Him and their stars

Chapter 734 Isn’t this a coincidence?

This guy smiled so maliciously that Yu Lian immediately felt bad.

"Well, Teacher Yang, if I remember correctly, I am about to be the commander of this joint operation. In a sense, it is still my old profession, which is diplomatic work."

"Yes! But, as the saying goes, those who can do more work. Father Paris should definitely give you more burdens. Therefore, regarding the defense issues of the New World, the Military Command Headquarters has decided to establish a unified New World Defense Military Region, with me as the commander. .Major General Marklov serves as deputy commander, and that girl Eleanor..."

"Wait a minute, Father Marklov was promoted to major general last year. No matter how you calculate it, he should be the commander." Yu Lian discovered the blind spot and quickly raised his hand.

"Yes! It would be great if that were the case, but the old man abdicated his position and gave way to others. He also said that he was only an engineer who graduated from a technical school and had no experience in staff and command to integrate the overall situation. Moreover, he could not bear too much pressure at his old age. We needed to choose someone who was young and strong, and then, out of nowhere, he recommended me.”

"And you read a poem?"

"I did just read it... Bah! Anyway, that's how I took office. I am the commander, Mr. Marklov is the deputy, Eleanor is the chief of staff, and you are the deputy chief of staff! However, Marklov and Ai Lono’s job is still to command the Thirteenth Fleet, so you are the official Chief of Staff!”

"I have a full-time job!" Yu Lian said loudly: "Don't I still have to do diplomatic work? No one is there, how can I have a full-time job? Have you ever heard of the setting that the commander and chief of staff are light years apart? ?"

"Isn't that enough?" Yang Xiyi pointed at Yu Lian: "Anyway, you have already created history of capturing a dreadnought ship single-handedly, with one sword. Is there anything wrong with creating a new piece of history?"

"What's the use of creating this kind of history?"

"But history is always there, and there will always be a day when it is created. Of course it may be someone else, but it may also be you! So, as the same saying goes, those who can work hard! I think, with your ability, It is absolutely possible to do a good job in the promising job of chief of staff while performing our own reconnaissance mission, and realize the prosperity of both diplomacy and internal affairs!"

After saying these words, Teacher Yang leaned back tactically, blinked his eyes and said: "Of course, this chief of staff must keep it secret. In fact, even this New World Theater Command is still confidential, but don't say it. You let it slip. In other words, you just pretend it doesn’t exist.”

Yu Lian thought to himself that since it is a non-existent department, can I, the deputy chief of staff, also be treated as non-existent?

Yang Xiyi added: "It's really interesting. We are in the Milky Way, almost 20,000 light years apart, but we can communicate in real time. But if we are in the Fairy Nebula, we are physically closer, but we can't communicate. So, before we meet, I just have to ask you to ask for your blessings."

"Meet?" Yu Lian blinked and began to pretend to be confused.

"Isn't it just a reconciliation? Otherwise, you must drag this dreadnought to the New World. Why? Don't tell me that you are really here to chase the predators."

Of course it’s to go treasure hunting! In addition to the original plan to get my "little wife", now there is also the star map from the senior brother. The former is the feelings of the previous life, while the latter is directly related to the inheritance of the master and one's own practice.

It's just that the "little wife" needs to be at a fixed time, but there is no need to be too anxious. If you miss it this time, there will be another time. There is a skull drawn on the star chart, so I feel safer with the Dreadnought.

Of course, if the treasure hunt is successful, I wouldn't mind turning this Dauntless over to the country! But it must be incorporated into the Thirteenth Fleet.

Although Yu Lian thought so in his heart, he said: "The community is such a huge territory, how can we do it without dreadnoughts? But the key is that we have lost the technology to build dreadnoughts. If a war really breaks out, our allies 'The jump is stuck in our necks. The new ships in foreign shipyards cannot come back. Do we just rely on the twelve independent-class ships that have served for half a century? Teacher Yang, I still say the same thing. Compared with the heraldic machine , the community needs dreadnoughts more. We still have many technical problems that have not been solved, so how about looking for inspiration from the marauder battleships? Their designs are self-contained, and they may be able to give us a lot of inspiration. The so-called stone from the mountain Can you attack jade?"

Yang Xiyi nodded and said: "As expected. Then the burden on you will be even heavier."

Yu Lian was slightly startled. Before anyone could express their dissatisfaction, Yang Xiyi on the opposite side had already said, "If the Gonggun princes of Earth really did not dare to break the treaty and sent out a large army, then for a long time , I can only rely on the Marine Corps and the Thirteenth Fleet to set up a defense line. No matter how you say it, it is stretched. In this way, the existence of your ship can have a miraculous effect. "

Yu Lian was not angry but smiled: "Teacher Yang, can the disadvantage of the war situation be reversed by just one ship? If you really degenerate into this kind of staff officer, sooner or later the country will be tricked to death."

"You think I don't want to drag all the Solar System Fleet and Outer Rim Fleet to the New World and the Marauders for a big fight! Isn't this a lack of rice? I have to use the available chess pieces in my hand to the extreme." Here, Yang Xiyi scratched his scalp hard, looking like he had a splitting headache.

Yu Lian looked at the other person's lifeless expression, and suddenly his heart moved, and he felt like he had discovered something: "Teacher Yang, if you are willing to accept this mess, could it be that you have made some kind of deal with the Chairman? "

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence." He said seriously.

"I heard that Sister Jessica did a pretty good job as a state representative. But she is an independent elector, so it will be a bit difficult to climb up. I heard that the Communist Party of China is also wooing her. . The political allies on the Chairman’s side should also start taking action, right?”

"It has nothing to do with this at all. She also has her own ambitions. As long as I don't drag her down, I will be very satisfied." At this point, Yang Xiyi sighed quietly: "This is the world of adults."

"So, is she planning to run for planetary administrator or metropolitan mayor next? It won't be for star district governor and congressman, right?"

"It doesn't matter at all. So for the safety of the New World and your friends, I'm waiting for your dreadnought." Yang Xiyi continued seriously, and then closed the communication without explanation.

Yu Lian looked at the closed screen and sat there for a few seconds. For a moment, he wanted to hold his head but grinned. But at this time, Feifei's communication also came in.

"The representative from the empire has arrived. I know that the empire has predicted Yu'er's prediction. You must feel uncomfortable, but after all, you are considered a future partner, and you should deal with it in terms of face."

"Who said they predicted my prediction? I already guessed that the empire would do something. However, I really didn't expect that their reaction would be so fast. But all of this was still expected, how could it be possible? Is this considered prejudged?”

"Okay~~ It's whatever Yu'er says." Feifei's peach blossom eyes turned into a beautiful crescent moon: "Anyway, it's reasonable for you to come to Lianpingping to greet you. Now we have the advantage, the more we That’s the case, the less we can let the other party laugh at us for not being polite.”

"Okay... uh, isn't the representative an old acquaintance from somewhere?" Yu Lian saw Feifei's strange expression and couldn't help but smile: "It can't be King Suliuka himself, right?"

Feifei smiled and said: "No, no, she is still in the lion's den now, and the majestic election emperor cannot go off to do the pursuit work! As for Count Lamut and the others who are chasing us, they should still be in the abyss now. I’m looking for sand to play with in the nebula. I can’t get there no matter what.”

Indeed, since it is a so-called joint pursuit of figures, the Throne cannot stay at the Gate of Glory for too long. We can't wait for a month or two until the empire's carefully selected candidates are in place before setting off, right? Aren’t the day lilies all cold by then? Therefore, if the empire really wants to mix in sand, it can only choose nearby.

Since he is a representative of the empire, of course his status cannot be too low, and he must be smart and strong in both civil and military affairs. Otherwise, he will be suppressed by someone and will have no say at all. In this case, members of the Astral Knights are the best choice.

In addition, since it is a "joint operation" after all, it requires good negotiation and joint capabilities. What's more important is the ability to communicate smoothly with Yu Lian. If only, the latter had just killed a pair in the God of War Festival. Ordinary imperial soldiers can regard a divinely chosen champion who kills everyone as an idol, but the more senior officers are, the easier it is to regard him as a danger, especially the members of the Astral Knights.

After all, you can’t even mention your name anymore, right?

Thinking about it this way, although the empire is large, it is really difficult to find candidates. The most suitable ones are really the female knights under King Suliuka. After all, everyone has had the experience of fighting side by side, so they know the basics.

Unfortunately, now, they really can't get through.

Yu Lian originally thought that the empire would still find some tricks and try every means to delay his departure until outstanding representatives selected from thousands of people arrived on the scene. But now, people have arrived before the expected 6 hours of stay has even ended?

It truly is the Holy Galactic Empire! Talents are like leeks. Once cut, they will always grow back. They are really endless!

So, who is it? How could he be so trusted by the empire’s top officials that the deal was finalized so quickly?

After thinking about it like this, Yu Lian became even more curious about the candidates for the empire, and walked towards Lianpingping. When he was approaching his destination, through the porthole in the corridor, he saw a heavy cruiser hovering on one side, connected to the ship through a traffic bridge.

The ship type is the Clear Sky class that I am very familiar with. It can be called the most perfect cruiser in history. It also has excellent versatility and can be equipped with various structures to cope with different battle situations.

Yu Lian looked at this beautiful battleship painted in sky blue with great interest. Although the mass-produced battleships actually look similar, I always feel like I have seen her somewhere.

While thinking, he walked to the end of the corridor, reached the end, got off the elevator, and came to the hangar at the middle of the ship. There is a relatively wide space divided here, which can serve as a transfer when directly connected with other large and medium-sized ships using a traffic bridge. If it is goods, it can be collected and distributed here. If it is people, it will serve as a welcoming hall.

Then, Yu Lian saw a group of people from the empire. There were more than thirty people in Wuyangyang, but most of them were reporters. If you look closely, you can actually see the GNN logo, which is clearly from the earth.

Sure enough, no matter what era in the world, reporters move faster than the army.

But it’s not surprising if you imagine it. After all, this was the first joint military operation between the two countries after the War of Independence, and it was considered big news in the galaxy. It is also understandable that journalists from the community are present.

There were only seven or eight imperial officers in silver-black uniforms, who should be representatives of the other party. There were no generals among them, which avoided the embarrassment that Yu Lian himself was only a colonel.

The colonel standing in position C is a guy who seems to be exuding a sense of decadence, which is inconsistent with his appearance as a twenty-four or five-year-old young man.

Of course, this is just a subtle reaction from Yu Lian as a psyker. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, this man has a dignified appearance, a tall body, and an awe-inspiring temperament. He looks like an elite officer.

In fact, on the armband of this guy's uniform, there is a coat of arms with a spear and a scepter intertwined in the starry sky, which is the symbol of the Astral Knights.

Isn't this a coincidence? Isn't this a coincidence?

"Oops? Isn't this my good friend and the only old enemy I recognize, Colonel Yeager Soback?" Yu Lian's face burst into a happy smile, and he stepped forward and held the other person's hands tightly. , and swayed hard twice: "How long has it been since we last met? Half a year? Or three months."

This person is not Colonel Yeager Soback, the only Astral Knight who "joined" Yu Lian's team at the God of War Festival and thus became a member of the championship team. Who else could he be?

Facing Yu Lian, he was full of enthusiasm, as if he had really arrived at a comrade he hadn't seen for a long time. However, the opponent's cheek twitched slightly unnaturally, but because the movement was very small, it was probably only Yu Lian who was close at hand saw it. This scene.

Then, in full view of the public, Yeager Sobak turned his face, and the slightest flinch in his eyes disappeared. He looked directly at Yu Lian, and in an instant he changed from a walking corpse like a mourning concubine to a fearless warrior full of vitality.

"The last cooperation was just a game. This time, the cooperation is related to the safety of the entire galaxy and the lives of all civilized races. I will do my best to cooperate with your work. I hope your decision will be the same as at the God of War Festival. , as virtuous as ever.”

The young imperial colonel's face was serious yet polite and graceful. He was the perfect magician for diplomatic situations, but the hand he held moved quietly.

Yu Lian almost got goosebumps all over his body, but it was difficult to resist punching the opponent in the face. Of course, he immediately realized that this should be some kind of friendly signal from this guy.

Give me some support and I will cooperate with you. He said to Yu Lian with his eyes.

Well, after all, we are all "old friends", and we have even killed planet-level monsters. There is still some tacit understanding.

So, Yu Lian said seriously: "Haha, although you are not one of the Four Heavenly Kings, I regard you as the most respected enemy of the young generation of the Knights! We may meet on the battlefield one day, but here Before, fighting side by side on a real battlefield, wouldn’t it be a joy in life?”

...Well, that’s a little exaggerated. Next time, you should use a more solemn and low tone, and it is best to add three parts of nostalgia, three parts of unwillingness, and three parts of passion in your expression.

In addition, the lines also need to be considered.

Although Yu Lian thought so, Colonel Soback across from him could hardly maintain his solemn poker face.

What I want is for you to help me smooth over this situation. I didn’t let you pick me up!

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