer of the dome, which can be closed. The entire tower can also be retracted into the interior of the ship.

The Great Khan entered the center of the altar, as if he was standing in a nebula. She took a deep breath, took out a Coke bottle from her arms, twisted off the bottle cap in a few clicks, and looked at the Abyss Nebula on one side.

It was a large scarlet nebula, like a rose blooming in the vast dark sky. The sun and the moon reflected each other, and it was as beautiful as a dream. However, upon closer inspection, I felt that the scarlet color contained too many layers. At first glance, it looked like flames were burning, and at a glance, it looked like blood.

Ordinary people only take a few glances, but they already feel creepy and have heart palpitations. At this time, when I saw the starlight wrapped in the scattered scarlet, it always seemed dim, as if the sun, moon and stars were being sucked into the abyss of the universe and were about to be swallowed up. Their swaying light is more like struggling.

The so-called Great Nebula of the Abyss is named after this.

It is also one of the most dangerous star fields in the entire galaxy, both in a physical sense and in a legal sense. Compared with here, the Far Coast Nebula looks like a calm creek.

Of course, we cannot arbitrarily call such a place a "civilized forbidden area." Who says these free-spirited outlaws are not part of civilization?

However, what is certain is that it is almost impossible for large warships and cargo ships to pass through here.

At least this is what the world has known for more than two thousand years since the interstellar age of exploration began.

"Thank you, Earl!" The Great Khan raised the Coke bottle to his ally who didn't know which direction he was in, then poured tons and tons of the muddy liquid inside into his stomach, then closed his eyes, like a duck He sat in the center of the altar.

Her sitting posture is indeed not very stylish at all, but she is the only one here anyway. But in fact, at this time, her spiritual sense had spread to the surrounding area, passing through the physical and spatial constraints, and reaching the distant edge of the galaxy.

In her spiritual world, the infinite universe is being decomposed into a three-dimensional structure composed of points and lines. The movement of celestial bodies, the fluctuations of energy and radiation, the collapse and expansion of gravity wells, and even those more nihilistic existences are gradually becoming clearer.

The Great Khan Tomitelli is the "cartographer" of the sixth ring of "Exploration", and this is her ability.

But even so, she must admit that her understanding of the surrounding universe is now the clearest.

"Thank you, my friend..." She sighed with satisfaction again.

Among his allies, the "Urban Ranger" who provided him with this potion is indeed the most reliable one, at least those snakes must be much more reliable.

At this time, she also heard the voice of the old palace minister from the bridge: "Khan?"

The old man's voice was filled with worry.

"Activate the X-type bomb and prepare to bombard the D7882-56xf space point!" the Great Khan said solemnly.

"Understood." The old man replied with a simple command. Immediately afterwards, the special engineering ship in the fleet launched dozens of transparent rings towards a space at the edge of the galaxy.

Those light spots did not cause any damage and soon disappeared into the lonely galaxy. But the Great Khan opened his eyes, unable to conceal the joy in his heart.

Although the previous actions of several fleets had proven the feasibility of this matter, when the same success came to him, he was still very excited.

"We will arrive at the Gate of Glory within a month!"

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