Him and their stars

Chapter 716 Really heading towards the abyss

So far, more than 80% of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy have been listed on the star map - some powerful countries and organizations even control more. However, based on the currently proven number, mass, and absolute physical distance of stars, cosmologists have indeed made such an inference: They believe that the transition channels available for super beam passage should be from the five to five currently known ones. ten times.

Of course, we all know that there are often hundreds of years between scientific theory and technological implementation. And this theory proposed by cosmologists has not been widely recognized by the academic community.

However, you must know that up to now, new routes are being discovered by scientists and explorers every year, thus supporting a huge exploration industry. This may also prove the "ten percent" theory from the side.

No way, the gravity well is not visible to the naked eye. The space constants of most gravity wells are very deceptive and can easily be ignored by electronic devices. Finding a new gravity well in a galaxy is indeed like looking for a needle in a haystack—not in a literary sense, but literally.

Agnes blushed. She had only graduated from a public high school and she really didn't know.

"You mean, your new Khan has mastered part of the new star map of the Abyss Nebula?" Feifei asked.

The second officer of the long-bearded demon named Haita hurriedly said: "This is not something that a young person can know. Anyway, our generals and captains have complained in front of me more than once that the Great Khan's strategy is too fantastic. … It’s too radical.”

He glanced at General Huitan, who was walking like a zombie next to him, and the tentacles at the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally. Maybe he was sighing with a bit of sadness, and he said in a pleading tone: "The general should know, you can ask him The captain also knows that, uh, he is dead. Yes, and Master Black Star..."

As he spoke, he looked at the platform at the edge of the bridge not far away. Of course, he also saw the carbonized corpses, and he suddenly shivered involuntarily: "In short, in short, Master Black Star has just entered the state... "

Oh, that's the navigator's name, right? It's such a suitable name for a boss, but it's such a shame.

"Status?" Yagnis asked curiously.

"Yes! He took the medicine and then stayed there. The young man is not a psyker and doesn't understand. But, last time... yes, when we attacked the Lion's Den Fortress, Master Black Star was also like this. He served Then it stayed there. Then our fleet found the jump point. Obviously at that time, the jump point from the galactic center to the lion's den should have been in a state of collapse and could not carry our Throne."

The second officer of the Predator told everyone that when Yu Lian arrived riding the Titanium Dragon, General Huitan had ordered everyone to complete the warm-up of the jump engine. As long as the coordinates were entered, the jump should be started immediately.

"This ship's jump engine has indeed entered the startup stage." Feifei said: "Do you want to turn it off?"

If the jump engine is warmed up and enters the pre-start stage, but does not jump for a long time, it will cause considerable burden on the engine itself and the hull. If you are unlucky, the engine might be burned along with the boat.

Yu Lian pondered for a moment, then reached out and patted the long-bearded demon general next to him who was like a walking corpse: "So, how about it be better to be happy? This is the situation now, why not be more relaxed?"

He said it in a joking tone, but in fact he released another silver dragon's breath in the direction of the other party's spirit.

General Huitan had begun to roll his eyes, like a dried squid that had lost its dream, but he finally opened his mouth and spat out a string of coordinate characters "D2745, B3912, C74588...".

If I had told you earlier, why would I have to suffer all this? What a shame.

"Enter it." Yu Lian said solemnly.

The second officer gave him a boost, rolled and crawled to a terminal that was still intact, and opened the command form for the jump engine. He was probably born as a technical crew member, and his ability to memorize numerical coordinates was pretty good. His arms, which were taller than humans, flexibly typed on the optical keyboard, and he entered this string of coordinates in less than two seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the ship's central control system immediately issued a prompt: "New gravity well signal found. It is located at the 9 o'clock direction of the ship, with a deflection of 120.45 and a distance of 12. Do you want to turn?"

"Uh, this thing still uses Selena's voice?" Feifei was also shocked.

"Agree!" General Huitan said. He said this himself. Although he was angry, it was indeed based on his own will.

Yu Lian had given up control of this guy at this time. He really deserves to be the leader of a great warlord, and he actually quickly regained his consciousness.

At this time, he was severely injured both physically and mentally, but he looked completely resigned to his fate. When he looked at Yu Lian, although he was still a little afraid, he could actually squeeze out a flattering smile.

"This, this is the cosmic point coordinates that the navigator sent to me instantly using the mental link when... uh... overclocking. I don't know the details, but I did hear the Khan say that this is" He was obedient and behaved even a bit more despicably than the previous second officer.

Mom, he is also a talent!

The crimson dreadnought began to turn automatically. However, because it was not manual and the hull was already riddled with holes, it took the dreadnought's huge hull a full three minutes to complete the process of stopping, shifting, and starting up again. Like a hulking rhinoceros with a damaged cerebellum.

If there are pursuers behind at this time, these three minutes are enough to plow several more rounds of main artillery.

Fortunately, at this time, the imperial warships over there were probably still arguing with the bureaucracy above. They stopped in place and beat the gray fire-breathing ship, but still did not pursue it.

But at this time, the ship's central control system once again said in Selina's voice: "Warning, the gravity well has started to move, the gravity well has started to move! Need to reload!"

The long-bearded demon warlord opened his mouth with despair on his face.

Yu Lian frowned slightly, jumped out of the heraldry machine, strode to the platform where the navigator was, and looked at the small pill in Feifei's hand next to him.

Feifei clutched a handful of pills tightly, but shook her head vigorously.

Yu Lian understood what the other party meant, shrugged indifferently, and then closed his eyes. He has now guessed that the so-called "overclocking" mentioned by the second officer should be the so-called perceptual overclocking. This is a magical skill used by psykers with space perception capabilities when conducting navigation and combat. It allows ships to predict in advance cosmic radiation that cannot be detected by the most advanced radars and find the most time-saving and labor-saving cruising route. It can even avoid enemy artillery fire in advance.

In addition, it is also a magical skill for finding new jump paths and expanding the "interstellar highway network".

Of course, the reason why it is called a "magic skill" is partly because of the difficulty, not every psyker can master it, and partly because of the burden on the body and even the backlash.

Other psionic techniques are blue-burning bars, which are clearly blood-burning bars. It has the flavor of a psionic exploration version of the "Demon Disintegration Technique", which is really too taxing for psykers.

"This Black Star must have entered sensory overclocking after taking this kind of medicine." Yu Lian said.

"Yes, I guessed it too, that's why it's dangerous." Feifei said.

Yu Lian nodded, stopped competing with the girl, and let himself enter a state of trance.

The girl still underestimates me! I now have "cosmic awareness". If the health and blue bars can keep up, I can even call myself a humanoid Leviathan. You must know that those Leviathan beasts that physically travel across the stars can always travel to another galaxy through methods that are difficult for humans to understand, and they can always find some "small paths" that no one has discovered. They must be in control of them. Navigation techniques that are incomprehensible to modern technology.

The vast universe once again spread out in front of Yu Lian in the direction of points and lines. And nearby, the nodes where the curves representing gravity distortion gather must be the location of the gravity well.

I see! Aren't some gravity well entrances and exits constant? What is the principle? I can discuss it with Professor Zhuang and the others when I have time in the future.

In fact, the best person to discuss is the eldest lady of the Bei family, but Yu Lian dare not say that. The white-furred fox was really interested, and I didn't know what trouble it would cause.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a rumor he heard more than half a century later...or rather, it should be a rumor he heard in his previous life.

"Listen up, kid, the paths in the universe should be more than just solid lines and dotted lines." That old pervert, who was already old and had a greasy and salty eyes, said this to himself once after drinking too much. .

Yu Lian replied: "Beyond the solid and dotted lines? I know, it's the door..."

"Hehehehe, the door is not a road, it is just an inheritance, and inheritance is often just a shackle. Although this statement sounds very hypocritical, yes, it is as hypocritical as a gallstone pulled out by the spirit of the universe." Yu Lian worried. In his eyes, the old man drank half a bottle of strong liquor, wiped his mouth and said:

"The third type I'm talking about is the real third type, a phenomenon that should exist in this universe. Of course, that's just a rumor, hahahahaha!"

This old man spends half of his time soaking in a wine barrel every day and half of his time in the casino. Anyone who looks at him will feel that this is an old man who has run out of energy. Every time he closes his eyes, it may be the last time. However, no one in the know would dare to deny that when he was young, he was the most famous ranger and explorer in the entire galaxy.

...No, in other words, even if his bones have been soaked with alcohol and his energy and blood have begun to fail, he is still the top ranger and explorer in the galaxy.

"I understand, you came to me today to entrust me with your ambition to explore this third way?"

"No, I just don't want to take this secret that I've been struggling with for most of my life to the grave. Anyway, I'm going to die, so I'll find someone else to continue to struggle with. Hahahahaha!"

Well, when you have some free time later, let's go and have some fun with Ash.

However, are these deflectable gravity wells really the third way that the old guy mentioned?

"D2788, B3947, C74690." Yu Lian closed his eyes and re-reported a series of coordinates, which were slightly offset from the previous coordinates.

The second officer of Haita heard this clearly and entered all the coordinates in less than a second this time. She probably has never been so dedicated in her life.

"The gravity well coordinates have been corrected. The capture has been successful. Do you want to start the jump engine?" Selina's voice continued to echo on the bridge.

Feifei glanced at General Huitan, who was still pretending to be a dead dog. The long-bearded demon warlord suddenly became energetic, staggered up, and hurriedly said: "Start!"

Probably because of the automatic control, it took the red dreadnought a full two minutes this time to finally successfully get the preheated jump engine to run completely.

At this time, the imperial warships in the distance seemed to finally react, speeding away from the large fire-breathing ship that had completely turned into space junk, and rushed towards this side.

Two particularly brave light cruisers have fired their orbital main guns from an extremely long distance. There are also many dense light spots approaching from far away, which must be missiles if they are not fighter planes.

"High-energy response behind the ship!" the second officer said in a voice that was almost like a howl: "There is at most one minute..."

General Huitan seemed to understand something. He looked at Yu Lian and then at the Titanium Dragon below. His emotions were extremely complicated for a moment.

And at this moment, all the starlight outside the porthole window became blurry. Everyone on the boat felt the hull beneath their feet tremble for a moment, and then everything around them went dark.

It's like a train entering a tunnel while moving.

This is exactly the characteristic of a successful jump into a gravity well.

Even if the imperial warship behind them throws space bubble torpedoes, it will not pose any threat to them.

However, the shaking of the entire hull became more intense. Only then did everyone remember that this ship was already riddled with holes. Not to mention the shield, even the armor on the front of the bridge was blasted through by a guy disguised as an Astral Knight. Can it really withstand the pressure of the gravity well?

When they thought of this, General Huitan and Second Officer Haita almost wanted to hug each other in pain.

"It doesn't matter!" Yu Lian gave them a thumbs up: "You have overcome the hardships, it is time to reap success!"

The imperial fleet in the Ash 07 galaxy only saw the scarlet marauder warship, which instantly made a swaying shadow and then disappeared.

"Tsk, it's just a step too late!"

"Tzeentch Nako feeds the big bureaucrats"

"The space mole was raped by the troll!" The captains lamented and cursed. They are all subordinates of Major General Biffick, and the commander's style will definitely affect his subordinates.

The mature and prudent captain of the Graf Leibart even expressed his apology to Sobek: "I'm sorry, it was our reaction that was too slow, which allowed the other party to escape in the end."

"No, everyone has done a good job. We have at least left one predator flamethrower, and we have done our best." Colonel Soback quickly comforted: "The real mistake is me, it's me I spent too much time arguing with the bureaucrats above. I should have at least sent a ship over to check for clues..."

"No, your judgment is correct. When the situation is unclear, rash actions may cause greater damage. Not to mention knights..." The captain immediately realized that Colonel Soback opposite seemed to be a knight. Members of the group, shut up quickly. He couldn't help feeling that sometimes the difference between knights and knights was greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

At this time, Soback said to everyone: "Rear Admiral Biffick's order is for us to take down the predator's flagship, but it is not an absolute order, and the current development is excusable. I will personally Report to him and don’t worry.”

The captains were very grateful and confirmed once again that the young colonel was a fastidious person. They felt in their hearts that such a fastidious person should not hang out in a gang of thugs where kids from aristocratic families gathered together to show off, but instead took a position in the Knights. Then it would be great to be a fleet commander.

Of course they didn't know that when it was confirmed that the scarlet marauder flagship had escaped, Colonel Soback, a "fine man" with a regretful face, breathed a sigh of relief.

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