Him and their stars

Chapter 713 I will step into the abyss

General Huitan closed his eyes slightly, but he was only depressed for a few seconds before he regained his senses. You know, in the previous battle in the Modan galaxy, the main guns of the King Tiger and several battle cruisers penetrated the shields and main armor on the side of the ship. One of the three main energy power cores was blown up. If one is lost, the operating efficiency is less than half of what it was before. Even the engine can run at full power, which is an unexpected surprise.

He didn't expect the backup shield to last long. However, it was actually at the hands of a few small boats. It was like Tyson was really hit on the chin by a rising dragon punch from Xiaosi. It was really too aggrieved.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, the loss of the shield is also a good thing in a sense. In this way, there is no need to worry, and all the remaining energy can be supplied to the engine.

In addition, this is not the only “good news”.

No, the propulsion unit behind the butt of the fire-breathing ship next to it was really accurately hit by an ion beam.

This huge ship riddled with holes had lost all its shields in Modan's decisive battle. Facing the imperial warship's sharpshooting blow, which was comparable to a blast from a machine gunner's head eight hundred miles away, it could no longer do anything. take any measures of resistance. The explosion from the engine position leaked out from the tail nozzle, forming a shock wave carrying flames, which almost tore a huge gap in the last section of the hull.

At this time, even the best damage control team and master engineers will not be able to return.

The ugly gray-black fire-breathing ship finally lost the power to move forward. At this time, his ferocity was aroused, and he actually started to turn with the balance facility that was still barely functioning, and used his relatively strong side armor to catch several consecutive rounds of bombardment from the imperial warship.

The gray-black battleship was constantly bombarded by beams of light and missiles, bursting into flames and blooming into orange-red spots. It was like a man who was constantly hit by the enemy's arrows. His blood had seeped out from behind his armor, but he could not fight to the death. The warrior who retreated. The standing body is like a tragic epic.

The captain sent the final communication to General Huitan: "I am about to enter the abyss! But I can buy you time to escape! Long live the Interstellar Nomadic Empire! Long live the people of Beato! Long live the Great Khan Tommytelli!"

The long-bearded demon captain's face was flushed red by the firelight, filled with the brilliance of a martyr, as if the person who said "Escape together, die together" three minutes ago was not him.

Don't you just think you can't run away? Even if you die, you still want to flaunt yourself, so that you can force me to take care of your family!

General Huitan gritted his teeth and wished he could tear this shameless bachelor to pieces with his bare hands. However, as a mature social person, he also showed a heavy look of sadness on his face and saluted the other party solemnly.

Then, the Scarlet Throne stopped even the interception bombardment at the stern, simply supplied all the energy to the engine, and began to accelerate again.

"Is the point confirmed?" he shouted to the navigator.

The navigator just nodded silently to the general, then picked up the small bottle and poured half of the small blue pill inside.

How cruel! Such ruthless people must not stay after the matter is done! General Huitan felt his teeth sore just looking at him. He himself has actually taken those little pills, and he knows its effects.

Then, the navigator froze on the spot, but his double pupils began to flicker continuously, and what flashed in them was more like a simplified geometric diagram than a halo.

This is actually a "sensory overclocking" mode that psykers can fall into when acting as navigators. When their spiritual senses are integrated with the universe, and when they strive to find infinite possibilities from the vast unknown void, it is possible to enter this state.

Of course the effect will be good, but it will also cause great harm to the body, and the one-time duration is very short. .

As for this little blue pill obtained from Khan, in addition to enhancing the perception of psykers in a short period of time, it can also extend the "perception overclocking" time of the navigators indefinitely.

General Huitan breathed a sigh of relief. Although the signal that the Great Khan left for them just now has been interrupted, they have collected enough signals before doing it again. In addition, Plan B was formulated before the war. As long as we can find the space point, it should be successful.

"Great Khan, I hope the heritage you found is real!" General Huitan thought. This is the only way he can escape.

But almost at the same time, Colonel Yeager Soback on the cruiser Buran also jumped up from the main gunner's chair and shouted: "The time has come!"

The shields of the two enemy ships have been hung up, so now is naturally the best time to launch space bubble torpedoes!

Of course, with the power of this torpedo anti-matter warhead, even the shield of a dreadnought may not be able to withstand it. However, there were only four torpedoes on the blizzard, and they were the only weapons that could cause fatal damage to the two giant ships. Of course, they should be used sparingly.

"Space bubble torpedo! Have the parameters been adjusted?" Soback asked loudly.

"It was ready twenty minutes ago." Captain Hongsha said.

"Then smash it out! Also, let all the fighter planes of Count Ryback take off, and all the stormtroopers of this fleet should be ready to join the gang!"

It would be best if the two enemy ships could be sunk directly. However, the most powerful thing about a battleship is its super survivability. If the opponent really didn't sink, he could only use fighter planes and gang-hopping to deprive him of his motivation, and then wait for follow-up reinforcements.

Four shuttle-shaped flying objects that were as big as fighter planes detached from the belly of the Blizzard. Like assault landing craft used to jump gangs, they suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the two huge predator ships in the distance.

Three shots were directed at the Scarlet Throne, and one shot was directed at the gray-black fire-breathing ship that was struggling to fight against the trapped beast.

The flamethrower seemed to really think that this thing was just a landing craft, and it continued to release intensive anti-aircraft fire towards it. However, all the cannonballs were in vain, as if they hit a transparent phantom.

By the time the captain, who was ready to die for his country, realized it, it was already too late. The space bubble torpedo sank directly into the fire-breathing ship's hull armor like a ghost. Only when half of its body was inserted into the ship's hull did the warhead's sensors activate.

The impact caused by the antimatter explosive part directly caused a devastating damage in the middle of the hull. The entire body of the ship showed a heart-stopping deformation, like a thigh that was fractured on the spot.

"Long live!" The Imperial crew members on the Blizzard stood up and cheered.

Although this multi-million-ton giant ship did not break and explode immediately, it was bound to sink sooner or later. No, all the lights on the ship were turned off. Just with this one blow, all the crew members on the ship will be guaranteed to receive a medal, a five-digit golden dragon, and even a special promotion.

In short, everyone’s road is now wider.

Looking at the scarlet fearless ship that is still escaping. But Soback was a little confused by the way this big guy played.

He did not try to intercept with artillery, but continued to move forward, while opening the hatch, and threw out all the fighters, armored airships, landing modules and other things in the ship. It looked like there was a car running on the side. Garbage truck dumping on the side.

You know, the Predator warships are all giant pirate ships in a sense. Even if they are of the type with enhanced firepower, the size of the hangar on the ship will never be small.

Those small spacecraft that wandered into space soon formed a huge garbage patch. What's more important is that although there are no pilots inside those fighters and airships, their engines are on.

Probably because there were so many reacting aircraft, the space bubble torpedo had a slight misjudgment. One of them simply crashed into the garbage group and immediately detonated automatically.

It was like a small star suddenly exploding. The blazing energy reacted and formed a shock wave in the airless vacuum, blowing all kinds of space junk away on the spot.

"How can it still be like this?" Soback was stunned, and suddenly realized that the new weapons that the empire had high hopes for were not invulnerable.

General Huitan on the Scarlet Throne breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that since the Battle of Asti, I have been thinking about how to deal with this thing. I didn't expect that such a simple try would really work! I am indeed quite resourceful.

However, before the long-bearded demon warlord could shout for a few more seconds, there was a report on the bridge: "Two more torpedoes are approaching."

By this time, everything that could be thrown on board had been thrown away.

It would be unreliable if you don’t feel so embarrassed! After all, no one can guarantee that the trick just now will work.

General Huitan looked at the navigator at the front of the bridge who was still overclocking, gritted his teeth, jumped up and took over the helm of the ship with his own terminal.

The famous General Huitan was born in the Alliance Academy. He was a "theoretical" and "intelligent general" among the major generals among the predator warlords. Everyone has forgotten that he also worked step by step from an ordinary helmsman. He was a fool when he was young. I have never failed in my cooking skills.

The huge battleship of over six million tons seemed to have lost almost all of its mass at that moment. The entire hull had an obvious sinking, and it actually let go of the straight-moving torpedo at the critical moment.

The space-bubble torpedo almost grazed the ship and ran into the distance, causing the entire Crimson Constellation to tremble for a short time.

"Fire! Fire!" General Huitan yelled crazily.

The gunners were so yelled by their commander that they lost the ability to think for a moment, and subconsciously pressed the button. The Scarlet Throne's still-usable foredeck main gun fired a crazy salvo, and actually hit the torpedo. and the surrounding space bubbles were enveloped in a dazzling energy storm.

But he didn't know that the energy of that weapon neutralized the space bubble, and the torpedo body finally returned to reality from another dimension of space. Before its automatic sight could reacquire the target, it was detonated by a boiling energy beam.

The space torpedo explosion almost formed a shock wave that exploded close to the face, causing the Predator Dreadnought to tremble again.

General Huitan gritted his teeth and almost instinctively pulled the spherical hull steering wheel again.

At this time, he had already used all the skills he had honed throughout his life in just a few seconds.

The Throne's steering was finally successful, and it actually avoided the very close explosion. However, such unconventional actions place a considerable burden on the hull. There was even a curved surface in the center of the rectangular hull, as if it might break at any time.

However, the survivability of a dreadnought that can survive in the center of the galaxy and can still face the enemy is truly amazing. Even at this level, the hull still did not break. Moreover, such an unconventional turn did successfully confuse the last torpedo coming from behind.

The third torpedo did successfully hit the Scarlet Throne, but the warhead wrapped in a space bubble tilted and crashed into the hull. It exploded on the spot before it had time to go deep.

The violent explosion successfully created a huge wound that was constantly burning and collapsing in the middle and rear sections of the dreadnought. Even in the two battles between Asti and Modan, the ship had never suffered such heavy damage. The hangar and sailor's room located on the rear side of the ship were completely swallowed up by the explosion, and more than 40,000 Predator Stormtroopers lost their lives in an instant.

In addition, the vibration that spread throughout the entire hull finally threw General Huitan out of the driving seat. He felt like he was caught in an earthquake and strong wind. His body flew up uncontrollably and hit the ceiling with a loud bang, but he did not fall to the ground immediately. Instead, he was floating in mid-air.

The bridge, or rather the simulated gravity system of the entire ship collapsed.

General Huitan felt that at least thirty-four bones in his body were broken - this was actually because the bearded demon had many more bones than humans - and he almost fainted.

However, he had no time to pay attention to his wounds, but looked at the navigator who was still on the edge of the bridge.

At this time, due to weightlessness, the navigator had already floated into the air, but he allowed his body to float, with fan-shaped light curtains flashing in his eyes, as if he had really turned himself into a navigator. machine.

Huitan breathed a sigh of relief, endured the pain and called out to the crew members who were still alive on the bridge.

Two strong bearded demon crew members "swam" towards the navigator and protected him.

Immediately afterwards, no one knew that it was the dedicated and heroic crew member who activated the backup equipment for gravity simulation, and gravity was finally re-realized on the bridge.

Huitan hit the floor of the bridge with a thud. The pain was so painful that he almost lost his breath, but he laughed out loud.

He had to laugh. Because even after enduring such a blow, this dreadnought, which had been carefully modified by three generations of warlords, still did not remain silent and was still moving forward according to its original plan.

On the contrary, the imperial warship that was chasing after him was pulled away by him.

Perhaps they were frightened by the vitality of the Scarlet Throne, and even slowed down uncertainly.

that's the truth.

When he saw that the butt of the red dreadnought was on fire but it was still moving forward hard, Soback on the Blizzard became a little desperate.

"What the hell, this is going to stop?"

He no longer expected to sink it, but it was too much to stop.

"But they probably don't have much power to fight back. They can get closer and continue the attack." Captain Hongsha suggested.

"This..." Soback hesitated a little. An enemy ship can still run away after being hit by a space torpedo. Who can guarantee that the weapon will be fine? Even if there is still one tenth of the artillery fire available, it is not something that a small cruiser of my own can handle.

Captain Hongsha knew that this guy was acting cowardly again, so he rolled his eyes covertly, and said: "Then, why not let all the fighter planes of Count Ryback attack the red ship? It would be best if we could intercept it. ”

In fact, this is treating a dead horse as a living horse. However, Soback felt that this should be the case. He is a contented person, and being able to sink a battlecruiser-class fire-breathing ship is enough military merit.

What's more, with that fearless ship's virtue, it would probably fall apart on its own after just a few more jumps. Even if it is regarded as its own military industry, I guess the Generalissimo's Mansion will not take it seriously, right?

Colonel Soback was thinking about this and was about to send electricity to the captain of the aircraft carrier Count Ryback when he heard the radar officer loudly say: "Sir, there is a new target approaching... Is it a friendly force?"

Then, the radar officer said in an unbelievable tone: "This? There is a life identification signal, is it a titanium dragon?"

Titanium dragon? Fellow Knights?

Colonel Soback was stunned for a moment. At this time, the Buran's deep space lookout was also directly aimed and captured the life source signal, and the image was projected on the bridge.

It was an Imperial Astral Knight wearing a heraldic machine and riding on a titanium dragon. At this time, he had already rode a dragon past the riddled hull of the Predator Dreadnought, and pounced on the bridge in the middle and front section of the hull.

I saw that the "Astral Knight" had stepped on the dragon's back and stood up in a strong posture, holding a golden atomic light spear, majestic and majestic, like a god descending from heaven.

...Wait a minute, a golden atomic light spear?

Colonel Soback thought he had discovered something, but then he was frightened out of his wits by this blind spot.

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