Him and their stars

Chapter 718 Inside and outside the Star Gate

The contemporary King Borei III of Slein is forty-eight years old and is in his most powerful stage as a leader. He is also one of the only two Imperial Marshals among the elected emperors. Although as long as you choose an emperor, you must have the rank of lieutenant general (starting) or active duty or reserve, but the marshal of the empire is quite valuable. If the ability and military merit are insufficient, he will not be worthy of the war dragon inlaid in any case. The pattern of the scepter.

In the history of the empire, there was an elected emperor who served as minister of the Privy Council for twenty years and held the seal for three years. He was the honorary marshal of more than a dozen small countries around him. However, because he did not have any appreciable military achievements, he had to die. Less than the rank of Imperial Marshal that he longed for.

The contemporary King Slein has made great achievements in battle, and he is by no means a pure warrior. He is good at military affairs and even better at military affairs. He is not a very powerful psyker, he is just average among the emperors. Compared with the fiery King Thoraine, who is the emperor's first pair of bonus sticks, his temperament is gentler, and he even has a certain degree of temperament. Diplomatic experience.

Such a versatile military and political man is actually more suitable to be a permanent member of the Privy Council than the muscular man King Thorane. However, the reason why His Majesty the Emperor and the Privy Council put him here to take charge of the military and political affairs was naturally based on overall considerations.

First of all, we all know that behind the Gate of Glory is another vast new world that is in urgent need of development.

The empire's exploration, development and colonization of the new world all transit from here. When the greatest legacy from the Enlightened Ones is opened, this is no longer the border of the empire, but the starting point of a new world of imperial government.

Even without the Star Gate, this is still the most difficult star area for the empire to deal with.

The main opponent we have to face behind the border is the Perseus Convention organization composed of nearly twenty independent civilized countries. Its main leading countries, the Tuklan Coordinating Ministerial Department and the Konami Future Organization, can be regarded as a second-tier power in terms of national strength and scientific and technological strength.

Although the purpose of this military alliance is to unite small countries in order to achieve independence and independence, there must be support from the alliance behind it.

In this case, for the sake of national defense and security, it is naturally necessary to maintain a large military strength. But equally, someone with certain diplomatic skills is needed to sit in front and win the hearts and minds of the people with the alliance.

This is different from the situation in Feimo Nebula where they are fighting for territory with real swords and guns.

For example, among the member states of the Perseus Convention Organization opposite, there is the Republic of Leda. The territory is very small, and there is not even a livable planet in the territory. It only controls a few small towns on desert planets and space cities in orbital space. The total population is less than 100 million. It was established through the entanglements and compromises between countries after the last galactic war. It is one of the small countries that can be seen everywhere in the galaxy. Maybe it will not be there in the next war.

But even so, it is a franchising country recognized by the Galactic Civilization Council. Moreover, this is also the first time since the Age of Exploration that the sparsely populated mercenary race of the Legg Giants has established its own country.

But here comes the problem. Within the scope of the Gate of Glory Military Region, there is an autonomous territory whose main residents are Laig Giants.

When things involve diplomacy, things get complicated.

Fortunately, King Slein is recognized by many people as a versatile military and political expert. Many people even think that he looks like the great emperor in his youth. This aspect is quite reasonable.

At the banquet, he said to everyone: "If I had to tell everyone that the past year was a year of stability and peace, then even the spirit of the universe would punish me for lying. However, everyone here You are warriors who have experienced martial arts, and you should be looking forward to all this. Before the war broke out, you were old men at home who were despised by your mother-in-law and rebellious children, but after the war broke out, you were heroes. Isn’t that the case? ?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the same is true for the ladies here. Instead of beating up useless old men and annoying brats at home, wouldn't it be more exciting for you to go out and beat up predators?"

The laughter grew louder. The few tough ladies present even clapped.

The Tirero people are indeed a very egalitarian society. As long as they can fight, both men and women will be fully respected.

"Okay, everyone, now that we have reached a consensus. Please use your influence after you go back to fully restrain your subordinates and let them obey the command of our organizers and officers. I can assure you , the due military merits and rewards will never be discounted. His Majesty the Emperor is always paying attention to everyone's heroic appearance!"

Everyone present cheered again, looking happy to hear the battle.

For the Tirello military nobles and civil class who are full of martial virtue, war is their rice, money and food, and their food, clothing and parents. Although these are temporary mobilization troops, their morale is much higher than that of professional soldiers in most countries.

Of course, it is unrealistic for everyone to be harmonious even if there are so many people present. No, the giant Legg named Chulk cheered a few times and then got into a conflict with a baron next to him. Although the two did not dare to fight at the banquet where the emperor was elected, it was still okay to have an endless cycle of "what are you looking at" and "where are you looking at".

So, while the banquet was in progress, the vassal king found an opportunity to hand Chulk to his study and asked: "You are a graduate of the Glory Gate Armored Academy, right? In the 141st Panzer Grenadier Regiment He served for 5 years, participated in the Battle of White Rainbow Star and the Battle of Ferrovi, and later served in the Sky Forbidden Army for 3 years. He was promoted to colonel at such a young age, why did he retire?"

The lifespan of a giant Legg is similar to that of a human being. Zurg is only forty years old this year, so he is indeed considered to be in the prime of life.

Chulk didn't expect His Highness to know his own resume so clearly. He was a little flattered and told him that after all, he was neither a human noble nor a crew member, and that his promotion to colonel was the limit. So he chose to retire and returned to his hometown to run a farm.

"Why are you not a noble? You are a descendant of Viscount Chudog!"

This Viscount Chudog was once a fierce general in Emperor Yiwenya's "non-human" imperial guard, and he gained the hereditary viscount title and fiefdom through meritorious deeds.

However, we must know that even the grand ducal families from the founding of the country are difficult to survive to this day, and it is naturally impossible for a Legg giant's title to end with the country. In fact, it can be passed down for nearly a thousand years, and among non-human hereditary noble families, it can already be ranked among the top five in history.

Today, the family line of Viscount Chudog is indeed gone, and his direct descendants are just ordinary citizens. Its territory has also been returned to the Prime Minister's Office and has become the direct leader of the empire.

However, because the Viscounts of Churg in the past generations have taken in many of their own tribesmen who live all over the universe, the population of the Legg giants in their territory is even four to five times greater than that of humans. For the sake of governing a safe country, a Lago giant autonomous government with a unit of fifty years was established.

Now Colonel Chulk is not only the leader of the "government soldiers" in the Dominion, he is also the great-grandson of the old lord, a citizen of the empire, the richest man in the Dominion government and a member of the local council.

This time, he brought more than 5,000 Laig giants, all of whom were strong young men with considerable military training, and came to meet them in four armed merchant ships. This kind of military strength naturally made the feudal king greatly relieved.

"Don't pay too much attention to other people's eyes. If you are from a famous family, and you achieve military success, you will have the possibility of wearing a general star, and even getting back your title and territory. There has never been a lack of such examples in the history of the empire. For real people The empire has never been shy about bestowing true wealth and honor on its warriors." King Slein thought for a moment, and then ordered his guards to pick a specially made impact battle ax from his arsenal.

"This is for you! I hope to see you carrying him and beheading the enemy!" King Slein said.

Colonel Chulk was so moved that all the unhappiness he had felt when he was ridiculed by the aristocratic children suddenly disappeared.

"What a humble person I am, how can I deserve such kindness from His Highness?" The giant Colonel Legg, who was nearly three meters tall, was lying on the ground, stooped like a dog, with tears streaming down his face.

"I have no kindness to you, but the empire owes its veterans the honor it deserves. Go and prove that you haven't withered yet." King Slein said.

So Colonel Legg wiped away his tears and withdrew with his battle ax in hand. Judging from the action of holding the battle ax, he probably didn't hold his grandfather's urn with such trepidation.

King Slein worked in his study for a few more minutes and sighed slightly. He didn't think that Colonel Chulk was really good enough to deserve such courtesy from him, but behind him, he represented almost all the Laig people in the empire.

You know, the Sumi and the Flanmore people in the Shengyuan Star District are now a little unstable, and they are facing the invasion of predators. The more complex the situation is, the more careful it needs to be.

The feudal king suddenly felt that his behavior at this time was a bit ridiculous, which made him want to laugh. He couldn't help but take out his wine glass and pour himself a glass of red dragon's blood wine. In fact, he is not good at drinking, but because dragon blood wine is the favorite of Emperor Elithel, he is usually willing to drink a few glasses.

After finishing this glass of wine and going out, King Slein was still the energetic King Sai, the marshal of the empire, and the outstanding commander who guarded the Gate of Glory for the empire.

However, it must be admitted that although the lord does not like the feeling of pinching his nose and being arrogant, he is still very good at winning people's hearts. At least, after Colonel Chulk returned, he held his head high and his chest high, as if every pore exuded the sense of honor of the imperial nobles, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to the provocations of others.

Until this time, the empire's united front work had been going very smoothly. If what happened later didn't happen.

After three rounds of drinking, the guests discovered that His Highness the Electoral Emperor had not appeared for a long time.

Later, his attendants found his body in the private bathroom behind the lord's office.

The forty-eight-year-old elected emperor, a third-ring psychic, sat on the toilet with a look of horror on his face, no longer as graceful as before. A huge wound hung from his shoulder to his waist, almost completely splitting his torso.

But what is shocking is that although King Slein's organs and bones have been completely torn, the shocking wound position has been scorched by some kind of burn mark, but has been closed, even a little No blood was spilled.

The guards who elect the emperor are all experienced professional security personnel, and there is even an active judge among them. Although they were so frightened by this scene that they almost lost their ability to think, they quickly regained their composure. They quickly sealed King Slein's official residence and sent obituary notices to the Warlord's Palace, the sector government and the fleet headquarters on the front line.

Well, now comes the problem. An assassin who can silently kill a Chosen Emperor under such tight security is definitely a master among masters. He may have escaped long ago. However, the security personnel present would never dare to let any of the guests go.

Although the assassin may not be present, why do people like the dark tone under the lamp? Moreover, who can guarantee that there will be no assassin collaborators among the guests?

All in all, everyone is chivalrous.

The most suspicious person was indeed Colonel Chulk, whom His Royal Highness the Emperor had last seen.

The judge asked the colonel to teach him weapons and to be questioned by himself alone.

"I, I didn't do anything?" The giant Legg, who had no idea what was going on, hugged the battle ax tightly: "This is a gift given to me by His Highness, you can't take it away!"

"I will have it preserved," said the judge.

"What happened?" the colonel asked again.

"This is not what you need to know now. But don't worry, we treat everyone equally, and you will never be treated unfairly."

However, before the judge could finish his words, the baron next to him who had had a conflict with Chulk before said: "I knew he had something evil in mind, and it would not be an exaggeration to do anything bad."

In fact, he had many business conflicts with Colonel Zulke.

One is a celebrity from the Laig people whose ancestors were lords and he was also a soldier, and the other is an upstart human aristocrat who has only been passed down for three generations. They are just tied, and the hatred will naturally accumulate. Of course, they will not let anyone go. Opportunity for the other party to make a trick.

"This long hair should be taken to the prison to eat white fish. It makes people uncomfortable to stay here."

Calling the giant Legg "hairy" and "eating white fish" is similar to calling black people "Brother Ni" and asking them to eat watermelon fried chicken. As a result, the giant Legg, who was already shaken to the point of unstable mental structure, finally gritted his teeth and pounced on the opponent.

Fortunately, he still had some sense of control and only used his fists, so no matter how much trouble there was, nothing big would happen.

This is also true. The giant colonel Legge landed three punches on this foul-mouthed rival, and then he was separated by the guards. He was honestly taken away in handcuffs. Looking at his cheerful smile, it was easy for people to think that he did it on purpose.

Indeed, the war was about to begin, and it was impossible for a governor like him to be detained forever. He would probably be released in a few days. Therefore, it is quite cost-effective to find a reasonable and legal opportunity to beat the enemy's teeth out.

If Colonel Chulk knew what would happen next, he would definitely regret it. Not long after he was taken away, his subordinates on the ship and in the port received the news.

"Let me just say, the situation at the Gate of Glory is unstable, and we are a thorn in the empire's side! Colonel Chulk surrendered himself to the trap this time!"

"Can he still come out?"

"Is it possible to wait until our Dominion is dismantled and all the people are exiled to those remote planets? I heard that this is what the Empire is doing to the Sumi and the Flemors now!"

Although the Laige giants did not understand the allusion to the "Hongmen Banquet", it did not stop them from thinking wildly in this direction. This race with simple minds but well-developed limbs produces warriors, mechanics, excellent crews and pilots, but it is difficult to produce clear-headed strategists. It can be regarded as one of the most provocative races in the universe.

As a result, a sudden riot broke out in Green Ocean Star, the capital of the Gate of Glory sector.

But on the same day, the Predator fleet finally appeared within the Gate of Glory sector. It is not the junction with the Extreme Star Region as everyone imagined, but it is the direction of the Abyss Nebula.

At this moment, in the Empire's Gate of Glory star sector, in the Silver Hand G86 star system adjacent to the Abyss Nebula, there is a border outpost with less than 200 troops stationed in total. The Empire soldiers inside are trembling with horror on their faces. Looking at the giant battleships that are constantly leaping into this remote galaxy, it is like seeing a group of huge ghosts that easily get into your house from behind the wall.

This is what happened on the first day of the last month of the common calendar year 831.

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